Alcoholic tea balm. Alcoholic balms

Alcohol abuse can have Negative consequences for health. But there are alcoholic beverages that, on the contrary, have medicinal properties - these are alcoholic balms.

Alcoholic balsam today is referred not only to strong alcoholic beverages, but also to medicinal compositions - it is, first of all, a fragrant and useful tincture of medicinal herbs, the strength of which is 40-45 turns.

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A bit of history

A fragrant and strong alcoholic balm has its roots in ancient pagan culture - at that time it was better known as suria, infused with many herbs. It was suria that was considered the drink of the gods, the very recipe for its preparation was guarded by ancient sorcerers and healers, after the adoption of Christianity and ancient monks.

In times Russian Empire, herbal balm has gained particular popularity as alcoholic beverage, in the middle of the 18th century. At that time, it was called - balsam, used to treat stomach, mental wounds and depression. At the same time, the quality of its manufacture was controlled by the state - a striking example is Riga Black Balsam.

So, in the 17th century Abraham Kunze, a pharmacist from Riga, relying on old recipe alcoholic infusion, made a miracle balm from medicinal herbs. In 1752 it was solemnly presented Russian empress Catherine II, called Kunze, as an effective remedy. The Empress appreciated its medicinal properties and gave the pharmacist the right to manufacture it. Since that time, 300,000 bottles of this miracle medicine have been delivered to the queen's court every year. This is how the famous Riga Balsam appeared.

During the Soviet era, the very same alcoholic drink was represented by 13 types - the most famous of them are Riga, Yenisei and Ussuriysky. And today balms remain in high esteem and favor among alcoholic beverages.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of the balm itself always includes organic acids - malic, ascorbic, citric, formic, tartaric, acetic and many others, as well as macro- and microelements useful for the body - chromium, zinc, iron, copper, cobalt, calcium, potassium and sodium. In addition, tannins are always present in it, as well as proteins, carbohydrates, fats and glucosides. This combination of useful components allows you not only to improve your mood, but, oddly enough, it brings benefits to the body - the main thing is to know how to drink it correctly.


There is an opportunity to improve your own health with the help of a balm - but, first of all, you need to consult a doctor, and then familiarize yourself with the composition of this or that herbal infusion. So, picking up the balm for the intended purpose, its components will not provoke allergies.

It is also worth remembering the fact that it should be consumed only within the recommended doses - even in large quantities, the medicine will become poison, and the excess threatens the patient with toxic poisoning. Everyone who has been diagnosed with liver and kidney problems, as well as children, pregnant women and nursing mothers should refrain from taking the balm.

Types of balms

At the moment, alcoholic balms are classified into types, taking into account their geographical location - in particular, this is a product produced in countries the former USSR and those that are produced in the West, including American and European ones.
If we talk about domestic balsams and tinctures, the most popular and well-known of them are:

  • Dobryansk - made on the territory of Belarus, in the city of Bryansk.
  • Mordovsky - produced in the city of Saransk.
  • Mashuk, his historical homeland is the city of Pyatigorsk.

If we take from foreign alcoholic balms, then the most famous and popular is the balm from Hungary - Unicum, whose history goes back to the 70s of the last century, while the producers themselves call it nothing but bitter liqueur.

Swedish balsam Bittner is no less famous - it contains 24 medicinal plants, aromatic herbs specially grown for its production in ecologically clean reserves. Also worth noting is the American-made balm Abbots - bitter, healing tincture made in Baltimore, Bockers is a very strong balm, but is available in limited quantities.

How to drink the balm correctly

In order for the balm to bring true benefits to the whole body, not to harm and not become a poison, it should be taken correctly. At the very beginning, balms were used as medicine, but over time, this property faded into the background.

But it is precisely due to the large number of useful components that herbs and fruits give him, with the help of balm, many diseases are treated. In any case - before using it, be sure to read the composition and annotation for use and dosage.

Most often, balms are indicated for taking after meals and, most importantly, in small quantities, for example, as an alternative replacement for cognac, an aromatic addition to tea or coffee, when 1-2 tsp. will make the drink more aromatic and tastier. In addition, the balm:

  • added as a component to alcoholic drinks and cocktails;
  • used in alcohol or other drinks to improve the taste - the main thing is to add just a few drops so as not to interrupt the aroma and aftertaste of the main components;
  • served with coffee in a separate liqueur glass, as an addition to a dessert, for example, ice cream or fruit;
  • serves as an excellent aperitif before meals - it is served in a small glass or in a liqueur glass.

But these are, so to speak, gastronomic subtleties - if we talk about using the balm as a medicinal infusion, then in this case there are separate, special recommendations for admission. When diagnosing general weakness and loss of strength, physical or emotional overstrain, mental overload - the balm is taken as a tonic. In this case, a balm is taken after a meal - 30 ml as the end of a meal or as an addition to dessert.

To stimulate appetite - 30 ml of balm as an aperitif. To prevent infection with viruses transmitted by airborne droplets during the cold and cold season, the balm can be added to tea with lemon or coffee, but not more than 1-2 tsp. per cup. It is this drink that will increase profuse sweating and improve blood flow, will act as an effective expectorant, removing phlegm from the bronchi.

So, with the help of Riga balsam, gallstone disease is perfectly treated. The thing is that it contains peppermint, lemon balm, valerian, which not only strengthen nervous system, but also contribute to the removal of stones, normalizing the functioning of the kidneys and biliary tract. In addition, the antiseptic and astringent properties of the balm are shown for the prevention of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of sleep failure, excessive nervousness and fatigue, it is shown to take 1-2 tsp. Bittner - it helps to calm the nervous system, relieve excessive irritation and enhance metabolic processes. If the patient has undergone surgery, the balm will help strengthen the immune system in postoperative period rehabilitation.

In order to prevent and prevent diseases, the balm is indicated for admission for gastritis and ulcers, as well as for disorders of the digestive tract. The positive effect is achieved due to the pronounced immunomodulatory properties of the herbal infusion. In addition, the balm is also used externally - as a component of many compresses and rubbing, allowing you to relieve inflammation and relieve pain in the affected muscles and joints. When diagnosing tonsillitis or acute respiratory infections, balm is used for rinsing oral cavity and throat - it is enough to dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. infusion and use as directed.

As the doctors themselves note, as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, the balm shows excellent results, but, most importantly, the daily dose of its consumption does not exceed 20 grams. per day and 150 gr. in Week.

Is it possible to make a balm at home

As practice shows, many balms can be prepared independently. With a little time and effort, a delicious and aromatic drink is ready.

Balms can be prepared at home by yourself

Of the many recipes, it is the sedative composition of the balm that is considered the most popular - the plants included in it help to normalize the central nervous system, cope with stress and overexertion, and normalize sleep. Herbs for of this recipe you can prepare yourself if the living conditions correspond to an ecological clean zone, away from industrial complexes. If this is not possible, you can simply buy all the components at the pharmacy.

For this recipe, you will need to take 50 grams each. sage and lemon balm leaves, motherwort and valerian rhizomes, add 25 gr. oak bark - all components are poured with half a liter of alcohol and placed for a month in a dark, cool place, letting it brew. After this period, honey can be added to the infusion and kept in the refrigerator for another week.

Alcohol undoubtedly has a very harmful effect on the human brain and nervous system, as evidenced by braided legs, slow reactions and memory lapses. If you drink alcohol often and in large doses, then its effect on brain cells and the central nervous system is noticeable even after stopping alcohol consumption.

All balms are medicinal drinks that are often consumed as alcoholic ones. Alcoholic balms have a strength in the range of 40-50%. If you delve into the history of the appearance of this word, then translated from Greek "balsamon" is a remedy. Healing juice is obtained from special resins and useful plants and then dissolved in suitable oils.

Balms are made from a variety of aromatic roots, healthy fruits and medicinal herbs. Only natural additives and substances are involved in the preparation. This gives it a rich flavor range, a specific aroma and a special brownish tint. This herbal drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body, has a tonic effect. Thanks to the stimulating effect, the alcoholic herbal balm helps with mental strain, lethargy and weakness of the body, in case of sleep problems.

For such a wide range of applications and effects on the human body, one should say "thanks" to the pharmacists and healers who invented this drink many years ago. The knowledge of medicinal herbs and medicine recipes helped them in this.

Herbal alcoholic beverage composition

Alcoholic balsam is made according to a special complex system and technologies, starting from the infusion of each ingredient separately and double distillation. The ingredients are mixed in a special order, undergo compulsory filtration, and then they must be infused all together. This is far from the entire production technology, much is not known to the public, since the secrets of the recipes are kept in the strictest confidence.

In European cities, balms are produced in small quantities and in a specific geographical place (usually mountains), outside of which no one knows about many types of balms.

Qualities of taste: if the balsam is prepared according to the established rules, then its aroma is close to balsamic. The aromas of individual ingredients do not interrupt, but turn into an aromatic "bouquet" of herbs, aromatic oils and exotic fruit seeds.

Color: more often dark brown, but there are also types of rich black.

When making a herbal drink, like any medicinal drink, one important point must be kept in mind. The ingredients used in the preparation must not easily combine with each other, but also increase the effect of each other. It is impossible to allow the "oppression" of one or another component, because each has a special effect on the body.

They are poured into special bottles of a suitable shape. They are made of dark glass. Storage in ceramic jars is acceptable. Glass and ceramics protect the balms from sunlight, which can spoil the quality of the drink.


The drink is classified into two types by geographic origin. These are the types of balms that are produced on the territory of Russia and countries included in Soviet Union... And those that are made on the territory of Western countries, including European and American. By the way, foreign balm is called "bitter", but the name does not change the essence.

If we talk about domestic tinctures, the following are popular:

  • "Debryansk", manufactured in the city of Bryansk.
  • "Mordovsky", manufactured in the city of Saransk.
  • "Mashuk", whose birthplace is the city of Pyatigorsk.

If we touch upon the popular foreign balsamic drinks, then this is the Hungarian balsam called "Unicum". Its history begins in the distant 1970, and the producers themselves call it not a balm, but a bitter liqueur. The Hungarian drink contains ethanol, sugar or sugar syrup, sweet caramel, liqueur and tincture, consisting of forty medicinal herbs.

If you touch the Swedish producers, then the most popular "Bittner" balm. It includes 24 types of healing plants and herbs that are specially grown in the reserve.

There are also American balsamic drinks - "Abbots". This is a bitter tincture that can only be obtained in Baltimore. There is one more American balm called "Bokers". This is a very strong and extremely rare alcoholic drink, which is produced in limited quantities, in minimal quantities.

How and how much to drink

They were originally used as medicines. They were created for the same purpose. An interesting fact, but over time, this traditional purpose faded into the background. Despite this, the balms still contain medicinal and medicinal herbs, so they are recommended to drink in case of disorder. digestive system, for general tone, for colds and other diseases of the immune system. Such types of balms have also survived, which are still used only for medical purposes.

Before taking the tincture, it is recommended to carefully study the composition and indications for use, so that the consumption will bring not only pleasure, but also health benefits. They drink them most often after having a hearty meal, and in small quantities. One of the options involves drinking balsam as a substitute for cognac, very tasty and exquisite to combine with a high-quality and real cigar. Often a few teaspoons are added to tea or coffee, as well as to spirits. In the case of alcohol, they help the taste and aroma to unfold more fully.

A small amount is also added to cocktails. It is important not to interrupt the taste of the rest of the ingredients of the drink, so one or two drops are enough. For an amateur, the option of adding a balm to ice cream or other dessert is suitable. In this case, it is poured into a separate glass. Pure consumption is also not contraindicated. A great option is to drink a little as an aperitif to increase your appetite.

Some types of balm can be prepared on your own in your own kitchen. The most difficult thing is to maintain the correct concentration and compatibility of the components.

Harm and existing contraindications

Like any drug, alcoholic herbal tincture has its own contraindications, which in no case should be ignored. If you decide to use it for treatment, then be sure to examine the composition for the presence of ingredients that cause you allergies. In order for the medicinal properties to manifest themselves, you should not consume the drink in excess of the indicated rate. It is indicated in the description, but it will not be superfluous to consult a therapist. Exceeding the specified dose threatens with consequences - toxic poisoning of the body, which is extremely dangerous.

There are also specific contraindications. So, it is strictly forbidden to take herbal balm:

  • Those who suffer from renal and hepatic insufficiency.
  • Children and adolescents under the age of 18.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.

Curious historical fact

This drink came from the recipes of another drink called "suria", which was prepared by the witches, strictly following all the rules of the recipe. The rules themselves were not disclosed and were protected, it was believed that only witches knew the secrets of nature.

Later, when Christianity appeared in Russia, all healers without exception were christened witches and burned everywhere. Together with them, the first secret recipes for healing drinks disappeared. The emergence of a new balsamic culture began only in the 18th century, and these tinctures were called "balsams". Wealthy people took them from mental anguish and digestive problems. Already in the Soviet years, 13 types of balms were produced on the territory of the Union, the best of which have survived to this day.

Old recipes for making balms and tinctures at home.

Everyone knows that the composition of balsams and tinctures includes medicinal herbs, berries and fruits. An integral part of the preparation of balsams and tinctures is alcohol or vodka.

If you are using pure alcohol, be sure to dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Vanilla, ginger, cumin, cinnamon are used as aromatic substances for tinctures and balms.

Various herbs for the preparation of balms and tinctures can be used both fresh and dried. Berries and fruits are best used fresh.

You also need to know at what time of the year to collect certain plants from which you will prepare a medicinal drink. For example, red mountain ash should be harvested in late October and early November. Collect black chokeberry and viburnum in September-October. You can find out about the time of collecting other plants if you familiarize yourself with the content of any herbalist.

Below, your attention will be offered recipes for tinctures and balms that you can easily prepare at home.


Required: 500 g of red rowan, 1 liter of vodka or 500 ml of alcohol, 50 g of sugar, mint, lemon balm.

Cooking method. Rinse the mountain ash thoroughly, dry it, remove the stalks, then cover it with a wooden pestle so that the berry gives juice. Pour the resulting mass with vodka or alcohol diluted in a 1: 1 ratio. Cover the dishes with gauze and leave in a cool, dark place for 1-2 weeks. Then strain the tincture through a sieve, squeeze the cake through cheesecloth. Pour sugar into a frying pan and keep on fire until it turns brown, then add it to the tincture and mix thoroughly. Pour dry or fresh herbs of mint and lemon balm with 1 glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 10 minutes. Strain and pour into the tincture. Cover the dish with a lid and leave for 7 days.


Required: 100 g of lemon or orange peel, 1 liter of vodka, 10 g of salt, a few peas of black pepper.

Cooking method. Pour lemon or orange zest into a bottle and fill with vodka. Insist in a dark place for 3-4 weeks. After that, strain, squeeze the zest through cheesecloth. Add salt and pepper, bottle, seal tightly and store in a cool, dark place.


Required: 100 g of peppermint, 1 liter of vodka, 30 g of dill seeds, 5-6 g of cinnamon.

Cooking method. Rinse and dry the mint thoroughly, put it in a bottle, add dill seeds and cinnamon, and fill everything with vodka. Insist for a week. Then strain, filter through cheesecloth. The tincture can be sweetened if desired.


Required: 15 g of anise, 50 g of red rowan, 50 g of rose hips, 25 g of mint or lemon balm herb, 1 liter of vodka, 25 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Pour the rowan and rose hips in a wooden mortar, mix with the rest of the ingredients and cover with vodka. Cover the dishes with gauze and leave in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then strain, squeeze the thick through cheesecloth, add sugar.


Required: 1 small ripe melon, 1 liter of vodka, 5 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Free the melon from the seeds, cut into small pieces together with the peel and cover with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, then strain and add ginger.


Required: 400-500 g of viburnum berries, 1 liter of vodka, 2-3 g of vanilla, 30 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Rinse the viburnum thoroughly and dry in the oven. Pour with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, add sugar and vanilla, bottle with dark glass.


Required: 100 g dry lemon peels, 50 g cinnamon, 20 g cardamom, 10 g nutmeg, 100 g rye bread crust, 1 liter of vodka.

Cooking method. Fill all the ingredients (except for the bread crusts) with vodka. Pre-grate the nutmeg on the finest grater. Insist 1-2 weeks. Then strain, add bread crusts and leave for another week.


Required: 500 g of hawthorn fruit, 100 g of orange or lemon peel, 1 liter of vodka, 5 g of caraway seeds.

Cooking method. Wash the berries, finely chop the zest of lemon or orange or grind it in a coffee grinder. Mix everything, place in a bottle and fill with vodka. Insist for 2-3 weeks. Strain, filter through cheesecloth, add cumin.


Required: 600 g chokeberry, 2-3 g of ginger, 1 liter of vodka, 2 tbsp. l. linden blossom, 10 g of black currant leaves.

Cooking method. Wash the rowan, remove the stalks, grind in a mortar. Put the berry, lime blossom in a bottle and fill with vodka. Insist 3 weeks. Then strain, add ginger. If desired, sugar can be added to the tincture.


Required: 500 g of cranberries (fresh or frozen), 1 liter of vodka, 100 g of lemon zest, 3-4 g of cinnamon.

Cooking method. Rinse fresh cranberries with warm water and dry. If you are using frozen cranberries, then defrost them in the open air, never immersing them in water, otherwise they will turn into jelly. If your lemon zest is not chopped, then finely chop it or turn it through a meat grinder. Combine the zest with cranberries and cover with vodka. Insist 3-4 weeks, then strain and add cinnamon.

Rosehip Tincture

Required: 400 g of rose hips, 20 g of rose petals, 1 liter of vodka, 3-5 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Wash ripe wild rose berries, dry and grind in a mortar. Wash the rose petals carefully and dry them as well. Put everything in a bottle and fill with vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Then strain, filter through cheesecloth. Add ginger. Bottle and cap tightly.


Required: 400 g of blackberries, 100 g of blueberries, 100 g of forest currants, 1.5 liters of vodka, mint leaves, blackberries and black currants, 3-4 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Wash the berries, dry and remove the stalks. Put them in a bottle and fill them with vodka. Insist 3 weeks in a dark place. Then drain, strain, add vanilla.


Required: 400 g of cherry fruits, 100 g of bird cherry color, 1-1.5 liters of vodka, mint, lemon balm.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the cherry fruits and flowers, fill with vodka and leave in a sealed container for 2 weeks. Then add mint or lemon balm and leave for another week in a dark place. Then strain, filter through cheesecloth.


Required: 200 g of walnut partitions, 100 g of lemon zest, 1 liter of vodka, 3-4 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the partitions of walnuts, mix with lemon zest. Pour with vodka, leave for 4-5 weeks in a sealed container. Then strain, add ginger.


Required: 400 g of fresh raspberries, 6 g of cinnamon, 50 g of lemon or orange peel, 5 g of vanilla, 0.5 l of vodka.

Cooking method. Crush fresh raspberries in a wooden mortar to give juice. Pour the juice into the bowl in which you will prepare the tincture, add the cinnamon, zest and cover with vodka. Leave for 2-3 weeks, then strain and add vanilla.


Required: 100 g of parsley root, 50 g of celery root, 1 liter of vodka, 30 g of dill seed, a few peas of black pepper and cloves, 3-5 g of caraway seeds.

Cooking method. Rinse parsley and celery root thoroughly and dry, peel, finely chop or turn through a meat grinder. Place in an enamel bowl, add dill seeds, pepper, cloves and cover with vodka. Insist for 2-3 weeks, then strain, filter through cheesecloth, add cumin and leave for another week.


Required: 400 g of sea buckthorn fruit, 200 g of lemon zest, 1.5 l of vodka, 5-6 g of caraway seeds, 10 g of dill seed.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the sea buckthorn fruits, cover them with a wooden pestle to release the juice. Mix with lemon zest. Add all the other ingredients and mix, fill with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then add the cumin and dill seeds and leave for another week. Strain the finished tincture, bottle, seal tightly.


Required: 100 g of lemon, orange and grapefruit peel, 1.5 l of vodka, 4-5 g of ginger, 50 g of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Cooking method. Chop fresh peel of lemon, orange and grapefruit. If it is dry, soak it in water and turn it through a meat grinder. Pour it with vodka, leave in a sealed container for 2-3 weeks. Then strain, add ginger and orange juice and leave for another week.


Required: 200 g apricot kernels, 1 liter of vodka, 100 g of sugar, 4-5 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Chop the apricot pits, fill them with vodka and leave for 4-5 weeks (preferably in the sun). After that, strain the tincture, carefully filter through several layers of gauze, put sugar, ginger. If you want your tincture to be not very strong, put sugar syrup instead of sugar. To do this, boil 100 g of sugar diluted in 0.5 cups of water to a consistency.


Required: 200 g of apple peel, 30 g of mint and lemon balm, 1 liter of vodka, 3-4 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Wash mint and lemon balm thoroughly, dry, combine with apple peel and pour over with vodka. Insist for 3 weeks, then strain, filter through cheesecloth, add vanilla. Bottle and cap tightly.


Required: 100 g of black currant leaves and berries, 0.5 l of vodka, 50 g of orange or lemon zest, 4-5 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Wash the leaves and berries, dry them and fill them with vodka. Insist 2-3 weeks, then strain, add lemon or orange zest, ginger. Insist for another week.


Required: 1-2 pcs. red hot pepper, 1 liter of vodka, 10-15 black peppercorns, 5-6 pcs. cloves, 20-30 g of dill seed, 5 g of cumin.

Cooking method. Cut red pepper in several places, put in a bowl, add black pepper and cloves, fill with vodka. Insist 2-3 weeks. Then strain, add dill seeds, caraway seeds and leave for another week. After that, filter through cheesecloth and pour into dark bottles.

Tincture of Count Razumovsky

Required: 20 g of anise, 20 g of juniper berries, 20 g of mint, 20 g of lime blossom, 1 liter of vodka, 30 g of sugar, 5 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Pour anise, juniper berries, mint, linden blossom with vodka and leave for 3 weeks in a cool dark place. Then strain, add ginger and burnt sugar.


Required: 50 g of strawberries, raspberries, red and black currants, cherries, 0.5 l of vodka, 5 g of vanilla, 50 g of raisins.

Cooking method. Rinse and dry the berries thoroughly, remove the stalks. Fill them with vodka and leave in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Then strain, add vanilla and raisins and leave for 3-4 more days.


Required: 100-200 g of young dandelion flowers, 0.5 l of vodka, 3-5 g of ginger, mint, lemon balm.

Cooking method. Wash dandelion flowers and mint and lemon balm leaves, discard them in a colander to drain the water. Place it all in a bowl and cover with vodka. Insist 2-3 weeks in a dark place. Then strain, add ginger.


Required: 500 g of black currant, 1.5 l of vodka, 50 g of black currant leaves, 5 g of caraway seeds.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the black currants, grind in a mortar so that the berry gives juice. Wrap the currants in cheesecloth, place in a jar, pour the juice there and add the leaves. Pour with vodka and leave in a dark place for 3-4 weeks. After that, carefully remove the gauze, squeeze it out. Strain the tincture and add the cumin.


Required: 100 g of fresh mint and lemon balm leaves, a few drops of mint oil, 1 liter of vodka, 4-5 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Rinse mint and lemon balm leaves thoroughly, place in a bowl, add mint oil. Pour with vodka and leave in a dark place for 4-5 weeks. Then drain, filter through cheesecloth and add vanilla.

Now we offer you several recipes for infusions that are prepared on the basis of cognac. These tinctures are distinguished by their special aroma and strength. They can be consumed as standalone drinks or added to vodka or alcohol in a 1: 4 ratio (one part of tincture and four parts of vodka or alcohol).

Instead of cognac, you can use cognac alcohol or cognac drink in the preparation of these infusions. Remember only that with a cognac drink your tincture will not be as strong as with cognac. In this case, the tincture can be served as an aperitif before any meal.

Vanilla, ginger and (to add a special taste) chocolate liqueur are added as flavoring agents to cognac liqueurs.


Required: 300-400 g of red rowan, 500 g of brandy, 30 g of sugar, 5 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Heat the mountain ash with a mortar so that it gives juice, place it in the bowl in which you will prepare the tincture. Heat the sugar over low heat until it turns brown, mix with the mountain ash. Pour in cognac and leave in a sealed container for 2-3 weeks. Then strain, filter through cheesecloth, add vanilla.

The same tincture can be prepared using chokeberry berries.


Required: 500 g of cranberries, 100 g of sugar, 1 liter of brandy, 3-4 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the berries. Then roll in sugar and place in the oven to form a sugar crust on the cranberries. After that, place the berry in a bowl and cover with cognac. Insist for 2-3 weeks, then strain, add ginger.


Required: 500 g of chokeberry, 1 liter of brandy, 200 g of chocolate liqueur, 4-5 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Rinse the mountain ash thoroughly, fill it with cognac and leave in a sealed container for 2 weeks. Then strain, add liquor and leave for another week. Then add vanilla and bottle.


Required: 200 g of red mountain ash, 200 g of cranberries, 200 g of black currant, 0.5 l of brandy, 50 g of sugar, 5 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Pound the berry in a mortar so that it gives juice, then place it in a bowl and fill it with cognac. Insist 2-3 weeks. After that strain, add vanilla and sugar syrup (pour sugar with 0.5 cups of water and boil until thickened).


Required: 100 g of peel of apples and pears, 1 liter of brandy, apple and pear leaves, 5 g of vanilla, 4-5 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Pour the peel and leaves of apples and pears with cognac, leave for 2-3 weeks. Then strain, add vanilla and ginger.

Let's talk now about balms. They can be consumed as a standalone drink or in combination with vodka, white wine, mineral water... Tea or coffee with balsam has not only a pleasant taste and aroma, but also has a tonic and restorative effect on the body.

For the preparation of balms, various medicinal herbs are mainly used, which insist on alcohol or vodka.

In order to give the balms a more pleasant taste, sugar, honey and various liqueurs are often added to them.

We offer you several recipes for balms, the preparation of which does not require much effort and cost.


Required: 10 g of dry herb St. John's wort, 10 g of dry herb of oregano, 10 g of dry sage (color and grass), 30 g of mint, 0.5 l of vodka.

Cooking method. Pour the herbs with vodka, leave for 1-2 weeks. Then strain, squeeze the grass through cheesecloth. If desired, you can pour 0.5 cups of any jam syrup into the balm.


Required: 300 g of sea buckthorn berries, 0.5 l of vodka, 2 tbsp. l. honey.

Cooking method. Rinse and dry the berries, fill with vodka and leave in a sealed container for 2-3 weeks. After that, strain the balm, add honey and leave for another week.


Required: 30 g of fresh wormwood flowers, 30 g of almonds, 10 g of parsley root, 30 g of tansy flowers, 1 liter of vodka.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the parsley root, peel, finely chop. Pour all the ingredients with vodka and leave for 3-4 weeks. Then strain and filter through cheesecloth.


Required: 20 g each herb of oregano, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of brandy, 10 g of honey.

Cooking method. Pour the grass with vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Then add cognac and honey and leave for 2 more weeks. After that, strain the balm.


Required: 10 g of calendula flowers, 10 g of immortelle flowers, 20 g of lemon balm herb, 10 g of valerian root, 10 g of oregano flowers, 20 g of red and black currant leaves, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g of honey.

Cooking method. Put all the ingredients in a bowl in which you will prepare the balm, and fill it with vodka. Insist for 3 weeks, then strain and add honey.


Required: 200 g of young walnuts (in green peel), 50 g of walnut partitions, 10 g of dandelion root, 0.5 l of vodka, 20 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Fill the nuts and nut partitions with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Wash the dandelion root, chop finely and dry in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Add it to the balm and leave for another week. After that strain, add sugar.


Required: 100 g of coffee beans, 50 g of chicory root, 200 g of thick coffee liqueur, 0.5 l of vodka, 10-20 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Wash the chicory root, dry in the oven until it becomes brittle. Pour the coffee beans and root with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, add liqueur and sugar.


Required: 50 g each of St. John's wort, oregano, linden blossom, raspberry, red and black currant leaves, mint, lemon balm, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g of sugar, 5 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Pour all the herbs with 2 cups of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth. Mix this infusion with vodka and add sugar and ginger.


Required: 100 g of young pine needles, 50 g of birch buds, 10 g of mint and lemon balm, 0.5 l of vodka, 10 g of honey.

Cooking method. Pour the pine needles and birch buds with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Pour mint and lemon balm with 1 glass of hot water and boil until the volume of the liquid is halved. Strain and pour into the balm (after it's infused). Then add honey and leave for another week.


Required: 100 g of red and chokeberry, 100 g of viburnum berries, 50 g of juniper berries, 100 g of lingonberries, 100 g of rose hips, 0.5 l of vodka, 50 g of honey.

Cooking method. Rinse the berries, grind them with a mortar so that they give juice, mix. Then wrap this gruel in cheesecloth, put in a bowl and cover with vodka. Insist 3-4 weeks, then remove the gauze, squeeze. Add honey.


Required: 50 g of ginseng root, 10 g of chicory root, 4 tbsp. l. immortelle flowers, 30 g of red rowan berries, 30 g of rose hips, 1 liter of vodka, 30-40 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Finely chop the ginseng and chicory roots and dry in the oven for 5-10 minutes (make sure not to burn). Pour all the components with vodka and leave in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Then strain and filter through cheesecloth. Heat the sugar over low heat until it turns brown and pour it into the balm.


Required: 100 g of green and black leaf tea, 50 g of mint and lemon balm, 50 g of lime blossom, 50 g of orange and lemon zest, 30 g of oregano flowers, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of brandy, 50 g of honey.

Cooking method. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and fill with vodka. Insist 2 weeks. Then strain, add brandy and honey and leave for 2 more weeks.


Required: 20 g of hop cones, 20 g of oak bark, 20 g of sage, 20 g of St. John's wort, 30 g of mint, lemon balm and linden blossom, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of brandy, 30 g of honey.

Cooking method. Grind all components, fill with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, filter through several layers of cheesecloth. Add cognac and leave for 2 more weeks. Then add honey.


Required: 50 g of sorrel root, 50 g of burdock root, 30 g of motherwort, mint and horsetail each, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of brandy, 30 g of honey.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the roots of burdock and sorrel in the oven. Pour all the ingredients with vodka and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. Then strain, add cognac and honey.


Required: 50 g of ginger, 50 g of sage, 50 g of anise, 100 g of red rowan berries, 30 g of mint, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g of strawberry or raspberry syrup.

Cooking method. Pour all the components with vodka (pre-heat the mountain ash in a mortar) and leave for 3 weeks. Then strain and add syrup.


Required: 30 g each of calendula flowers and pharmacy chamomile, 20 g of yarrow herb, 40 g of rose hips, 30 g of nettle leaves, 30 g of sage herb, 20 g of motherwort herb, 0.5 l of alcohol, 40 g of honey.

Cooking method. Place all herbs in a thermos, pour boiling water over and leave for 24 hours. Then strain, filter through cheesecloth and mix with alcohol. Add honey. The balm should be infused for a week, after which it can be consumed.


Required: 30 g of hop cones, 100 g of sea buckthorn berries, 50 g of oak bark, 30 g of dandelion root, 50 g of viburnum fruits, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 ml of brandy, 50 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Pour hop cones, oak bark, dandelion roots with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Stir the fruits of the viburnum and sea buckthorn so that the berries give juice. After the balm is infused, strain it and add viburnum juice, sea buckthorn, brandy and burnt sugar.


Required: 50 g of valerian root, 25 g of motherwort herb, 10 g of mint and lemon balm, 10 g of hop cones, 20 g of chamomile flowers, 0.5 l of vodka, 50 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Pour all the components with vodka and leave in a sealed container for 3 weeks. Then strain, filter through cheesecloth. Pour sugar into 0.5 cups of water and boil until the syrup thickens. Pour the prepared syrup into the balm.


Required: 300 g of rose hips, 100 g of viburnum and lingonberry berries, 30 g each of oregano, St. John's wort, yarrow, linden blossom, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g of honey or syrup of any jam.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the berries of viburnum, lingonberry and rose hips. Then grind in a mortar, mix with the rest of the ingredients and cover with vodka. Insist for 2-3 weeks, then strain, add honey or syrup.


Required: 20 g of dandelion root, 20 g of anise fruit, 20 g of dry herb of yarrow, St. John's wort and mint, 50 g of raisins, 0.5 l of vodka, 20 g of honey.

Cooking method. Finely chop the herbs and raisins, fill with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain and add honey.


Required: 50 g of motherwort herb, 50 g of valerian root, 50 g of sage herb, 50 g of lemon balm, 25 g of oak bark, 0.5 l of vodka, 10 g of honey.

Cooking method. Pour all the components with vodka and leave in a sealed container for 3 weeks. Then strain, filter through cheesecloth, add honey and leave for another week.


Required: 25 g of raspberry and black currant leaves, 30 g of sea buckthorn fruits, 30 g of chamomile herbs, 100 g of any dried fruits (apples, pear, prunes, raisins, cherries), 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of brandy, 20 g honey.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over the herbs and soak in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then drain, strain. Put dried fruits in a bowl for making balsam, add herbal infusion and fill with vodka. Insist 2 weeks. After that, add cognac, honey and leave for 2 more weeks.


Required: 100 g of orange and lemon zest, 100 g of coffee beans, 3-4 black tea bags, 50 g of linden blossom, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of brandy, 50 g of honey.

Cooking method. Lemon and orange zest, coffee beans, lime blossom, pour vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, add honey, brandy and tea bags. Insist for another week.


Required: 50 g of raisins, dried apricots and prunes, 100 g of lemon peels, a few drops of mint or menthol oil, 100 g of any sweet liqueur, 0.5 l of vodka, 5 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Pour the dried fruits and lemon peels with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, add liqueur, peppermint oil and vanilla and leave for 2 more weeks.

Before drinking the balm, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its use. After all, this drink is a kind of medicine. From the Greek word Balsamon is translated as a remedy. Otherwise, instead of a healing effect, you can get the exact opposite. What is this drug and what rules should be followed to get the most out of it?


This is the name of a strong tincture, for the preparation of which a number of ingredients are used. vegetable origin with pronounced medicinal properties... Behind this seemingly simple definition is a rather complex technology that has been developed for decades, and in some cases for centuries. Its key features are kept in the strictest confidence by each manufacturer.

Various types of balms

Without going into details, the procedure for preparing the balm can be represented as follows:

  1. First, an alcoholic infusion is prepared from each component separately. Their number can reach 40. The value of each recipe lies in the fact that among the numerous "participants in the process" there are no antagonists, that is, such components that would suppress or block each other. Medicinal herbs (yarrow, St. John's wort, bison, oregano, wormwood, etc.), seeds (dill, anise), roots (leuzea, angelica, galangal) and fruits (coriander, bird cherry, rose hips) are used. Sometimes substances of animal origin are also involved, for example, young deer antlers. Each ingredient is infused for 30-90 days.
  2. The finished compositions are distilled. If necessary, this procedure is carried out 2 times.
  3. The finished product is still left separately for some time (up to 30 days), allowing all the beneficial substances to fully develop.
  4. Now you need to mix all the components according to the recipe.

As a result of all the manipulations, a drink is formed with a strength of 40-45 ° and a characteristic dark brown or black color.

The strength of some imported balsams (abroad they are called otherwise - bitters) can reach 65 °. The composition is passed through filters several times and then bottled. A container made of darkened glass or ceramics is used, so that disintegration under the influence of ultraviolet radiation does not threaten useful substances. One more short-term exposure - and the balm goes on sale.


Today, in the vastness of the former USSR, about 60 different balms are produced. This is not so little when you consider that in Soviet era there were only 13 of them. In addition to the famous Ussuriisky, Black Riga and Yenisei, lovers of balsams take the compositions Bashkortostan, Vyatka, Belarusky, Gorno-Altaysky, Mashuk, etc. The latter became a prize-winner of the "Quality of the XXI century" competition in 2001 (Moscow).

Riga balsam bottles

Of the balsams of foreign production, our compatriots are most familiar with the following:

  • "Bitter Liker Unicum" (Hungary);
  • Bittner's Balm;
  • "Maurer's Balm";
  • "Swedish Bitterness" (Austria);
  • Abbot's Bitters;
  • "Bokers" (USA).


Having absorbed healing power dozens of medicinal plants, the balm is a real storehouse of biologically active substances. These include a variety of tannins, glycosides, alkaloids, formic, ascorbic, oleic, stearic and many other organic acids. It contains a number of valuable trace elements - potassium, sodium, chromium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, etc.

Replenishing the deficiency of these components, this remedy restores vigor to the body and helps to strengthen the immune system. Balms are recommended to be taken in case of loss of strength, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, during periods of intense intellectual or physical exertion and for recovery after operations.

Delicious alcoholic balm

Any biologically active substance provides the desired effect only at the optimal dosage. Before ingestion, it is extremely important to carefully read the instructions indicating how to drink this remedy correctly.

Usually, balms are drunk 30 g after a meal. It is allowed to use the drug before meals - in this case, the alcohol in it will help stimulate the appetite.

During periods of mass illnesses with flu and colds, it is recommended to add 1-2 tsp for prevention. in hot drinks: tea (with lemon), coffee, chicory, or cocoa. For those who do get sick, this supplement will help to cough up and sweat better.

In addition to the tonic and restorative effect, each balm has special properties due to the presence of certain medicinal herbs in its composition. For example, the famous Black Riga balm helps to fight gallstone disease, as well as disorders in the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems - this is how peppermint, lemon balm and valerian manifest themselves. And the antiseptics and astringents contained in it contribute to the recovery of the digestive system.

The "target audience" of Bittner's balm are people suffering from gastritis and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps with stress, reducing anxiety.

In addition to being taken orally, balms are used for rubbing, compresses (relieving pain in joints and muscles) and gargling (in the form of an aqueous solution).

4 Safety precautions

It is impossible to abuse balms, like any medicine. The maximum daily dose is 30 g, the weekly dose is about 150 g. The result of an overdose can be poisoning, and not always effective method treatment can be found the first time.

Allergy sufferers should carefully examine its composition for the presence of allergens before taking the drug.

Breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women, children and those who suffer from liver or kidney failure should refrain from using the balm.

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Balm- a liqueur and vodka product, which is characterized by a pronounced herbal odor. It is prepared with the addition of various herbs, roots, fruits, and is used mainly for medicinal purposes. Often, the balm is a strong alcoholic drink of 30-40%.

The predecessor of the balm is "suria" - a drink infused with medicinal herbs. Surya was considered a gift of the gods, her recipes were guarded by witches.

With the advent of Christianity, witches began to be persecuted, thereby many recipes for medicinal drugs were lost. On the territory of the Russian Empire, this drink began to be called "balsam", it was widely used as a medicine for stomach diseases, loss of strength.

The drink appeared in the 18th century, the term "balm" meant "medicine". Traditionally, it differs from other alcoholic beverages in its rich color and rich herbal composition. Its production technology is rather complicated, it consists of several stages. The taste of the balm is more like a mixture than an alcoholic drink, so not everyone likes it. Traditionally, pharmacists were engaged in its production. They knew what herbs to add and how much to make a drink with a certain medicinal property.

Each country produces its own balms, many of them become world heritage. So, “Riga Balsam” is very popular. It was first obtained in the 18th century thanks to the efforts of the Riga pharmacist Abraham Kunze. This drink at the beginning of its history was known as "Kunze balsam". Catherine II herself was treated with it, over time the drink began to be called simply "Riga balsam". It is released in ceramic bottles in order to protect the contents from sunlight. Also famous drink is "Unicum" - a bitter Hungarian balsam infused with herbs.

Balm composition

As already mentioned, the balm belongs to multicomponent drinks, the ingredients of which should not only be combined with each other, but also reinforce each other. It is thanks to the special production technology, as well as the rich composition, that it is so appreciated in medicine.

It is also customary to call balsam not only an alcoholic drink in general, but also its components. So, sometimes under balsam is meant aromatic resin, which is extracted from trees of certain species. In this sense, the so-called "Peruvian balsam" is of great value - a thick oil that is extracted from the microsilon pereira tree. This tree is native to America and gives off oil when damaged. In order to obtain this valuable ingredient, the bark of a tree is beaten with a wooden mallet and then tied with a cloth. After the fabric has absorbed the oil, it is boiled in water, then another vessel is defended and poured. Also, the resin of this tree is obtained in another way. Cuts are made on the bark, the resin that appears from such an impact is set on fire, then the fire is extinguished, and the cuts are plugged with rags. Next, the rags are squeezed out under a press and boiled. The result is a Peruvian balsam, which is a viscous dark red liquid with a vanilla smell. Further, this resin is used in the production of various balm drinks.

In addition, the composition of this strong alcoholic drink also includes the following components:

Green anise- improves secretion and intestinal motility, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Angelica- a medicinal plant that stimulates the appetite, helps to facilitate digestion, a well-known antispasmodic, and also a diuretic.

Badian- a plant effective for colic, as well as diseases of the respiratory system. The world's first cough drops were made from this plant. It also helps with feverish conditions, diseases of the digestive system.

Gentian- a medicinal plant, used to relieve coughs, reduce fever. It has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.

Kulgan- has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, it is often used to treat gastritis, peptic ulcer, as well as enterocolitis. The plant has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, astringent properties.

Cardamom- a useful spice, it is used as a medicine for the stomach. Cardamom improves appetite, facilitates digestive processes. It is also effective for coughs, headaches.

Oak bark- a well-known astringent, excellent for the treatment of the mucous membranes of the mouth, larynx. Oak bark helps with diarrhea, stomatitis.

Cinnamon- a spice that has many medicinal properties... So, it is effective for colds, with a strong cough. Cinnamon can help lower fever and speed up recovery.

Turmeric- this spice has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, as well as on digestion. Turmeric is believed to work similarly to some antibiotics. Turmeric helps with exhaustion, cleanses the body, also acts as a warming agent.

Rosemary- effective for stomach diseases, diseases of the nervous system and upper respiratory tract... Rosemary increases blood pressure and has tonic properties.

Yarrow- a well-known bactericidal, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used for bleeding, stomach diseases, inflammation of the urinary tract. In addition, the plant improves appetite, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes.

Juniper- the plant has bactericidal, diuretic, analgesic properties. It is often used as a general tonic. Juniper improves kidney function, relieves swelling.

Peppermint- is known for its analgesic and vasodilating properties. It improves digestion, has a choleretic effect. Peppermint is considered to be an excellent natural soothing agent.

Sagebrush- an excellent stimulant, has powerful cleansing properties. Wormwood disinfects, helps with diseases of the biliary tract, improves appetite.

Saffron- a useful spice, a powerful antioxidant, cleanses the blood, improves brain activity. Saffron has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, tones up.

How to use?

Few people know how to properly use the balm as an alcoholic drink served at the table. As an aperitif, the drink is drunk from small glasses in small sips. It is not customary to eat balms, as this can spoil the taste of the drink. It is better to combine this alcohol with a cigar. It is also a very common way to consume it by adding it to tea or coffee. In this case, intoxication does not occur, and the balm tones the body and gives strength.

Very often balms are served along with other alcoholic beverages. This method of presentation is especially popular in the West. For example, it is enough to drop a little balm into vodka for it to radically change its taste. The drink is very often combined with gin, cognac, whiskey, and wine.

Also, balms are often served in the form of cocktails. One of the most common is "Black Night Dancer". For him we need Riga balsam, black currant syrup, lemon juice, cola. All ingredients are mixed, the glass is decorated with a cherry.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of the balm are due to its composition. Roots and herbs are often used in the production of this drink. The most common additives are St. John's wort, wormwood, oregano, and yarrow.

The composition of the balm sometimes reaches 40 positions and even more.

Since the production of this drink requires a large number of ingredients, as well as due to the complexity of manufacturing, most of the balms are produced in small quantities.

The calorie content of the drink is 248 kilocalories per 100 g. Often 1-2 teaspoons of balm are consumed together with coffee or tea.

Cooking use

In cooking, the balm is widely used to prepare some dishes, as well as alcoholic cocktails.

For example, you can cook pork in Riga balsam sauce. To prepare this dish, we need pork, Riga balsam, honey, citrus juice. Pork is cut into thin slices, fried until tender. At this time, a sauce is made from orange, grapefruit or other citrus fruits. Add 50 ml of balsam to the sauce, and butter put on a slow fire. When the sauce has boiled down a little, it is poured over the meat.

You can also make extraordinarily delicious chocolate mousse. For its preparation, we need chocolate, cream, Riga balsam, eggs, black currant. The chocolate bar is melted in a water bath. The cream is brought to a boil and 30 ml of balsam is added. Cream with balsam is poured into the slightly cooled chocolate, mixed thoroughly. Beat the cooled proteins, add lemon juice. The chocolate mixture is poured into the proteins so that the latter do not lose volume. Then add 40 g of black currant, mix, pour the mousse into molds and set to freeze in the refrigerator.

Balm benefits and treatment

The benefits of this drink have long been known to folk and official medicine. As a medicine, balm is used for fatigue, drowsiness, general weakness. It perfectly helps with exhaustion, physical exertion. The balm also has a tonic effect on the body. However, it is recommended to consume no more than 100 grams of the drink per day.

Balm is an excellent warming agent, due to the alcohol content, it improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels.

Moderate consumption of this drink helps to improve the functioning of the immune and nervous system.

The herbs that make up it have antispasmodic, bactericidal and antiviral properties. The balm is shown to be used for cramps, as a prophylaxis for cardiovascular diseases, and also as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Balm harm and contraindications

The drink can harm the body with individual intolerance to its components, as well as with abuse. Since the balm is a strong alcohol, it should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating women, children. Also, a contraindication to use is the presence of diseases such as gastritis and biliary dyskinesia.

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