Electric smokehouses - what is it and what types are there?

An electric smokehouse simplifies the smoking process. You do not need to salt meat products many days before starting cooking, and when smoking, constantly check and adjust the temperature. In this device you can prepare homemade smoked fish, meat, sausage or vegetables directly in the apartment or on the balcony.

Home appliances are designed for a load of 2-3 kg (although manufacturers write up to 5 kg), restaurant appliances and for private mini-workshops - up to 10-15 kg. There are also industrial electric smokehouses for business. These are the size of a room, designed for 500 kg of product.

What types of electric smokers are there? What is the difference between models for hot and cold smoking? How to make a device with your own hands or which manufacturer to choose when buying a ready-made smokehouse? Which features are important to make work easier, and which are just a marketing ploy? Read the detailed review below.

Electric hot smoker

The hot method involves rapid high-temperature processing of the product. This type of smoking allows you to retain moisture in the finished product, so that the dish turns out to be quite juicy and fatty. However, without the use of stabilizers and preservatives, the product can only be stored for a few days.

The process takes several hours and occurs at a temperature of 35 to 150 degrees (usually 90 is chosen) depending on the dish. The time depends on the amount of initial product and the power of the electric smokehouse. The most productive types in the home segment (3-5 kg) have a power of 500-600 W. Processing time – from 2 minutes with a minimum load of vegetables to 30 minutes with a maximum load.

Some models are combined, that is, they allow you to smoke products using hot and cold methods. But more often the manufacturer focuses on one thing. Devices for hot processing are always mobile and compact. They only require an electrical connection. Some can be powered by a car battery. There are even variations with removable power units that you can take on a picnic to cook over a campfire.

Cold smoked electric smokehouse

The cold method allows you to extend the shelf life of the finished dish to several months. During low-temperature processing from 20-25 (for meat) to 40 degrees (for large fish), uniform fumigation of the original product occurs within several hours. Before starting work, be sure to salt the raw materials.

Diagram of a cold smoked electric smokehouse

Technically, this method is more complicated. The unit must be connected to a hood. Cold smoked models are usually less mobile. But in them, manufacturers often offer additional functions that will make the dish tastier and reduce energy consumption. For example, a liquid smoke generator.

How to do it yourself?

Of course, it is difficult to make a full-fledged modern electric smokehouse with a timer, water seal and smoke generator on your own. But simple models can be assembled from scrap materials. It is easier to achieve hot smoking.

The electric smokehouse contains 2 functional parts – the body and the heating element. The heater is powered from the mains and heats the container with sawdust to smoldering temperature. The meat is cooked under the influence of heat and smoke.

To assemble a powerful smokehouse you will need:

  • metal barrel 200 liters with a lid;
  • electric stove and cable;
  • 4 wheels;
  • container for wood chips;
  • metal grill;
  • container for collecting drained fat;
  • thermometer and thermostat.

Homemade electric smokehouse from a barrel and an electric stove

  1. First, clean the barrel and attach wheels to it.
  2. Make 6-7 holes at the bottom.
  3. Separate the heater from the tile body and attach it with screws to the bottom of the barrel. Connect to thermostat.
  4. Attach a container with sawdust 7-8 cm higher.
  5. Place a meat rack closer to the top of the barrel, and under it a container to collect the drained fat.
  6. Close the barrel with a lid with a small hole to allow smoke to escape. You can attach a chimney to it and bring it closer to the hood.
  7. Attach a thermometer to the outside to monitor the temperature during the smoking process.

Electric digital smoker

Homemade electric smokers and non-electric devices need to be constantly monitored. Digital units can be safely left for several hours by first setting the cooking mode, time and temperature. The microelectronics itself will monitor and adjust all parameters, and after time has elapsed it will automatically turn off. Full automation of the process! All you have to do is add new sawdust briquettes.

Appearance of a small digital electric smokehouse

Most models allow you to turn on the smoke generator separately and the smoking chamber separately. Some require precise setting of temperature and time, others (more expensive) offer to select the mode: “meat”, “fish”, “vegetables” and others, and set the parameters yourself.

Additional functions

The presence of additional functions does not greatly affect the final result, but it greatly simplifies the smoking process, especially if you use an electric smoker in the kitchen and not in a separate ventilated room.

First of all, these are such variations as the presence of a built-in or removable smoke generator, a water seal, a smokehouse unit for heating from an electric or gas stove, and a special device designed for use in an apartment, which produces a minimum of smoke and odors. Additional functions also include a selection of modes, a digital thermometer and a timer, although now they are present by default in most models.

Modern electric smokehouse for cold and hot smoking with adjustable power, temperature and heating time

Smokehouse for electric stove

The stove model is a compact solution for smoking without external intervention. The heater in it is an electric or gas stove, and the chimney is a kitchen hood. The devices are often equipped with a water seal. Then the hose through which the smoke flows will need to be led out into a ventilation hole (for example, out a window).

The sealed case is made of durable stainless steel; the wall thickness depends on the model and overall dimensions. The device is equipped with grates, a lid, and trays for collecting fat.

To get started, you need to place the housing on the stove, pour water into the water seal, and add wood chips and food. Then adjust the power of the stove so that the wood chips smolder but do not burn. Do not turn off the electric stove until the work is completed.

With smoke generator

Diagram of a smoke generator with an upper ejector
The smoke generator is designed for cold fumigation mode. Its main elements are an ejector, a combustion chamber and an air pump. The smoke generator for an electric smokehouse is usually made removable and is often sold separately. The device allows you to turn a hot smoking chamber into a cold fumigation device.

There are models with upper and lower ejector. The first one is more functional. The second is well suited for small smoking chambers, but does not have natural draft, so it requires constant pump operation, and the wood chips in the smoke generator often go out.

With water seal

A water seal, or water lock, is needed for the safe operation of the smokehouse in a confined space: in a house, apartment, garage... It traps odors and smoke and prevents them from entering the living space. The smoke is exhausted exclusively through the fitting in the lid, to which the chimney pipe is connected. Its tip should be brought out into the hood, ventilation hole, or simply into a slightly open window. Of course, water lock devices can also be used in open spaces.

Diagram of a homemade device with a water seal

Smokehouse for apartment

A smokehouse for an apartment differs from models for restaurants or small private workshops only in size. Most modern units have all the additional functions: timer, temperature selection, water seal, sometimes even a smoke generator. But chambers for apartments are usually designed for a small load - up to 3 kg of meat or fish.

Cheaper options are also popular when the smokehouse is not equipped with a heating element. Such models are heated from an electric or gas stove and are used only for hot smoking.

Factory-made home electric smokehouses and their prices

Prices for electric smokehouses vary significantly. A small sealed box without a heater and timer costs from 500 rubles. A simple domestic device for hot smoking - approximately 1.5 thousand. Combined units are slightly better in quality - about 3 thousand. Equipped with a water seal - from 4000 and above.

You can’t put a smoking cabinet like this in an apartment.
The price greatly depends on the manufacturer and design solution, while the performance of the device may be the same. Finnish models usually cost 2.5 times more than Russian ones.

Electric smokehouse (aka greentechs)

“Dymok”, or “greentechs” is the simplest model at a low price. Structurally, it’s just a sealed box with 2 grilles and a heating element, there’s not even a thermometer. The manufacturer warns that the device is only suitable for cooking fish, wings or lard. He does not recommend smoking for longer than 40 minutes. The weight of the initial products is up to 5 kg.

Electric smokehouse "Dymok"

The main disadvantage of the unit is its completely uncontrolled heating. One of the advantages is the minimum price (from 1800 rubles and above).

Electric smokehouse "Elektromash"

The two-level ElektroMash smokehouse with an enamel coating is also designed for short-term use. Up to 5 kg of food can be placed in the chamber, and 2 levels of grates allow you to cook different dishes at the same time. The heating element is protected from drops of fat. However, the unit is still not suitable for cooking meat; you can only smoke fish, cheese or vegetables.

Electric smokehouse helia

Home electric smokehouse of a high price category “Helia smoker”

The Helia model is much more expensive and more functional than the previous ones. The double-walled chamber reduces heat loss and, as a result, energy consumption. The device is suitable for preparing various meat and fish dishes. You can put frozen food in it. The internal elements (deep and shallow trays, 2 trout racks and 2 flat racks) are made of stainless steel.

The temperature is set automatically, the smokehouse turns off using a timer. The chamber can simultaneously cook up to 14 kg of roast, or 8 chickens, or 48 small or 24 large trout. But the cost is also high.

Electric smokehouse "Eku"

Universal electric smokehouse with removable heater
The universal model “Eku” from TM Alvin is equipped with a removable power unit. It can be plugged in, heated from the stove, or even taken with you on a picnic. Additional functions include a power regulator and a power indicator. The electric smokehouse is designed for loading up to 20 liters. It contains 3 lattice trays and a cup for collecting fat. Perhaps this is a good option for a large family that loves various smoked meats: meat, vegetables, fish. The price of the unit is approximately 3 thousand rubles.

Electric smokehouse "Aromat"

The “Aroma” unit from the TEMP company cannot be called compact, but it is the only one on this list that can be used for hot and cold smoking without purchasing additional accessories. The device was first launched more than 20 years ago, and the design appears to have remained the same.

“Aroma” is an inexpensive universal smokehouse designed for semi-industrial loading. Suitable for use in the country, in a private home. It will take up too much space in the apartment due to its height and cylindrical shape.

Smoking in an electric smokehouse - features, advantages and disadvantages

Homemade products from an electric smokehouse
Fatty foods are best prepared using cold smoking. At the same time, they are fumigated with smoke and dry out, and excess fat flows down. Such dishes take a long time to prepare, but they can be stored for several months. For fish, wings and vegetables, the hot method is more suitable. The high temperature results in rapid crust formation and the product remains tender and juicy. But you can store the dish for no longer than a week.

An electric smokehouse allows you to prepare delicious smoked dishes quickly and safely. You have complete control over the process and are confident in the quality of the finished product. Today they are inexpensive, although general interest has led to a not always justified increase in price. The only drawback of electric smokers is their lack of versatility, but most compact models with a removable heater do not have it.

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