It is necessary to wash the bacon before salting. How to salt lard at home

Salted bacon is not only a satisfying and tasty product, but also healthy from the point of view of medicine. In lard there is such a useful component as arachidonic acid, it helps the heart muscle to work properly. And in contrast to the opinion about the high content of cholesterol in fat, on the contrary, it does not leave cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Lard is very high in calories, but it is completely absorbed by our body.

Hangover can be avoided with a snack alcoholic beverage lard, since it is broken down into water and carbohydrates under the influence of alcohol. But this all applies only to fresh bacon, which has not been subjected to any processing.

Lard can be bought in different places, for example, in the market or in the store, but it is better to pickle a piece of lard yourself. All you need to do is choose the right fresh bacon and cook it correctly.

How to choose lard for salting

Before buying lard in the market, inspect it carefully. It should not have a strange odor, but should look white.

Thick lard without any streaks would be the best option. When salted, such lard will resemble butter - it will be easy to cut and become soft. To check the fat for softness, you should run the back of the nail over a piece of fat, if the fat is scraped off well, this means that the fat will be soft when salted, if not, it will be hard.

You can check the softness of lard with meat veins with a knife. If the blade enters the fat easily, it will be soft. And the harder the skin, the softer the fat will be.

How to salt lard at home

There are several ways to salt lard - boiled, dry and soaked.

Is it possible to oversalt the bacon?

Lard has the same property as fish - it takes no more salt than is required. So if you are salting for the first time and are afraid to oversalt, then do not worry. Usually, for a kilogram of fresh lard, 3-4 tablespoons of coarse table salt, half a teaspoon of red pepper and a teaspoon of black pepper are required. The rest of the seasonings are added at personal discretion (cardamom, garlic, cumin).

If you add garlic when salting lard, then keep in mind that the shelf life from this becomes several times less, it is better to add it with a dry method of salting.

Before placing the bacon in the container, the salting mixture and part of the bay leaf are placed on the bottom of the container. The lower layer of pieces of bacon is laid with the skin down, and the second, on the contrary, with the skin up.

Lard is not only a very tasty product, but also healthy. At one time, its usefulness was in doubt, the fat was in disgrace: he was accused of all sins, that, they say, and because of it, cholesterol rises, and excess weight appears, and the stomach hurts. But then this delicious product was rehabilitated, scientists found out that lard is unique, thanks to a number of valuable fats it contains, arachidonic acid - the most important participant in the metabolic process in the body, vitamins A, E, D and carotene. Of course, they should not be abused, and everything is fine in moderation. But it is quite possible to indulge yourself with a couple of slices of delicious bacon a day.

The taste of lard depends on many factors. The age of the bacon, the quality and, of course, the salting. There are dozens of recipes for salting lard, they are all varied, unusually tasty and aromatic. Store lard does not match the taste of homemade lard, the latter will always be better. There is nothing difficult in salting lard, the main thing is to clearly follow the recipe. If you want to salt lard at home, then these recipes and tips are for you.

Before salting, you need to get lard, which you will salt. You need to choose it carefully, even the most successful salting will not save bad fat.

How to choose lard for salting

  • Choose fat that is not very high, the thicker the fat, the older and harder it is, the optimal size is from 3 to 6 cm.
  • Buying fat should be white, not yellow. White lard is fresh lard. Alternatively, a pale pink color.
  • Choose "beautiful" fat. If you want with a layer - see that in the end the bacon looks good in section.
  • The skin should be thin, yellow-orange or pinkish in color, without bristles.
  • Fresh bacon does not have a specific smell, and a knife also easily enters into it.

The lard at home must be washed under cold running water, dried thoroughly, and only after that salting can begin. If you still get wide lard, then it must be cut into thinner layers, otherwise it will not cook as it should.

How to salt lard at home - recipes

Recipe 1 - Classic recipe

  • Before salting, you need to prepare the bacon - cut it into pieces 10-15 cm long and 4-6 cm thick.
  • Next, you will need dry spices, for salting lard, you can use any usual seasonings: black pepper, red pepper, suneli hops, garlic, dry dill, bay leaf, marjoram, cardamom, caraway seeds and many others.
  • Lard is rubbed with salt, and on top with spices, quite densely.
  • The dishes in which the lard will be salted are also smeared with spices.
  • Then the bacon is covered with a lid and put into the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
  • When the time is up, take a sample. If the bacon turns out to be tasty, then remove the remaining salt and spices with a knife and paper. If the bacon is still missing something, the taste is not rich enough, leave it to ripen further.

Recipe 2 - Simple

Even a child can salt lard in this way. This recipe is more suitable for salting pure white lard without a layer for a long time, but lard with a layer will turn out delicious. To do this, the fat is rubbed abundantly with salt, placed in a jar or container and sent to the refrigerator.

The bacon will be ready within 3-4 days. The piece will just need to be cleaned and wiped off the salt. Such lard will appeal to those who appreciate the pure taste of the product.

Recipe 3 - In saline

This recipe is similar to the first one, but there is a significant difference, in this case the lard is not salted dry, but in brine.

  • Layers of bacon are sprinkled with your favorite spices, black pepper and bay leaves are a must.
  • A liter or a little more water (depending on the amount of bacon and the volume of the dishes where it will be salted) must be brought to a boil, dissolve a glass of salt in it.
  • Lard is poured with hot brine, when it cools down - put into the refrigerator.
  • Salting lasts 3-4 days, after the lard is considered ready.
  • Lard can be removed from the brine or stored directly in it.

Recipe 4 - Salted boiled bacon

  • Pour cold clean water into a small saucepan.
  • Onions are peeled from the husk, which is then put into the pan, later it will give the lard a beautiful golden color. The husk does not affect the taste of the lard, so you can experiment and give the lard either a light yellow tint or a deep orange color.
  • Water with onion peel it is brought to a boil, salted and fresh lard is sent there. There should be enough salt, the lard is difficult to oversalt, it usually takes as much salt as it needs.
  • Do not forget to cut a bay leaf.
  • When the bacon is boiled, it should be completely covered with water. 10-15 minutes of boiling is quite enough, after that the lard can be taken out and cooled.
  • Cold lard is greased with black pepper and it is ready to eat. Boiled bacon is very gentle and suitable for all teeth.

Recipe 5 - Salo in brine

Tuzluk is a strong saline solution. He prepares like this:

  • Small portions of salt are added to the prepared water and mixed.
  • When the salt stops dissolving as well as before and begins to settle to the bottom, despite stirring, the brine is ready. It should be tough and tough.
  • The bacon is cut into small pieces and tightly packed into a glass jar. When laying it, it must be shifted with garlic, bay leaves, black peppercorns.
  • Fat is poured with cold brine so that the solution protrudes 1-2 centimeters.
  • The jar is closed with a lid and left in a dark place at room temperature for a week.
  • Such lard can be stored for a very long time in the refrigerator without loss of taste or spoilage.

Recipe 6 - Salt lard in 1 day: express method

It so happens that you want fat to shiver. Where can we wait a whole week in that case? Here even three days will seem like an eternity. Lard can be salted in one day, it turns out very tasty.

Salt lard yourself at home in various ways and recipes. And since it is correct to salt lard at home, you do not need specific and expensive ingredients. The main component, of course, is lard, as well as salt and spices. Naturally, salt and spices are available in every kitchen, but lard must be chosen correctly. How to properly salt lard at home? See below many recipes for salting lard.

Lard needs to be salted fresh, steam is best. Meat products are considered to be paired within 4 hours after slaughter. It is recommended to take lard with layers, but it depends mainly on the wishes of the hostess and household members. The thickness of the shmat should be approximately 3 cm. And also the consistency should be homogeneous, that is, it should not have hardening, and should not be particularly loose.


A simple recipe for how to properly salt lard at home.

  • Needed: garlic, salt and a plastic bag.

Cut the bacon into pieces that can fit in a bag and on a plate. Place the shmat on a cutting board, skin side down. Make several small cuts. The cuts should be so deep that 0.5-1 cm is left to the skin. Cut a few cloves in half lengthwise. Place the garlic in the incisions and sprinkle the whole shmat with plenty of salt. Now put the pieces in the bag. This should be done with the skin down, laying one on top of the other. Sprinkle extra salt on each layer. Now wrap the bag and leave to salt. Salting takes about three days at room temperature. First 50 o'clock in that position as described, and then the bag should be turned over.

Further, in order to salt the lard correctly, it should be placed in the refrigerator, creating a temperature in it of about 10 ° C. Leave it for another three days - until fully cooked. Now remove the package and make sure the product is ready. The main sign of salting fat is the darkening of the veins. That is, previously pink veins acquire a grayish color. If this does not happen, add salt and leave for a while. Before eating, clean the lard from excess salt and cut into small pieces. Here is delicious homemade salted lard and no worse than Magazan!

How to salt lard for smoking

Highly good recipe how to salt lard for smoking, and prepare it before smoking.

Would need:

  • salt,
  • Bay leaf,
  • garlic,
  • cloves pepper,
  • water,
  • Salo.

Some gourmets prefer salted lard, smoked. But for proper smoking the bacon must first be salted. We will consider how to do this below.

First you need to cook the lard brine. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add 150 grams of salt, three bay leaves, two cloves, garlic and pepper to taste. Simmer for 15 minutes on low heat, covered. Cool the prepared lard brine to room temperature.
Place the bacon in a saucepan, cover with brine and cover. Cover the pot with a thick cloth and place in a cool, dark place. The lard in the pan should be turned over every day so that it is better saturated with brine. This process will last for 18 days. After that, the fat must be removed and rinsed with running water.

Now you need to get rid of the excess brine soaked in the shmat. To do this, you can put pieces under the load. Or you can wrap it around and tighten it tightly with a strong, natural thread. Leave the bacon in this position for 1.5-2 days, after which you can start smoking. Having smoked lard to the state you need, you can grate it with ground pepper. This will add a spice to the taste. You should rub warm shmat, but use it slightly frozen.

Lard with garlic

Many people love lard and an hour, but few people know how to salt lard with garlic. This is what our next simple recipe will be about.
Would need:

  • garlic mass,
  • Bay leaf,
  • pepper,
  • Salo,
  • pot,
  • salt.

Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Add pepper, ground and peas and salt to the resulting gruel.

Cut the bacon into pieces suitable for the container. Place the bacon on a cutting board, skin side down. Make small cuts on the pieces that do not reach the skin. Coat each piece with the garlic mixture and place in a container, skin side down. You can put one bay leaf on top of each piece. Now pick up the lid that will go into the lard container. Put the lid on and place the weight on it. Leave it at room temperature for a day, and then put it in a cool place. After two days, the tasty salted lard with garlic is ready to eat.

Lard in Ukrainian

The recipe for delicious lard in Ukrainian.

You will need:

  • container,
  • Salo,
  • salt,
  • spices.

Ukraine is the so-called "homeland" of salted bacon. In Ukraine, as well as in Russia, there are several ways of salting delicious bacon. I will tell you the most popular one.
Cut the bacon into slices about 20-25 cm in size and stuff with chopped garlic into the cuts made earlier. Then red and black peppers are mixed with salt and chopped bay leaves. Rub each piece of bacon with the resulting mixture. Then take the container, you can use the parcel box lined with parchment. Place the pieces in a container and close the lid tightly. Within two days, the bacon should be on the floor, and then transferred to the freezer. Such lard is usually eaten frozen. We can also tell you, delicious and fast!

Lard in onion skins

Few people know, but lard in onion skins is a very tasty and gourmand dish that everyone should try.

You will need:

  • pot,
  • onion peel,
  • salt,
  • Salo,
  • spices.

We will learn a recipe for how to salt lard in onion skins. Pour the onion peel and salt into a high saucepan. Fill with cold water and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add bay leaf and peppercorns. After boiling the spices for a minute, send the chopped bacon into the pan. Shmat should be drowned in brine. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Now we leave the brew for a day so that the lard is saturated with brine. After a day, we extract the bacon from the brine and put it on a dry surface so that all the liquid is glass. While the water is draining, cook the garlic. That is, we grind it with a knife or garlic press and insist in a warm place for a minute. Then rub the bacon with garlic and send it to freeze.

Lard in a bank

A very old and everyone loves the recipe for lard in a jar at home, salting is very simple and it turns out deliciously delicious.

You will need:

  • chilled can,
  • boiled water,
  • garlic, pepper, bay leaf,
  • salt.

In order to salt lard in a jar, you need to put a three-liter jar in the refrigerator for a day. Cut the bacon into pieces that can pass through the neck of the jar. Now prepare the brine. Pour water into a saucepan, boil and cool to room temperature. Add the garlic mass, pepper and salt to the cooled water. Put lard into the jar, not very tightly and fill it with brine. Now send the jar to a cool place for 3-4 days. Before use, it is necessary to remove the pieces and leave for 15 minutes in order to get rid of excess liquid. That's all the delicious salted lard in the jar is ready!

Lard in brine

Well, the recipe for lard in brine is not for everybody, although its taste is not ordinary, but also quite tasty. Worth trying!

Would need:

  • bucket,
  • spices (garlic, peppercorns),
  • Salo,
  • water,
  • salt.

First, prepare a brine for lard, here is its recipe. Pour water into a saucepan and add salt. Bring to 100 degrees and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then cool, and while it cools, prepare the dressing. The garlic is peeled and mixed with the pepper. Then it is added to the cooled brine and allowed to brew for an hour.

At this time, you need to prepare the container, you can use an enamel bucket or a glass jar. Pieces of chopped bacon are placed in a bucket and poured over with cold brine. Chess must be immersed in liquid. Cover the bucket with a thick cloth or gauze folded in several layers. Wrap the fabric over the top with thread so that it does not slide out and does not get wet. Now send the bucket to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and wait 2 weeks. After the expiration of the salting period, you can try, first draining the brine that you prepared for lard.

Secrets of salting lard

Little secrets of salting lard

When salting lard at home, small tricks and tricks can be used that will simplify the process or give uniqueness to the taste. I'll tell you about them now.

  1. Black peppercorns will give more flavor if ground just before use.
  2. Also, various spices will give the lard a richer taste if you knead them first. You can simply rub it in your hands or hold it between two spoons.
  3. Lard absorbs as much salt as it needs and not a gram more. Therefore, do not spare salt, it will not work to oversalt, but undersalt is easy.
  4. Salting using any of the above methods is recommended in cold conditions. That is, at a temperature of + 10º - + 18º C, it can be lower.
  5. Check the lard for salt immediately after salting. This is necessary so that it does not have time to deteriorate in case of insufficient salting.
  6. Prepare the brine immediately before pickling. The fact is that after boiling water acquires special properties: it becomes softer, it loses harmful microbes, and so on. If you leave boiled water for a long time under normal conditions, beneficial features will be lost.
  7. It is recommended to use alder or apple wood for smoking lard. This will give the bacon a unique flavor. It is also important to smoke over a moderate heat, avoiding overheating.

Video how to salt lard

There are three main ways to salt lard at home:

    dry salting- a fast cooking method, the main advantage of which is speed and ease, and the disadvantage of a short storage time (maximum a month);

    salting in brine- the product at the exit turns out to be very tender and is stored for a whole year, the main drawback is the laboriousness of the process itself.

It is practically impossible to oversalt the lard, it absorbs as much salt as needed, but lovers of lightly salted bacon really need to be careful in this matter.

Lard turns yellow faster if stored in the light.

Preparing lard for salting at home

The lard at home must be washed under cold running water, dried thoroughly, and only after that salting can begin. If you still get wide lard, then it must be cut into thinner layers, otherwise it will not cook as it should.

How to salt lard at home - the best recipes

Recipe 1. Classic recipe

1. Before salting, you need to prepare the bacon - cut it into pieces 10-15 cm long and 4-6 cm thick.

2. Next, you will need dry spices, for salting lard, you can use any usual seasonings: black pepper, red pepper, suneli hops, garlic, dry dill, bay leaf, marjoram, cardamom, caraway seeds and many others.

3. Lard is rubbed with salt, and on top with spices, quite densely.

4. The dishes in which the lard will be salted are also smeared with spices.

6. When the time is up, remove the sample. If the bacon turns out to be tasty, then remove the remaining salt and spices with a knife and paper. If the bacon is still missing something, the taste is not rich enough, leave it to ripen further.

Recipe 2. The easy way

Even a child can salt lard in this way. This recipe is more suitable for salting pure white lard without a layer for a long time, but lard with a layer will turn out delicious. To do this, the fat is rubbed abundantly with salt, placed in a jar or container and sent to the refrigerator.

The bacon will be ready very soon. The piece will just need to be cleaned and wiped off the salt. Such lard will appeal to those who appreciate the pure taste of the product.

Recipe 3. How to salt lard in a saline solution

This recipe is similar to the first one, but there is a significant difference, in this case the lard is not salted dry, but in brine.

1. Layers of bacon are sprinkled with your favorite spices, black pepper and bay leaves.

2. A liter or a little more water (depending on the amount of bacon and the volume of the dishes where it will be salted) must be brought to a boil, dissolve a glass of salt in it.

3. Lard is poured with hot brine, when it cools down - put into the refrigerator.

4. Salting lasts 3-4 days, after the lard is considered ready.

5. Lard can be taken out of the brine or stored directly in it.

Recipe 4. Salting boiled bacon

1. Pour cold clean water into a small saucepan.

2. Onions are peeled from the husk, which is then put into a saucepan, later it will give the lard a beautiful golden color. The husk does not affect the taste of the lard, so you can experiment and give the lard either a light yellow tint or a deep orange color.

3. Water with onion skins is brought to a boil, salted and fresh bacon is sent there. There should be enough salt, the lard is difficult to oversalt, it usually takes as much salt as it needs.

4. Do not forget to cut the same bay leaf.

5. When lard is boiled, it should be completely covered with water. 10-15 minutes of boiling is quite enough, after that the lard can be taken out and cooled.

6. Cold lard is greased with black pepper and it is ready to eat. Boiled bacon is very gentle and suitable for all teeth.

Recipe 5. How to salt lard in brine

Tuzluk is a strong saline solution. He prepares like this:

    Small portions of salt are added to the prepared water and mixed.

    When the salt stops dissolving as well as before and begins to settle to the bottom, despite stirring, the brine is ready. It should be tough and tough.

1. The bacon is cut into small pieces and tightly packed into a glass jar. When laying it, it must be shifted with garlic, bay leaves, black peppercorns.

2. The fat is poured with cold brine so that the solution protrudes 1-2 centimeters.

3. The jar is closed with a lid and left in a dark place at room temperature for a week.

4. Such lard can be stored for a very long time in the refrigerator without loss of taste or spoilage.

Recipe 6. How to salt lard in 1 day: express method

It so happens that you want fat to shiver. Where can we wait a whole week in that case? Here even three days will seem like an eternity. Lard can be salted in one day, it turns out very tasty.

1.To do this, the bacon is immediately cut into thin slices - portioned or sandwich.

2. Salt, black pepper, garlic, bay leaf, allspice are poured into the jar.

3. Pieces of bacon are placed, the jar is tightly closed and shaken vigorously.

4. It is necessary to leave the salted lard outside the refrigerator, at room temperature.

5. The fat will be ready in a day.

Recipe 7. How to salt lard in a jar

Cut the bacon into small cubes, about 4 x 4 cm, together with the skin. Grate the garlic on a fine grater and dilute with a little water. Dip each piece of bacon on all sides in grated garlic.
Lard is a unique product. There are legends about its taste and benefits for the body. But skillfully salted bacon is a work of art. Learn to salt lard together.

Almost all food products have some special, amazing properties. Lard is no exception. As soon as fat is not called: both a Ukrainian drug and a snickers. As the saying goes: there is some truth in every joke.

The benefits of lard

Fat deposits in the body of an animal are called fat. Lard is a tasty and valuable product, and myths about its dangers have long been dispelled. Lard contains arachidonic acid, which is very important for hormonal and cellular activity. Lard is close to vegetable fats in the content of essential amino acids. Lard also contains vitamins D, A, E, carotene. For the normal functioning of the heart muscle, the body needs fatty acids contained in fat to build cell membranes. The fat contains more of these essential acids than in butter... You should not abuse this tasty product. Lard should be used in combination with vegetables in small quantities. Apply a piece of bacon to the painful area. The next day the pain will go away. For many centuries, the attributes of our life have been accompanying us: lard, borscht and pickled cucumber. They help us keep in touch with our ancestors. And if you add a stack of peppercorns to them, it will make it easier to survive any crisis.

We eat lard often, especially in winter. After all, isn't it wonderful on a winter day, after returning from work or a walk, to pour yourself a hot borscht, a glass of cold vodka and eat it with a rye bread sandwich and thinly sliced ​​bacon with a thin vein of meat. The beauty! But where to get it - you ask. You can buy lard on the market, or you can pickle it.

How to salt lard

Boil lard for 3-4 hours, then stuff it with garlic, grate with spices, put in a canvas bag and place in the freezer. Such fat is stored for a month. Despite the laboriousness of the process of salting lard in brine, it turns out to be tender and melting in the mouth. Such fat is stored for a year. To do this, lard, cut into large pieces, must be placed under a press and filled with strong brine. The brine must be renewed every three days. Lard is salted for 9-14 days, and then you need to put it in the freezer.

The lard should be pale pink or white, with a soft and thin skin. Fat is fresher if the match freely enters the fat under the skin. Press on the bacon with your finger. If the dent remains, the fat is fresh; if the dent disappears immediately, it is not fresh. Lard with a thick skin will be tough when salted, so this fat is used for frying. For salting lard, you need to take white, thick with a minimum of veins. Run the back of the nail along the piece. If a lot of fat has been scraped off, the fat is good soft, and if there is not enough fat, then the fat is hard. Do not buy fat from the back and peritoneum, it will be tough. Lard is best from the ribs and from the lower sternum. The fat should be free of lumps, not loose. Poor quality product if there are even small lumps.

Lard tends to absorb odors. If the bacon smells like something, you need to soak it in water with garlic for several hours. The smell will disappear. Before salting, lard must be kept in water for 12 hours to soften it. You need to rub lard with coarse table salt. It gives the product a salty taste and removes excess liquid. Therefore, iodized and fine salt is not suitable. It is impossible to oversalt the bacon. It will take as much salt as needed. Therefore, do not spare salt. If you like lightly salted bacon, use less salt. If the bacon is cut or punctured, it will pickle faster. Do not store lard in the light; it will turn yellow and lose its taste. Dry salting of lard Lard should not be washed when salting dry. Use a sharp knife to scrape the bacon on all sides and scrape off the skin. Cut it into pieces, dip them in salt, sprinkle with black or paprika, rub in chopped or crushed pepper. Then the bacon must be tightly wrapped in oiled paper and put in the freezer. Lard is ready in a week. Salting lard in three days Peel a kilogram of lard, cut into pieces. Rub the pieces with coarse salt, allspice and black pepper, and crushed garlic. Place the bacon in a bowl and cover it with a plate or lid smaller than the diameter of the bowl. Put oppression on top and leave for two days. Then put the bacon in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Store such bacon in the freezer, wrapped in oiled paper.

Spicy bacon

Peel a kilogram of bacon, cut into pieces. Mix 1 tsp each black and red ground pepper, caraway seeds, 100 gr. salt. Rub the pieces of bacon with the mixture and top with garlic, chopped into petals. Put the bacon in a bowl, cover with a plate, put oppression and put in the refrigerator for 20 days. Store this bacon wrapped in parchment paper in the refrigerator.

Lard in brine

Peel the bacon, cut into pieces and place loosely in a bowl and put the spices you like between the pieces. Boil 1.5 liters of water and dissolve 1 tbsp. salt. Let the brine cool, strain it through cheesecloth and pour over the bacon. Leave to stand at room temperature for a couple of days. Then put the bacon in the refrigerator for another 3-4 days. Such lard should be kept in the refrigerator in brine.

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