Entertainment. Crossword in English for children "animals in the zoo Compose a crossword puzzle 10 English animals

Compiled by: English teacher Serkina M.S. MKOU secondary school No. 10 in Rossosh

cross word « animals »


2. An Australian animal like a small gray bear with no tail that climbs trees and eats leaves.

6. A large heavy African or Asian animal with thick skin and either one or two horns on its nose.

7. A large desert animal with a long neck and either one or two humps on its back.

9. A large animal of the cat family, with yellow fur and black spots, which lives in Africa and South Asia.

10. A large wild animal that can run very fast, eats grass, and has horns.


1. An Australian animal that moves by jumping and carries its babies in a pouch on its stomach.

3. A large strong animal with thick fur that eats meat, fish and fruit.

4. A large reptile with a long mouth and many sharp teeth that lives in lakes and rivers in hot wet parts of the world.

5. A wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groups.

8. A large animal of the cat family that lives in Africa and parts of southern Asia. It has gold-coloured fur and the male has a mane.

Keys to the crossword


4. KOALA -An Australian animal like a small gray bear with no tail that climbs trees and eats leaves.

6. RHINO -A large heavy African or Asian animal with thick skin and either one or two horns on its nose.

7. CAMEL -A large desert animal with a long neck and either one or two humps on its back.

8. Fox -A wild animal like a dog with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face, and a thick tail.

10.LEOPARD -A large animal of the cat family, with yellow fur and black spots, which lives in Africa and South Asia.

12.ELEPHANT -A very large gray animal with four legs, two tasks and a trunk that it can use to pick things up.

13. DEER -A large wild animal that can run very fast, eats grass, and has horns.

14. MONKEY -A small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands to climb trees and lives in hot countries.


1. KANGAROO -An Australian animal that moves by jumping and carries its babies in a pouch on its stomach.

2. BEAR -A large strong animal with thick fur that eats meat, fish and fruit.

3. CROCODILE -A large reptile with a long mouth and many sharp teeth that lives in lakes and rivers in hot wet parts of the world.

5.WOLF -A wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groups.

9. TIGER -A large wild animal that has yellow and black lines on its body and is a member of the cat family.

10. Lion -A large animal of the cat family that lives in Africa and parts of southern Asia. It has gold-coloured fur and the male has a mane.

11. GIRAFFE -A tall African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark spots on its yellow-brown fur.

Age group: Grade 3-4 (second or third year of English)
Target: The development of the communicative competence of students on the basis of previously acquired knowledge about animals and birds, their external signs, habits, nutrition, habitation.
1. Repeat and consolidate the main lexical units on the topic "Wild Animals and Birds".
2. Expanding the horizons of students, the formation of students' skills of independent solution of communicative problems.
1. Development of independence, logic of thinking, memory, attention, quick reaction.
2. Development of practical skills and writing skills.
3. Development of cognitive and language abilities, formation of interpersonal communication skills, emotional sphere and self-control.
1. Raising students' interest in learning English and team spirit.
2. Education of a benevolent attitude towards the environment.
Recommendations for the event: This crossword puzzle can be offered to students in the lesson of repeating lexical material as one of the tasks of the KVN team game. The task consists of 15 poems about wild animals and birds in Russian, the answers should be in English language.
Description of the event: Students are divided into two equal teams (by number and by capabilities). A jury consisting of two students (one representative from each team) is selected. The teacher is a member of the jury with an advisory vote. For each correctly guessed and written word of the task, the teams receive two points, if the word is misspelled - only one point. The winning team is declared based on the total points scored.

Horizontally: Vertically:
2. What a big bird! 1. Striped horse
She's also proud of what I saw at the zoo.
The one that runs wonderfully - (G. Head)
It's useless to compete with her.
(O. Ulasevich) 3. Here she jumps along the branches,
Flickered over the bush
5. In the den, he sucks a sweet paw, Like a lively red ball,
And he dreams that he eats honey. With fluffy fur and a tail.
(T. Gusarova) (E. Trutneva)
6. I wonder who it is
Came from an egg? 4. What a humpbacked important captain
All green, different Does the ocean surf the desert?
For an ordinary chick!
(S. Pshenichnykh) 7. Australian red beast
Rides with a bag all day.
10. A real giant.
From distant warm countries. 8. A gray predator in the forests It collects water in its trunk, Looking for hares here and there.
And then the fountain starts up.
(I. Zakharova) 9. He is big and striped,
He is toothy and mustachioed.
11. Tearing flowers is easy and simple He is stronger and bigger than a cat
Children of small stature, And not sitting on the window.
But to the one who is so high (V. Gula)
It's not easy to pick a flower!
(S. Marshak) 12. Black ears and paws. Can roar menacingly.
12. Always ready to repeat ... - also clubfoot,
This bird is word for word. But - a bamboo bear.
(V. Sibirtsev) (S. Kozlov)

13. Cute acrobat,
He is always happy with a banana!

14. Eared little coward,
You sit in the forest and you are afraid of everyone!


Horizontal: Vertical:
2. ostrich (ostrich) 1. zebra (zebra)
5. bear (bear) 3. squirrel (squirrel)
6. crocodile (crocodile) 4. camel (camel)
10. elephant (elephant) 7. kangaroo (kangaroo)
11. giraffe (giraffe) 8. wolf (wolf)
12. parrot (parrot) 9. tiger (tiger)
13. monkey (monkey) 12. panda (panda)
14. hare (hare)

List of sources used:
Links to specific web pages:
1. Gusarova Tatiana "Bear"
2. Svetlana Pshenichnyh "Interesting"
3. Galina Head "Zebra"
4. S. Marshak "Giraffe"
5. V. Gula "Tiger"
6. Evgenia Trutneva "Squirrel"
7. O. Ulasevich "Ostrich"
8. I. Zakharova "Elephant"
9. V. Sibirtsev "Parrot"

Hey! In learning English, all means are good, and if these means also bring pleasure, then this is generally perfect way. One of these fascinating techniques is crossword puzzles in English for adults and children. Today, the crossword puzzle is the most common word puzzle game. There are such games in almost every printed publication, there are even entire collections. They are very popular among people of all generations - children, pensioners, adults.

Although archaeologists have found the first charades that have been dated to the 1st-4th centuries AD, the year 1913 is considered to be the birth of the crossword puzzle. More than a hundred years ago, Arthur Wynn created the first crossword in the form that we know today. This game was published in one of the New York newspapers, and immediately became mega-popular among the readers of the publication. Our first crossword appeared in 1925 in the Leningrad magazine "Rezets".

The original purpose of such games was to develop erudition. The first crossword puzzles were very complex, requiring a lot of knowledge to complete the puzzle. But to raise reader demand, they were very quickly simplified by changing the installation. Now puzzles have become one of the ways to have fun, and not to show your knowledge and erudition. Naturally, this format suited all segments of the population, regardless of age and profession.

Interesting fact:

The largest crossword puzzle in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was recognized as the puzzle of a resident of Yerevan - Ara Hovhannisyan. The size of the crossword puzzle is 2.45 m high and 2.3 m wide, and the size of the cage is only half a centimeter. Those who wish are offered a task of 150 pages to 25,970 words.

It is an indisputable fact that solving crosswords, puzzles, puzzles and charades develops memory, thinking, erudition and diligence. This The best way, with maximum benefit for the mind, pass the time and just have a good rest. English crossword puzzles are very popular among language learners.

The task: translate the words into English and fill in the boxes

There are other types of puzzles, more traditional, on various topics that will help to consolidate not only vocabulary, but also grammar:

If you like to solve various puzzles, then do not miss such a good opportunity as solving English crosswords. So you will make significant progress in learning English. And if you have any difficulties, you can always look at the answers.

English crosswords for kids

English crosswords for kids

It is no secret that the children love to play, solve various riddles, rebuses, puzzles. Children's crosswords are also used to teach English to the youngest students. Toddlers very quickly succumb to the excitement that arises in the process of solving, and remember new material without coercion and overload.

Crosswords for kids can also be grammar oriented, but they are mainly designed to help children memorize new vocabulary. Such games help kids visually remember how a word is written in English, how it sounds, replenish vocabulary or consolidate a school lesson.

For the youngest students, crossword puzzles with pictures are perfect, where there is no written assignment, but only images that need to be named in English and written down.

So, for example, a Crossword for preschoolers on the theme “Animals” might look like:

Preschoolers and elementary school students will like such bright charades very much, they will broaden their horizons and give a lot of positive emotions.

Children's crossword puzzles can be of various levels of difficulty. It is worth starting with small puzzles up to 10 questions or pictures with large cells for answers. To start giving a child a crossword puzzle, he must already know the letters English alphabet and the name of the items that will be discussed.

If the child already knows how to read and write in English, then he can be given more complex tasks, with questions or words that need to be translated. Be sure to check the answers, do not give your child such questions, the answers to which you do not know yourself. Let him fill in the answers himself. For older children, more difficult puzzles can be used.

In teaching English, crossword puzzles are an indispensable tool for learning and consolidating foreign words. With regular puzzle solving, active rather than passive memorization is activated, which increases the efficiency of assimilation of information several times. Therefore, I recommend that you, as well as your children, solve English charades with benefit and pleasure. In addition, you always have the opportunity to check the answers

Unraveling Crossword in English "Animals in the zoo" with your children, you, dear readers, will be able to repeat and consolidate the names of fifteen animals in English with them in a playful, exciting way.

If necessary, as always, you can look at the answers to the English animal crossword puzzle at the very end of the article.

Crossword in English for children "Animals in the zoo"

Tasks for the words of our English crossword horizontally:

5. To fill in this word of the crossword about animals, you need to solve this simple riddle in English. Who could say that about himself if he could speak?

I'm brown and big.
I like honey.

7. Look closely at the drawing. Which of the inhabitants of our English zoo lost this feather?

11. And here is the riddle for word number 11:

green and long
With many teeth.
beautiful smile-
It`s a…

13. Probably all animal lovers will recognize this cute fidget. It remains only to remember its name in English.

14. And this beautiful beast could “say” about itself like this:

My paws are big and strong
My tail is very long
My mane is fine and thick,
And I am very big.

Tasks for the words of the crossword about animals in English vertically:

In order to fill in the first five words of the crossword puzzle in English vertically (words numbered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ), read the following English zoo poem (see picture below), replacing the drawings of animals with their English names. The number of the picture of the animal corresponds to the number of the word vertically.

8. And this riddle in English for the word number 8 vertically:

I am big and I am strong
And my trunk is very long!

Well, in order to fill in the last four words of our crossword puzzle in English (words numbered: 9, 10, 11, 12 ), read the following English zoo poem (see picture below), replacing the drawings of animals with their English names. The number of the animal drawing also corresponds to the vertical number of the word.

I propose to solve other interesting crossword puzzles in English with your children:

Maria Apanasenko

Questions for the crossword "Animals"



Crossword clues


1. Cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is. (fox - fox)

2. What kind of taiga animal is this

Midnight loves darkness

And, like everything in the world of cats,

Hates vicious dogs? (tiger - tiger)

3. The reeds rustled around -

The baby jumped into the water.

Not a goose, not a chicken.

"Quack-quack-quack!" - screams. (duckling - duck)

4. Instead of a ponytail - a hook,

Instead of a nose - a patch.

Piglet full of holes,

And the hook is swivel.

piglet - pig)

5. In the middle of the yard

Worth a mop:

Front - pitchfork,

Behind - a broom.

(Cow - cow)

6. Sparrows, swifts, penguins,

bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits:

In a word, it is. ?

(bird - bird)

7. Came from hot countries,

There she lived among the vines

And, hanging on them by the tail,

I ate a banana. (monkey - monkey)

8. Enjoy quickly!

Before you is the king of beasts,

A miracle mane stirred,

Silky and beautiful. (Lion - lion)

9. In the summer he walks without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

Hides the nose from the cold.

(Bear - bear)

10. Run uphill, somersault down the mountain.

(Hare - hare)

11. A log floats along the river.

Oh, and it's wicked!

For those who fell into the river

The nose will bite off. (crocodile - crocodile)

12. Soft paws,

And in the paws - tsap-scratches.

(Cat - cat)

13. Who walks in the world

In a stone shirt?

In a stone shirt

They go. (turtles - turtle)

14. He walks with his head up,

Not because an important count,

Not because of a proud disposition,

And because he. (giraffe - giraffe)

15. She cackles in the morning

Carrying an egg as a gift to us.

(Chicken - hen)


1. In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it.

Green frog. Who is it?

Answer (Frog - frog)

3. Sir, but not a wolf,

Long-eared, but not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse.

(Donkey - donkey)

4. Not in the forest sings on a branch,

And the words are screaming from the cage.

You get to know him soon.

This bird is. (parrot - parrot)

5. He rises with the sun,

Wakes everyone up with a cheerful song.

At the top is a scallop.

Who is this? (Cockerel - cock)

6. This beast has a huge growth,

Behind the beast - a small tail,

In front of the beast - a large tail.

Who is this? Who is this? Who it?

(Elephant - elephant)

7. Rustling, rustling grass,

The whip is crawling alive.

Here he stood up and hissed:

Come, who is very brave.

(snake - snake)

8. Lives in a mink,

Gnawing on crusts.

Short legs.

Afraid of cats.

(mouse - mouse)

9. Befriends the owner

The house guards

Lives under the porch

Ring tail.

(Dog - dog)

10. Not sheep, not cows.

On their feet they have horseshoes.

They can run without looking back.

This is frisky. (horses - horse)

11. A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly, loves carrots.

(Rabbit - rabbit)

12. And this relative of the mouse -

And thicker, and smarter, and taller.

(Rat - rat)

13. We live in water,

We'll be lost without water.

(Fish - fish)

Answers to the crossword "Animals"


1 - fox, 2 - tiger, 3 - duck, 4 - pig, 5 - cow, 6 - bird, 7 - monkey, 8 - lion, 9 - bear, 10 - hare, 11 - crocodile, 12 - cat, 13 - turtle, 14 - giraffe, 15 - hen.


1 - frog, 3 - donkey, 4 - parrot, 5 - cock, 6 - elephant, 7 - snake, 8 - mouse, 9 - dog, 10 - horse, 11 - rabbit, 12 - rat, 13 - fish.

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