Cold demons of Quileute legend. Quileute Legends

The Demon of the Night or the Cold Demon is found in the legends of the North American tribe of Indians - the Quileutes. This is a dazzlingly beautiful creature with a cold and smooth, to the touch pale, like marble skin and dark red eyes.

It is because of his body temperature that he received his name as " Cold Demon". And the color of his eyes remains bloody as long as he feeds on human blood. But, as soon as he leaves only the blood of animals in his diet for a long time, their eyes immediately acquire a golden-honey hue.

The beauty of their body and the grace of their movements, and especially the smell, attract a person and fascinate him. But, despite this incredible perfection, these demons inspire trembling fear in a person. A person unconsciously understands that behind all this external gloss and attractiveness, mortal danger lurks in him. Therefore, each person tries to be at a relatively safe distance from these predators.

Apotamkin has incredible endurance and physical strength. The sight, smell and hearing of this Demon is very sharpened, and his heart does not beat at all. To sustain his life, Apotamkin must feed on blood. There is such a belief that before drinking the blood of his victim, he holds it. Probably, this is necessary for the minimum purification of the blood, compared to what it was while the victim was in the company of his own kind.

When the Demon of the Night is very hungry, he relies only on his own hunter instinct. At this moment, the predominance of an animal being is very great in him than a human being. It is with his uncontrollable and unbearable thirst for blood that Apotamkin pays for his eternal life, physical strength and beauty of the body.

For a variety of reasons, the Cold Demon is considered one of the most dangerous predators of the night. In addition to its huge physical strength, it has the unique ability to move silently at a fast speed. The only way to kill the vampire Apotamkin is to burn and dismember all the pieces of his body. The rest of the mythical ways, such as: a crucifix, garlic, an aspen stake, holy water, will not cause him any harm. Of course, he is afraid of the sun, but not because it can cause harm, but rather because of the fact that his inhuman essence is visible in the sun.

One of the oldest legends of the Quileute Indians says that the only way to protect against the Cold Demon is simply to avoid meeting with him. Therefore, you need to return home before dark, so as not to be near the forest in the evening.

Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn book series and the saga based on these books caused an unprecedented surge of curiosity about everything that was even slightly mentioned in these works. For example, vampires, werewolves, the small American town of Forks and the town of La Push, and, of course, Quileute legends and the Quileute Indians themselves. But is there any grain of truth in the legends of the Quileutes? Cold Demon - does it really exist? Let's try to figure it out.

North American Quileute Indian Tribe exists in fact, they really live in the La Push reservation, and the legends of the tribe say that it came from wolves that could become people. And the name itself speaks in favor of this legend - “quiletes”, which means “wolf” in translation. The La Push tribe still considers them their brothers, and it is a crime to kill even one wolf. People are wolves individual in nature. They solve all their problems on their own, but can gather in a large community (spontaneous flocks) to solve great problems. These people live in their own interests, they make their decision on any issue only after they check everything on their own skin. The Wolf Man is inherently a social orderly, he has a sense of justice and strict order. As a rule, Wolf People live in their own, and not in someone else's mind, do not take advice from the outside, but with all this, they have a "wolf greed" for knowledge. They strive to explore and inhabit the entire nearby territory, which they will subsequently defend without sparing their own lives. Their only weak point is “heart problems” (love), but a sense of duty and justice is above all for them.

The real legends of this tribe, of course, differ from those shown in the film. For example, a legend about the very origin of this tribe from their patron Kvottiya.

Long ago, when the earth was just emerging, there lived Kuotti, not a man, but not a god either, but one of the primary creatures, which itself contributed to the emergence of other beings. Quottii was a glorious hunter, a marvelous singer and a powerful magician. He had an interesting supernatural ability: could transform everything he encountered. For example, he could turn a person into a stone or a twig into a bird. He became the progenitor of many tribes, and it is said that he was generous to all living things. His teachings that people should be kind to each other, protect nature, treat everything with love, have passed through the millennia, and are revered by modern Indians. Quileute legends describe that one day, Quottii was hunting in what is now the La Push Reservation and found that there were no people there. Then he went to the mouth of the local river, where a large pack of forest wolves lived. And he turned one wolf pack into people, from whom the Quileute tribe went. And since then, he has always patronized this tribe. Yes, Kuotti was not a god, but his mission on Earth was to help all living beings in those distant times, when it was believed that everyone had a soul: a person, a tree, and the sun.

They have a Tiss-ti-Lal bird calling thunder with its huge wings. Good-natured, but cunning and quick-witted Bayak, who can also be rude, two-faced, greedy and lazy. And there is also a legend about terrifying characters, for example, the legend of Apotamkin, or the story of Daskia.

They say that there lived in the world a woman - a monster named Daskia. She became notorious for stealing children, which she dragged to the Yakilis stream, which flows into the river that flows near the Quileute settlement. Daskia placed the children in a huge box, and then carried them to a secret lair from which they could not escape. The giantess built a large fire, where she attached huge stones to fry the stolen children on them. And the children, meanwhile, did not suspect their terrible fate, since Daskia smeared her eyes with viscous resin, and they could not see anything. While the little captives stood with blurred eyes, suspecting a terrible outcome, Daskia danced and jumped around the fire, anticipating a glorious dinner.

Once, having caught another prey, Daskia danced and had fun near the fire, waiting until the stones were red-hot. The children's eyes were covered with tar. But one girl, who was a little older than the rest of the children, showed unprecedented resourcefulness: she began to heat her hands over the fire and melt the tar. And when she succeeded, the brave child pushed the monster right into the fire. Then the girl helped the rest of the children melt the resin, and they returned home safe and sound.

We must pay tribute to the skill of Stephenie Meyer: her invented stories look more than reliable, and if you do not delve deeply into the essence, then it is quite possible to believe that they are quite true. And yet we must not forget that legends, whether true or not, are just legends. And they are very far from reality.

Apotamkin - Cold Demon The Cold Demon or Demon of the Night is found in the legends of the North American Quileute Indian tribe. This is a dazzlingly beautiful creature with smooth and cold, to the touch like marble, pale skin and dark red eyes. It was because of his body temperature that he got his name "Cold Demon". The color of his eyes remains bloody as long as the Demon feeds on human blood. But, as soon as he leaves only the blood of animals in his diet for a long time, their eyes acquire a golden-honey hue. The beauty of their body, the grace of movements and even the smell attract a person, fascinate. But, despite this alluring perfection, these demons inspire tremulous fear. A person unconsciously understands that behind all the external gloss and attractiveness of a vampire lies a mortal danger. Therefore, each person tries to be at a relatively safe distance from these nocturnal predators. Apotamkin has incredible physical strength and endurance. This Demon's sight, hearing, and sense of smell are sharpened, and its heart is not beating. To maintain his own life, Apotamkin must feed on the blood of living beings. There is a belief that before drinking the blood of the victim, he holds it. This is probably necessary for the minimum purification of the blood, compared to what it was while the victim was in the company of his own kind. When the Demon of the Night is hungry, it relies only on its own hunter instinct. At this moment, the predominance of an animal being is great in him, rather than a human one. It is with his unbearable and uncontrollable thirst for blood that Apotamkin pays for eternal life, the beauty of the body and physical strength. For many reasons, the Cold Demon is considered one of the most dangerous nocturnal predators. In addition to great physical strength, he has the unique ability to move silently at incredible speeds. The only way to kill Apotamkin is to dismember and burn all the pieces of his body. The rest of the mythical methods such as: aspen stake, garlic, holy water, crucifixion, will not harm him. He is afraid of the sun, but not because it can cause harm. But, rather, due to the fact that their inhuman essence becomes apparent in the sun. One of the ancient legends of the Quileute Indians says that the only way to protect against the Cold Demon is to avoid any meeting with him. Therefore, it is necessary to return home before dark, so as not to be near the forest in the evening. There is also a version that Apotamkin (Cold Demon, Demon of the Night) in essence is not a typical vampire that existed in Europe. Although, if we take into consideration only the diet of this creature, then we can attribute it to the representatives of bloodsuckers.

According to Quileute legends, they were descended from wolves, who over time were reincarnated as men. The name of the Quileute tribe comes from the word "Kwoli", which means "wolf". These are those who have been American natives for many centuries. The Quileutes had vast fertile lands, which they sacredly defended from the attack of enemies.

Quileute legends held hidden lore that was forgotten by the rest of the living. But then one day the Maka tribe appeared from the south side ...

South - Fire element creative, spatial Fire. The element is creative for a person who has lost the ability to create heat outside or inside himself. However, this power can also be used against him if used incorrectly. Out of control, the Fire element becomes an all-consuming Fire that can destroy everything around. Then the Quileutes, in order to defeat this strong and numerous tribe, again turned to the ancient knowledge of spirit warriors (the spirit leaves a lifeless body and unites with nature to take control and control animals and elements).

Only then they were able to defeat Mack, but since Fire is also knowledge that gives great power, they were tempted to control everything around, which naturally caused civil strife and discord in the tribe.

There were also such representatives of the Quileute who wished to have more land and ceased to obey the law of the tribe. One of the rebels killed himself by the hand of the leader and thus instilled his spirit in his body. Since then, the Quileutes have embarked on a path of brutal conquest. However, the spirit of the leader kept wandering around the world and, in order to return, took advantage of the shell of a wolf. Thus werewolves were born. Wolves do not attack the very appearance of a person, but the nature of a vampire, which is in a person and tries to suck out all the blood in order to completely take control and unlimited power over the world.

Quileute legends say that the wolf is trying to tear away the bloodthirsty negative essence from a person. However, as a result, it devours everything.

Quileute Vampire Legends

There were many legends about strange creatures that inhabited the Earth from time immemorial. Let us dwell on one of them, about which the legends of the Quileutes tell. The Cold Demon or Demon of the Night is a dazzlingly beautiful creature with marbled skin and blood-colored eyes.

But if suddenly he stops feeding on human blood, his eyes dim and lose their color brightness. Therefore, it is vitally necessary for him to have human blood. "Cold Demon" he was nicknamed because of the body temperature, which was half the norm.

His beautiful body and graceful movements, and especially the smell, attracted a person and fascinated him. However, no matter how perfect appearance Demon, people experienced a tremulous fear of him, as if feeling mortal danger lurking inside the outer gloss.

Ancient legends of the Quileute say that there is no escape from this beast other than flight. Therefore, travelers had to return home before dark, so as not to catch the eye of a bloodthirsty predator.

Hell is here! - Emphasizing "c", for the umpteenth time that day, Regina said, wrapping herself in a pulled blanket and blowing on her frozen fingers, bringing them closer to her mouth. Even with gloves on, they didn't obey well and kept going numb. Athanasius, who was sitting next to her, carefully put his arm around the girl's shoulders and pressed her to him. She just buried her nose in the broad male chest and sighed.
The last days of February were terribly cold. On the twenty-second, the temperature dropped sharply from minus ten to almost minus forty degrees. All the inhabitants of the Zone, who did not have time to get to warm places like the bases of Freedom and Duty, the bar and Yanov, military checkpoints and gangster dens, were looking for a haven where they could somehow warm themselves. Boars, flesh, dogs and snorks lost their usual activity and lay listlessly under a sparse shrub, gradually covered with fine prickly snow, controllers, bloodsuckers and chimeras hid somewhere, jerboas flooded empty houses, and it became almost impossible to find a shelter free from them. The burers in the cellars didn't care. And every day, stalkers who dared to go outside found frozen crows in the snow - apparently, the birds tried to get to warmer places, but could not.
“Azzo is here,” Regina repeated, pressing her face into her friend’s warm sweater.
- Nothing, be patient. The frosts will pass, and we will go home.
- Maybe it's easier to go now?
Athanasius lowered his head. A few hours ago, when he was sitting at the exit, in front of his eyes, the controller, hobbled through the frozen snow, stopped and fell. Probably, at another time of the year, crows would have been circling over him, but now his corpse was only blown by a cold wind and sprinkled with sharp snow.

Regina and Athanasius were returning to the Perimeter when it began to get colder. At first, they continued to walk stubbornly, despite the fact that both of them almost did not feel their fingers and toes. And then, when the little thermometer hanging on Athanasius's backpack began to drop below minus twenty-seven, they started looking for a place where they could wait out the bad weather. The sky was extremely clear, light sparks of stars slowly scattered on the black velvet of its dome. Breath escaped from the mouth with a cloud of steam, frost settled on the fur trim along the edge of the hood and, it seems, for a long time. The material from which the backpack is made has hardened and become hard, bend a little - you will break it.
Soon Athanasius saw through binoculars a small dugout. Perhaps, before the first explosion, it was not a dugout, but a full-fledged house, but the Emissions rolled it, almost razed it to the ground, pressed it against it, and the roof barely rose a meter. But in the darkness under the roof there was a hatch with a ladder down - first Athanasius, holding backpacks, and then Regina went down there with some difficulty. Not far from the hatch, they made a fire and began to warm themselves and warm the food.
On the second day, Regina found supplies of water, canned food and warm clothes in the back room of the basement. On the third, half of their own reserves were left. There were no normal dry firewood, and they had to bask in each other's heat and try to keep it.
On the sixth day, when Regina fell into a shaky sleep, in which she was constantly tormented by nightmares about death from hypothermia, Athanasius, rummaging through his PDA, carefully got up from his seat, took the machine gun, quietly, so as not to disturb Regina's sleep, pulled the shutter checking to see if the mechanism is frozen. The mechanism worked properly. Athanasius calmed down, buttoned up the stalker's overalls to the very throat, pulled a scarf up to the bridge of his nose, a hat up to his eyebrows, leaving only a narrow slit for the eyes. Then he mentally asked for help and blessings from the Black Stalker and climbed the stairs. He screwed up his eyes, protecting them from sunlight and wind, and got out of the dugout.

Regina, who remained in the basement of the dugout, had a dream.
As if she is looking from above, and her friend and partner, the stalker Athanasius, occasionally glancing at the PDA, is walking along a snowy plain with rarely sticking out bushes and twisted trees. The surface of the snow seems to be polished and so smooth and shiny that it blinds the eyes. Athanasius walks, creaking his boots, covering his eyes with his palm, and frost settles on his glove.
From the height of her gaze, Regina notes how the Zone has changed. Snow anomalies are easier to distinguish than their "bare" counterparts. Around the "hot" snow does not just melt, but melts, bleeding out of its last strength with blood-water, trying to put out the anomalous flame, so the "hot" hiss and burst into hot steam - neither water nor fire can overcome the opposite element. Near the "carousels" the snow stubbornly refuses to lie still, and spins in large flakes in an eternal waltz in a spiral, torn at the end into small snowflakes by the power of the anomaly. And what is that hollow in the middle of the even snow? Athanasius throws a bolt, and in the hollow he flattens it, presses it to the ground, turns it into a steel cake - that's right! - "mosquito baldness", scientists call "graviconcentrate". Everything that falls into her zone of influence, she attracts and compresses - so that the snow above her is now dense and flaky, like a Napoleon cake.
Regina does not understand what Athanasius is looking for in the frozen Zone. A couple of times she imagines someone’s roar in the gusts of wind, and in a snowstorm that has suddenly risen, someone’s obscure shadow flickers. The sun is hidden behind layers of snow that has risen into the air, but it is clear that this does not make it any easier for the stalker, because the wind intensifies, and visibility drops sharply. Here Athanasius takes a few steps and turns around. There are no footprints behind him. Well then. Apparently there is no turning back.
Gradually darkens. Regina finds it increasingly difficult to distinguish where Athanasius is walking. She may confuse it with a tree sticking out from under the snow or a half-buried corpse of a mutant. The howl of the wind mixes with a roar coming from somewhere deep in the Zone, and Athanasius stops to look around. First, he peers into the PDA screen - either a map or an anomaly detector is on it. Then the stalker turns on headlamp and shines on them. A thin beam barely breaks through the blizzard at a distance of several steps, but in the distance one can see a gigantic silhouette. Noticing him, Athanasius raises his machine gun and fires several short bursts. In response, he hears a thunderous roar, and the wind throws right in his face, probably a whole snowdrift of small, sharp snowflakes.
Regina understands that Athanasius is fighting with someone - the flashlight begins to dance among the trees, similar in the dark to the outstretched hands of skeletons, under the gusts of wind and in the arms of a snowstorm. Short bursts are heard more and more often, sometimes they are interspersed with grenade pops muffled by the noise of the violence of nature. They are echoed by an inhuman, non-animal roar, unlike any produced by the animals of the Zone. This dance of death lasts for some time, and suddenly Athanasius stops, cautiously walks forward, the light of a flashlight snatches a snowdrift out of the darkness, and the stalker, taking out a knife, sticks it right up to the hilt right into the snow. Or is it not snow? Regina sees how what seemed to her like a snowdrift emits a deathly prolonged groan, and from the wound inflicted by Athanasius, thick blood flows, shining in the light of a lantern.
The blizzard stops, it becomes lighter. Athanasius, exhausted, falls on the snow, and now the wind is slowly blowing over him. Regina wants to run to his aid...
...and wakes up.

The basement was a little warmer than before. Taking out the small thermometer left by Athanasius, Regina checked the temperature. And the truth - when she fell asleep, the column was lower. Yawning and rubbing her sleepy eyes, Regina groped for a flask of water to wash her face. When she succeeded, the girl splashed the cold liquid into her palm and rubbed her face. The cold invigorated, helped to put together the sprawling thoughts and fragments of a dream. Regina remembered her dream, called Athanasius - he did not answer, and hastily gathered outside.
The sun was bright above. Regina stood for a minute, covering her eyes with her hand, getting used to it, and then she removed her hand and gasped. There was no snow - just like the usual withered grass in autumn, as well as wet mud. Instead, the clearing in front of the dugout was covered with young emerald grass. Somewhere birds chirped, the wind carried a light veil of freshness. And everything was somehow new and festive.
From behind the trees, which also managed to acquire green foliage, a stalker came out, in whom Regina easily recognized Athanasius. In his hands he carried a bunch of small white anemones. Embracing Regina, who rushed to meet him, and holding out flowers to her, he said:
- Happy spring to you, my dear woman!

And somewhere in the middle of the Zone, near the corpse of an unknown mutant, covered with long white hair, lay the corpse of a man, and in an unknown basement there was a body of a girl frozen in solitude.

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