Freight transportation. The best cars for cargo transportation

Due to the flexibility of the planned routes, timely and fast delivery of cargo transportation by car especially in demand. Cars are used for cargo transportation over short and long distances.

According to the international classification, it is customary to divide into three categories N1, N2 and N3. N1 includes light trucks with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tons, N2 includes vehicles from 3.5 to 12 tons, vehicles with a total weight of over 12 tons form the N3 category.

Trucks can be classified into the classes of small, medium and large payloads. Trucks for cargo transportation are available with an open or closed body type. Open, in turn, are divided into:

  • on board,
  • dump trucks,
  • container yards,
  • timber trucks,

Trucks with a closed body type are also divided into subclasses:

  • tented,
  • refrigerator
  • isothermal van,
  • tank.

The use of cars in cargo transportation finds its application in the delivery of goods to the main modes of transport (seaports, airports, railway stations) and their delivery to the final consumer, in the delivery of various goods over short distances and in mainline cargo transportation (including international), for intracity cargo transportation , transportation of goods in trade, construction and so on.

Reliability, economy, ease of use - these are the main requirements for trucks. The price is also of no small importance. Or rather, not even the price, but its compliance with the quality layout of the car. The Russian consumer uses cars for cargo transportation of domestic automakers. They are unpretentious and differ in the low price in comparison with foreign analogs.

Light trucks of the LCV segment

The most demanded light commercial vehicles (including pickups) from the category of light commercial vehicles (LCV). It is this segment of the market of vehicles for cargo transportation that accounts for largest number sales. The Russian manufacturer GAZ occupies almost half of the market in this niche, and the Russian consumer of the car is also in demand automotive companies Ford and Volkswagen.

GAZ-3302 "Gazelle"

Although sales of this flatbed truck with a payload capacity of up to 1.5 tons have fallen, it still occupies a leading position in the Russian market in its class. You can buy a car from 780 thousand rubles. There are modifications with a three-seater and six-seater cabin. On the same chassis, in addition to a flatbed truck, versions of isothermal, manufactured goods and grain vans, an onboard europlatform are available.

An excellent choice for doing small business and in the field of cargo transportation, it is the clearest example of a delivery truck type. The machine is supplied with a unit, in the line of models there is an all-wheel drive configuration, with the help of which it is convenient to carry out the delivery of goods on all types of roads, including unpaved ones.

Ford Transit

A solid foundation for a successful trucking business. The automaker offers various truck chassis options with add-ons. Three wheelbase options are available. Among the possible add-ons, the buyer can choose a manufactured goods, isothermal van, an onboard version with an awning, a mobile shop.

The load capacity varies depending on the platform and can be 1.1-2.1 tons. The gross weight can also exceed 3.5 tons in some modifications and reach 4.5 tons. The price of a truck chassis without superstructures is from 1.061 million rubles.

Volkswagen Crafter

On the basis of the Volkswagen Crafter chassis, the German automaker offers the consumer various cargo, isothermal, sandwich-panel, manufactured goods, bread vans and onboard tent platforms, with a crane-manipulator, tow trucks and car carriers. And also all-metal vans, including refrigerators with refrigeration equipment.

For a Crafter truck chassis with a single cab on a short wheelbase, you will need to pay from 1.7 million rubles. The use of this truck allows you to achieve high payload with an initially low curb weight. Gross vehicle weight in various options layout varies from 3 to 5 tons.

Medium Duty Trucks CV

Medium-duty trucks are used to transport fairly large loads within a city or a small area in a rural area. They are widely used in construction, including road construction, agriculture, logistics of medium-sized batches of various goods of food and industrial groups, in public utilities of cities or serve as the basis for installing a variety of superstructures.

The category of medium-duty vehicles is formed by vehicles with a gross weight of 3.5 to 16 tons. Here, as in the previous case, the products of the Gorky Automobile Plant are in the lead. Medium-tonnage equipment from such manufacturers as Hyundai and Isuzu is in good demand among the Russian consumer.


The GAZ-3309 flatbed truck with a diesel unit has a gross weight of 8.18 tons and a load capacity of 4.5 tons. Almost the car can be found anywhere in Russia, so much so she managed to win consumer recognition. The robust truck can be loaded and unloaded quickly and easily thanks to the three tailgates.

The manufacturer also produces a version with a seven-seat cab, and also installs various vans for cargo transportation on the chassis of this car. The most common superstructures are isothermal for perishable products that require a stable temperature during transportation, manufactured goods for goods such as furniture or household appliances (very convenient to use for both logistics and moving arrangements), and bread vans for delivering bread and other pastries to the shops. The cost of the basic version starts from 1.165 million rubles.

Trucks of the South Korean manufacturer are adapted for. The carrying capacity of this truck is about 8 tons, and the gross weight is 12 tons. Cars are delivered with a tented loading platform, in the form of manufactured goods, isothermal vans.

High sales are provided by a good combination of reasonable price and high functionality. The price of the car starts from the value of 2.8 million rubles.

Isuzu ELF 9.5

The functionality of this truck is impressive. In addition to the onboard platform, manufactured goods, isothermal van, the consumer can stop at the dump truck, tractor, tow truck options, three options for the manipulator are offered (hydraulic and cable crane-manipulator, hydraulic manipulator) in addition to the loading platform.

All car add-ons are in demand on the market. The load capacity of the truck is 6.5 tons, and the gross weight is 9.5 tons. The onboard version can be bought for 2.244 million rubles.

Large-capacity vehicles of the HCV category

The greatest demand among the Russian consumer is used by equipment for large-capacity cargo transportation of automakers KamAZ, MAZ and MAN. The main scope of such equipment is cargo transportation over long distances in large quantities.


The load capacity of this dump truck is 20 tons, the gross weight is 33 tons, it can transport a trailer up to 20 tons. The cost of such a vehicle for the transportation of bulk materials is from 3.3 million rubles. An excellent solution for large-scale construction, quarrying, and agricultural transport applications.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, order truck with us and we will deliver your cargo to the place you need quickly and inexpensively. We deliver from 9:00 to 23:00 from Monday to Sunday. On our website you can make an approximate calculation of the cost of transportation. You can order a truck in Moscow with loaders. Our company specializes in providing cargo transportation services throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. You can order a wide range of services from us at the most competitive price.

Order a truck in Moscow with movers

Book transportation with us! We are very attentive to each shipment, an individual approach to each client. We have the resources to transport cargo of any complexity. Give us a call and our dispatcher will help you choose the best vehicle for your order. We have a choice of vehicles with a load capacity from 1 ton to 5 tons. Our main goal is to make the client satisfied with our services. All our drivers are highly experienced and will take all measures to deliver your cargo on time and in good condition. It is very important to us that you are satisfied with our services, so we focus on all the requirements of our customers. We work seven days a week!

To order a truck - call us! Or fill out an application!

Together with transport services, you can order a truck with "loader service". The cost of an hour of work is 300 rubles. (min. order 3 hours). For apartment, office, country moving, you can order transport services in Moscow and the region with loaders and we will select the best transport for your purposes, and professional movers will help you load / unload in the shortest possible time. For the transportation of furniture, our company uses only specialized vans.

tel. 8-926-704-70-61

Freight forwarding (organization of all transportation as a whole)

In order for the customer not to think about the details of transportation at all, but to receive his cargo at the destination, our company provides forwarding services.

Forwarding includes:

Full support (organization of cargo delivery from the consignor's warehouse to the consignee's warehouse)

Search for the right equipment (directly choosing the right truck)

Building a route (planning the route of traffic, for delivery in a short time)

Registration of necessary documents (obtaining documents for transportation various types cargo)

product packaging

Organization of all necessary checks

Loading Unloading

Cargo insurance

Informing shippers about the progress of goods, search for goods in case of their loss

Other services on behalf of clients


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