How not to catch a cold in cold weather: useful tips. What is a cold and how to avoid it What to do not get sick with a cold

So, in the "cold" season, you need to pay attention to immunity. Stick to simple rules.

1. Be sure to sleep well

Those who sleep less than 7 hours a day get a cold almost 3 times more often. It does not work on weekdays - wallow in bed on weekends. After a busy day at work, try to get adequate rest. But just do not try to improve disturbed sleep with the help of sleeping pills. These pills are the enemies of the immune system. To help him and sleep - the right regimen of the day, evening walks, a good orthopedic pillow.

2. Don't go on a fasting diet

In winter, the body makes reserves to protect itself from the cold. If you deprive him of the necessary fat deposits, immunity suffers first of all. Fat-free diets are especially harmful, since the walls of lymphocytes and macrophages - our protective cells - are composed of lipids, that is, fats.

Including from cholesterol, which many supporters are so afraid of healthy lifestyle life.

Remember: in the winter diet should be enough protein, both vegetable and animal origin. After all, immunoglobulins that ensure the body's resistance to diseases are proteins, the synthesis of which requires the entire set of essential amino acids. If you are going to lose weight, then do it from mid-March.

3. But don't overdo the calories either.

Excess fat suppresses the immune system. A large amount of protein overloads the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Excess sugar is a direct path to obesity, which is an even greater enemy of immunity than excessive thinness.

4. Drive away bad emotions

The likelihood of catching a cold and flu increases many times if you are stressed or in a depressed mood. And also a cold is evidence that a person has overloaded himself beyond measure, so everything unnecessary is pouring over the edge, from his nose.

Hint: step back, take a break, take a time out for a day or two.

5. Be active, but know when to stop

Experts have noticed that in athletes during a period of high-intensity loads, some immunoglobulins simply disappear - the body gives all its strength to get closer to the record, it no longer has time to protect itself from infections.

Hence the frequent colds of the champions. Many fitness enthusiasts work out so hard that they also fall into the risk group.

Remember: heavy exercise during the cold season reduces immunity. Limit the number of approaches to the simulators, in February it is better to go to yoga, Pilates, stretching, sports dancing.

And have sex more often. High libido increases the amount of antibodies in the blood.

6. Get hardened

A cool shower, contrast dousing of the legs is a stress for our skin, from which the body defends itself with a spasm and the release of a large number of antibodies. True, many doctors warn: too cold temperatures (bathing in an ice hole, dousing with ice water) should not be abused.

7. Wash your hands often with soap

And if not possible, periodically wipe them with disinfectant wipes. Up to 90% of all cases of infection with all colds occur through the hands: when we shake hands, open office doors, hold on to the rails in the subway.

A person who does not part with a handkerchief, touching his nose, “stains” his hands with particles of the virus, and then leaves it on objects. The virus can wait for its next “victim” on the doorknob or on the handset for several hours.

It has been noticed: the one who wipes his hands with antibacterial gel 5 times during the working day, coughs less and suffers less from the flu.



06.02.15 12:50

From early autumn to late spring, all means mass media actively offer drugs to combat viral and colds. Against the backdrop of a general weakening of immunity, such drugs look very relevant. But, as practice shows, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. There are many ways to prevent discomfort. But it is not enough to know how not to catch a cold, you must also adhere to preventive measures.

  • Strengthening immunity through hardening. Many are interested, but how not to catch a cold, dousing with cold water? Everything is very simple - you need to accustom the body not in the fall, you need to start in the summer. The first procedures should be carried out using warm water. With each dousing, the temperature is lowered by 1-2 degrees. Such stimulation activates the body's defenses. No less effective morning contrast shower.
  • From October to March, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes. This will allow you to painlessly survive the annual flu epidemic, in extreme cases, reduce the severity of symptoms. An additional plus of action is the prevention of manifestations of seasonal beriberi.
  • Our ancestors centuries ago knew perfectly well how not to catch a cold and how to strengthen the body's defenses. There is a unique remedy that stimulates the immune system, it is easy to prepare at home. It is necessary to take equal proportions of walnut kernels, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, lemon, chop all this in a blender, mix and pour honey. The product is stored in the refrigerator. One tablespoon of the remedy a day and colds will pass by.

  • Mountain and sea air have a miraculous effect on the body, so it is recommended to spend summer holidays by the sea or in the mountains if possible.
  • With the onset of cold weather, onion and garlic should be added to the diet. These components are especially useful fresh. No one forces you to fill up on fragrant foods right in the morning, but if you eat a little before bed, you can not worry about immunity.
  • Maintaining stable humidity and a comfortable temperature in the room will not only reduce the risk of a cold, but will also have a positive effect on overall well-being.
  • Things need to be selected according to the season, it is very important to monitor thermoregulation. Many mistakenly believe that it is necessary to dress as warmly as possible, it is impossible to take off your hat and unfasten your clothes in the subway or in a store. And how not to catch a cold, if such an approach leads to constant overheating, and then a sharp hypothermia of the body.

  • You can't skip breakfast. Neglect of this important meal weakens the body no worse than sudden changes in temperature.
  • Studies by modern scientists have shown that if you wash your hands every 2-3 hours during a flu epidemic, this will reduce the risk of developing colds by 40%.
  • Good rest and healthy sleep for at least 7 hours a day adjusts the immune system in the right way.

Mental attitude also plays an important role. If you devote time to your favorite hobby, spend time with children or pets, be able to relax in the company of friends, you may not notice how summer has come, and a cold has never come.

Here is autumn. Children have gone to school, vacationers have gone to work, and flu-like illnesses have gone to anyone with a weak immune system. On TV, they actively broadcast advertisements for remedies that eliminate the first manifestations of a cold. And then, willy-nilly, you begin to think: what can be done so as not to get sick and not catch a cold at all?

After delving into "grandmother's" and modern recipes, systematizing everything we found, we compiled list of actionable tips: what to do to avoid colds:

  • hardening. Experts say that it is necessary to accustom the body to hardening since the summer. And you need to start with dousing with warm water. Gradually reduce the water temperature by 1-2 degrees, moving on to cold douches. This method stimulates the body's defenses, forcing them to work more actively. People involved in pouring note a decrease in the number of colds and an improvement in overall well-being. You can take a contrast shower as a hardening in the morning. It's great to invigorate before going to work;
  • Taking a multivitamin. In November and February, it will be useful to take a combined multivitamin. As a rule, one tablet (dragette, capsule) contains the necessary daily requirement of vitamins and microelements. Taking multivitamin preparations in November will help you painlessly survive the traditional winter flu epidemic, and in February - spring beriberi, which has a very bad effect on immunity. You will note that illnesses and colds have passed you by;
  • For those who do not like to take synthetic multivitamins, we offer an excellent immune-boosting, folk remedy to help prevent colds.

    To prepare it, we need:

    1. Walnuts (peeled) - 200 gr;
    2. Raisins - 200 gr;
    3. Dried apricots - 200 gr;
    4. Prunes - 200 gr;
    5. Two medium lemons;

    All ingredients must be ground with a meat grinder, mix thoroughly and pour everything with honey. It will turn out a mass, with a volume slightly less than a two-liter jar. We lay out in a glass container and place in the refrigerator. To consume: adults 1-2 tablespoons per day, children - one dessert spoon. And colds will not affect you.

  • Anyone who prefers vacation at the seaside in summer notice a positive effect: healing power sea ​​water it strengthens the immune system so much that if it happens to get ARVI or the flu, then recovery occurs very quickly, and the disease itself does not have time to “knock down” a person. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, be sure to go to the sea in the summer;
  • In the cold season more often eat onions and garlic. Of course, it is very difficult for a working person to put such advice into practice, because all customers can run away from the smell of garlic, and you won’t explain to everyone that you are insured against the flu. But, you can eat a little garlic before going to bed, and eat plenty of it on the weekends (unless, of course, you were not invited to visit anywhere). This method will help you not to get sick with colds against the background of a traditional winter epidemic;
  • It also boosts the immune system tea with lemon and ginger. It's all about the high content of vitamin "C", which, accumulating in the body, helps it fight colds.
  • Maintain optimal room temperature where you are, it should be within + 18˚С + 22˚С, with humidity - 50-70%. Ventilate your house or apartment more often. You will notice an improvement in general well-being and a decrease in the incidence of colds;
  • Dress for the season. Excessively warm clothes will lead to heavy sweating, and when you go out into the cold, you will immediately catch a cold, but you should not dress very lightly either - hypothermia of the body will lead to susceptibility to disease.

By following the above rules, you can protect yourself from colds and perceive the winter period exclusively as a time of fun and holidays. Strengthen your immune system and stay healthy!

Do you love autumn? Me not. One reason is the common cold. In autumn, like most people, I start to get sick. Each of us can remember how it chills, “breaks” the whole body, flows from the nose, sore throat with a cold. A person simply “drops out” of life for a week. Life is “boiling” around you, and you lie in bed under the covers and feel sorry for yourself! No, I don't like autumn!

On average, we catch a cold 4 times a year. If the cold is not eliminated in time, then it will turn into more serious diseases. After reading this article, you will learn how not to get a cold.

So, 15 ways to increase the body's resistance and not catch a cold.

1. Take vitamins

Take vitamins to prevent illness. They fight viruses, and a person has a chance not to get sick.

Immune cells are stimulated by vitamin D. Pathogens can be destroyed by the body only with good immunity.
A direct source of vitamin D is fish fat. His daily rate for an adult - 2 g.

2. Dress warmly

Having frozen on the street, having come home, you urgently need to warm your body: rub your feet with alcohol, put on warm socks, take a hot shower, drink tea with lemon and go to bed. Sleep cures colds.
You need to dress for the weather! Do not sacrifice health for the sake of beauty. In order not to get sick in the cold season, you need to dress as warmly as possible so that the cold does not create discomfort. The hat should not be ignored, you only need to wear warm sweaters, pants, jackets. Choose shoes that don't get wet. After all, if one part of the body freezes, everything starts to freeze.
It is very important to go for a walk more often in order to strengthen the body and increase resistance to respiratory infections.

Remember: it is almost impossible to get a cold in the open air. Therefore, in transport, stay close to the doors.

3. Wash your hands regularly

Follow hand hygiene. Infections spread in shops, buses and other public places. Microbes, although not killed, will be washed off with water.

4. Take a contrast shower.

It must be remembered that water procedures should cause positive emotions.

5. Flush your nose!

If you have a runny nose, then rinse or irrigate the mucous membrane.

An excellent tool for washing the nose is "Dolphin". There is in any pharmacy. I advise!

Got a runny nose?

Remember the two most common mistakes in his treatment:

  1. You can't warm up your nose! This further enhances the swelling of its mucosa and, as a result, congestion.
  2. Oil drops (such as "Pinosol") should not be instilled. They reduce the access of oxygen, thereby contributing to the rapid growth of pathogenic microbes.

6. Eat honey

Don't forget the power of honey. Taking it daily with cinnamon protects against germs and viruses. It is worth noting that honey should be fresh and not pasteurized, because only in such honey beneficial enzymes are preserved.

7. Acupuncture massage

Make it a rule in the morning and in the evening to press the earlobes, the bridge of the nose, above the eyebrows with the pads of your fingers. Do a nose massage.

8. Morning exercises

No matter how trite, but do not forget about morning exercises! You need to do gymnastics! When performing some exercises, the energy ducts are cleared, so the disease does not overtake.

9. Drink water!

You need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Water is needed to activate the work of internal organs, it promotes digestion and restores the moisture of the mucous membranes.

10. Traditional medicine

To boost immunity, a medicine that can be made at home is well suited. It includes raisins, prunes, dried apricots, lemon and walnuts, grind all these products in a meat grinder. Take 1 teaspoon before meals.

With a strong cough and sore throat, there is a miraculous recipe: heat milk to make it hot, add 1 beaten egg, a little butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac, a little bit of soda. Mix everything well and drink. The mixture must be hot. Take before bed. Under the covers and sleep!

11. Aromatherapy

Plants such as fir, lavender, pine, eucalyptus disinfect the body well. They are taken as inhalations. They also disinfect the air in the apartment. A good prevention is a bath with infusion of eucalyptus.

Don't forget the garlic! The active ingredient is allicin. Breathe in its phytoncides by hanging a clove of garlic around your neck!
Spread the garlic throughout the apartment. Change it as it dries.

12. Be happy!

It is necessary to observe the correct daily routine, go to bed on time and wake up on time.

To activate your immune system, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Learn to live in harmony with nature, have a positive mindset, eat right, and also live in a healthy way. loving family. The hormone of happiness - endorphin - helps to strengthen immune system, it stands out when a person loves and is in love.

13. Alternative medicine

It involves treatment with natural natural substances that are harmless. It includes the most various ways cold prevention, such as treatment with kerosene, honey, breath, medicinal plants, climatotherapy, manual therapy, homeopathy, mud therapy.

What do you know about Dibazol tablets? Yes, our grandmothers used them to reduce blood pressure. But it turns out that Dibazol protects against colds even better than ascorbic acid! It is enough to take one tablet of 0.02 g in the morning for 10 days. Do not worry: the pressure below the norm will not decrease!

14. Eat lemons!

Eat a slice of lemon every day. Salads are better dressed lemon juice. Here, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays a role, which increases the production of its own interferon.
Nobel Laureate D. Pauling suggested taking 1 g of ascorbic acid per day during the SARS epidemic! But I do not recommend following his recommendations. The optimal dose is 0.5 g per day.

15. Oxolinic ointment

This ointment is in everyone's medicine cabinet. Don't want to get sick? During colds, lubricate the nasal mucosa daily with this ointment in the morning before leaving the house.

To avoid catching a cold, communicate with people at a distance of at least 70 cm

Unfortunately, there is no 100% cure for catching a cold. But it is within the power of any person to undertake a number of not harmful and very effective measures to help prevent colds.

Dear readers of my blog, check out these simple ways don't get sick on yourself. I will definitely do it! And then maybe I'll love autumn...

With the advent of cold, windy and rainy autumn days, we are increasingly faced with the question: how to stay healthy?

It is known that the main "culprits" of colds are bacteria and. However, these "guests" quite often peacefully exist on the mucous membranes of the throat and nose of a person, without causing any inconvenience. Bacteria begin to multiply and cause malaise when the immune system weakens. And this most often happens in the fall.

The reasons are simple - lack of vitamins and sunlight. So, urgently we take measures not to get sick!

Garlic and onions - from seven ailments

Another way to use citrus fruits to protect against viruses is lemon baths.

In order to arrange a pleasant relaxing and tonic bath, cut 5-6 lemons, pour boiling water over them, and strain after 30 minutes. Add the resulting liquid to a bath of moderately hot water and lie down in it for 15-20 minutes.

Protecting the nasal mucosa

Before leaving the house in slushy and dank weather, be sure to lubricate the nasal mucosa with Vitaon ointment or another remedy. This will protect against infection in crowded places of a large number of people, including in public transport. Try to stay away from people who are sneezing and coughing.

"Ambulance" for the throat

If it starts to tickle in the throat - urgently rinse it with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage. Can be used alcohol tincture these herbs diluted in water. Essential oils, found in these herbs in high concentration, will effectively prevent the further spread of bacteria.

Before your throat starts to hurt, gargle it every night with salt water: ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. This solution will quickly destroy the microbes that have settled on the mucous membrane of the throat.

Cleanliness is the key to health!

Do not be lazy to wash your hands often, teach children to do this. Even if you just held onto a handrail in public transport or accepted change from a cashier at a supermarket, you have already become a carrier of millions of bacteria, among which there are probably pathogens. There is only one way to get rid of them: thoroughly washing your hands with soap and wiping dry with a clean towel. Ideally, during the cold season, you should wash your hands every 2 to 3 hours. According to doctors, this reduces the likelihood of getting sick by almost half.

If you are still sick...

The disease must be treated at the very beginning, as soon as you feel the first signs of malaise. This is much more effective than trying to get rid of an old one. So, we catch a cold at the initial stage.

A sore throat will pass in a couple of days if you gargle every hour with an infusion of sage or chamomile.

You can quickly get rid of a cough by drinking a glass of warm water at night with the addition of the juice of 1/4 lemon and 1 tablespoon of quality honey.

As soon as you start sneezing and feel that you have a runny nose, take an inhalation immediately.

It is necessary to pour a couple of tablespoons of dried eucalyptus or mint leaves with boiling water, and then breathe over the steam for at least 5 minutes. By repeating the procedure several times with an interval of an hour, you are guaranteed to get rid of the emerging runny nose.

Finally, do not forget to ventilate the room in time, avoid drafts and take ordinary ascorbic acid. And remember: it is much easier to prevent a cold than to cure it!

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