Dill water for newborns from colic - a method of preparation. Dill water for a newborn.

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I visited a friend who recently gave birth. We discussed the topic of intestinal colic and remedies for them, in particular dill infusion, but first things first.

In books about caring for newborns, they write that colic appears a month after birth, but they developed it a week later. Of course, the period of intestinal adaptation to digestion is perhaps one of the most difficult, including for nervous system parents.

The baby, after a short period after feeding and at night, begins to cry very much, tightens his legs, writhing in pain. Looking at such suffering - the heart breaks and the parents are ready to do anything just to help somehow.

In search of a solution to the problem, my friend went through a lot of books and Internet resources. I tried to give:

  • espumisan
  • bobotik
  • babycalm

Nothing helped. Studying reviews on mothers' forums and in social networks, I realized that they are not alone, all of the above drugs do not help everyone.

Her mother began to insist that she give the child some dill water and not torment him. A friend does not trust grandmother's methods very much, so she decided to study the issue on her own. After rereading a huge number of forums, I was convinced that with colic best remedy- dill water for newborns. Feedback from mothers eloquently testified to this.

It turned out that dill tea does an excellent job with eliminating gas and relieving spasms from the smooth muscles of the intestine, normalizing digestion, in general, perhaps today, like many years ago, it is the best remedy for colic.

2. Where to get dill water

Finding ready-made dill water is not so easy. You will not be able to get it at any pharmacy, but only at the prescription. Manufacturing must be ordered in advance.

This is not the time to get upset. If the problem can be solved, then it is not a problem, but a task.

First, there is dry analogue of dill water- plantex, which is made from the fruit of fennel. Its price is quite loyal, so it is affordable. Instructions the application is very simple - dissolve the sachet in 100 ml of cooled boiled water.

I would like to draw your attention- dill water is made from pharmaceutical dill, fennel, and not from the one that we add to soups and salads.

The fruits of fragrant dill certainly also have a number of useful properties, but to prepare an infusion of dill for colic, we will use fennel.

In general, I will share with you the experience of my friend. I wrote everything down in detail from her words and now I want to tell you how to make a decoction of dill at home. You still have to go to the pharmacy, because you must purchase the fruit of fennel.

  1. Take 2-3 grams of fennel.
  2. Pour 250 ml of hot water (almost brought to a boil of 90-95 degrees).
  3. Insist for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Then strain through cheesecloth or a tea sieve.
  5. Voila - the dill water is ready.

3. How to give dill water to newborns

We figured out how to brew, now let's discuss how to give.

Dill water is very pleasant to the taste, therefore, for the most part, children drink it with pleasure. But do not forget that this is a herbal preparation and, like any plant, fennel can cause allergies.

Therefore, start with a small dosage, for example, 1 teaspoon, if no reaction appears after 15-20 minutes, you can give more.

A friend admitted that she so wanted to help her daughter get rid of colic that she did not even think about a possible allergy. She found where to buy ready-made dill water and immediately gave 30 ml. There was no allergic reaction, before going to bed she gave another 30 ml and it was their first, almost calm night.

Her daughter was on GV, but her friend was not worried that, having met the bottle, her daughter could refuse to breast. But still I heard that there are such cases. In general, if you are on breastfeeding and worry that you will have to give liquid from the nipple - drink it with a teaspoon.

4. If there is no fennel

What if you haven't found fennel seeds? As a last resort, you can use the fruits of fragrant dill or its greens. They also have antispasmodic properties. However, the water turns out to be less pleasant to the taste and the action time is slightly shorter. It's still better than nothing. I will tell you how to cook, and at the same time how to give it correctly.

The recipe is:

1 tsp seeds or 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over finely chopped greens. Wrap and insist for an hour. Then strain through cheesecloth or a tea strainer, wait until it cools down to normal temperature (about 36-37 degrees) and you can give.

5. How often to give

A friend gave her baby after lunchtime and when she first woke up at night. Some pediatricians recommend giving 5-15 ml 10-15 minutes before feeding. But it didn’t help a friend’s daughter at all.

The best thing you can do is consult with a visiting nurse or local pediatrician. They have seen your baby since birth and will be able to give competent advice.

Dill water is not a panacea. It helps someone, someone does not.

Yes, the period of colic is a psychologically very difficult period, but it passes quickly, it is forgotten even faster. Don't look for the magic pill, it's not there.

All you can do is warm your baby's tummy with your palm, give dill tea or some other remedy, and try to maintain a strong relationship with your other half.

And here is what Dr. Komarovsky says about dill water:

How nice it is to return home from the hospital with a little dear man in her arms. Only mothers can understand this state of euphoria. However, almost all parents, along with the happy moments of life, have to suffer with newborns. Changing diapers and diapers, frequent feedings just tire moms and dads. But the biggest challenge is usually that due to the immaturity of the digestive system gas collects in the infant's intestines.

His tummy hurts. How can I help him?

This leads to painful sensations in his abdomen (the appearance of colic) that occur during and after feeding the baby. At the same time, the baby starts screaming, pulls the legs to the tummy, his face turns red. And even though by the third month flatulence in newborns passes, exhausted mothers for a panacea for this pain, as they say, are ready to give "half the kingdom."

Panacea for intestinal colic in babies

Diseases of the digestive tract (colic) in infants are treated with pharmacological drugs that contain beneficial microorganisms for colonizing the intestines. But this treatment is long-term. Fortunately, there are medications that relieve spasms fairly quickly digestive tract. True, they work for a short time. These are drugs that increase intestinal motility. Air and feces do not stagnate and move faster.

But, perhaps, dill or fennel water is the best helper in the work of the intestines for newborns. Fennel is pharmaceutical dill. Preparations based on its seeds are beneficial not only in the fight against flatulence, but are also used to improve lactation in nursing mothers.

Fennel infusion or dill water, recommended by doctors for the treatment of intestinal colic, is sold in almost all pharmacies. This medicine can be given to a newborn from two weeks of age (digestive problems in babies usually begin at this age).

Dill water for a newborn - and colic will go away!

How fennel water is made

Fennel water has the ability to relieve spasm of smooth muscles, which helps the discharge of gases with flatulence in newborns. At the same time, it improves the process of food digestion and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. They begin to use it after the child reaches two weeks of age. Mom can mix it into expressed breast milk or milk formula.

This useful herb is well known to everyone.

In pharmacies, useful water is prepared from the seeds of pharmaceutical dill (fennel) under sterile conditions. Its seeds are converted into essential oil by special distillation. Then 1 liter of purified water and fennel oil (0.05 g) are mixed. Shake. All is ready. It is produced in 100 ml bottles. The shelf life is 30 days. The price is about 150 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies, where pharmacists prepare prescription drugs themselves.

Mode of application

To avoid intestinal colic, babies should drink healing water only after feeding (1 teaspoon) three times a day

Pharmacy dill water for newborns is, of course, very useful. Only a jar of it, especially an imported one, is expensive, and not every pharmacy has it in stock.

But the healing broth can be brewed at home for the mother herself, it will not be difficult.

Taking care of your baby is a sacred and honorable duty of every parent. And the most important point here is that this care becomes a daily habit. Then this - and you will not be burdened, and the child's sleep will be sound, and.

Many mothers are familiar with the phenomenon of colic in newborns. In this article we will try to understand what colic is, what are the causes of colic in newborns, and we will give several ways to cope with this problem.

Colic is pain in a child's stomach caused by gas that has accumulated there. The intestines of a newborn are delicate, so the painful sensations caused by excessive gas production give the little one serious discomfort. The baby blushes, twists its legs, cries desperately.

Colic occurs in most newborns between 3 weeks and 4 months of age. This is a completely natural process, and you do not need to be afraid of this, but you need to competently help the baby.

Even if a child receives only breast milk, then this food is completely new for him, because in the womb he received useful substances not through the digestive system, but with the blood flow through the umbilical cord. So, with the birth, the baby begins to establish a new digestive system, which was sterile until the moment of birth. The first microflora enters the intestines with mother's milk. By the way, with him the child receives the first antibodies to harmful microorganisms. It is clear that while the intestine is "populated" by flora, while it is being formed, undesirable fermentation processes of the digested food may appear. And, as a result, bloating is observed.

Also, the causes of colic in an infant can be:

  • Mom's poor nutrition. If the baby is breastfed, then the mother's diet directly affects the baby's condition. There are foods that are better for mom to exclude from her diet at the time of feeding, at least for the first 3 to 4 months, as they can increase gas production in the baby. These include grapes, cabbage, peas, and other legumes. And this is not at all full list, it is better to check it with a doctor. Thus, adhering to a diet in the first months of a child's life and carefully observing his reaction to various foods, you can, if not get rid of colic, then definitely reduce them.
  • Improper attachment of the baby to the breast... If it is wrong to give the baby a breast, then because of this, the baby will swallow air along with milk, and this just leads to intestinal upset. To learn how to properly latch on to your baby, watch instructional videos or talk to a breastfeeding specialist.
  • Incorrect formula for artificial feeding

It is better to choose a mixture with a pediatrician. Try different mixes and choose the one that gives your baby the least gas and is not allergic to.

Prevention of colic in a newborn

To prevent and reduce the number of colic in an infant, you must adhere to the following rules:

Gymnastics with a toddler

Do the following exercises with your child daily:

  • After feeding, hold the baby in a "column", this will help to regurgitate any air trapped during the feed.
  • Put the baby on the tummy, some time after feeding, stroke the baby on the back while doing this.
  • Place the baby on your back and bend your knees, bringing them to your chest.
  • Move your hand along the baby's tummy in a clockwise direction, making stroking movements.
  • If you have a fitball, place your baby on top of your tummy, gently rocking it. Be careful not to let the baby fall!

Warm bath or heating pad

Heat helps prevent gassing. If you don't have a heating pad, you can use a warm diaper. Let's now talk about how to get rid of colic in a newborn with medication.

How to treat colic in a newborn?

The above activities do not always help. What to do if colic starts? How are they treated? How can I help my baby?

You can use traditional folk remedies and give your baby a drink. dill water or fennel decoction.

Dill water
- This is a traditional proven remedy that reduces gas formation, and with it the suffering of the baby.

Dill water for newborns at home

But what is it - Dill water, and can you cook it at home? We know that dill can be grown in your garden or purchased from a store or market. In fact, we are not talking about a decoction or infusion of dill stems and leaves, but about the oil that is obtained from dill seeds. The oil is the active ingredient of the drug. In an industrial version, for these purposes, fennel fruit oil is taken - a plant related to dill: pharmacists at some point discovered that it was this substance that produced a more pronounced therapeutic effect than dill seed oil. Therefore, the name "dill water" can be considered a historical one, inherited by this medicine.

Method for preparing dill water

If fennel has long settled in your garden, then take its seeds (300 g), chop finely and brew with a glass of boiling water. You won't have to insist on the mixture for a long time: half an hour is enough. Strain the broth before giving to the baby, as the baby is not yet able to chew and needs liquid food.

How to give dill water to a newborn

If the baby only takes the breast, then it is not a fact that he will be able to drink a mixture of milk with dill water from a teaspoon. Although this amount of the drug is needed at one time (up to 3 times a day), it is better to give it from a coffee spoon, since the mouth of the crumbs is still small. There are children who do not like taking something off the spoon at all. A small cup with a teat can perfectly replace it. And do not be afraid that having tasted the pacifier, the baby will immediately throw the breast. A baby's refusal to breastfeed is not as common as this is how pediatricians intimidate young mothers. Having considered the question of how to give dill water to a newborn, let's move on to other colic remedies.

In addition to dill water, there are many other modern baby preparations and teas designed specifically to combat baby colic.

Means for the fight against colic in newborns

  • Espumisan... The active ingredient is simethicone. It copes well with the task at hand - the elimination of flatulence. It does not always help, it all depends on the child, but it is worth trying, perhaps it is he who will suit your baby.
  • Bobotik... It is recommended to apply from a month. If the colic started earlier, it is better to use another remedy. The active ingredient is the same as that of Espumisan.
  • Plantex... The drug, which contains only herbal ingredients. It is not recommended to use it without consulting a pediatrician.

Helping a baby with colic will not be difficult if you choose a remedy that is suitable for the child. Colic is a process that occurs in almost all babies and it is quite natural. And the atmosphere of love and mutual understanding prevailing in the family can also help the child, than less child nervous so

Dill water for newborns: where can you buy

You can buy dill water and other colic remedies for newborns at any pharmacy. Below are the approximate prices:

  • Dill water - price from 200 to 150 rubles.
  • Espumisan - price from 250 rubles.
  • Bobotik - price from 250 rubles.
  • Plantex - price from 300 rubles.

Something like this looks like a list of popular and anti-colic drugs for newborns.

Dill water for newborns: reviews of mothers

frances : "With a problem infant colic I know firsthand, the eldest son had very strong colic from birth, and until 3 months he screamed day and night, poor thing, and nothing helped, they tried a bunch of drugs. "

baby1983 : “Probably many, if not almost everyone, who have small children in their families, are faced with the problem of colic in the tummy. And we were no exception, but only our eldest son and daughter arranged sleepless nights for us, but with the youngest we already, as they say, gained a little experience, and now we are soon already half a year old, and my baby never rolled us concerts in the form of crying, hysterics at night ... And all thanks to the fact that almost from the first day I began to give her dill water, 3 times a day. This was advised by the pediatrician during the first home patronage. "

Evgeniya N : “Forums and articles about kids are filled with praises for dill water. Many mothers, both young and more experienced, recommend this drug as a fight against baby colic and problems with the baby's tummy. When this problem period overtook us too, I decided to purchase Dill Vodichka. As the saying goes: all means are good, and proven ones are even better. I personally have not tried it before, but this day has come to get to know the product on personal experience... Dill water was found without any problems in the first nearest pharmacy. Many of the counselors said the same thing. So, I will note the availability of this drug.

The aroma of this medicine is specific, herbal. But the baby drinks, does not spit out and does not push out with her tongue, which means it is tolerable. Then I immediately give her something to eat in order to interrupt the unpleasant smell. Dill water on an oily basis.

Colic, as if by magic, did not go away from one use, but I give it according to the instructions and it seems to alleviate the inconvenience. "

There are no parents in the world who have never heard of the problems of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns. Colic in babies is the most popular problem for new parents. Many young mothers do not want to "stuff" the baby with medicines and turn to time-tested recipes (for example, dill water for colic). The drug is safe at any age. It can be prepared at home or purchased from a pharmacy.

The problem of colic in newborns modern world is very acute. This phenomenon is observed in 90% of infants. Until now, great doctors and scientists have not come to a unanimous opinion about the cause of the appearance of spasms in the gastrointestinal tract in children.

Symptoms usually appear during or immediately after feeding, with the baby banging and crying. The baby's tummy becomes like a large rubber ball. Colic can appear due to newborns swallowing air during feeding, due to overfeeding, weak intestinal microflora or imperfections in the child's enzymatic system. Be that as it may, it is necessary to fight the gazers, because they harass the crumbs, making the mother and next of kin worry.

Dill seeds to fight colic

Dill water for newborns from colic is advised to be given by the best pediatricians, because this drug is time-tested.

Dill water is a solution of fennel or fennel oil. It is popularly called "pharmacy dill", so the ready-made mixture is called dill water. The use of a decoction of fennel seeds can help babies with colic, bloating and gas from the first days of life.

The instructions for use state that dill water is allowed at any age and has no contraindications.

Use of funds

In addition to the undeniable benefits of a newborn in the fight against gas and colic, dill water has many other useful properties:

  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • eliminates flatulence;
  • enhances immunity;
  • treats cough;
  • prevents the risk of developing oncological diseases;
  • improves metabolism;
  • contributes to better performance of cardio-vascular system;
  • has a calming effect;
  • during pregnancy helps to cope with toxicosis and improves general state women;
  • is a diuretic;
  • gently removes gases from the intestines, expanding its walls;
  • improves kidney function;
  • helps to fight constipation;
  • increases appetite.

Dill water is a real find for use by the nursing mother herself, since fennel has a beneficial effect on lactation, improving the quality of milk and increasing its calorie content. Drinking a decoction of dill water, you can be sure that the gas formation of the newborn will become weaker, and the colic will not be as pronounced.

How to make a colic remedy

Recipe dill water very simple and will not cause difficulties for a young mother.

  1. In a glass of 250 ml. pour in 1 tsp. fennel seeds.
  2. Pour boiling water over.
  3. Insist 45-60 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting mixture through a fine sieve.

How to brew dill broth

Well, if you suddenly have fresh dill, you can make dill tea in order to combat colic in a newborn. A teaspoon of fresh chopped dill accounts for 100 ml. boiling water. The mixture should be infused for 1 to 2 hours. Tea is given to babies in the same way as fennel decoction.

If fennel is suddenly not found in the pharmacy, it can be replaced with ordinary dill seeds. Pour boiling water over the dry grains and let it brew for an hour, the proportions remain the same.

Application of water

How to give to baby

There are two ways to take dill tincture for newborn colic:

  1. Add 1 teaspoon to expressed milk or formula.
  2. Dripping 15-20 drops into the baby's mouth before each feeding.

Pay attention to the shelf life: the prepared mixture can be stored for no more than a day.

How to drink for mom: video

Mom reviews

Fennel water for colic is advised by many older generations, so the question of whether dill water helps disappears by itself. In addition, reviews of the miracle water prove that this is a win-win remedy for fighting colic. Here's what young mothers say when they try to give this remedy to their newborn babies.

Dill water for colic was taken from the first day of life, the tummy began to torment us very early. Initially, I did not want to use all kinds of drugs. I have heard from mothers I know that they do not help much, and giving for their reassurance is not an option. Fennel water is very helpful for our family.
We used dill seeds for a very short time, after which we switched to Plantex. Its cooking method is simpler and it helps better. We are looking forward to three months. They say that after the problem goes away by itself.
Have tried a lot pharmacy products, nothing helped. My grandmother advised me to infuse dill seeds for colic. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but the child began to cry much less.
My daughter could not drink dill water at all, spat and cried. I believe that in modern times there are more humane ways to treat colic in babies. The pharmacy sells medicines that are adapted to combat this problem.
I drank tea with fennel while breastfeeding myself, since I did not want to give the baby something incomprehensible to drink from birth. I did not see much effect. Although, perhaps, it helped a little from colic.

Doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, popular among young mothers, says that a newborn can drink 100 ml. dill water per day. Moreover, the pediatrician draws attention to the fact that you can give the child any water to drink, since fennel, in his opinion, does not have a particular effect on the treatment of colic.

What to do with the leftover broth

As already mentioned, dill water has a short shelf life, but you should not be upset about this. There are many ways to use it for the benefit of yourself and your family.

Please note that:

  • The dill mixture has a tonic effect: wipe your face with dill water instead of tonic or lotion. Your skin will be toned and refreshed.
  • In frozen form, dill does not lose its properties, so this is an excellent way to further use the miracle cure. You can simply freeze the cubes with the fennel solution and then use them.
  • To help with nausea, just a few sips of this drug are enough, or you can simply dissolve an ice cube with dill.
  • Dill seeds help alleviate headaches and can be carried around in a bag made from natural materials.

Dill seed water is truly unique and indispensable for relieving colic pain in newborns. It is a completely natural product that, when used correctly, has no side effects.

No sooner had the child been born, than immediately he has excitement and colic in the abdomen. Only now, not all mothers know the correct way to prepare dill water, because it is she who helps well against bloating.

Such water is beneficial for the body even for a nursing mother. Do you know how to prepare dill water for newborns, if not, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my tips and secrets, taken from personal experience.

Friends, today I will tell you:

  • What is dill water for newborns from colic
  • Dill water properties
  • Dill water reviews
  • Why is dill water useful for a nursing mother?
  • The benefits of dill for the body

Dill water for newborns from colic

Any mother feels sorry for her child, and when he is sick, this feeling multiplies several times. I myself was constantly worried when my newborn children suffered from bloating, because this was all accompanied by crying and screaming, and therefore sleepless nights.

In such a situation, you begin to try everything, and wrap it in a goat down scarf, and apply a warm towel on the crumbs tummy, and even remember your grandmother's advice.

It is a pity that over time, real youth have little faith in some of the methods and recipes that our ancestors once used, and more and more often resort to medication solutions to their health problems.

Today I will try to convince you that dill water for newborns is really useful for colic and should be given to your crumbs.

Dill water properties

Every plant, vegetable or fruit benefits our body and it is difficult to argue here. Even wolfberry is used for medicinal purposes, let alone dill.

Dill is useful when it contains ascorbic acid, carotene and iron.

Dill water is used in the absence of appetite, because it improves bowel function and makes you feel hungry.

And, of course, dill water is used for gas formation, it relaxes the intestinal walls, thereby helping it to get rid of accumulated gases. After that, the baby falls asleep and you also have time to rest.

Dill water for newborns from colic - preparation method

The fact that such a decoction is useful for bloating is obvious, because it relaxes the intestinal walls. Now we need to figure out what to cook it from and what methods are there.

There are several ways to prepare dill water in this way. For example, it is made from dill seeds, from the dill itself, or you can buy ready-made sachets at the pharmacy.

So, if you decide to purchase bags with fennel or dill at the pharmacy, then you must prepare such water strictly following the instructions. Usually one packet of fennel is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a plastic lid or something else and wait at least half an hour, after which the broth must be cooled.

There is essential oils dill, which is added to water or breast milk, but we did not like this method. In general, neither pediatricians nor I recommend adding dill water to milk, because such a mixture does not always work favorably.

If we take into account the folk way, then it is very simple. For the preparation of such a medicine, both seeds and dill itself are suitable, you can use fresh and dried. Take a small spoonful of seeds or leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about 40 minutes. Do not forget to cool the broth before giving it to your child.

Dill water for colic is also suitable for adults, it also copes with the problem of bloating, but the infusion must be made a little stronger and the dosage changed.

Now you know all the ways how to make dill water for a newborn.

Dill water - instructions for use

How much dill water to give a newborn, and at what time of day, this question often torments young mothers. But I want to assure you that there is nothing complicated about it. You already know how to prepare dill water for babies, which means after you have done this, wait 30 - 40 minutes, then chill, and then just start to water the crumbs.

You need to start gradually, do not try to immediately give a daily dose, this can cause severe flatulence in a child and diarrhea. If your child is not even a month old, then half a teaspoon will be enough for him to begin with. Give your baby dill water before feeding, for 10 to 15 minutes.

After a month, babies can be given such water to drink instead of water throughout the day, or after feeding. It will be enough 2 - 3 teaspoons before or after meals. If the newborn's colic does not go away, then try increasing the dosage, there will be no harm from this, the only thing is that your child will more often wet his sliders.

Dill water for newborns from colic - reviews

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to give my children natural medicines, in the form of raspberry tea, ginger and other products. I also strengthen immunity using folk methods, and I do not regret it a bit.

Dill water for newborns with colic helped us very well, especially for our son, we did without espumisan and other drugs. True, before preparing and giving something, I ask the older generation or read reviews on the Internet. And you know, there are many different opinions on this matter.

Someone says that there is no use for dill water and the child only pisses frequently, and someone is very happy.

Statistics speaks of such numbers: 70% of parents are satisfied with this method of getting rid of bloating. 30% dill water didn't help and they had to use drugs.

These are the reviews about dill water.

Colic remedies for newborns

Of course, many ailments cannot be overcome without pharmaceutical preparations. If ARVI can be cured with honey or other folk remedies, then in this case there are only two ways, this is dill water for colic and pharmaceutical preparations.

We examined the first case, the method of preparation, how much and how to give and what statistics with reviews exist, now I turn to the second method.

Plantex. Not a bad drug that you can give your crumbs to prevent colic. It is made on the basis of fennel and is slightly similar to dill water.

Baby Calm. This medicine is composed of dill, mint and anise. The oily liquid is diluted with water to the indicated mark on the bottle. It can be dripped directly into the child's mouth, and stored only in the refrigerator.

Espumisan. This medicine comes in the form of an emulsion. It can be given to your children from the first day of life, which is why it is very popular among competitors. 25 drops after feeding will help your baby to forget about bouts of intestinal colic. Side effects does not have, but this drug does not help all children.

Infacol. The composition of the drug is almost the same as espumisan, the only difference is in the price.

Sub Simplex. This drug is available, like many others, in suspension. Give 15 drops after feeding. If your baby is bottle-fed, then the drug can be added directly to the mixture.

Bobotik. We used this medicine with our second child, however, not for long, because the colic quickly left us alone. You can use it only after a month of life and give 8 drops. The drug is very effective.

Bebinos. The drug is manufactured in Germany, but despite this, the price does not exceed other options. At the heart of such drugs as: fennel, coriander seeds, chamomile.

If you have noticed, then at the heart of many medicines it is fennel or dill that lies, which means that grandmother's advice is still effective. And you shouldn't spend money on medications, when you can prepare dill water for a newborn yourself and calm his intestines in this way.

Dill water for a nursing mother

Of course, compared to drugs to increase lactation, dill is significantly inferior in positions, but it is a natural product. To make the most of it beneficial features for the body of a nursing mother, the seeds must first be crushed.

To increase lactation, it is worth taking dill tea. It is not difficult to prepare it, you need to take a full tablespoon of crushed seeds and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Wait for the infusion to cool down and drink in small portions throughout the day.

Thus, a nursing mother increases lactation, and together with breast milk dill water also gets to the child, it turns out a double benefit from such use.

Friends, try to use herbs and plants only with benefit. Remember, dill water is very useful for newborns, the preparation method is not at all complicated, and besides, such water is useful during breastfeeding and anemia. Do not get sick and take care of your children.

With love, your Nina Kuzmenko!

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