Step by step drawing geese swans. Illustration for the Russian folk tale "Geese - swans

This thematic set is designed for classes with children 2.5-5 years old.

1. It is better to start the lesson with a riddle. Let the child try to guess what fairy tale the riddle is about:

Birds serve grandmother Yozhka -
They are circling over the village.
Looking for little guys
They want to drag them into the forest.
(Swan geese)

2. Dramatization of a fairy tale using a paper table theater. We encourage the child to take an active part in the performance.

3. We offer to play a fairy tale.

Who took Vanechka away? Who do they serve?

Let's help Mashenka rescue her brother?

We use the wire to catch up with the swan geese.

4. The stove - she asks Masha and me to help - circle all the pies with the number 3 (or 1, or 4). You can choose any that we want to fix with the child. With older children, you can circle all the pies that add up to 7 or 5. The stove thanks us.

5. Apple tree - we help the apple tree to decompose the apples. I used apples from the Fix Price store, but you can just take pompoms or pebbles, or make them out of dough.

6. River - we help Masha to cross it, we build for this a bridge from counting sticks or plasticine sausages.

7. Already the swan geese are visible in the distance - we suggest counting them. We attach a clothespin to the number that indicates the number of birds in the picture.

8. We remember how fast we ran and perform one more posting.

9. Setting the shadow nadi. We find the shadow of objects, and then circle the hut of Baba Yaga.

10. Mashenka ran into the hut, and there Ivanushka was sitting playing with bulk apples. Let's do the sudoku puzzle with apples.

11. The mouse agrees to help Masha save her brother. We are looking for differences in the pictures.

12. In gratitude, we make a beautiful striped rug for the mouse - we draw straight vertical lines with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

13. We run back with Ivanushka, but Baba Yaga noticed and sent swan geese after us! We cross the bridge to the other side. We make a bridge from pebbles or beans.

14. Apple tree - it's hard for an apple tree to stand, a lot of apples have grown. We help her strengthen the trunk - spread it with counting sticks.

15. Apple tree - and help to collect apples - circle only red apples.

16. Stove - we ask the stove to hide Masha and Ivanushka, because the swan geese are already close, they will catch up with him. We select a suitable damper.

17. Geese-swans see Masha, but they cannot recognize her, and fly back. And we are trying to find 2 identical Mashenkas.

18. Mashenka and Ivanushka came running, then both mother and father returned and brought gifts. We circle all the hotels. Gifts are sweet gifts.

19. Mother and father and scarves with balloons were brought as a gift. We draw a fringe for scarves, and strings for balls.

20. And Mashenka was also presented with a handkerchief. In a checkerboard pattern, paint over or glue the squares.

21. We remember the plot of a fairy tale and play loto. 2 options - shadow loto and search for a fragment of the whole picture.

22. Creativity based on the fairy tale "Geese-swans".

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Swan geese

There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter, - said the mother, - we will go to work, take care of your brother. Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to: she put her brother on the grass under the window, she ran out into the street, played, went on a spree. Geese flew in - swans, picked up the boy, carried away on wings.

The girl returned, looking - there is no brother! Gasped, rushed there - here - no!

She called him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother, but her brother did not respond.

She ran out into an open field and only saw: geese - swans darted in the distance and disappeared behind a dark forest. Then she guessed that they had taken her brother away: about geese - swans had long been a bad name - that they were fooling around, they carried away small children.

The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran, she ran, she saw - there was a stove.

Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese - the swans fly?

The stove replies:

Eat my rye pie - I'll tell you.

I will eat rye pie! My father doesn’t even eat wheat…

Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the geese - swans fly?

Eat my forest apple - I'll tell you.

At my father’s, garden ones are not eaten either ... The apple tree did not tell her. The girl ran on. A milky river flows in the jelly banks.

Milk river, jelly banks, where did the geese - swans fly?

Eat my simple jelly with milk - I'll tell you.

My father doesn’t even eat cream ... For a long time she ran through the fields, through the forests. The day is drawing to a close, there is nothing to do - you have to go home.

Suddenly he sees - there is a hut on a chicken leg, about one window, it turns around itself.

In the hut, an old woman - a yaga spins a tow. And a brother sits on a bench, plays with silver apples. The girl entered the hut:

Hello grandma!

Hello girl! Why did it show up?

I walked through the mosses, through the swamps, soaked my dress, came to warm up.

Sit down while spinning the tow. Baba Yaga gave her a spindle, and she left.

The girl is spinning - suddenly a mouse runs out from under the stove and says to her:

Girl, girl, give me porridge, I'll tell you kindly.

The girl gave her porridge, the mouse said to her:

Baba Yaga went to heat the bathhouse. She will wash you, evaporate you, put you in the oven, fry and eat you, she will ride on your bones.

The girl sits neither alive nor dead, crying, and the mouse again to her:

Don't wait, take your brother, run, and I'll spin the tow for you.

The girl took her brother and ran. And Baba Yaga will come up to the window and ask:

Girl, are you spinning?

The mouse answers her:

I'm spinning, grandmother ... Baba - Yaga heated the bath and went after the girl. And there is no one in the hut. Baba Yaga shouted:

Swan geese! Fly in pursuit! Brother's sister took away! ..

My sister and brother ran to the milky river. He sees - flying geese - swans.

River, mother, hide me!

Eat my simple kiselka.

The girl ate and said thank you. The river hid her under the jelly bank.

Geese - swans did not see, they flew past. The girl and her brother ran again. And the geese - swans came back to meet, now - they will see. What to do? Trouble! An apple tree stands...

Apple tree, mother, hide me!

Eat my forest apple. The girl quickly ate and said thank you. The apple tree covered it with branches, covered it with sheets.

Geese - swans did not see, they flew past. The girl ran again. Runs, runs, it's not far away. Then the geese - the swans saw her, cackled - swoop in, beat their wings, look at that brother, they will tear it out of their hands. The girl ran to the stove.

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