How to choose a boiler for heating a private house with high efficiency

A cozy warm home is the dream of every property owner. Habitual stoves, devouring coal or firewood in myriad quantities, confidently remain in the past. They are being replaced by modern heating appliances, available to almost all segments of the population. In addition, technical innovations are distinguished not only by compactness, but also by a very high efficiency, combined with ease of operation and the absence of the need to constantly be in the house to maintain heat. Almost all processes can be automated. Therefore, it is not surprising that when designing a new building or reconstructing an existing one, special attention is paid to the heating system. The heart of this type of internal communications is heating boilers for a private house. From the right choice of equipment, competent installation depends on how efficiently the house will be heated. In addition, the issues of system efficiency and minimization of heat losses are very important.

Video review of the heating system of a private house

Types of boilers for heating

A wide selection of heating boilers sometimes confuses buyers - it can be very difficult to understand the abundance of models and manufacturers. However, it is possible to identify the main initial conditions that will ultimately help to make the right decision:

  • heated area: the power of the purchased equipment directly depends on this criterion;
  • equipment dimensions: sometimes it is quite problematic to mount volumetric devices;
  • type of boiler: selected depending on the type of fuel.

The most common boilers for heating a private house:

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • on liquid fuel;
  • on solid fuels (solid fuel).

Each of the heating devices has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as "indications for use."

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: For heating 10 sq. m area requires 1 kW of equipment power. It is also worth laying an additional 20%: this is necessary to compensate for heat loss.

The best option for heating a large house and arranging a hot water supply system is to install a boiler and a boiler in a special room

gas boilers

Gas boilers for a private house firmly hold the palm. Which, however, is not surprising. "Blue fuel" every year gets to an increasing number of settlements. And the improvement of technologies makes it possible to achieve a high level of efficiency with excellent efficiency, which is important in the context of a constant increase in energy prices.

It is also important that gas-fired boilers are easy to operate and reliable. In addition, you can easily automate the heating process. For example, this is an argument for those who do not constantly live in a private house, but come to the dacha in the cold season. It is enough to set the necessary parameters, and by the time the owners arrive, the house will be warm, which creates additional comfort and eliminates the need to waste time on heating the premises.

An additional feature in demand is the ability to install a boiler with a boiler, which will provide the house with hot water for domestic and household needs. The volume of the water heater ranges from 60 to 300 liters.

A gas boiler for a private house can be of the following types:

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: For a better supply of hot water to the house, it is advisable to install a boiler, calculating its power depending on the number of hot water consumption points (kitchen, bathroom, toilet) and the number of residents of the house.

Connection diagram for a double-circuit gas boiler

A high level of efficiency of gas boilers is provided by the burner. She may be:

  • modulation;
  • ordinary.

The first one is much more preferable due to its functionality and the possibility of automatic power control. In addition, the temperature of hot water is maintained at the required level. Particularly effective in combination with a two-stage burner power that operates at maximum only 20% of the time. However, it should be borne in mind that these characteristics are applicable only for floor-standing boilers, which are used for houses of considerable size.

Wall-mounted appliances for heating and hot water heating are recommended for small buildings.

A wall-mounted gas boiler can be hidden in one of the kitchen cabinets

Electric boilers

Electricity has long ceased to fulfill the function of supplying current for lighting rooms and the operation of various household appliances. Its functions have expanded significantly due to the constant increase in the range of equipment powered by a socket or switchboard.

No exception and electric boilers for home heating, which have a number of positive characteristics:

  • low cost;
  • safety;
  • high efficiency (up to 98%);
  • work automation;
  • ease of operation.

Of course, such a solution is optimal if it is not possible to connect to the gas supply system. But at the same time, we must not forget that power outages can lead to the inability to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

At the same time, a powerful electric boiler for heating a house, operating for a long time at maximum load, consumes a lot of electricity. Therefore, if, for example, choosing between a gas and electric boiler, you should carefully calculate the economic effect and decide what is preferable: independence from the power supply or ease of installation and operation.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Installation of an electric boiler does not require exhaust hoods, a ventilation system, which is a prerequisite when choosing a gas boiler. However, it is necessary to ensure the reliability of the wiring, capable of withstanding continuous high loads.

A compact electric boiler will harmoniously fit into the design of the room

Universal boilers for all occasions

Given the various adverse factors that affect the reliability of life support systems - gas supply, electricity - many homeowners want to make sure as much as possible so as not to be left without heat. Undoubtedly, such an argument is very relevant in the conditions of severe winters, typical for most regions of Russia. Yes, and in the south, too, there are abnormal frosts. Therefore, it is worth approaching weather and man-made disasters fully armed.

Universal boilers for heating a residential building have a very important function - the ability to work on several types of fuel. There are models that are able to generate heat and hot water from gas, electricity, solid and liquid fuels.

This "omnivorous" is explained by the design feature, which includes:

  • solid fuel combustion chamber;
  • tubular electric heaters (TENY);
  • combined burners for natural gas and liquid fuels.

Like most models of traditional boilers, they are characterized by high efficiency, can operate in automatic mode and are easy to use. A universal boiler for heating houses will help you feel as confident and invulnerable as possible in the face of any natural disasters and accidents in networks.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: For various types of combined boilers, manufacturers have introduced the appropriate markings: TE - work on solid fuel and electricity; TG - solid fuel and gas; TGE - solid fuel, gas, electricity.

Like gas, universal boilers can be single-circuit and double-circuit, mounted on a wall or installed on the floor. Manufacturers also offer models of various capacities depending on the intended heating area - from 20 to 120 kW.

Some models can be called universal in every sense of the word - they provide stoves for cooking. This is an ideal option for giving, where there is no need to cook daily.

Solid fuel pyrolysis boiler of long burning. Solid fuel boilers will always come to the rescue, but have the lowest efficiency

Boiler in a private house: how to minimize risk factors

Almost any household appliance or equipment operating from various energy sources is always a risk factor - fire, accumulation of combustion products, smoke in the room, etc.

To minimize possible negative consequences, the requirements of safety regulations should be strictly followed. Installing a boiler in a private house is not just the installation of equipment designed to provide heat generation. Here it is appropriate to talk about a complex engineering solution, especially when it comes to equipment whose operation is related to combustion processes.

Mandatory conditions for the installation of boilers operating on natural gas, solid or liquid fuels:

  • safe distance from the wall;
  • absence of flammable materials nearby (for example, interior decoration);
  • automatic system that blocks the leakage of gas or liquid fuel;
  • operating ventilation, exhaust;
  • compliance with the instructions for use.

Electric heating boilers for the home do not require such strict precautions during installation, however, special attention must be paid to the condition of the electrical wiring - it must be fully functional and designed for high power equipment.

Which boiler is better for the home, of course, is up to the homeowner to decide, but it is advisable to turn to experienced professionals. After all, a heating system is not only a boiler, but a whole complex of communications that are quite complex in design and practical implementation. The choice of heating radiators, pipe sections, boiler power, technical requirements - all this is quite difficult to do on your own without making mistakes. Even the most detailed briefing does not contain the subtleties known to those who have been setting up complex heating systems for many years and installing, say, gas boilers for the home.

Installation of the boiler and heating system is best left to professionals

In addition, experts always know where it is best to purchase equipment and components, advise the best type of boiler and indicate the best place for its placement, correctly fitting, for example, into the design of the kitchen. This approach will certainly be appreciated by the hostess of the house. After all, not every house has a special room for a boiler room.

Ultimately, the involvement of professionals will help to avoid unnecessary expenses, unnecessary expenses and regrets, especially since all responsibility for the final result will lie with the performers.

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