Medicines for chronic fatigue in asthma. Chronic fatigue syndrome: treatment, causes, symptoms

Medicines for fatigue is an extensive list of drugs, including both biologically active food supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as serious drugs used in the treatment of depressive disorders, that is, psychostimulants and antidepressants. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a common disorder and many people need special medications.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

This is a common pathology that has spread relatively recently. This is due to the peculiarities of the life of the population of megalopolises, excessive emotional and mental stress on a modern person and an unfavorable environmental situation. Feelings of emotional and physical exhaustion are familiar to many, but CFS is different from physiological fatigue.

There is no consensus among doctors explaining the origin of the pathology. There is a hypothesis of a viral origin, since antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus are often found in the blood of patients. Another version is depression. In half of the patients, manifestations of depression are found, while somatic (masked) depression includes almost all signs of CFS. Perhaps CFS is a variant of a mental disorder. However, not only antidepressants, but also anti-inflammatory drugs have proven themselves well in treatment, which confirms the complex origin of the syndrome.

Symptoms and diagnosis of CFS

Diagnosis is based on clinical signs. Mandatory criteria include a decrease in performance and a constant feeling of fatigue for six months in a row or more in the absence of diseases and other reasons that can cause such a condition. As a rule, the symptoms are progressively increasing and cannot be explained by somatic diseases. The rest of the symptoms are combined into several groups:

  1. Signs of psychological and mental problems: depression, sleep disturbances, irritability, memory impairment.
  2. Symptoms of hypersensitivity to alcohol and drugs, allergic reactions.
  3. Manifestations of autonomic-endocrine dysfunction: dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, rapid change in body weight, arrhythmias, loss of appetite.
  4. Symptoms of a chronic inflammatory process: muscle and joint pain, fever, swollen lymph nodes, chronic pharyngitis.

The diagnosis is considered reliable if the patient has identified mandatory criteria and for at least six months has been observed at least four of the following symptoms: malaise after exercise, impaired concentration or memory, muscle or joint pain, soreness and enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes, pharyngitis, an unusual headache for the patient pain, sleep that does not give strength. Other manifestations of CFS include dizziness, chest or throat discomfort, anxiety, confusion, and other minor symptoms.

Common causes of CFS

The main risk factors for constant fatigue are frequent and prolonged stress, unfavorable living conditions, increased radiation exposure, unbalanced nutrition and insufficient physical activity, monotonous and strenuous work, influences that weaken the body's resistance (concomitant diseases, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, electromagnetic effect, surgical interventions), lack of life prospects. Bad habits for patients, they usually become significant moments in the development of the syndrome: intense smoking is an attempt to stimulate performance, alcoholism is the removal of arousal.

Basic principles of treatment

In the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, several groups of drugs are used, so it is better not to start taking medicines for fatigue and for sleep, which the pharmacist at the pharmacy advises, without permission. Used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antidepressants, sedatives, immunomodulators and vitamin complexes. The general complex of therapy must necessarily include diet therapy, normalization of sleep and rest, autogenous training and other methods of normalizing the psycho-emotional background (including group psychotherapy), hydrotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises, general immunocorrectors with an adaptogenic effect, nootropics and daytime tranquilizers.

Vitamin complexes

With a constant feeling of overwork, loss of strength and weakness, which does not go away after a long rest and sleep, it is necessary to start taking vitamin-mineral complexes. Perhaps the body simply does not have enough nutrients to ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. B vitamins are responsible for energy production, therefore they are among the most important for vitality. With illness, injury, a constant feeling of emotional and physical exhaustion, the need for energy increases significantly, so an increase in the intake of B vitamins is necessary.

Vitamin C cannot be called a complete substance that helps against weakness, because there is no reliable data directly or indirectly indicating this. But, according to the observations of doctors, patients who do not take enough vitamin C more often complain of fatigue. The lack of vitamin D negatively affects performance and general physical tone. This useful substance regulates the activity of the heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system. The lack of vitamins can be restored through special complexes and nutritional rationalization.

Vitamin complex "Vitrum"

One tablet of the Vitrum complex contains the daily rate of nutrients for the body, fourteen vitamins and seventeen minerals. The tool helps with vitamin deficiency, conditions characterized by a decrease in the body's immune defenses (gastrointestinal tract disorders, frequent stress, increased physical activity, poor nutrition, the postoperative period). The composition includes B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin), vitamin A (retinol), E (tocopherol), useful trace elements and acids. Adults and children over 12 years old can be taken.


A complex medicine for chronic fatigue (vitamin complex) is prescribed to patients with a lack of vitamin B in the body and signs of asthenia. Asthenic syndrome is a condition characterized by increased fatigue, neuropsychic and physical weakness, sleep disturbances, and extreme instability of mood. The composition of "Pentovit" includes B vitamins, nicotinamide and other useful microelements. After a full course of therapy, patients show a general improvement in their condition, activation of metabolic processes, and normalization of the central nervous system. Reviews about vitamin complex positive. The effect of the application is noticeable even before the end of the course of therapy.


As part of the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, drugs are prescribed from various groups (depending on the severity of symptoms, body response, clinical picture and the presence of concomitant diseases):

  • drugs that stimulate the body's reactions;
  • means affecting work nervous system;
  • antidepressants and tranquilizers.

Certain groups of drugs can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. This applies to such drugs for fatigue and depression as specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Zoloft, Torin, Aleval, Stimuloton, Seralin, Serlift, Deprefolt), selective inhibitors that combine stimulating and timpoanaleptic effects ("Fluoxetine Lannacher", "Fluoxetine", "Flunisan", "Prozac", "Prodep"), true anxiolytics.

Immune resistance stimulants

Immunomodulators differ in their chemical structure and mechanism of action on the body. Such drugs for fatigue stimulate the processes of humoral and / or cellular immunity, increase the general resistance of the body, normalize performance and level out the emotional background. Derivatives of nucleic acids, imidazoline, thymus preparations, pyrimidine derivatives, aliphatic polyamines, interfernogens and interferons can be prescribed.

"Laennek": description of the drug

The medicine for chronic fatigue "Laennek" (immunostimulant with hepatoprotective effect) has a general restorative and strengthening effect. The following directions of drug use are clinically substantiated: immunoregulation, lipotropic, angiogenic and neurotrophic effects, hepatoprotection, anti-fibrosing and reparative processes. The complex effect is explained by the molecular and microelement composition: a lot of peptides, a high concentration of individual microelements, enzymes of energy metabolism. "Laennec" is obtained on the basis of a hydrolyzate of the human placenta.

The medicine for weakness and fatigue is given by injection. The course of injections (usually ten procedures are enough) leads to a significant decrease in the severity of CFS, depression and anxiety, an increase in the quality of life, subjectively assessed by the patient. Reception is accompanied by an increase in endurance, performance, positive changes in the metabolic profile (work of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, the balance of organic and amino acids, energy synthesis). The therapy is safe, side effects in the form of numbness at the injection site and minor pain are observed only in 3.7% of patients. Allergic reactions are possible. Judging by the reviews, the medicine is more often used in cosmetology, but sometimes it is prescribed for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Drugs affecting the work of the central nervous system

Sodium polyhydroxyphenylene thiosulfonate (in pharmacies sold under the trade names "Hypoxen", "Olifen") significantly increases the efficiency of the body in adverse conditions. The medicine for fatigue and sleepiness belongs to the group of antioxidants. "Hypoxen" and "Olifen" improve tissue respiration (especially in organs with active metabolism: liver, brain, heart), increase resistance to significant mental and physical stress, are used in the complex therapy of profuse blood loss, significant surgical interventions, respiratory pathologies , severe injuries, angina pectoris and chronic heart failure (including for the purpose of prevention). These are good medicines for eye strain and increased fatigue of the whole body. "Hypoxen", for example, is recommended for people who work in extreme and unfavorable conditions (operators, divers, polar explorers).

Another CNS medication for fatigue and stress is aminoacetic acid ("Glycine"). "Glycine" normalizes metabolic processes, reduces psycho-emotional stress, increases mental performance, and regulates metabolism. The use of aminoacetic acid is accompanied by a decrease in conflict, normalization of sleep, an increase in social adaptation, an improvement in mood, and a decrease in the severity of symptoms of vegetative disorders. Available without a prescription. Contraindications (except for intolerance to the components) and side effects not registered.

The nootropic agent "Semax" (methionyl-glutamyl-histidyl-phenylalanyl-prolyl-glycyl-proline) in small doses has a pronounced neurometabolic effect. Higher doses have antioxidant, neutrotrophic, angioprotective effects while maintaining the neurometabolic effect. So, a medicine for fatigue and drowsiness improves memory, enhances concentration, the speed of mental processes, stimulates the brain, and normalizes psycho-emotional reactions. "Semax" is contraindicated in childhood (up to 5 years), during pregnancy and lactation, with anxiety and severe psychosis, with hypersensitivity to components, a history of seizures. Designed for intranasal use.

Psychotropic drugs

Effective drugs for fatigue and depression are antidepressants: pipofezin ("Azafen"), sertraline ("Deprefolt", "Surlift", "Aleval", "Seralin", "Serenata"), fluoxetine ("Flunisan", "Fluxetin", " Flowsetin Hexal "," Prozac "). All drugs are dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. "Azafen" has a sedative effect, reduces depression and associated vegetative, somatic and mental disorders, has a positive effect on asthenia arising from complications of mental illness, reduces anxiety and feelings of inner tension, and normalizes sleep. The medicine for fatigue is contraindicated in renal and hepatic, failure of the heart muscle, heart attack, ischemia, circulatory disorders of the brain, diabetes mellitus, severe infectious diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

"Zoloft", "Surlift" "Deprefolt", "Stimulon" and other specific inhibitors of serotonin reuptake in long-term use lead to a decrease in the activity of adrenergic receptors in the brain, do not have a sedative or stimulating effect. Selective inhibitors (Fluval, Fluoxeting, Flunisan) have a stimulating effect, improve mood, reduce fear, anxiety and tension, reduce irritability, sleep disturbances and drowsiness, and improve performance. All this is confirmed in patient reviews. There really is a positive effect. But care must be taken when withdrawing such strong drugs for fatigue and depression, as there is a risk of withdrawal.

"Daytime" tranquilizers for CFS

A stimulant medicine may be prescribed strong enough to relieve fatigue. In this situation, much depends on the severity of the symptoms of pathology and the presence of concomitant diseases (especially depression and similar neurotic disorders). Tranquilizers suppress feelings of fear and anxiety, emotional stress, anxiety, reduce irritability both in relatively healthy people and in various disorders (neurotic, nerve-like). Since such drugs reduce excitability, so-called "daytime" tranquilizers are used in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. These are very effective anti-fatigue medicines, but they must be used with caution. This is confirmed not only by doctors, patients also talk about the need to strictly follow the recommendations. The dose is increased from the minimum effective to the optimal one for the therapeutic effect, the cancellation is carried out gradually, if long-term treatment is necessary, the course is carried out according to the method of intermittent therapy.

"Phenotropil": nootropic psychostimulant

One of best medicines from fatigue, doctors call "Phenotropil", but this is a serious drug, the appointment of which must be guided by expediency. The patient must always comply with the recommended dosage and duration of therapy. The medicine was developed to increase the physical and mental performance, as well as the mental stability of astronauts at various stages of flight. The drug went into clinical practice, confirming its effectiveness and safety.

It is a cure for the fatigue of the whole body. "Phenotropil" has an antidepressant and sedative effect, reduces emotional excitability, irritability and conflict, increases the level of clarity of consciousness, efficiency, concentration of attention, thinking and memory, has a positive effect on resistance to adverse external conditions (including a drug, which must be taken into account when the appointment of a course of therapy) and exposure to extreme factors, restores the tone of blood vessels and joints. When applied externally, it has a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates age-related skin changes.

For the first time in the CIS, the disease in question was described in 1991, although it was officially recognized by world medicine in 1988, and over the years of studying chronic fatigue syndrome, doctors / scientists have found out its causes, and its specific symptoms, and methods of treatment. Interestingly, in women, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is diagnosed more often, and in general, such a disease is inherent in people in the 25-45 age group. It was often noted that the syndrome in question is more inherent in people with a profession that involves increased responsibility - for example, pilots, doctors, professional rescuers. Despite numerous studies of the disease in question, modern medicine still cannot accurately formulate the causes of its occurrence. But certain factors are highlighted, which are provoking in this case. These include:

  1. Wrong way of life... Lack of movement, a rare stay in the fresh air, chronic libation of alcoholic beverages, prolonged mental stress, forced physical activity without proper rest, night vigils at a computer or TV screen - all this leads to the appearance of the classic symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Chronic pathologies... It can be both inflammatory and infectious - the body, in any case, with a prolonged attack of pathogenic microorganisms, wears out rapidly, and frequent relapses only reduce and lead to depletion of the physiological and psychological capabilities of a person.
  3. Unfavorable environment... It is known for certain that residents of large cities and megalopolises suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome much more often than residents of villages or small regional towns. Gas exhaust from the car, constant noise, too fast pace of life, the inability to breathe fresh air, the use of chlorinated water and low-ecological products - all these are the reasons for the development of the disease in question.
  4. Psychological disorders... Regular, being in a state for a long time, constant anxious thoughts, a bad mood can provoke the development of increased fatigue - this is a direct path to the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Well, besides this, the syndrome in question can appear against the background of irrational nutrition, with a lack in the body, against the background of disturbances in metabolic processes - they are "guided" by mineral substances. Note:there is a theory that viruses can provoke chronic fatigue syndrome - it is often diagnosed in patients with early diagnoses. But this is just a theory, therefore, when identifying the above viral pathologies, you should not tune in to the inevitable development of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue syndrome has a variable clinical picture, and it is rather problematic to identify any specific symptoms. And yet, doctors recommend paying attention to the following indicators:

  • lack of feeling of rest after a full night's sleep;
  • often repeated for no apparent reason;
  • increased sleepiness during the daytime;
  • inability to fall asleep quickly even after strenuous physical labor;
  • unmotivated irritation;
  • bad mood for which there is no reason.

In general, this condition can last for several months in a row - in some cases, patients notice similar symptoms for 5-8 months. And this does not mean at all that a person has developed specifically chronic fatigue syndrome - identical symptoms may indicate other pathologies in the body. Therefore, carefully analyze your condition - doctors highlight the characteristic features of each of the symptoms.


The first sign of overstrain of the nervous system is considered to be a throbbing pain in the temples. Headache can have a different character for different diseases, but it is for chronic fatigue syndrome that pulsation in the temples and diffuse pain in all areas of the skull of non-intense manifestation will be present.


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A person with developing chronic fatigue syndrome cannot even after heavy, prolonged exertion. He has the feeling that sleep will come as soon as the head touches the pillow, but in fact the person is tossing and turning for a long time, looking for a comfortable sleeping position, various disturbing thoughts begin to visit him. By the way, it is for the disease under consideration that nocturnal attacks of fear and a baseless feeling of anxiety are characteristic.

This symptom includes lethargy, persistent muscle weakness, severe fatigue even after doing minimal work (for example, washing dishes, ironing clothes, driving a car for a short distance). It is this state that is unconditional evidence of the developing or already fully present syndrome of chronic fatigue.

Impaired motor activity

If a person has a tremor of the upper limbs, intense muscle pain, unwillingness to make any body movements, then this is a sure sign of the disease in question.

Mental disorders

Chronic fatigue syndrome can provoke a decrease in memory and concentration of attention, the inability to respond quickly and competently to questions, the perception of information (training, general) does not occur in full.

Decreased immunity

Chronic fatigue syndrome provokes frequent relapses of colds, instant infection with respiratory viral diseases during periods of epidemics, long-term healing of even small wounds on the skin.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome are often subjected to "attacks" of depression, they are constantly in a bad mood, there are unreasonable fears, an excessive feeling of anxiety. And irritability and outbursts of unmotivated aggression only confirm the diagnosis. It is noteworthy that in a state of chronic fatigue syndrome, a person begins to look for a way out of the situation on his own - this disease is often perceived as ordinary fatigue. And often doctors recorded an increase in smoked cigarettes per day - in this way patients try to bring their bodies into working condition, and in the evenings patients always drink a certain amount of alcoholic beverages - so they "relieve" physical and mental stress. Naturally, such measures will not help solve the problem, and a long vacation on a desert island is also unlikely to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome - you will need the help of medical workers.

Diagnostics of the chronic fatigue syndrome

Only a specialist can diagnose the disease in question - this procedure implies the study of large and small criteria that indicate precisely this pathology. Large criteria include all of the above symptoms, patient complaints of prolonged, persistent fatigue for 3 months or more. Note:against the background of the above symptoms, the doctor will definitely send the patient for a full examination of the whole body. And only the absence of any somatic diseases of a chronic / acute nature, infections and viral pathologies can become a reason for the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Small criteria for the diagnosis of the disease in question is (an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees) of a sudden, uncontrollable nature, muscle pain, joint aches, clearly expressed. The diagnosis of CFS is confirmed if there are at least 3 major and 6 minor criteria. Only after that, the doctor will refer the patient to the delivery of biomaterial for laboratory research, will give recommendations for examination by narrower specialists (endocrinologist, cardiologist, infectious disease specialist, oncologist, and so on).

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

Treatment of the disease in question is a set of measures aimed at restoring the body's strength. Patients should not only adjust their own daily routine, strictly adhere to the diet and visit the physiotherapy room - it is very important to receive medication from the attending physician. Note:the use of drugs as part of the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is not at all necessary - it all depends on how much the disease progresses, how intense the symptoms of the disease are. Drug treatment can be prescribed / selected exclusively by the attending physician - both the patient's age and existing somatic diseases are taken into account.

Drug treatment

After a full examination of a patient with a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome, the attending physician may prescribe a complex drugs. The most effective are:

Note:antidepressants and nootropic drugs in no case should be prescribed to oneself on their own - they can be picked up without harm general health only a specialist.

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs... They are rarely recommended by doctors for chronic fatigue syndrome, only when patients complain of pain in joints and muscle tissue.
  2. ... It is advisable to prescribe them only when a viral infection is detected.
  3. Vitamin complexes... They are necessary to correct metabolic processes, strengthen immunity - they are prescribed by the attending physician.

The duration of the course of treatment is individual - it depends on the severity of the course of chronic fatigue syndrome, the "neglect" of the process, the general state of health of the patient.


Doctors assure that it will not be possible to cure chronic fatigue syndrome solely with drugs and long rest / sleep. It is imperative that patients undergo a course of physiotherapy - they can be different and carried out in a complex, but the doctor can choose one thing. Effective physiotherapy procedures for the disease under consideration include:

The duration of the course of physiotherapy depends on how long the doctor prescribes certain medications. If the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is carried out without medication, then it is recommended to attend the above procedures according to a strict schedule drawn up by a doctor.


Both medications and physiotherapy will certainly help to cope with the intense manifestation of chronic fatigue syndrome. But it is imperative, as part of the diagnosis of the disease in question, to visit a nutritionist and get recommendations on how to correct the diet. The fact is that chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by two extremes - some patients completely lose interest in food, literally go hungry for days on end. But other patients, on the contrary, begin to absorb food in huge quantities - obesity sets in very quickly, especially given the characteristic hypodynamia for chronic fatigue syndrome. Nutritionist recommendations:

  • protein food must be introduced into the diet - lean veal, rabbit meat, shellfish, fish;
  • at least 1 time a week, you need to eat 200 g of salted fish, but do not get carried away with this product - you can get kidney problems;
  • regularly use honey with nuts, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio - you can get the desired effect even if you take 1 teaspoon of such a drug once a day;
  • the menu should include feijoa, seaweed and irgi berries.

Don't limit yourself to eating chocolate. But exclusively dark chocolate, and not an endless amount of sweets, marmalade and ice cream. But strong coffee should be abandoned, if it is absolutely impossible without this drink (there is a dependence on coffee!), Then make it with the addition of milk.

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome with folk remedies

There are many remedies for getting rid of progressive chronic fatigue syndrome in the category of traditional medicine. It is undesirable to take them uncontrollably - after all, appointments, consultation of the attending physician will be needed. But it is precisely folk remedies make it possible in many cases to do without the use of a complex of drugs.

Water tinctures

Recipes for water infusions are very simple, everyone can cook them. But the effect on the disease in question will be excellent. How to prepare aqueous tinctures:

Kefir, onions, honey and apple cider vinegar

Such simple products, which are available in every home, will help to quickly cope with chronic fatigue syndrome, but only if it is in the initial stage of development and has not yet led to severe pathological changes in the body's work. Kefir should be drunk every evening, but first it is mixed with ordinary warm water in a 1: 1 ratio, then a teaspoon of honey is added to the composition. Finely chop the onions - you should get an amount that can fit in a regular glass. Then add a glass of honey to the onion and leave it in a dark place for 3-4 days. Then the resulting drug is placed in the refrigerator and taken 1 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals. The course of admission is 14 days, then you need to take a week break and, if necessary, repeat the course. Mix 100 g of honey and 3 teaspoons, take 1 teaspoon per day (no more!) For 10 days. This remedy actively restores vitality, gives vigor and energy. Add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 3-4 drops of iodine to a glass of warm water. The recommended dosage is 1 glass per day, the duration of admission is no more than 5 days in a row. This remedy can be easily compared to an energy drink. Note:the listed recipes are categorically contraindicated for people with previously diagnosed pathologies of the stomach, intestines and kidneys. It is not recommended to use recipes with honey and onions for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome in women during menopause or in menopause. In general, these remedies are very aggressive - a preliminary consultation with the attending physician is required!

This root has long been famous for its healing properties- tincture and tea from ginger root perfectly increase immunity, strengthen strength and even correct the psycho-emotional background. How to prepare the medicine:

Important: be extremely careful - use alcohol tincture it is impossible for those who are the driver of transport, suffer from gastritis, have a history of psychological disorders.

Preventive measures

To avoid the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, you need to work less and rest more - so many people think. But in fact, doctors give the following recommendations:

Chronic fatigue syndrome is an independent disease that is not treated with sleep and complete rest, but with complex therapeutic measures. You should not rely solely on the body's own forces - it can quickly become depleted, which will lead to serious consequences.


Everyone experiences fatigue or fatigue by the end of a day's work or training. Sometimes a person experiences the onset of CFS - chronic fatigue, which is a pathology and a real medical diagnosis that a doctor must make. The disease is characterized by specific symptoms that must be treated with all available means: medication, physiological methods, folk recipes.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

This state is characterized by a constant feeling of overwork, apathy, a strong decline in strength, which are not restored even after a long rest. Chronic fatigue syndrome is more often diagnosed in megacities of developed countries. The main cause of pathology is considered to be long-term emotional and mental stress, which negatively affects the state of the human nervous system.

People aged 25-45 are at risk of developing the syndrome. At this stage, a person has maximum efficiency, strives for career growth, success and is exposed to serious stress. About 90% of people suffering from fatigue syndrome live in large metropolitan areas, where the pace of life is faster and the environmental level is lower. According to statistics, Australia and the United States are in 1st place in the number of registered cases.


The exact provoking factors that cause the appearance of the syndrome are not established. There are certain conditions that can trigger this condition. There are the following probable causes of chronic fatigue:

  1. Psychological stress. Severe stress, frequent depression, dark thoughts, fear, anxiety harm the nervous system, which leads to overwork and fatigue.
  2. Chronic infectious and viral diseases. Long-term illnesses, frequent relapses lead to disruption of the immune system, the body as a whole, which entails depletion of the nervous system, vitality, provoke the onset of the syndrome.
  3. Wrong way of life. Irrational daily routine, lack of sleep, lack of movement, fresh air, sunlight lead to chronic fatigue and fatigue.
  4. Nutrition. Poor-quality foods, excess or lack of food, lack of micro- and macroelements, vitamins in the diet leads to disruption of the metabolic process, which affects the supply of energy. Due to its lack, there is a constant feeling of fatigue.
  5. Environment... The human body "wears out" faster in unfavorable environmental conditions. People who live in polluted metropolitan areas suffer from chronic overwork more often.
  6. Viral infections. In medicine, there is a basic version that fatigue and exhaustion occurs against the background of infection of the body with a retrovirus, cytomegalovirus, enterovirus or herpes.

Chronic fatigue symptoms

There is a significant difference between CFS and simple fatigue. The latter goes away after a good rest, sleep, but chronic fatigue does not recede even with a decrease in the load on the body. This is the main sign of the presence of a disease, other symptoms include the following manifestations:

  1. Insomnia. A person experiences fatigue, but cannot fall asleep or sleep is superficial, often interrupts, there is a feeling of anxiety, fear and anxiety at night.
  2. Headache. They are chronic in nature, there is a pulsation at the temples, the symptom belongs to the first signs of nervous overstrain.
  3. Impaired mental activity. The body's performance is sharply reduced, fatigue disrupts the ability to memorize, think, concentrate, and creative activity.
  4. Lack of energy. Chronic fatigue is characterized by apathy, weakness, and fatigue even after completing simple tasks.
  5. Psychological disorders. Chronic fatigue makes a person defenseless against bad mood, depression, unreasonable fear, gloomy thoughts. The patient experiences a feeling of irritation, quick temper.
  6. Violation of motor activity. Fatigue in the chronic stage can provoke pain throughout the body, often in the joints, muscles, tremors of the hands and muscle weakness appear.
  7. Immune system disorders. A person with constant fatigue syndrome often suffers from chronic diseases, colds, and relapses of diseases.

Diagnosis of the disease

A diagnosis is not made based on the above symptoms alone. CFS is confirmed only if all pathologies, which are accompanied by chronic fatigue, weakness, are excluded. This is especially true for oncological diseases 1-2 stages. In the early stages, the symptoms of cancer, when it is still possible to help the patient, are very similar to pathological fatigue.

Doctors need to exclude tuberculosis, which at first is asymptomatic, and other somatic pathologies that have an erased, sluggish form. During the diagnosis of the syndrome, physicians must exclude helminthic invasion. A person before staging a CFS must undergo a full examination, which includes the following tests:

  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • blood and urine tests (general);
  • donate feces three times to check for the presence of helminth eggs;
  • get tested for HIV;
  • donate blood to search for antibodies to roundworms, toxocaras, lamblia and other worms;
  • checking pathologies of endocrine organs;
  • testing for antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, enterovirus;
  • fundus examination;
  • Doppler ultrasonography of the vessels of the neck, head;
  • sometimes a CT or MRI of the brain may be ordered.

Chronic fatigue treatment

The doctor decides on the appointment of therapy and treatment regimen, based on the severity of chronic fatigue. Sometimes only psychotherapeutic treatment is enough, but medication may also be recommended. The treatment is complex; the following methods are recommended on how to get rid of chronic fatigue:

  • compulsory, good rest;
  • physical activity must be included in the daily routine (exercise therapy, walking in the fresh air);
  • a balanced diet, it is not recommended to eat a lot of sweets;
  • segmental or general massage;
  • timely therapy of those pathologies that can cause the appearance of symptoms of fatigue syndrome: vasomotor rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis;
  • daily contrast shower;
  • find a source of positive emotions (each person is different).

Drug therapy

The drugs are part of the complex therapy, they are prescribed depending on the source of the chronic condition. The doctor may prescribe the following pills for fatigue:

  1. Antidepressants. Essential for eliminating symptoms of chronic depression, enhancing immunity. Prescribe, as a rule, Prozac, Zoloft, Fluoxetine, Azafen.
  2. Daytime tranquilizers. Reduces feelings of anxiety, anxiety, but does not provoke increased sleepiness.
  3. L-carnitine. This element is responsible for the production of ATP in the mitochondria of cells during the oxidation of fatty acids. During CFS, a significant decrease in the amount of this amino acid in the human body is noted.
  4. Magnesium preparations. Deficiency of this substance leads to fatigue, loss of strength. Magnesium, when combined with ATP, helps to transfer, store energy in cells.
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Drugs in this group help to eliminate joint and muscle pain.
  6. B vitamins. Improve the interaction between the muscular and nervous systems.
  7. Immunomodulators. Frequent colds, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis require therapy. For this purpose, agents that strengthen the immune system are prescribed: Levamisole, Polyoxidonium, Sodium nucleinate, Timalin or interferons.
  8. Immunoglobulins, antiviral drugs. The doctor prescribes them to treat the syndrome with elevated antibody titers, to determine the DNA of these viruses in the blood.
  9. Nootropics help relieve symptoms. With XY syndrome, it is necessary to increase the adaptive abilities of the brain, to stimulate its work. Prescribe drugs Aminalon, Semax,.

Physiotherapy methods

This is another line of treatment for persistent fatigue syndrome. Below is a list of what to do for chronic fatigue:

  1. Magnetotherapy.
  2. Water procedures.
  3. Acupuncture.
  4. Massage.

Autogenic training

This is a psychotherapeutic technique that is aimed at restoring homeostatic mechanisms in the human body after stress. Self-training is a powerful tool for restoring emotional balance. The patient, with maximum muscle relaxation, uses the self-hypnosis technique. It helps to influence mental, autonomic processes in XY syndrome. The principle of action is based on conscious control with the help of visual images, verbal formulas on the walls of blood vessels, skeletal muscle tone.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of XY syndrome, you can use the knowledge of traditional medicine. There are recipes that help to cope with stressful situations, apathy, insomnia, decreased performance, lethargy. This is a treatment for symptoms, but not the root cause, which is why traditional medicine is part of the complex therapy for the syndrome. The following recipes can be used:

  1. Toning drink. Take 100 g of honey (liquid), add three tablespoons of food grade apple cider vinegar. Take 1 teaspoon of the product three times a day.
  2. Morning energy drink... To combat the symptoms of fatigue, you can mix a teaspoon of honey, one drop of iodine, and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water. You can drink the drink only in the morning 1 time per day.
  3. Ginger tincture. Well suited for consumption after work. Take 200 g of chopped root, pour 1 liter of vodka and keep in a dark place for a week. Drink 1 glass with dinner once a day.


This syndrome does not pose a threat to human life, as a rule, the prognosis is favorable and ends with recovery. The restoration of health can be the result of treatment or a spontaneous phenomenon. A number of people have relapses of XY syndrome after undergoing somatic diseases, stressful situations. A hazard to human health is the likelihood of tangible abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system.

Disease prevention

An important factor in preventing the development of CU syndrome is the timely identification of symptoms. If you are haunted by insomnia, muscle and emotional tension, and other signs of chronic fatigue, you must avoid aggravating the condition. It is necessary to try to form an objective self-esteem, give yourself adequate mental, physical activity and make up a daily routine. Try to get away from stressful situations, avoid overwork. If you failed to do this, then try to fully relax, rest.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and recommend treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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How to Get Rid of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Doctor of Medical Sciences Valentin PROZOROVSKY.

Ability to work and performance in the medical sense of these expressions are not the same thing. The ability to work is impaired even if the shoe presses or the tooth hurts. It is relatively easy to cope with a shoe and even a tooth, but it is difficult to cope with a decrease in performance or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Science and Life // Illustrations

Bodhidharma, struggling with sleep, tore out his eyelids and threw them on the side of the mountain. At this place, a tea bush grew. Drawing from 1887.

The fruits of coffee. Photo by Igor Konstantinov.

Lemongrass. Photo by Igor Konstantinov.

Blooming tea bush. Photo by Igor Konstantinov.

Thickets of ephedra. Photo by Igor Konstantinov.

We will be discussing a special condition called chronic fatigue syndrome. It is not exactly a disease, but it is definitely not health, but something in between. The boundaries are vague: closer to health - asthenia (weakness) after illness or over the years, and closer to illness - reactive depression. Unfortunately, the term "chronic fatigue syndrome" that is understandable to everyone has now been replaced by another: according to the international classification, the condition under discussion has come to be called the syndrome of impaired cognitive ability, perception, emotional state and behavior. As they say, simple and tasteful.

Let's make a reservation right away: only a doctor can prescribe most of the remedies for correcting this condition. And I hope that after reading the article, you will understand why only a doctor can help you.

The cause of the syndrome is unclear. However, it has been established that it can also be caused by a latent chronic disease, and prolonged exposure to infrasounds (for example, living near a motorway), as well as a reaction that occurs in response to all kinds of long-term stressful situations at home, at work, in the city, in the country.

The syndrome is manifested by a general decline of desires and strengths, when you do not want anything and can not. Reactions are slowed down, thinking is difficult, volitional and forced by external forces activity is reduced. Emotionally, this state is often accompanied by inhibition in the form of general depression and drowsiness, less often - excitement with insomnia and outbursts of irritation, but in both cases - with a deterioration in mood in the form of depression.

Let's start with the latter. Emotions are from the field of psychopharmacology. It has long been believed that the task of psychiatrists is to prescribe drugs that would inhibit excitement and excite inhibition. However, in the case of chronic fatigue syndrome (for brevity, we call it the old way), this is not suitable. Such sedatives as valerian and similar herbal preparations, Corvalol in the company with sleeping pills, phenazepam and other diazepines, do not soothe, but only intensify asthenia.

In chronic fatigue syndrome, outbursts of irritability are associated with painful experience of their condition. It is for such cases that pharmacologists have a completely harmless drug - the amino acid glycine. It facilitates memorization, improves reaction when driving a car, does not have a hypnotic effect.

Weakness from excitement has long been known: in the acute version, it interferes with achieving records in sports, and in the chronic version, it leads to a loss of the ability to concentrate and to a decrease in mental performance. Of the mild, so-called daytime, general-acting sedatives, nootropic (from the Greek noos - mind and tropos - direction) drugs are more suitable for such a case: phenibut, pyriditol, acefen, picamilon. They not only calm, but also improve memory and thinking. However, the popular nootropil (piracetam), belonging to the same group of substances, is a mild aphrodisiac and is useful in cases of depression.

Now let's move on to activators, that is, activating substances. Most of the common aphrodisiacs have been known to mankind for many millennia - these are tea, coffee and cocoa.

The tea bush grew in the place where, according to legend, the preacher of Buddhism Bodhidharma, who arrived in China from India, threw his severed eyelids on the ground so as not to fall asleep. The leaves of the plant have helped the preacher to work day and night for many years. The sage named the bush "ttsay-ye". Having migrated to Mongolia, the plant began to be called "tsai", and came to Russia (under Alexei Mikhailovich) already under the name "tea". The great N.I. Vavilov established that the tea bush appeared in Indochina, and three varieties originated from it: Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian, and then others.

The beginning of the 19th century was marked by the isolation in pure form of many of the most valuable plant substances, called "alkaloids". One of the first was caffeine, obtained in 1821 by the German chemist F. F. Runge from coffee beans. It is believed that there is more caffeine in coffee than in tea, but this is not true. There may be even more caffeine in tea leaves than in coffee beans, but tea is only brewed and coffee is brewed. By habit, people associate coffee only with caffeine, tea with theophylline, and cocoa with theobromine.

The effect of caffeine on the central nervous system was studied in detail by I.P. Pavlov, who for five years headed the Department of Pharmacology at the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg. He showed that caffeine in large doses, instead of activation, causes suppression of reflexes and a breakdown of higher nervous activity. Passion for very strong tea (chifir) causes theism - one of the forms of drug addiction, which leads to damage to the heart muscle, and addiction to coffee - caffeinism, causing impaired thinking. Now caffeine is known primarily as a means of activating a tired brain. He is a psycho-energizer, although initially he was considered a means of stimulating heart activity. Exciting something excites, but this is why he is dangerous. Cocoa, and because of it, chocolate, is also exciting. That is why it should not be given to children. That is why they are treated to guests, especially inhibited ladies.

It is curious that caffeine is synthesized in very many plants: guarana grows in the Amazon, in Paraguay - holly (mate), in Africa - cola. Huge Russia does not have such plants. We will not be sad, we have our own. From time immemorial, hunters wandered in the taiga part of Siberia for days. The hunter is tired - don't get tired, don't sleep, go. It's the same in the mountains. They left for a long time, ate pasture. And they found a plant - ephedra. It grows in the Urals, in the Caucasus and in the mountains of Crimea. In the Volga region, another species of this plant was found, which is popularly called kuzmichy grass in memory of the famous local healer.

In 1882, the Japanese chemist V. Nagai isolated the active principle from ephedra - the alkaloid ephedrine. It enhances the influence of sympathetic nerves and adrenaline on the vessels and bronchi and, like adrenaline, narrows the former and expands the latter. Hence the main use of ephedrine for the common cold and bronchial asthma. The use of the new alkaloid in the clinic began only in the 20s of the last century. Unlike adrenaline (contained in the adrenal cortex), it acts for a relatively long time and penetrates well into the brain, exerting on it not so much an exciting, but an activating, awakening effect.

The need for funds "from fatigue" was felt not only and not so much by the clinic as by the army. In reconnaissance, in a submarine, in a long-range bomber, you don't get much sleep. Ephedrine had a short and weak effect to increase vigor. The duration of the action of a substance is determined by the presence or absence of hydroxyl groups in the ring, and the effect on the central nervous system is determined by the presence of additional methyl groups in the chain. It was this fact that chemists took advantage of, and the drug amphetamine was synthesized in the USA, then benzedrine in Germany, then in the USSR, but under the name "phenamine" and further all over the world under different names. During the Second World War, this substance was widely used in the armies of the belligerent countries. In the clinic, it was initially used as an activator and antidepressant, then only in diseases and conditions accompanied by depression and decreased activity, and in obesity, since it suppressed appetite.

Subsequently, it turned out that phenamine and its derivatives cause a lot of side effects, in particular, they disrupt the functions of the heart muscle, increase blood pressure and cause a pronounced "recoil phenomenon" - after activation of the body, its deep depression occurs. Due to its ability to lead to drug addiction, it is practically not used and is on special account.

Fortunately, we have not yet reached the European level in the distribution of drugs, but we are definitely catching up quickly. In a word, business "your night - add fire!" flourishes. Why be ashamed, if even in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg the drug nicotine is advertised on every corner.

The famous psychiatrist Sigmud Freud, long before the discovery of the method of psychoanalysis, treated patients with cocaine, popular at the beginning of the last century, as an antidepressant. Depression gave way to drug addiction, which Freud himself did not avoid. It is pointless to use “large” (strong) antidepressants for fatigue and depression — they are only suitable for treating depressive psychosis. And chronic fatigue, although similar to depression, is different. Nevertheless, after consulting your doctor, you can try "small" (weak) antidepressants that are effective in reactive depression: azafen - sedative, sydnophen - activating. Sydnocarb is rather just a mild activator of higher nervous activity, a substitute for phenamine, eliminating chronic fatigue and increasing efficiency. Does not cause euphoria and drug addiction.

Russian pharmacologists received the drug bemitil, which is considered an actoprotector (a new class of stimulants for physical performance), which not so much excites as increases impaired mental and physical performance even with a single use. It is completely harmless. Actoprotectors are especially useful for restoring activity after debilitating diseases (in some cases, the period of loss of strength after an illness can be delayed, taking on the character of an independent pathology). In this group, the most popular drug is mildronate. It is also used to increase physical stamina. As it turned out, it is chemically similar to the relatively recently discovered vitamin-like substance carnitine, which is even called vitamin B t - the growth vitamin. He is able to increase muscle mass while breaking down fat. In addition, it protects nerve cells from destruction (apoptosis), which is observed both in diseases and in aging. It is usually prescribed for stunted growth, exhaustion, serious illness, after myocardial infarction.

Appeared new drug epoetin, which is close to the hormone erythropoietin, which can increase the production of red blood cells and thereby improve the supply of oxygen to the body and cope with such types of anemia that were previously incurable. And where there is anemia, there is chronic fatigue.

And yet again, back to herbal remedies for chronic fatigue. The next group came from the Amur China and from the Ussuri taiga. The famous "human root" - ginseng - was first mentioned in the 1596 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. In Russia, it has long been used by hunters, but formally it became known in 1875 from the description of the Russian ambassador to China. Ginseng to this day remains the king of drugs that tone up the nervous system, but he rules along with many close, but not identical relatives. The effect in the form of an increase in all types of performance and potency occurs after a few days, sometimes weeks, after the start of the drug. Another advantage is that even at the peak of the action, a person does not experience a subjective sensation of arousal. Ginseng weakens the effects of sleeping pills and can cause sleep disturbances, but it never becomes addictive or addicted. The more active is the ginseng ginsan powder and the less active the bioginseng. Contraindications to the appointment of these drugs are agitation, insomnia, bleeding. Blood pressure is not increased, but in the presence of hypertension, it should be taken under medical supervision. As with all drugs in this group, ginseng should not be taken at the end of the day.

The most active of the "brothers and sisters" of ginseng is Rhodiola rosea, which is popularly called the "golden root" (not in value, but in color). In addition to general indications as a tonic, it is used for arterial hypotension, some neuroses and to restore strength after severe illnesses. Close to Rhodiola, but less active Manchurian Aralia. Saparal tablets are obtained from it. Compared to the above-mentioned plants, Schisandra chinensis, Eleutherococcus spiny and Safflower Leuzea are less active. One of the active principles of ecdisten was isolated from leuzea, which, in addition to the tonic effect, has the ability to accelerate the synthesis of proteins and for this reason it is especially indicated for use after debilitating diseases, in old age, and for young people - with increased training. It is not considered doping.

Academician N.V. Lazarev, one of the largest pharmacologists in our country, called all preparations from these plants adaptogens (generating adaptation) for the reason that they make a person more efficient, more resistant to all kinds of stress and to any harmful, including infectious , influences. He believed that they awaken in a person his "inner doctor", like morning exercises and tempering with cold water. That is why it makes no sense to drink a bottle of ginseng tincture, the best effect is achieved with its long-term use in small doses.

The synthetic adaptogens include dibazol, proposed by Academician S.V. Anichkov as an antispasmodic and antihypertensive agent. Later it turned out that he also increases immunity. Academician I.P. Ashmarin proposed the oligopeptide Semax as a nootropic and adaptive agent. Since this drug breaks down into individual amino acids in the stomach, it is administered in drops into the nose.

We discussed universal psychomio-energizers - means that increase the strength and mobility of nervous processes and muscle strength. But there are drugs of symptomatic action: eliminating hypotension, dilating blood vessels and improving metabolism in the brain. These include many vitamins, especially thiamine - B 1, riboflavin - B 2, nicotinic acid - B 3 and PP, cyanocobalamin - B 12, pangamic acid - B 15, orotic acid.

And, of course, hormones. Often, very common hypothyroidism (thyroid malfunction) is accompanied by weakness. It is treated with potassium and sodium iodine preparations (iodides). But they, and even more so thyroid hormones, are allowed to be taken only by appointment and under the supervision of a doctor. Sex hormones are a source of both strength and energy, therefore activators such as retabolil, phenobolin and others are doping and are not sold (should not be sold). The need for them arises in addition to diseases with natural hypogonadism (insufficient secretion of hormones) in women - in menopause, that is, after 55 years it is obligatory, in men - later (someone is hormonally active at 100 years old). Women miscalculate in hormones, gain in longevity. But hormones cannot be taken without a doctor.

All the means that we talked about work, but ... the main thing is movement, hardening, clean air and positive emotions. True, this requires will and favorable living conditions. Where can I get them? A vicious circle, which should be broken by all means, the main thing is with the help of a doctor.

Modern living conditions do not always have a positive effect on human health. The ecological situation, constant exposure to stress factors, and altered environmental microflora lead to the development of new pathological conditions. One of them is chronic fatigue syndrome. In this article, we will consider the causes, symptoms and treatment tactics for patients with this disease.

More on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease characterized by loss of energy, apathy, persistent depression of mood, which alternates with bouts of aggressive behavior. These manifestations occur even after minor mental or physical exertion and do not go away after a good rest.

Most often, pathology develops in working people with increased responsibility, as well as residents of megacities. Chronic fatigue syndrome has been assigned a separate code for the international classification of diseases, which indicates the importance of the problem.

Asthenia is similar in symptomatology and pathogenesis to chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition develops after severe infections, due to emotional exhaustion, somatic diseases. Like chronic fatigue, asthenia worsens a person's quality of life and requires immediate and competent treatment.

Why Chronic Fatigue Occurs

According to some reports, disruption of the energy center of the brain - reticular formation responsible for active wakefulness due to a decrease in the production of energy ATP - the main cause of chronic fatigue.

Factors that can trigger the development of chronic fatigue include:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Acute and chronic diseases.
  3. Poisoning.
  4. Chronic stress.
  5. Excessive mental and physical stress.

These factors negatively affect the neurons of the brain, disrupting their normal functioning. Such pathological changes in cells require appropriate correction. Treatment of chronic fatigue should be comprehensive and aimed, among other things, at improving metabolic processes in the tissue of the central nervous system.

Chronic fatigue symptoms

The severity of the symptoms of the disease depends on its stage. The exacerbation is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the patient's condition, during the period of remission the manifestations are insignificant. The main symptoms of chronic fatigue include:

  1. a constant feeling of fatigue that persists over a long period;
  2. lack of strength and desire to perform any actions;
  3. violation of the quality of sleep, an increase in the period of falling asleep;
  4. decreased appetite.

The variety of symptoms makes it difficult to diagnose the condition. In most cases, patients seek medical help from family doctors or therapists. Unfortunately, they often misdiagnose. Therefore, when the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a narrow specialist - a neurologist. This doctor will select the optimal treatment for chronic fatigue based on differential diagnosis.

Chronic fatigue treatment

Only a doctor should be involved in correcting the condition of patients with chronic fatigue: self-medication in this case can aggravate the course of the pathology. According to the recommendations of health professionals, it is necessary to create a protective regime for the patient, which will combine periods of good rest and sufficient physical activity.

It is important to protect the patient from stress factors, to carry out therapy for somatic diseases, to increase the activity of the immune system. Along with this, the patient's diet should be normalized, including foods with a high content of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

A key focus in the treatment of chronic fatigue is drug therapy. Various drugs are used, with the help of which there is an effect on all pathogenetic links of the disease.

Medicines containing succinic acid deserve special attention. The original representative of this group of drugs is Cytoflavin. It has four components:

  • succinic acid;
  • inosine;
  • nicotinamide;
  • riboflavin.

The benefits of succinic acid, proven by clinical studies, are much more pronounced in such a combination. The components of the drug "Cytoflavin" are metabolites - they nourish weakened cells of the nervous system, improving their energy. In addition, the drug has an antioxidant and antihypoxant effect. The substances that make up "Cytoflavin" prevent premature aging of brain cells and promote the active transfer of oxygen from capillaries to neurons, eliminating hypoxia.

"Cytoflavin" can be used in the treatment of patients with an acute stage of chronic fatigue, using for this injection form of release. Also, this drug is effective during the period of remission: taking pills allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the nervous tissue and prevent exacerbation.

Asthenia treatment

The use of "Cytoflavin" for the treatment of asthenia is justified. In this condition, pathological processes similar to those in chronic fatigue are observed in the nervous tissue.

Patients have:

  • depletion of energy reserves in neurocytes;
  • hypoxia of nerve cells;
  • inhibition of excitation processes;
  • unpleasant subjective sensations in the muscles of the limbs;
  • cerebral and joint pain;
  • stable depressive mood, which can be replaced by bouts of anger or aggression towards others;
  • subfebrile body temperature.

The use of succinic acid in this case is beyond doubt. Together with other components of "Cytoflavin", the substance increases energy reserves in cells, eliminates hypoxia and reduces the intensity of free radicals formation.

In addition to drugs, patients with asthenia are prescribed restorative treatment, physiotherapy, good nutrition and rest. Treatment of chronic fatigue and asthenia is a lengthy process, so it is important that the drugs used in therapy regimens do not have a negative effect on the body.

The experience of using "Cytoflavin" showed that taking it for 25 days, as prescribed in the instructions, was not accompanied by significant adverse reactions. At the same time, the benefits of succinic acid in combination with other components of the drug were noticeable after 7 days of use and persisted for 1 month after the completion of the course of treatment. In general, the use of "Cytoflavin" in the complex treatment of patients with chronic fatigue or asthenia will contribute to their speedy recovery and return to normal life.

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