Smoking chamber: DIY assembly. Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse - drawings, dimensions and construction instructions Making a cold-smoked smokehouse with your own hands

- a necessary thing, especially if you have a piglet waiting for its time in your shed, or if there is a pond nearby filled with all kinds of fish...

And so as not to dream for a long time and not to swallow your mouth, let’s get acquainted with the technology of making a cold smokehouse with your own hands, and then HOW we take it, and HOW we build it - our own cold smokehouse! To place it you will need a small plot of land, about 2-3.5 meters in total! And then there’s a lot of pleasure!

All the neighbors will be jealous, and friends and acquaintances will line up - everyone loves to eat smoked meats! So, for the benefit of ourselves and our friends, let’s start a new life, with this very useful and necessary unit!

Cold smoked smokehouse diagram

But before you start building your own smokehouse, you need to know a few very important points:

  • In order for the taste and appearance of a smokeable product to be pleasant, it is important to ensure uniform smoking and heating. If you do not pay due attention to this important aspect, then all smoked products can be fractionated, and this can cause harm to the body and significantly spoil the taste of the finished product.
  • Obtaining a “light haze”, this means without carbon monoxide, which should precipitate before reaching the smoking chamber. It’s not for nothing that doctors scare us with pyrolysis gases! The smoke needs to be thoroughly diluted with oxygen, and in order for everything to work as it should, already during the construction of the smokehouse you must understand what you are doing and why.
  • It is necessary to ensure proper smoking of the product, which means that the smoke penetrating into the smokehouse should linger in it a little and saturate the drying product. After this, the smoke becomes lighter and, rising upward, leaves the smokehouse through the chimney, but when it is replaced by a new one, it again lingers and evenly saturates the entire stack with itself.

Features of cold smoking:

  • Smoking occurs at an operating temperature of 30 to 50 C.
  • Properly smoked products have excellent keeping quality (can be stored without refrigeration for more than a year), exquisite taste and incomparable aroma.
  • Cold smoked products are devoid of all harmful properties and effects on the human body! Only one benefit and all kinds of unique range of tastes!
  • Cold smoking requires thorough preparation “before” and “during” smoking, sometimes it takes up to 5 days of preparation for smoking and up to 3 days of the product being in the smokehouse itself.
  • The cold smoked smokehouse has a simple design and is easily “implemented” without requiring any special conditions or special materials. A plot of land from 2 to 3.5 m will be sufficient for it.

Making a cold smokehouse step by step

Let's start building the smokehouse:

The trench for the chimney should lie above the combustion chamber.

  1. The pit for the smoking chamber should be 2 - 3 shovels deep; the smoke entering it should linger a little, and then, once cleared, find its way up into the smoking chamber.
  2. Cement the firebox floor thoroughly.

  1. Lay the WALLS under the smoking chamber with bricks so that the resulting structure protrudes slightly above the ground.
  1. Feel free to bury the chimney pipe with soil and compact the soil tightly.
  2. Let's move on to creating a smoking chamber:

  • We stuff planks onto the base to create a very tight-fitting wooden sheet.

  • We install a small diameter pipe in the roof of the smokehouse, which will remove the exhaust gases outside.

By the way, for complete control, you can install a thermometer on the door, the indicator of which will be built inside the smoking chamber.

And then the inevitable:

We don’t swallow saliva - rather, we bring our “smoking” dream to life and enjoy life in the form of a well-smoked piece of ham, fish, balyk or something else! Whatever your soul desires!

Useful video: Cold smoking

How to use the smokehouse correctly:

Let's return once again to the cold-smoked smokehouse diagram:

As you can see, the circuit is quite simple! The principle of operation is that hot smoke, passing through a long pipe, cools to the desired temperature, condenses, and therefore all harmful components precipitate out of it. Next, purified and usable smoke enters the smoking chamber. All condensation and solid particles of smoke will settle and go into the ground, without causing harm to our dried products. And in order to prevent condensation from damaging the smoking chamber, it should be securely installed on bricks or wooden blocks of sufficient thickness.

One of the advantages of this scheme is the regulation of the flow of smoke into the chamber. The adjustment is carried out thanks to the slate lying near the combustion chamber. It is worth moving it a little and the excess smoke will escape through the resulting hole. Adjustment is carried out before loading products into the smoking chamber. As soon as we notice that a light fragrant smoke is coming out of the smokehouse chimney, and not black and stinking fumes, we can immediately push the slate sheet into place.

Detention of smoke in the smoking chamber is carried out by throwing wet burlap over the chamber - a barrel, which it is advisable to place on metal rods, since the burlap will become dirty, become heavy and can fall on the smoked products and spoil them.

Also, the burlap must be periodically moistened and not allowed to dry completely, so that the smoke does not rush out in a strong stream and spoil the taste and aroma of the product in the chamber.

The soil under the smokehouse should be allowed to dry thoroughly before each laying. If this is not done, then under the influence of condensation the earth will become even more limp and become completely impenetrable. And this risks the fact that condensation with solid, harmful, settled smoke particles will not be able to penetrate into the ground. All this will fall down the pipe and completely destroy the entire stash!

In order for the product coming out of the smokehouse to have special taste and aroma properties, you should make some efforts and use some “carefully kept” secrets:

  • It would be more correct to regulate the smoke circulation not with wet burlap, but with freshly cut branches of bushes or trees. Currants, cherries, hazels, and raspberries are ideal for this purpose, but strong-smelling ones such as lilac, pine, spruce, even birch and maple are definitely not suitable. The essential oils, tar, sweet juice or gum that these trees secrete will so saturate the bookmark that it will be impossible to eat!
  • The thickness of the layer of branches placed on the smoking chamber should be about 30 cm (if the whole process lasts 3 days). The readiness of the product is judged by the condition of the top leaves. Moreover, this sign helps not to interfere with the technological process by opening the door (to check the readiness of the product).
  • To give smoked meats a special flavor, the bottom of the chimney under the smokehouse is lined with freshly picked currant leaves, and if you want to smoke the meat of an old animal, then combine currants with horseradish leaves half and half. An amazing result awaits you, in the sense of a pleasant surprise!

Related video: Features of hot and cold smoking fish

There are times when you want to retire for a week or two somewhere in the lap of nature to forget about all the troubles and be with yourself. Sometimes you want to experience all the delights of life in a wild, uninhabited area, play Robinson...

This is all excellent and very necessary for the human psyche. However, we should not forget about bodily food, not only spiritual. And so that in such a place of your choice there are some useful “signs of civilization”, we bring to your attention a diagram of a camp smokehouse:

When you are again drawn to nature in splendid isolation, you will be able not only to have a good rest, but also to pleasantly please yourself and your loved ones (loved ones upon returning home) with delicious and aromatic dishes prepared in nature from freshly caught fish, game, and whatever no matter what! Once you bring back all sorts of goodies from such a trip, you can rest assured that you will be happy to go on vacation again and again! Just don’t forget to give gifts to your household members when returning from your hikes!

  1. The adit should be from 2.5 to 4 m long! You need to dig it in clay or loamy soil. The adit is not dug, but pierced with a shovel with a drill attached to it.

Hint: find a suitable place on a cliff where various birds, such as shore swallows, make their nests.

  1. The loading chamber can be made directly in the soil, raising it quite a bit above the surface with the help of dead trees, which will also act as hangers. Lay the top with freshly cut hazel branches, as described above in the secrets.
  2. Now let's talk about smoke generation in such a smokehouse. It is carried out using... leaves of freshly cut wild raspberries, currants, blackberries... But in no case should these be medicinal herbs such as celandine, St. John's wort, sage, birch! By the way, we also select the “right” firewood.

The ideal option is cherry, plum, pear, apple, apricot, dogwood.

Species such as cherry (trees that release gum when burning) should be thoroughly cleared of bark before being cut for firewood.

In the forest, of course, you rarely see fruit trees. Therefore, wood from linden, poplar, alder and aspen would be ideal for a camp smokehouse, and oak, walnut, beech, and elm would be suitable for imparting a tart taste. When smoking fish from heavily polluted waters, use wood from broom, willow and willow.

But coniferous trees are completely unsuitable for smoking! They are capable of poisoning the entire bookmark smoked using them!

By the way, trees infected with fungi are categorically inapplicable for smoking! There shouldn’t be such trees even nearby within a radius of 50 m from the smokehouse!

Smoking in a cold smokehouse with your own hands

Well, have you heard enough? Time to get down to business? Then let's find out how to properly prepare a bookmark for smoking.

  1. We prepare a saturated salt solution, which is popularly called brine. To prepare it, we need 38 g of salt per liter of water. If you don’t have a scale with you (ha-ha-ha, how strange!), then let’s take and prepare the brine, which is called “by eye” - pour salt into the water, stirring continuously until the salt stops dissolving in the water. This will be our supersaturated saline solution called brine!
  2. Let's start salting our bookmark. If you want to cook smelt or small fish, then salt for about 4 days; If a young domestic pig asks to come to your smokehouse, salt it for 3-4 days. And for game (bear meat, wild boar and beef), definitely – 5 days;
  3. The salting went well, now the action is the opposite - soaking! Soak everything salted from 1 hour to 24 hours! Again, it depends on the toughness of the meat. The pork ham should be soaked after salting for 12 hours, the average fish - 6 hours. In order not to overdo it with soaking, you should constantly monitor this process! As soon as the product being soaked on top becomes easy to press when pressed with a finger, stop soaking!
  4. Getting ready for drying! To do this, you need to thoroughly dry all our preparations with a waffle towel.
  5. Drying takes place in diffused light in a “cage” made specially for this purpose, always tightly wrapped in gauze! If even one fly gets into the cage, everything is lost! Cold smoking does not kill maggots, but on the contrary, creates optimal conditions for their development!
  6. All! The product is thoroughly prepared and ready for smoking! We hang everything on hangers, close it and... the Soul rushes to Heaven!

There is a smokehouse, there is a desire, all that remains is to find out what exactly can be properly smoked in order to please yourself and your loved ones with a new, exquisite, hitherto unknown taste and aroma!

  • Plums, cherries, bass-oldy melon (long and speckled), white filling apples;
  • Hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • New potatoes, lightly boiled:
  • Fish, meat, lard, game...

In general - use it, experiment, delight yourself, your friends and relatives with very tasty and healthy smoked dishes!

One has only to look at the image of smoked delicacies, and the desire to eat it all immediately appears, which is quite natural for a person. Has your appetite also increased? What to do now? The first reaction is to go to the supermarket and buy everything your heart desires (and your wallet allows). But, alas, store-bought products are only called smoked because they are processed with liquid smoke. Opinions differ about the benefits of such nutrition, but if you have a small plot of land, you can set up your own production. In this article we will tell you how a cold smoked smokehouse can be made with your own hands from various materials.

Working principle of a cold smokehouse

Since we are talking about cold smoking, it is important to realize that it is not the heat treatment of the product that is carried out, but its saturation with smoke, therefore smoking should take place at a temperature of 30–50˚C. It is necessary to ensure that the fumigation and heating are uniform - only in this case the smoked meats will turn out appetizing (meaning appearance) and tasty.

Many people have heard the expression “light smoke”, but did not understand what they were talking about, or thought that it meant light smoke, but in our case we are talking about smoke that does not contain carbon monoxide. It is quite possible to achieve this by making the chimney in such a way that this gas (along with other substances harmful to human health) precipitates before reaching the smoking chamber. After mixing with air and passing a long way through the pipeline, the output is smoke that is suitable in composition for proper smoking. Once in the smoking chamber, the smoke must linger in it for some time and nourish the food, otherwise it will be of little use.

Another important factor is proper preparation of products. If anyone thinks that it is enough to place meat or fish in the chamber, and then light the oven and wait a little, then we will hasten to disappoint you. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. We will need a saturated salt solution, popularly called brine. It’s not difficult to prepare: salt is poured into a container and stirred until it stops dissolving. Salt is about 38–40 g per 1 liter of water. We don't need the salt that remains at the bottom - you can use it at your discretion.
  2. Now let's start salting the food. Small fish will need to be kept in the solution for 3 days. Larger fish or young pork – up to 4 days. Tougher beef meat (as well as wild boar or bear meat) must be salted for 5 days.
  3. After the salting process, we begin to soak the meat. The duration of soaking can be up to 24 hours, but here again it is necessary to take into account the type and volume of the product being prepared for smoking. For example, it will take about 6 hours to soak a medium-sized fish, while a pork ham will take 2 times longer to soak. But this time is approximate, and in order not to soak the meat more than necessary, it needs to be checked. The method is very simple: press the soaked product with your finger, and as soon as it begins to be easily pressed into the pulp, the soaking process must be stopped immediately.
  4. Now the product needs to be dried. To do this, you need to let the water drain from the meat, and if you don’t have time to wait, you can wipe all the pieces with a waffle towel. It is better not to use paper towels for this purpose.
  5. Products should be placed in a ventilated cage (or box) and protected from flies by wrapping them in fine mesh gauze. It is important to remember that there will be no heat treatment of the product, and a smokehouse for maggots is like a steam room for a person - in general, this nasty thing is not destroyed during the processing process.
  6. It will take several days for the meat to dry out. Many people know very well what dried fish is (especially with beer), so it will not be difficult to determine when the product becomes suitable for further processing.
  7. Now all the workpieces are hung on hangers inside the smoking chamber. Products are ready for smoking.

What kind of firewood can you use?

Not all firewood can be used. Firewood from the following trees is best suited:

  • plum;
  • cherry (without bark);
  • pear;
  • Apple tree;
  • dogwood;
  • apricot.

If you need to give smoked meats a tart taste, then the following are suitable:

  • nut;

For smoking fish caught in heavily polluted waters, it is recommended to use the following wood:

  • willow;
  • broom;

If there is no firewood from fruit trees or if the smokehouse is made in camping conditions, the following trees can be used:

  • Linden;
  • poplar;
  • alder;
  • aspen.

Coniferous trees and those affected by fungus are unsuitable for smoking. In addition, since the pores of the fungus are easily carried by the wind, all trees located within a radius of 50 m around the infected tree automatically become unusable.

Stationary smokehouse

Very good news is the fact that no special costs are expected, and if the necessary materials are found in the household of a zealous owner, then all you need to do is make an effort.

The diagram shows the structure of a classic smokehouse, where:

  1. Smoke generator (furnace).
  2. Chimney channel.
  3. Smokehouse.

Now let's start manufacturing, using ready-made drawings or developing your own diagram according to our recommendations.

To build such a brick smokehouse, we will use a small plot of land with a length of 4 m. It is very good if it is possible to install the smokehouse on a small slope, since in this case it will be easier to install the chimney at the desired angle.

So, the site has been selected (in our case, on a slope), and now earthworks can begin. Let's start with the fact that to create a chimney you will need a pipe with a total length of about 3 m and Ø150-200 mm. If there is one, what is its length? If it’s 2.9 m, then it’s okay. It’s just that the distance between the pits needs to be made in such a way that the edge of the pipe does not reach the brickwork, but ends up inside it. Simply put, make the distance between the holes 25–30 centimeters less than the length of the existing pipe.

The stove should be at the bottom, so a pit is made under it in such a way that its width will be 50 cm, length 70 cm, and depth - a couple of spade bayonets.

On a higher part of the slope (it’s good if the difference in the location of the pipe is at least 50 cm), dig a 60x60 cm hole to make a foundation for the smokehouse. Depth – a couple of bayonets below the pipe location. (It may be less - it all depends on the type and density of the soil that was dug up, but there is no need to make a foundation on black soil).

By the way, we will still need clay, so it needs to be placed separately from the ground.

After digging the hole, we’ll check how the pipe fits and whether we made a mistake with its length. If everything is in order, then you can continue working.

Now let's fill the dug holes with concrete. Under the smokehouse - level with the pipe (or slightly lower). And for the firebox - 10 cm below the pipe level.

After the concrete has set, we will begin making the firebox. Having mixed a low-fat clay solution, we lay it on the foundation. On top, along the entire length of the firebox, we will lay refractory bricks, laying them flat on the clay mortar so that the base is under the pipe. This pillow will be the base of the firebox, so we will build the firebox on it, as shown in the photo.

Some people prefer to use cement-sand mortar for masonry, but this is not the best option, since with high heat the bond between the bricks will be broken.

Having laid out the walls, we will ensure good heat transfer from the pipe to the ground by sprinkling it with clay. By the way, if there is no suitable pipe, then the chimney can be made of red brick.

It’s good if you have a cast-iron door in advance, then the size of the firebox is adjusted to fit it. After installing the door, we will cover the oven. We had a slab of a suitable size, but if we don’t have one, we can lay reinforcement and make a cover from fire bricks.

Now let's start making a pipe-shaped base for the smokehouse. Its size is 50x50 cm, and we will do the masonry with simple red bricks on cement-sand mortar.

Such a structure should work out. The height of the base is made slightly above ground level.

Let's do a test fire - everything works great!

Now let's start making a smokehouse, the dimensions of which will be 60x60 cm.

To make the frame, we will use 4x4 cm bars. We will nail the first layer of boards onto the finished frame in a vertical position. We will install a metal chimney on the roof. In this case, the tree does not need protection from fire, since the smoke temperature is very low.

Since we planned that the products will be hung, we will need to attach boards with cut grooves for metal rods on the sides.

The second layer will be a lining made of coniferous wood; we nail it in a horizontal position. The same applies to the door. Such a device will help minimize smoke loss.

Also, in the previous photo you saw a pin sticking out of the door - this is part of the thermometer. Its dial is located outside, so you can control the smoking process.

The time has come to put everything together, for which you need to secure the smokehouse cabinet to the brick well. We remember that the base was made 50x50 cm, and the cabinet 60x60 cm. This was done specifically so that water would not get inside the base. To fasten it, we will use metal dowels, fastening it through the lower block to the brick base. There is an alternative option - attach metal corners to the base, and a cabinet to them. All existing cracks are covered with solution.

To complete the work, all that remains is to open the wood with a protective agent and cover the roof with corrugated sheets or metal tiles. All that remains is to carry out the tests.

Cases are different, so it is better to play it safe by placing a metal grate on the base - even if some product falls off the hook, it will not fall to the bottom, and its smoking will continue on this protective device.

We have already talked about what kind of wood can be used for smoking. Do not ignore the advice of people who have been preparing food this way for many years. We light the stove.

The smoke flows well, so you can close the door, remembering to control the temperature inside the smokehouse.

Don't forget to check the firebox and add firewood.

And now, the smoking process is completed - the products are ready for consumption.

The space around the smokehouse can be improved by making a path.

Video: simple smokehouse in the ground

Video: design for cold smoking

Smokehouse from a barrel

Of course, you can use any barrel for our design, instead of a wooden smoking chamber, but this would not simplify the design much. You can make a smokehouse from a barrel more compact, even portable, only in this case you will have to make a smoke generator.

Making a simple smoke generator working with a compressor

The described design will be assembled from what is on the farm, but if the necessary parts are not available, they can be purchased inexpensively.

To assemble the smoke generator, we used 4 pineapple cans and a piece of copper pipe. We also purchased 2 quarter-inch clamps with nuts and 4 metal clamps to fit the cans.

In the bottom jar we will make one hole for the drive.

The second hole of a smaller diameter will serve as an igniter.

The third hole is made to fit the small diameter copper tube opposite the first hole.

A little later we will look at how this design can be improved. If you choose the second option, then this hole (and the copper tube itself) will not be needed.

One of the bends will be inside the jar, reaching its edge.

Using a grinder, we cut out a groove 4 cm long and about 8 mm wide, as shown in the photo.

The copper tube should not fit tightly into the fitting.

And it shouldn't be short.

Having secured the first bracket, screw the second one to it and insert the tube.

To prevent the groove from becoming clogged with sawdust, we will install a metal shield made of thick metal on top (possibly from a pipe). This protection should be above the squeegee, so its fixation can be ensured by screwing support bolts to the can in the right places.

The generator itself will consist of three cans, and we will cut the fourth into strips, wrap them around the joints of the cans and secure them with clamps.

If such a need arises, the tube can always be extended, but we recommend using a coupling rather than a nut for the connection.

For our design we will use an aquarium compressor with adjustable air supply.

Now let's pour wood chips inside.

Turn on the compressor and set fire to the wood chips.

By adjusting the seating depth of the copper tube, we make adjustments to ensure that there is as much smoke as possible.

Now let's look at how this model can be improved, since this modification will help reduce the temperature of the smoke.

You can also make sure that the ash spills out of the generator and does not accumulate in it. In this design there will be no inner tube - the squeegee is screwed to the edge of the can, and to prevent sawdust from getting into it, we will make a petal from tin from the inside, making many small holes in it.

At the bottom of the jar we will screw a screw cap from a glass jar with two bolts, and then we will drill a lot of holes.

It will be enough to insert the jar, turning it slightly, and the sealed ash container is ready.

As we have already warned, in this design there will be no copper tube; air will be supplied through an external exhaust.

To do this, we use a purchased (or used) fitting to bleed air from the brake system (preferably from a domestic car, since it is cheap). To do this, you need to drill a hole in the drive, and, having selected a suitable tap, cut the thread. There is a side hole at the top of the valve; if it is small, it needs to be drilled out to Ø2 mm. After screwing it in, the hole should be directed towards the smokehouse.

This fitting is specially made so that a rubber tube can be pulled over it while bleeding the brakes, so there will be no problems connecting the hose from the compressor.

Now you can add wood chips and set it on fire.

Tests have shown that the system operates smoothly, producing the required amount of smoke.

Smoking process

And now, the generator is assembled, all that remains is to connect it to a barrel (or other container), and you can smoke food.

The fish is soaked and ready for smoking. In order for the salting and soaking process to occur evenly, the products must be completely immersed in liquid. In our case, we achieved this by crushing the fish with a plate.

The gas generator is connected to our small barrel (or large pan) and is ready to start.

Although cold smoking produces little fat, it is still better to place a suitable container at the bottom to collect it.

In order to be able to hang food, we drilled 4 holes in our container and inserted thin fittings into them.

If it is cool outside, then the container can be slightly heated with an electric stove so that the temperature inside the smokehouse becomes acceptable.

A thermometer installed in the container will help control the smoking process by adjusting the temperature inside it.

The fish was put on old skewers from which the plastic handles had been removed.

Now let's pour wood chips into our gas generator.

Cover with a lid, turn on the compressor and set fire to the wood chips.

Thick smoke appeared from under the leaky lid.

Through the window intended for ignition, you can clearly see that there is good heat in the gas generator.

Now all you have to do is wait, periodically adding wood chips and monitoring the temperature inside the container.

Smoking is completed and the fish is now ready to eat.

Depending on the volume of products that you plan to smoke regularly, select a suitable container - a saucepan or a 100-200 liter barrel.

Smoke generator operating without a compressor

The design of this smoke generator will only work in conjunction with a smoking chamber equipped with an exhaust pipe.

As a smoking chamber we will use an ordinary chainsaw packaging box, carefully wrapped with tape.

We will fix a frame of bars inside, and string rows of wire onto it so that we can hang the fish.

This is what a gas generator looks like.

Wood chips are loaded into it and set on fire.

Instead of a lid, we use a trimmed disc from a grinder, and close the hole in it with a metal ball, which will also act as a weight. To prevent smoke from entering the room through such a cover, the edge of the pipe must be cut very evenly.

To check whether there are wood chips and smoke in the gas generator, just remove the ball and look inside.

Well, if you move the lid, you can see that there is plenty of smoke.

The idea turned out to be empty, since due to the thick smoke inside the box it is impossible to see anything, even with a flashlight.

A pipe from a vacuum cleaner was used as a chimney.

The chimney turned out to be long and curved, but this did not affect the operation of the gas generator.

The second end of the pipe is inserted into the furnace.

It is necessary to check that all oven doors are tightly closed and there is no air leakage, otherwise the gas generator will not work.

The draft is ensured by the fact that the stove chimney rises significantly above the room.

Upon completion of the smoking process, the tape is cut and the box doors are opened.

Minimum costs, and we have delicious food.

Video: cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel

Smokehouse from the refrigerator

If you have an old refrigerator with a whole body, then you can also use it by connecting a smoke generator to it or supplying smoke from a homemade stove.

An old household liquefied gas cylinder was used to make the firebox.

An old refrigerator was also found. We turned it upside down, removed the compressor and got to work.

A hole must be made in the bottom of the refrigerator compartment to connect the chimney pipe. To do this, we outlined a circle of the required diameter and drilled many holes along the line with a Ø4 mm drill.

Then we will make a hole in the inner lining.

If the draft is weak (and this can also happen because the chamber is leaky), you can insert a fan into the bottom, which will draw smoke from the firebox, feeding it into the smokehouse.

In order to be able to regulate the traction force and the temperature inside the chamber, you can connect the fan through a voltage regulator.

In the upper part (in the photo it is below) we will drill many holes so that smoke can escape through them.

We will also make a hole outside for mounting the exhaust pipe.

Let's fix the pipe.

This is how the smokehouse turned out. Now you need to install the structure higher and connect it to the firebox.

The length of the pipe was considerable.

Now let's add firewood and light the firebox.

The smoke flows well, so you can start smoking.

After hanging the food, set up a tray or bowl into which the fat will drain. We close the door and wait for the allotted time.

Video: cold smoking in the refrigerator using a smoke generator

Video: cold smoking in a smokehouse from the refrigerator

Smokehouse from a gas cylinder

First of all, let's talk about safety precautions, since cutting a gas cylinder without first preparing it is very dangerous. Watch an educational video on this topic.

Video: how to safely cut a gas cylinder

As already mentioned, the cylinder must be prepared properly.

Now you can start applying markings.

It is convenient to mark round parts using a metal meter.

Now you can start cutting out the hatch in the cylinder using a grinder.

It is advisable not to go beyond the markings, but in this case you will have to pry the cut out part with a crowbar to remove it.

This is what should happen. As you can see in the photo, the cut was made close to the welding seams - where the metal is thinner.

A “sole” is welded at the bottom of the cylinder, thanks to which it becomes stable. Since we don't need it, we'll cut off this part.

We will use a receiver from a truck as a smoke generator. There are no explosive vapors in it, so you can cut out the door without preparation.

On the same side where the door is cut, we cut holes on both cylinders, the radius of which should be as close as possible to the diameter of the other cylinder.

We check how tightly they fit together and adjust if necessary.

Now all seams need to be thoroughly welded.

The hinges are welded.

The doors should open without jamming, and when closing, fit tightly into the opening. By the way, you can weld a stopper from the inside if the door falls inward.

At the end of the receiver we will make a hole for the damper.

It will be small, as it will be needed to regulate the air flow inside the smoke generator.

Then we take a larger piece of metal and make a damper from it, securing it in the upper part with a bolt and nut. There is no need to tighten the fasteners, since the damper will need to be moved from time to time, changing its position, so screw the locknut over the first nut.

The damper should move to the side with some effort. As you can see, a plastic handle is screwed to it, but practice shows that it also gets very hot, so you can weld a piece of rod.

Let's start making a chimney by welding it at an angle from two pipes. As for the angle, it does not need to be 90˚ - it must be turned out.

Let's mark the cylinder by outlining the pipe with a scriber or marker.

Drilling such a hole is very tedious and expensive, so it is better to do it with a cutter. If there is none, then many people cut a hole with an electrode, setting the welding machine to maximum current.

Once the pipe is inserted, its position must be adjusted and then welded.

It is very convenient if the lids have handles on a wooden base, since you won’t get burned when touching them.

Legs and a table were welded to the smokehouse, on which it would be possible to place dishes with products prepared for smoking. Inside we will install a grill from an old refrigerator, bending it to the size of the cylinder.

All that remains is to charge the smoke generator, place the food on the grid, and you can smoke. At the same time, it is important to monitor the smoke generator - firewood or chips should smolder and not burn.

The considered methods of smoking products allow you to prepare high-quality food that is not harmful to the body. We do not claim that smoked meats are beneficial for the human body. However, products prepared in some ways are such that experts in this matter will not even touch them. Watch a video on this topic.

Video: how to make a smokehouse incorrectly

Smoked meat or fish is very tasty, especially when cooked in a smokehouse, and not with the help of flavorings that imitate the taste of smoked meat. The most trouble-free way to get tasty and high-quality smoked products is to smoke them yourself. To do this you will need a cold or hot smoked smokehouse. The difference between them is in the technology of processing the products.

This article will talk about a cold smoked smokehouse, with photos and illustrations, tips on how to smoke food while traveling, as well as the design of stationary smokehouses.

The essence of technology

As a result of the smoldering of wood in conditions of lack of oxygen, a large amount of smoke is released, which has a bacteriostatic effect on the products, that is, simply speaking, preserves them.

There are two types of such processing:

  • Hot smoking - the smoke in this case is heated to a temperature of 70 to 150 degrees, and the processing time of the products does not exceed 3 hours. The shelf life of hot smoked meat and fish is up to three days at room temperature.
  • Cold smoking is a longer process, and the smoke temperature does not exceed 30 degrees. Processing time ranges from 6 hours to two days. At the same time, fish and meat are saturated with the smell of smoke, and they develop a characteristic smoked flavor. The shelf life of products at room temperature is two to three weeks.

Smoking scheme

Regardless of whether the smokehouse is a masterpiece of architectural art, or something hastily assembled from scrap materials, the principle of operation and diagram are similar.

The smoking chamber is located away from the firebox and is connected to it through a smoke channel. Passing through the channel, the smoke has time to cool and thus enters the smoking chamber already cooled. Cold smoking requires more wood chips and sawdust than firewood. The specific gravity of firewood should not exceed 20% of the total fuel.

In a cold smoked smokehouse, there are thus three main components:

  • smoke source (smoke generator), or firebox;
  • smoke channel;
  • smoking chamber in which products are placed.

Hiking option

To make a camp smokehouse you will need wooden rods, plastic film and ropes or wire for attaching meat or fish. First, a fire is built in a small pit and allowed to burn to form coals.

A wigwam with a frame of twigs, over which polyethylene is thrown, is erected around the burnt fire. The smoke is generated by damp branches and leaves that are placed on hot coals.

The advantages of this design are the simplicity and speed of its construction, the absence of the need for any building materials, and the ability to monitor the progress of the process. The disadvantages are the need to control the hearth to prevent the branches from burning, as well as the constant need for hot coals and green branches throughout the smoking process.

Stationary option

Compared to the scheme described above, a significantly greater investment of materials and effort will be required to equip a stationary smokehouse. As a rule, old refrigerators, barrels, or tool boxes act as a smoking chamber.

Smokehouses are often made of brick. A pipe with a diameter of at least 10 cm and a length of 2 meters or more is used as a smoke channel. The smoke generator in the smokehouse is a pit with a fire, covered with a lid on top to limit the access of oxygen.

When installing, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • locate the smokehouse away from flammable materials - trees, buildings, haystacks, etc.;
  • install the structure away from residential buildings, poultry houses, sheds, barns;
  • during installation, it is necessary to place the smoke channel at an angle to ensure draft;
  • protect the firebox and chimney with a small fence so that overly curious children and adults do not accidentally get hurt.

The length of the chimney trench is 2-5 meters. In the autumn-winter period there should be no problems with draft, since the smoke is warmer than the surrounding air.

But in the summer, when the ambient temperature is above 30 degrees and above, smoking food becomes problematic due to weak draft, as well as because the smoke is too warm.

To cool the smoke channel, you can use water cooling - the pipe is immersed in a bath filled with well water, and to improve draft - forced ventilation, for example, using a fan from the bathrooms. But these are more complex and costly options for industrial rather than household smokehouses.

Photo of a cold smoked smokehouse

Smoked products have a surprisingly appetizing aroma and mind-blowing taste, but their price in the store is often no less impressive. It’s definitely not possible to consume cold or hot smoked products every day, because this pleasure is not cheap. There is only one way out - to build a smokehouse yourself. Such a unit would be appropriate in the backyard of a private house or summer cottage. If you don’t have the slightest idea how to make a smokehouse with your own hands, then this article will definitely help you turn your idea into reality.

Smoking is a type of heat treatment of food that has been known since ancient times. Its distinctive feature is that the products are processed with smoke. During the smoking process, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature, amount of smoke, uniformity of heating and fumigation of the product.

This method of cooking has a number of advantages, thanks to which it has not lost its relevance since time immemorial:

● smoked products retain a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins if they are not exposed to very high temperatures;

● food supplies prepared in this way can be stored for a long time, since smoke has a preservative effect on them.

The taste of the finished dish depends on properly selected firewood. This is due to the fact that each wood burns differently and has an individual taste. Manufacturers of special sawdust recommend choosing their type depending on the product that will be processed:

● alder - it is suitable for preparing any meat and vegetable products;

● oak - intended for pork, beef and other red meat;

● willow - suitable for specific types of meat and game, such as bear, elk or deer. You can also smoke fish, which mainly lives in swamps;

● cherry - I use it for smoking vegetables, nuts, and berries.

Cold and hot smoking

The smoking process can occur at different temperatures. The temperature regime directly depends on the distance at which the products are located from the source of smoke. There are the following types of smoking:

● cold - the most delicious smoked meats are obtained when prepared in this way, but the product must be prepared in advance. The temperature during cold smoking is 25-45 degrees, and the process itself can take several days. Such food reserves can be stored for a very long time without losing their taste, although drying out a little;

● hot - the fastest and most convenient way to cook meat or fish at home, because the finished dish can be served immediately. The process takes about 4 hours at a temperature of 50-100 degrees. However, it is worth noting that with such processing, food quickly deteriorates.

Types of smokehouses

A do-it-yourself smokehouse can be of different types and have its own design features, which directly depend on the needs of the user and his construction capabilities. The most popular are 3 types of smokehouses:

● shaft (vertical);
● tunnel (horizontal);
● chamber.

The mine smokehouse is the easiest to install and does not require a specific installation location. Its structure resembles a canonical hut, with food hanging at the top. However, this type of smokehouse has a number of significant disadvantages, among which some of the most significant are the inaccessibility of smoking by fumigation, as well as limited possibilities for adjusting smoke production.

A tunnel smokehouse requires a fairly large amount of work, most of which is on the ground. It is also necessary to find a suitable site for its installation - it must be on a slope. The smoke generator in such a horizontal device is located in a special semi-closed chamber. Thanks to this, the smoking process can be carried out in any weather conditions. Depending on the length of the channel, both hot and cold smoking can be performed.

The chamber smokehouse is quite primitive in its design, but it is large in size: the height is 1.5 meters and the diameter is 1 meter. During construction, it is important to ensure the required angle of inclination, which varies from 10 to 30 degrees.

Schemes and designs of smokehouses

For each type of smoking, there are also certain types of smokehouses, the design features of which are fundamentally important.

A do-it-yourself hot smoked smokehouse is a container that has a lid that must close tightly. This device can be constructed from a metal box, barrel, or bucket. The main components of the smokehouse are:

● firebox - it is located directly under the chamber and performs the heating function;
● sealed smoking chamber - responsible for uniform heating of the air and achieving high temperatures. Since the hot smoking process generally occurs at a temperature of 100 degrees, there can be several chambers;
● a water seal - its installation will help reduce the amount of carcinogens in smoke, as well as create a barrier to air flows inside and outside;
● gratings - products that can be processed are placed on them;
● tray - fat and juice are released from the products, which, falling to the bottom of the chamber, begin to burn, negatively affecting the taste of meat, fish and vegetable products. The removable tray should be easy to remove.

The main diagrams of hot smoked smokehouses are shown in the figure below:

A do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse is built on the principle that the smoke that reaches the product must have time to cool. It can be of any size and, as a rule, consists of the following main parts:

● firebox - it can be made of brick or made of metal plates. Since the food processing process lasts quite a long time, the firebox should be equipped with a convenient ash pan, as well as a smoke door that regulates the main flow;
● smoking chamber - the temperature during cold smoking is low, so various materials, including wood, can be used to make the chamber. The most convenient way would be to use a barrel;
● chimney - it connects the firebox and the chamber. Metal is suitable for its construction. The chimney can also be dug in the ground. It is not recommended to use brick, which is a porous material.

The smokehouse diagram is shown in the figure below:

How to make a smokehouse with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

In order to build a smokehouse yourself, it is not necessary to have professional builder skills and have expensive equipment in stock. For quite primitive designs, ordinary tools and materials are suitable, which can be bought in a store for little money or even found in the country.

Depending on your capabilities and desires, you can build the following smokehouses:

Your own smokehouse, located on a slope near the dacha, is very convenient and practical to use, because it is suitable for cold smoking of a wide variety of products. The main material for its production is wood.

The instructions for building a camp smokehouse are as follows:

● dig a shaft for a chimney, the width of which is 0.3 meters, length - 6 meters;
● lay a pipe, the diameter of which is 0.2 meters, into the resulting ditch and run it from the location of the fire to the entrance to the smokehouse;
● make the firebox out of brick or weld it out of metal. Its shape should be in the form of a cube with sides of 4 meters;

● install a valve on the firebox on the other side to create draft;
● knock down a sealed smoking chamber from the boards;
● install gratings, a valve, or a panel for collecting products inside the chamber.

In order to equip such a unit on a summer cottage, you will have to spend not only time and effort, but also money. However, the result will be worth all the effort, because the design will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also work efficiently.

To install it, follow the step-by-step instructions:

● pour a foundation 0.4 meters deep with reinforced wire, metal rods and pieces of reinforcement;
● in advance, make a channel for the chimney in the foundation hole at a distance of 1.5 meters from the smoking chamber;
● lay the pipe along the trench to the firebox;
● build a sealed firebox out of brick or use a metal box;
● connect the firebox to the pipe;
● after the foundation hardens, begin bricklaying the walls;
● make metal rods during the laying process;
● equip the building with a lid.

The simplest hot smoked smokehouse.

A similar design can be purchased at any specialized store, but in order to save money, you can build it yourself:

● choose a suitable location for the smokehouse on a hill;
● equip the area with a metal sheet on which the fire will burn;
● lay the brick base on both sides of the sheet;
● install a metal box on top of the brick posts. You can use a saucepan or bucket;
● equip the box with shelves on which food will be smoked;
● install a tray that will be needed for sawdust;
● equip the box with a lid through which the process of placing products will take place;
● install the valve.

When you suddenly want smoked meats on vacation, but you don’t have a special unit at hand, and don’t see it in the near future, you can build a smokehouse from a barbecue. The construction of such a cunning and simple structure will take at least an hour, or even less, and ready-made and delicious-smelling food will appear on the table in the near future.

To make a smokehouse on the grill, follow the step-by-step instructions:

● find a piece of pipe or a small metal barrel;
● place the find on the grill;
● equip the pipe with a grill;
● add sawdust;
● seal the pipe tightly;
● light a fire.

A simple smokehouse made from a barrel.

A very simple smokehouse can be made from a metal barrel and an electric heater. To do this, follow the instructions:

● make a hole in the bottom of the barrel;

● install the heater on the bottom by pulling the cord through the hole;

● place a container with sawdust on the stove and cover it with a cap;

● hang food on rods or place it on a wire rack;

● cover the barrel with a lid.

Another interesting option for a smokehouse is a smokehouse built in the attic. It is connected to the chimney from a home fireplace or stove. This way you can not only heat your home, but also cook delicious smoked meats. The photo shows a diagram of such a smokehouse.

The advantages of your own smokehouse.

Building a smokehouse with your own hands is a completely feasible task for every man who knows how to hold ordinary tools in his hands, wants to acquire a similar unit and loves smoked meats. It’s worth making a smokehouse yourself for several reasons:

● price - specialized stores offer a wide selection of smokehouses, which can be either a primitive device or equipped with additional functions and capabilities. However, the cost of such devices is always high and not everyone can afford it. A DIY smokehouse requires virtually no financial costs. Available materials and means can be used;

● time - it will take very little time to make a smokehouse. Depending on the type of construction, the unit can be built in either a day or an hour;

● ease of use - primitive smokehouses are quite functional and easy to use and maintain. They will allow you to prepare delicious and aromatic meat, fish, cheese and other food products without much effort;

● service life - devices built according to instructions and using recommended materials will serve their owner for several years;

● ease of installation - the design of the smokehouse is elementary, therefore it is easy to install. It easily adapts to existing materials and capabilities.

During the construction of a smokehouse, in fact, as with any other construction work, it is necessary to follow safety rules. So, you should get work gloves, make sure the tools are in good condition and the materials at hand are reliable. You should also not neglect basic precautions when operating the unit.

How to make a smokehouse. Video reviews

Cold smoking is a type of cooking that allows you to obtain delicious dishes with a long shelf life. This type of structure can be assembled in several ways. The simplest options involve the use of improvised means. A do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse requires drawing up a preliminary drawing and studying the assembly steps.

In hot smokers, meat and fish products are subjected to heat treatment. The average temperature is approximately 100˚C. Food that has undergone such processing has a short shelf life, which most often does not exceed a week.

Helpful information! In cold devices, products are treated with smoke. The temperature in this case does not exceed 50 ˚C. And the lower value at which such smoking can be carried out is only 30 ˚C.

It takes quite a lot of time for meat and fish to be completely saturated with smoke. Therefore, the duration of cooking cold foods can reach several days.

It is important to remember that cold smoking at home requires compliance with certain rules. First of all, preliminary marinating of provisions plays an important role. It is also worth monitoring the temperature and intensity of the smoke released when the wood chips smolder.

Smoke exposed to food should not contain carbon monoxide. In order to obtain such smoke, the design of the cold smokehouse has a special chimney tube. It must be of sufficient length. Passing through such a tube, harmful substances contained in the smoke settle on its walls. As a result, purified smoke enters the chamber, which penetrates meat and fish products and contributes to their cooking.

The operating principle of a cold smoked smokehouse for meat and fish

Smoking of provisions occurs due to the smoldering of wood chips. The design features of cold smoking devices facilitate this process. The principle of operation of such units is that inside them various products are processed with smoke. The average temperature is 40˚C. If necessary, you can buy a cold smoked smokehouse. To save money, you can assemble it yourself at home.

Harmful substances contained in smoke precipitate, so the finished products have a delicate, refined taste and aroma. The elimination of carcinogens occurs due to the appearance of condensate on the walls of the chimney tube, connecting them. It occurs due to a decrease in air temperature as smoke moves through the pipe.

When using a stationary smokehouse for cold smoking, it becomes possible to regulate the smoke. All that is needed for this is to release harmful smoke from the combustion chamber. Such an operation must necessarily take place before the provisions are placed in the smoking tank. The smoke is released until it acquires the properties necessary for smoking products.

It is worth noting that the chamber in which cold processing of meat and fish takes place must have a lid. This element is necessary to delay smoke. The design of this part must be thought through at the preliminary stage and its features must be indicated in the diagram of the cold smoked smokehouse.

Helpful information! Instead of classic lids, you can use improvised means. For example, moistened burlap, which is thrown over the smoking chamber, is very popular among home craftsmen. When using it, do not forget that it dries out over time. Therefore, it is necessary to wet the burlap every two hours.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse: structural elements

All cold-type devices have a similar structure. Accordingly, the set of structural elements of these units is also the same. Smokehouses consist of the following parts:

  • metal chamber;
  • covers;
  • reflective partition;
  • fireboxes;
  • chimney pipe;
  • roofs;
  • chimney;
  • knee

The main element of a home cold smoked smokehouse is the chamber. In it, products are treated with light smoke. Another important component is the firebox, in which the combustion of fuel (chips) occurs. In cold-type devices, these elements are connected to each other through a chimney pipe. It must be of sufficient length to allow the smoke to cool before entering the smoking chamber.

The tube that connects to the firebox must have a fairly large diameter. The best option is an element with a cross-section of 30 cm. This part goes to the food tank. It is also worth noting that the firebox of a cold smokehouse with your own hands must have another tube, which is located vertically. Its main function is to remove excess smoke outside the combustion chamber. Thanks to this design, uniform processing of meat and fish products is achieved.

When assembling a homemade cold smoked smokehouse, special attention must be paid to the draft inside the structure. It is due to this that smoke moves from the firebox to the food chamber. If it was decided to build such a structure in the ground, then to achieve the required traction indicator, a slope is needed. However, this method is now used quite rarely. This is due to the fact that you can easily purchase a smoke exhauster on the market - a device that will artificially increase draft inside the smokehouse.

What types of cold smokehouses are there: varieties

Devices in which products are processed for a long time with smoke are divided into several groups depending on the heating source. This indicator is very important, as it determines the purpose of the unit. Based on this feature, designs are distinguished:

  • ordinary;
  • electric.

Smoldering of wood chips in conventional devices occurs due to an open fire source. In turn, cold smoked electric smokehouses have special heating elements and operate from the mains.

Note! It is important to remember that electric units can have small dimensions, which significantly increases their mobility. Therefore, if desired, they can be used in apartments.

Another indicator by which all cold devices are differentiated is versatility. Homemade units, made with your own hands, are used for smoking any products. In turn, purchased smokehouses can be:

  • universal;
  • specialized.

The latter are used for smoking a certain type of product. Purchased universal devices are more common. In their chambers you can smoke not only meat and fish products, but also vegetables, as well as mushrooms and cheese.

Assembling a cold mini-smokehouse with your own hands is much more difficult than a hot one. This is due to the peculiarities of food processing, which require a long pipe. The length of the chimney pipe in such devices must be at least 10 m.

If desired, you can make a camp-type smokehouse. This design is disposable and is used by hunters, fishermen, and also people going on hikes. To make such a device, it is recommended to study the corresponding videos. Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse in soil is a simple and reliable way to get delicious dishes on the go.

The best place for such a smokehouse is a gently sloping bank. In its upper part it is necessary to arrange a smoking chamber, and at the bottom, dig a combustion chamber. They must be connected to each other by a trench that serves as a chimney.

Smokehouse for meat and fish – what do you need to know when choosing fuel?

The process of preparing food, which involves the use of smoke, has its own subtleties. A very important point is the temperature inside the smokehouse. If it is not controlled, then meat, fish and other dishes can simply go bad.

An equally important factor is the selection of fuel. Wood chips used for cold smoking with your own hands can be made from different types of trees and, accordingly, differ in their characteristics. Depending on what fuel is used for this operation, the taste of the finished products differs.

Despite the fact that wood may be different, the same requirements are put forward to it. The main thing is that the wood chips must be dry. The presence of moisture will not allow it to smolder properly. The wood chips are located at the bottom of the firebox. Experts do not recommend scattering it all over the bottom. The best option is to build a slide.

The most common tree species from which wood chips are made for smoking:

  • cherry;
  • maple;
  • alder.

In some cases, other tree species can be used for cold smoking fish and meat at home. For example, many people note the exquisite taste of dishes that were cooked with smoke from apple and pear chips.

Note! Experienced chefs recommend smoking food in cold-type devices in the winter. During this period, the ambient temperature prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria inside the products.

It is very important to remember that wood containing resins is absolutely not suitable for smoking. Coniferous trees (spruce, pine, etc.) have this characteristic. If you neglect this rule, then the food cooked in the smokehouse will be very bitter. To improve the taste, you can use one trick - add aromatic herbs used in cooking on top of the smoldering sawdust.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse: chamber options

Devices that operate on a cold principle must have a camera. Provisions are laid out or hung in this tank. The camera can be made either according to a drawing, using metal sheets, or from improvised means. In the second case, people's imagination is not limited by anything. The following improvised means are most often transformed into smoking chambers:

  • barrel;
  • fridge.

Barrel. The capacity of such a container should not be less than 100 liters. The best option for smoking at home is to use containers with a volume of 200 liters. There are two options for the location of such a barrel: vertical and horizontal. In the first case, it is necessary to install legs at the bottom of the tank.

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Fridge. Transforming this household appliance into a smoker has some advantages. The refrigerator chamber itself is sealed, so no additional measures are required to prevent the penetration of air from outside. In addition, this option is very convenient to use.

You can assemble a smokehouse for cold smoking with your own hands from metal. Due to the fact that the temperature inside such a smokehouse does not rise above 50 °C, it becomes possible to install a wooden tank. However, in this case it is necessary to sheathe the areas located in the immediate vicinity of the chimney with metal strips. This will maximize the safety of the structure from fire.

The most labor-intensive version of the smoking chamber involves its assembly from brick material. However, such designs are the most effective and have a long service life, which can reach several decades. And also such smokehouses look the most attractive, organically fitting into the landscape of the site.

To save money and time, experts recommend making cold smoked smokehouses from a barrel. This is a classic option for transforming an unnecessary container into a device that allows you to get delicious dishes.

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse: making a firebox

The most budget-friendly way to organize a firebox is to dig a pit in the ground. It is necessary to place fuel for smoking in it. When burning wood or wood chips, it is recommended to regulate the amount of smoke.

A homemade stove is made of brick material, stainless or galvanized steel or pipes. When using bricks, you need to be sure of their fire resistance, otherwise they may burst from the heat.

Note! Educational video materials will help you answer the question of how to make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands.

A metal firebox made of stainless steel is the simplest option. It’s not that difficult to make; you just need to purchase the necessary material and follow the instructions. The chimney can be made of either metal or brick. In the second case, it is better to place it underground. This will achieve the necessary tightness.

The chimney must go directly under the smoking chamber. The speed at which the smoke will move depends on its cross-section. Its length and shape also play an important role. A fuel combustion chamber can be purchased at the store. As a rule, you can find compact models designed for hiking. Portable cold smokers are less common than their hot counterparts.

The advantages of cold smoking are obvious. The product in this design is processed at a low temperature, so it retains its fat layer. Caring for cold units is easier, since they are not as prone to contamination as their hot counterparts.

Assembling a cold smoked smokehouse at home: chimney design

The quality of smoking depends on the correct calculation of the chimney. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the assembly of this structure with the utmost seriousness. The tube must not only be long enough, but also sealed. Otherwise you will experience smoke leaks.

If the tube is long, you will need to ensure its stability. To do this, use supports that are located in the central part of the chimney. It is best to make such holders from brick material. In order to understand the principles of how to make a smokehouse at home, it is recommended to study photos that clearly illustrate the stages of assembling this structure.

When using wooden supports, you will need to insulate them in those places that have direct contact with the pipe. If necessary, you can shorten the pipe, which will increase the smoking temperature to 60 °C. The resulting smoking type will be semi-hot.

For a better understanding of the process, it is recommended to pay attention to the installation photos. The DIY cold-smoked smokehouse has a simple and understandable design, but you still need to be careful when assembling it. Sealing a chimney in a stationary structure is quite simple. To do this, you need to prepare a flange, which in the future should be welded to the bottom.

Note! To enhance sealing, special sealing gaskets are used, which are made of paronite.

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse: DIY smoke generator

The use of this device allows you to provide the necessary traction inside the smoking unit. In this case, the thrust is pumped up artificially (unlike marching structures). ensures uninterrupted flow of smoke necessary for the cold smoking process into the chamber.

Experts recommend thinking through its design at the drawing stage. A do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse, equipped with a smoke generator, does not require constant monitoring. The device provides the necessary traction and maintains it at the desired level.

The design of such a device is not very complicated. Therefore, you can make it yourself at home. To assemble the smoke generator, you will need to prepare a metal can. The working reservoir of the device is made from available materials (for example, a cardboard box). Thus, making a smokehouse with a smoke generator is not difficult. Let's consider the sequence of actions in the manufacture of this device.

How to build a smokehouse with a smoke generator? First of all, you need to take a can and cut a hole in it. It is required to attach the necessary element - a fitting with a double-sided thread. On one side a compressor is attached to it. In this case, a device used in aquariums is suitable. It can be easily purchased at the market or on the Internet. A smoke exhaust pipe is attached to the second side of the fitting.

At the next stage, you need to cut a window (on the side) in the can. It is necessary to access the sawdust, which will be located at the bottom of the container. The outlet pipe is fixed to the smoking chamber, after which all that remains is to ignite the sawdust and turn on the compressor.

Cold smoking of fish, meat and other products: preparation

Before you start cold smoking, it is necessary to prepare the products for this process. Not only the taste, but also the quality of the food that will be smoked depends on it.

Preparation includes two stages:

  • pickling;
  • soaking.

In order to properly prepare the salt solution, you must follow the instructions. Making a marinade correctly is not difficult. First of all, you need to take salt and pour it into a container filled with water. Next, the mineral is stirred until completely dissolved in the liquid. This marinade is suitable for cold smoking chicken, beef, pork, and fish.

Note! When preparing such a solution, it is very important to observe the following proportions: 40 g of salt per 1 liter of water.

You can add spices to this marinade such as bay leaf, black pepper (peas), etc. After preparing it, you can start marinating the product. It is important to remember that the salting period depends on the volume of the product and its variety. For example, a small fish should lie in such a solution for about 3 days.

Large fish and pork are left in the salt marinade for 4 days before going into the smokehouse. Cold smoking of fish also requires compliance with the temperature regime. And beef, which has denser fibers, must be marinated for at least 5 days.

After marinating the product, you need to soak it in water. The duration of this process ranges from 6 to 24 hours. Then excess moisture is removed from the product. To do this, you need to wipe it with paper towels and dry it. At the next stage, you can start smoking your provisions.

Cold smoking of lard has some peculiarities. This product does not need to be marinated. The preliminary step in preparing lard is salting it. In this case, the procedure does not differ from ordinary salting. The lard is covered with salt and placed in the refrigerator or cellar for approximately 2 weeks. Subsequently, it will be necessary to rinse it under running water and place it in the smokehouse. The duration of smoking lard is about 8 hours. It is very important that the temperature inside the chamber does not exceed 40 °C.

Cold smoking allows you to obtain delicious, refined meat and fish products. The device that allows you to do this has a fairly simple design. When assembling a cold smokehouse yourself, you need to focus on the drawings and study photo and video materials on this topic.

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