Platonic kiss. How to quickly learn to kiss a guy and not embarrass yourself the first time? What is important when kissing

A kiss is the highest manifestation of human sympathy. However, each kiss is individual, and it is very easy to distinguish a sign of passionate love from a usual sign of politeness. How to kiss correctly, so as not to cause doubts in a partner, our article will tell you.

How to learn to kiss passionately

To make the kiss real and leave only a pleasant impression, it is important to follow these simple rules.

1. It is extremely important to prepare the lips, because it is unpleasant even to look at chapped or chapped lips, let alone kisses.

  • You can put your lips in order by regularly using: sugar peeling or scrub, as well as thoroughly moisturizing them with a special balm. Such procedures are shown to both men and women.
  • Before the kiss, you can briefly squeeze your lips with an effort so that blood rushes to them, and your mouth looks seductive.

2. It is important to pay attention to body language. To look friendly and at ease, you need to touch your face less, do not cross your arms and take a free posture. Remember that the non-verbal signals of our body can say a lot.

3. The next preparatory step will be to overcome the tactile barrier. You can casually touch your partner, pat him on the back or take his hand. If your lips are close to his face, gently kiss him on the cheek and carefully watch the reaction.

4. Eye contact is very important during the first kiss. At the same time, you need to look not only into the partner’s eyes, but also at his lips. Smiling and natural behavior will be a sure help in establishing eye contact.

5. Immediately before contact, you need to take a comfortable and relaxed position so that both of you are comfortable. You can tilt your head slightly to one side without losing eye contact with your partner.

platonic kiss

  1. Bring your face slightly closer to your partner, slightly tilting your head in the right direction.
  2. Pull out your lips strongly, as if you want to simulate a kiss.
  3. It is important not to linger with a platonic kiss and, as soon as you hear the characteristic “smack”, immediately move your face away from your partner’s cheek or lips.

tender kiss

The very first kiss must certainly be gentle, unhurried and sensual, so that both of you can properly feel each other. Of course, it is difficult to explain how to kiss correctly in words. But it's still worth a try.

  • Remember to keep your lips relaxed and moving naturally at all times. You can open your eyes a little to give the moment a special sensuality.
  • First, you can lightly touch the partner’s upper lip and immediately lean back a little, no more than 20 mm.
  • The next step is to check the reaction of your chosen one. Open your eyes a little and smile lightly, according to his non-verbal signals, you can determine whether it is worth continuing the kiss further.
  • If you decide that there will be a continuation, you need to touch the partner’s lower lip, slightly squeezing it between your own. In the case when this stage seems difficult, you can practice in advance by squeezing your index finger with your lips. So you can set the degree of comfortable compression.
  • Following the same principle, move on to the upper lip of your loved one. It is important to grab your partner's lip gently and invitingly suck it, thereby showing your pleasure.

French or love kiss passionately

Such a deep love kiss involves not only the lips, but also the tongues of the participants in the process. This is no longer a gentle first touch, but a real passionate kiss with full stimulation of the entire oral cavity which is very sensitive to touch. How to kiss passionately can be outlined in theory.

  • It is worth hinting to your partner that you are not averse to trying a French kiss. Touching his lips, gently stroke them with your tongue. If your intention remains unanswered, you should not insist.
  • If he responded to your caresses, open your mouth slightly and try to get your tongue into your partner's mouth, while your tongues should rub against each other easily with the tips. After that, the tongue can be taken aside.
  • next step there will be a deeper kiss when the tongues touch a larger area.
  • Keep your hands on his hair and kiss his lips and tongue as if you are trying to quench a strong thirst with a sip of clean water. The movements of the mouth at this moment will tell you how to kiss passionately.
  • You can end the kiss with gentle touches on the lips to leave the partner with a desire to kiss again.
  • It's important to focus on the kiss, without thinking about the little things, how you look, or whether your partner is enjoying it.
  • No need to rush. If you're in a recent relationship, it's important not to force your partner into deep tongue kissing.
  • Don't overdo the language! not everyone is pleased when the partner's tongue during a kiss is too deep or too often.
  • Only practice will help you achieve perfection, remember this.

Problems with kissing

When you realize during a kiss that your partner's technique is suffering, it is important not to focus on this. Everyone once did not know how to kiss, perhaps it is you who will teach your loved one to do it right.

Height can often get in the way of a quality kiss. But don't worry! After all, you can kiss not only while standing, but also sitting or, for example, lying down.

Kissing is a kind of romantic game for girls and guys. She occupies a special place in relationships. After all, with the help of a kiss, you can say a lot to your partner. And how can you not love kissing?

Indeed, during this caress, feelings literally overwhelm you. It would seem that a kiss is so ordinary and banal, but if you think about it, many questions arise. How to kiss with tongue? How to kiss on the lips? How to kiss without a tongue?

Today we will quickly teach you how to properly, and most importantly, beautifully kiss a guy or a girl.

There are a large number of types of kisses, and they all have both their pros and cons.

Here we have collected the most popular and the most interesting of them.

  • Inato. This is a very gentle and romantic kiss on the lips. It is distinguished by its smoothness and lightness. The main rule is that you should not touch your partner’s teeth and you need to pay attention to every millimeter of your beloved’s mouth.
  • Playful kiss. A characteristic feature of this caress is the guy's gentle biting of his girlfriend's lips, and at that time she warms up passion in him, moving her tongue in his mouth.
  • Gentle kiss. It is worth starting with the youngest and only formed couples. Gentle touches of the lips and the first, timid movements of the tongue make it especially romantic.
  • A passionate kiss. This is a whole series of a large number of kisses from the neck and chest to the inside of the thighs. He is able to excite hidden desires in both partners and create a storm of emotions.
  • French kiss. One of the most famous and popular types of weasel. The most important thing in it is the contact between the tongues, it can be stroking or biting, the choice is yours.

How to learn to kiss?

How to learn to kiss without a partner?

Most girls and guys are very worried before their first kiss. After all, for the first time, we do not know what exactly to do and what to expect, so a lot of embarrassment can arise.

So if you want everything to go well the first time, here are some tips on the basics of kissing.

It is worth thinking carefully about what exactly worries you in this matter. By putting things in order in your head, you can easily cope with this task. But first, let's Let's figure out what might scare you.

  1. You don't know how to do it. In this case, everything is extremely simple. For starters, you should learn the technique of kissing, practice a little, and that's it. Remember that no one is born as a kisser right away and that this skill can be easily developed if desired.
  2. You doubt your partner. If the person with whom you are about to kiss does not arouse sympathy in you or there is something in him that repels you, then you should not rush into it. Maybe you just don't know him well enough or he just doesn't suit you. In this case, the main thing is to listen to your heart so that in the end you don’t have to regret anything.
  3. You haven't done this before. There is nothing strange in this. We are all doing something for the first time. The first kiss is something everyone has to go through. So calm down and try to enjoy this moment.
  4. Kissing technique. This is exactly what its quality directly depends on. To develop a master of kissing, it is enough to read the descriptions of one or another type and simply put your knowledge into practice. It is clear that you will not immediately experiment with a partner, for this you can use any soft, but well-kept vegetable or fruit, for example, a tomato or a peach. First you need to give it at least a slight resemblance to the lips of a loved one or beloved and start practicing.

How to learn to kiss without tongue?

A kiss without a tongue brings lightness and tenderness. So during training, you should not act too decisively and harshly.

If you practice this type of kiss without a partner, on vegetables or fruits, make sure that they do not deform and juice does not run out of them.

To properly kiss with the tongue, in addition to the above tips, you can use a couple more.

  • Try different tongue movement techniques. This will not only give confidence to the movements, but with constant training will make the tongue more plastic.
  • Ball exercise. Try taking a small ball, like a ping pong ball, into your mouth and pop it out with your tongue. At the beginning, you may not succeed, but after a couple of minutes you will notice progress. This will help in improving the technique of moving the tongue.

How to learn to kiss with the tongue with a partner?

If you have already reached training with a girl or a guy, you should start with the simplest and smoothest movements. No need to randomly move the tongue in different directions or push it too far.

There must be a measure in everything. And after several attempts, you will feel more confident.

What else is worth paying attention to when kissing?

Here are a couple more nuances, paying attention to which, you can avoid inconvenience.

  1. It is worth taking care of the freshness of your breath. Even for the most in love guy or girl, this can completely discourage any attraction to you.
  2. It is worth taking care of the condition of the skin of the face and lips. This is especially true for the autumn-winter period, when the skin can be chapped and dry.
  3. Do not freeze in one position. This can be very confusing for your partner, especially if he, like you, is new to this business.
  4. The main thing is sincerity. Your kiss should let your partner know how you feel about him and what he means to you.
  5. It is worth tilting your head slightly. Otherwise, you will run into your partner noses.

kissing techniques

Kiss with the tongue (or in French)

  • It is worth starting with light touches on the lips of a partner.
  • After that, you should let your loved one know that you are ready by slightly opening your mouth.
  • After getting your tongue into his mouth, start with gentle strokes.
  • During the kiss, you should not open your lips, they should interact with each other.
  • No need to hurry. It is worth doing everything smoothly and gently.

Kiss in a hickey

  • Lean slightly towards the girl or guy and touch his lips.
  • In this case, it is worth making circular movements with the tongue, and then draw it along the inside of the lips.
  • Then you need to start slowly sucking your partner's lips, gradually increasing the pace.

It is not necessary during caresses to focus your attention on technology and literally try to bring it to life. You need to trust yourself and your feelings, then you will definitely succeed.

  • monitor salivation;
  • if you have to kiss someone, then it is better not to use bright lipstick;
  • don't be too active or too passive.
  • At what age can you kiss?

    It's very individual. For some, the first kiss can occur as early as kindergarten, and someone in high school. If you have not found a suitable partner yet, do not rush. So, if a guy or a girl does not know how to kiss at the age of 14-16, there is nothing to worry about.

    It is worth remembering that in order to learn how to kiss correctly, you will need time, so there is no need to be upset if you do not succeed the first time.

    Wikipedia defines kiss- one of the ways of expressing human emotions. Depending on the context and details of the performance, it can express a wide range of feelings.

    Emotional kisses can be between two people, and a kiss can also be directed to your body part, to an animal and to inanimate objects. Each of these types of kisses reflects a special emotional connotation. So, kissing the earth can express joy over the long-awaited arrival in a new area or in places where a person has been absent for a long time. A kiss of the native land or the banner of the state can express love for the Motherland and loyalty to it. Kissing weapons symbolizes loyalty to military duty.

    But, of course, we are interested how to kiss. What does "correctly" mean? Apparently, this means how to kiss best of all - so that the kiss turns out to be gentle, sensual, pleasant, so that you want more and more. There are many sites on the Internet that can teach anyone how to kiss well, but do not forget that there is nothing better than practicing with a real person.

    So, summing up what the sites tell us, we can draw the following conclusions, which will form a general pattern of behavior:

  • Preparing for a kiss. Lips should be soft and seductive, they should be pleasant to kiss. Little pleasant in chapped and dry, or vice versa, too wet lips. The rule is - lips should be warm and soft, relaxed
  • It is necessary that your appearance arranged for a kiss. Be open. It is also very important to guess the partner's desire to kiss you. Body language will help you with this.
  • Before kissing, it is necessary to overcome the so-called "touch barrier" - to move from the stage of formal communication to a warmer, more intimate one. Touch, as if by chance, to a partner, make sure that he touches you too. After that, paying attention to the reaction, go (or not go) to a kiss
  • You can also hint that you want to kiss. After making eye contact, look, as if by chance, at his lips, and then return to his eyes again. This should tell you non-verbally what your intentions are. The main thing is that everything looks natural
  • Next, you need to approach the partner, turn in his direction, in a word, make the kiss natural, as if for granted.
  • tender kiss

    1. Touching his lips to his lips, close your eyes and make a movement towards your partner. Do not pull your lips in his direction too much, otherwise they will no longer be soft.
    2. You need to gently kiss the lower or upper lip, and then deviate a few centimeters back
    3. Open your eyes and smile (because you liked it!) Look into your partner’s eyes to see if he liked it and decide how to proceed - kiss again or “sweet little by little”

    French Kiss

    1. While touching your partner's lips with your lips, try touching his lips with your tongue. This will tell him and you if you are ready for a "French Kiss". If there is no answer, then it is too early for such a kiss.
    2. Slowly and carefully open your mouth and gently push your tongue into your partner's mouth and touch the tip of his tongue. You can rub against it a little, and then take your tongue back
    3. You can repeat, but with more passion, kiss longer and sensually

    A passionate kiss

    Take your partner's face in your hands, or place them in his hair and hold him as close as possible. Gently suck or nibble on your partner's lips. Take a deep breath. Kiss your partner like you can't get enough of them, or like you can never kiss them again.

    platonic kiss

    1. Tilt your head slightly before approaching your partner. If you feel like kissing someone on the neck, and that someone might be misinterpreting your actions, try to make it clear that you want to kiss on the lips by turning your head to the side before approaching
    2. Pull your lips a little more than with a romantic kiss
    3. Don't kiss too long. The kiss should last long enough to make the "smack" sound described above, which is louder than a romantic kiss - no longer needed. If your lips linger, it's not quite a platonic kiss anymore.

    1. Wrinkle your lips.

    You do not need to open them, then it will be clear that you are not seeking intimacy at the moment, and your kiss will be exclusively platonic.

    Practice on an imaginary partner first. Are you kissing loud enough? Remember, the louder the better. A loud smacking sound is a sign of a good friendly kiss.

    2. State your intentions.

    If you are about to kiss someone on the cheek and you are afraid of being misunderstood, proceed as follows: lean in for the kiss and turn your head sharply to the side, as if showing your cheek, not your lips. Kiss the person exactly in the middle of the cheek, and not near the lips.

    If you don't feel comfortable touching someone's cheek with your lips, blow a friendly kiss. Again, lean forward, touch your cheek to the cheek of the person next to you and kiss the air loudly with a smacking sound.

    3. Don't delay the event.

    A friendly kiss should be quick. Don't linger with your lips on the other person's cheek or you may be misunderstood.

    4. A platonic kiss should be a sign of respect and reverence.

    Be sure to bend over before doing it. Instead of a cheek, you can kiss a hand. Bring his/her hand to your lips and lightly touch them to the outside of your palm.

    Live in the moment. If you are distracted while thinking about something else, you will never get a good kiss. No need to predict your partner's actions, no need to think about whether you look good, etc. All your attention should be riveted only to the sensations of the kiss.

    If you're having trouble kissing the way you want to, read articles on how to deal with common stressful situations.

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