Deciphering tests for chlamydia. Known tests for chlamydia through a blood test

To date, there are many methods aimed at detecting chlamydia. Each of them has its positive and negative sides. The main disadvantage of most of these methods is the lack of 100% accuracy in the results obtained. Although this disadvantage can be compensated by passing several types of tests.

The gold standard for testing for chlamydia is cultural method. It takes about 7 days to complete and is relatively expensive. However, thanks to this diagnosis, the doctor can accurately determine the type of sexual infection, its concentration in the body and the list of antimicrobial drugs to which this infection is sensitive.

When should I take a blood test for chlamydia?

The analysis under consideration is relevant to take in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen and / or lower back; mucopurulent discharge; burning of the mucous membrane of the labia. These disorders can be combined with fever, frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Inflammatory phenomena in the organs of the reproductive system: urethritis, epididymitis, prostatitis, cervicitis (including during childbearing), etc.
  3. Frequent inflammation of internal organs and systems, joints: conjunctivitis, arthritis, pneumonia, encephalopathy.
  4. Inability to conceive / bear a child.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy.

Checking for chlamydia is also indicated in the following cases:

  • Upon completion of therapeutic measures aimed at the elimination of sexual infection.
  • At the planning stage of pregnancy.
  • During the preparation of the patient for surgical intervention on the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • With unprotected/casual intercourse.

How do I prepare for a chlamydia test?

If at the time of preparation for the test of the body for the presence of chlamydia, the patient is taking any medications, he must notify your doctor.

Examine the patient's biomaterial in special laboratories, and its delivery takes place directly in medical institutions.

In order for the results of the research to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. 48 hours before the test you need to minimize the amount of spicy and fatty foods, exclude alcohol. You should also refrain from sexual intercourse.
  2. When treated with antibiotics this analysis is not carried out.
  3. If the studied biomaterial is blood , the patient should stop smoking on the day of sampling. Another important point is the exclusion of stressful situations before diagnosis.
  4. When giving urine it is important for patients to remember a few nuances: the test portion should be in the morning; “middle urine” is collected in a container; 50 ml is required for diagnostics. urine. Before taking the biomaterial, it is necessary to rinse the external genitalia with warm water, without resorting to any detergents.
  5. Pap smears for women need at least 5 days after the end of menstruation. Men should not urinate at least 60 minutes before the test.

How is material submitted for research?

To date, there are several methods for determining chlamydia:

  • General swab from the urethra or female genital tract . The sampling of the biomaterial is carried out by the urologist or gynecologist, respectively. The main tool is a small medical brush, through which the secret is removed from the prostate / urethra in men, or from the genital tract / cervix in women. It takes 2 days to get the result, and due to its painlessness, simplicity and accessibility, this analysis is very popular. Although it is not among the reliable: its accuracy is limited to 20%.
  • Immunofluorescence reaction (RIF) involves taking a secret from the urethra, which is then stained and studied under a special microscope. When carrying out this diagnosis, a lot of biomaterial is required, and the accuracy of the result obtained is limited to 70%. In general, if the collection of material and the interpretation of the result are entrusted to professionals, RIF can be attributed to one of the best ways to detect chlamydia.
  • Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) . By means of the considered technique, it is possible to clarify the fact of the presence and stage of the disease. The test material can be venous blood or a swab-scrape from the urethra, cervix. When taking epithelial cells from the urethra, the patient should refrain from urinating at least one hour before the analysis. The accuracy of this testing is relatively high (more than 60%), however, ELISA is often combined with other methods for diagnosing chlamydia.
  • The most informative method that allows you to identify the disease even if there are several chlamydia in the sample taken. The main disadvantage of PCR is the high cost and complexity of the analysis. Not every clinic can afford to purchase the equipment necessary for the study. As a biomaterial, discharge from the genital tract, the first portion of urine, endometrial tissue or ovum can be used.
  • Cultural method . In the diagnosis of the disease in question, this method is a kind of gold standard. Thanks to him, you can confirm or refute the diagnosis, as well as determine the tactics of treatment. This analysis can take up to 7 days: the withdrawn cells are placed in a special growth medium, after which they are incubated for several days.

Deciphering the results - norms and deviations

On average, the interpretation of analyzes takes 2-3 days. Some medical institutions, for a fee, can provide the results of the examination a few hours after the sampling of the biomaterial.

The exception is the cultural method: Diagnosis in this case takes several days.

Let us consider in more detail the interpretation of analyzes for each method:


Depending on the amount of IgG, IgM, IgA antigens, the doctor can diagnose four stages of chlamydia:

  1. acute. The IgG index will vary within 100-6400, IgA - 50-1600, IgM - 50-3200.
  2. Chronic. IgG titers in this case will be 100-1600, IgA - 0-50, IgM - 50-200.
  3. Acute stage of chronic chlamydia. IgG titers can reach 51200 (but not less than 100), IgA - 50-400, IgM - up to 50.
  4. Recovery. The IgG index will vary within 100-400, IgA and IgM - no more than 50.

  • PCR

In the form with the results of studies of the biomaterial for chlamydia using the specified method, only “detected” or “not detected” will appear.

  • Deciphering analyzes using the cultural method

Will include the following information:

  1. The exact name of the pathogen.
  2. The concentration of microorganisms in a milliliter of blood (CFU / ml). With results over 103 CFU / ml, the doctor states the development of an inflammatory process in the body, which is caused by chlamydia.
  3. A list of antibiotics that will be effective in treating the disease in question. Near the name of antibiotics to which chlamydia is sensitive will be the letter S. Drugs to which chlamydia is “immune” will be denoted by the letter R.

In cases where an insignificant period of time has passed after the positive effect of antibiotic therapy, false positive diagnostic results may occur.

This is due to the fact that single cells of pathogenic microorganisms are present in the body.

In addition, the presence of IgA, IgM, IgG titers in the blood serum may indicate the development other sexual infection(for example, staphylococcus aureus).

To obtain more reliable information, it is better to undergo several types of tests for chlamydia.

False negative results can be obtained in the following cases:

  1. An insignificant period passed after infection: the body did not have time to develop antibodies to the introduced bacteria.
  2. The terms and conditions of storage of the samples taken for the study were not observed.

Chlamydia in women and men occurs not only in the form of lesions of the genitourinary system, but can also affect the eyes, lungs, and mucous membranes. To detect the pathogen, or the body's immune response to its introduction, systemic research methods are needed. One of them is a blood test for chlamydia.

Contrary to popular belief, chlamydial infection can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through household contact, within the family, especially in young children. The causative agent of chlamydia, Chlamydia trachomatis, is not even a bacterium, but an intermediate microorganism between bacteria and viruses.

At the same time, its extremely small size, which is a fifth of a thousandth of a millimeter (0.2 microns), allows chlamydia in some cases to pass unhindered through the pores of mechanical devices for contraception, which are made in violation of technical standards. Simply put, chlamydia can pass through intact condoms.

Quite often, after a short period of severe symptoms, or a manifest form of chlamydia, which is manifested by urethritis, conjunctivitis, proctitis, cervicitis, generalization of the infection occurs, and the nature of the lesion becomes systemic. The classic triad is Reiter's syndrome, or articular-oculo-genital syndrome, with damage to large joints, eyes and genital organs. But in this case, it is still possible to determine the infection with a greater probability, since the patient has pronounced complaints that fit into a certain syndromic picture.

But with asymptomatic forms of chlamydia, there are great diagnostic difficulties. with chlamydia it is uninformative, just like. In the urine tests, everything is also within the normal range, if there is no attachment of secondary bacterial and pyogenic flora. Therefore, very often, and especially women, are treated for a long time and unsuccessfully by gynecologists for chronic endometritis and salpingitis, with frequent forms of ectopic pregnancy, in case of habitual miscarriage. Men often develop chronic prostatitis and other complications.

Blood tests for chlamydia: PCR and immunoglobulins

This may be important in the early stages of primary infection with chlamydia, when antibodies are generally absent, or have not reached diagnostically significant titers, or in the presence of severe forms of immunodeficiency, for example, while taking hormonal agents, immunosuppressive drugs, or during HIV infection.

In addition to a blood test for chlamydia, it can determine the presence of a pathogen in any biological fluid and substrate, from discharge from the genital tract to cerebrospinal fluid. But still, before donating blood immediately, care must be taken to identify this microorganism at the intended site of initial penetration, most often by examining secretions from the genital tract. In women, this can be a regular smear, and in men, the most informative is either a urethral scraping or PCR - an analysis taken from seminal fluid, from ejaculate.

It is possible to determine in the blood test not only the pathogens themselves, but also to identify the body's immune response to chlamydia using or. In the picture of primary and acute chlamydia, for example, in acute urethritis in men against the background of normal immunity, acute phase antibodies are most often detected, or already 3-5 days after the alleged infection.

Also for acute infection, after two to three weeks, the titer increases, usually 4 times the norm. These two tests (PCR and immunoglobulins) should be done together. In the event that you donate blood for chlamydia, but only mean the delivery of antibodies, then when they are detected, this does not mean at all that you are sick. You could have had chlamydia for a long time, beat it and recover. In this case, the circulation of class G antibodies in an increased titer remains for life.

Indications: when to donate blood for chlamydia?

Since chlamydial infection is very diverse, it is difficult to find two or three common criteria for the appointment of tests. But, nevertheless, it is possible to identify the main symptoms in which people who have an active sex life need to take blood tests for chlamydia with their subsequent decoding. These are conditions and diseases such as:

  • pain and burning during urination, dysuric disorders and symptoms of urethritis;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum, pain and burning, pain in the anus, signs of proctitis;
  • chronic and difficult-to-treat sore throats, sore throat, symptoms of pharyngitis, especially in people who practice non-traditional forms of sexual intimacy;
  • cervicitis and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, including those that occur during pregnancy;
  • for prevention, blood tests for chlamydia can be taken with frequent and unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as with frequent changes in sexual partners.

If you suspect a systemic spread of chlamydia and lesions of the bronchopulmonary system, it is necessary to conduct a study with:

  • the appearance of a prolonged and persistent cough against the background of a slight increase in temperature, or subfebrile condition;
  • the presence of pneumonia, which stubbornly does not want to be treated with antibiotics;
  • simply in the presence of a prolonged and constant fever in subfebrile numbers.

In children, suspicion of chlamydia may be confirmed when symptoms of bronchiolitis appear. Bronchiolitis is a bronchitis with a lesion of the deepest, smallest bronchi, which have a large area, are the terminal section of the bronchial tree, and are directly adjacent to the alveolar section, in which gas exchange occurs. It is also important to identify a possible chlamydial infection with eye damage in newborns, along with symptoms of childhood pneumonia that is resistant to treatment.

Delivery of analyzes and interpretation of the results

How to donate blood for chlamydia? Both in the case of PCR and in the study of various immunoglobulins, no special conditions for delivery need to be met. The main condition is at least 4 hour fasting after eating. Therefore, blood tests for chlamydia can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, after a night's sleep, under normal conditions.

What test results can be obtained in the norm, and what is their decoding for the disease with various forms of chlamydia?


When performing a real-time polymerase chain reaction, a qualitative response is issued, which indicates whether the pathogen is found in the blood plasma or there are no traces of it. Accordingly, in the first case, it is unequivocally possible to make a diagnosis of chlamydia infection, and in the second case, it can be either the absence of chlamydia or the presence of an extremely small number of pathogens, which is lower than the possibility of the method, but this is an unlikely result.

With positive PCR values, a further diagnostic search is carried out to determine the primary localization of the pathogen. Since the presence of chlamydia in the blood means only the fact that they have overcome the histohematogenous barrier, they could get into the blood from anywhere: from the oropharynx, from the urethra, from the anus, or from the lungs, depending on where the primary focus of pathogen penetration into organism.

Antibodies - immunoglobulins of classes M, G, A

In an acute process, class M antibodies appear first in the body. This indicates an early period, or a case of exacerbation of chronic chlamydial infection. How to distinguish between these two states?

  • If a high titer is combined with low titers, then this indicates a primary infection and the freshness of the infectious process;
  • If a high titer of immunoglobulin M coincides with an increased titer of immunoglobulin G, then this indicates chronicity.

In some cases, a blood test is performed for secretory. Their task is to protect various mucous membranes from deeper penetration of chlamydia so that they do not appear in the blood. These antibodies are also a marker of an acute infection, or exacerbation of a chronic process. The term of their appearance is a few days from the moment of primary infection with chlamydia. Of course, it is best to take class A immunoglobulins directly from the mucous membranes, since it is there that their concentration is highest, but they are completely determined by their peripheral blood.

After infection, the maximum value of immunoglobulins A appears within a month, and after three months their titer decreases. Such facts as re-infection and exacerbation of the chronic process again cause an increase in the titer of these antibodies. If chlamydia enters the bloodstream, the titer of these antibodies decreases, since the immune defense of the mucous membranes is broken, and in superficial forms of the disease, when the histohematological barrier is not yet broken, these class A secretory immunoglobulins are produced throughout the entire period of the disease, which can be distinguished in the test results.

"Long-playing" class G immunoglobulins are called a marker of a long-term current or already transferred infection. Given the previous data, you yourself can easily decipher the various interpretations of them. On average, Ig G appear in the blood 2.5 weeks after the pathogen enters the body. But the activity of immunity caused by these antibodies is unstable.

After recovery, antibodies can circulate in the blood, sometimes for years, and sometimes for life. If the chronic process proceeds with very low activity, or the patient has recovered, then their titer decreases. With exacerbations of the process, the titer increases again, and in the case of a fourfold increase in values, we can confidently speak of the reactivation of the process.

In conclusion, it should be said about the form of issuing the results of the analyzes. Many patients are accustomed to the fact that the pathology, and the decoding of the norm, is issued in the form of a table - digital values. This is not the case for chlamydia. PCR is a qualitative reaction that gives the answer "yes, detected" or "no, not detected." Antibodies have three options: the result is negative, questionable and positive.

This is quite enough for diagnosis, but also in the results of the analyzes a special value can be given, which is called the "positivity coefficient". This coefficient indicates how close the value of the patient's sample results to the threshold values ​​at which antibodies can be detected at all. The further this coefficient is from the threshold value, the greater the reliability of the study. This coefficient can only confirm the doctor's confidence that the patient does not have a false positive reaction, since the positivity coefficient is quite high.


A serious infection, often sexually transmitted, is dangerous with severe consequences. Laboratory diagnostic methods - blood tests for chlamydia - help to identify the disease, start its treatment. What are the features of surveys, how informative are all their varieties, how the results are deciphered - questions that are interesting to get answers to.

Chlamydia trachomatis - what is it

  • during unprotected intercourse;
  • household way;
  • during pregnancy from an infected mother to a child;
  • for men, the disease is dangerous by the development of prostatitis, impotence, chlamydial pneumonia;
  • in women, chlamydia provoke miscarriages, adhesions in the pelvis, premature birth, tumors of the uterus.

Diagnosis of chlamydia

The disease may be asymptomatic for a long period after infection. Often chlamydia is detected in the diagnosis of other sexually transmitted infections. Due to the characteristics of the biological cycle of the pathogen, analyzes are carried out in several ways. Laboratory diagnosis of chlamydia includes research methods:

  • primary microscopic analysis of the smear;
  • cultural method - sowing biomaterial in a special environment - gives an accurate result;
  • RIF of chlamydia - determination of the immunofluorescence reaction - pathogens glow under a microscope, it is reliable.

Analysis for chlamydia

The most accurate diagnosis for detecting chlamydial infection are blood tests. They are produced according to several methods that have their own characteristics. The main types of examination:

  • Immunoassay - ELISA. By the amount of Igg, Igm, Iga antibodies, it is determined which phase the disease is currently experiencing - acute, chronic or remission.
  • Polymer chain reaction - PCR. Detects pathogen DNA, is a very reliable diagnostic method.
  • having unprotected sex with a new sexual partner;
  • women who have frequent ailments due to pelvic diseases;
  • both partners when planning pregnancy, so as not to infect the expected baby;
  • women who have problems bearing a child;
  • patients with unexplained causes of infertility.

Blood for chlamydia is taken from a vein. To obtain objective results, doctors recommend that you comply with the requirements:

  • do tests not earlier than a month after antibiotic treatment;
  • do not have sexual intercourse in the coming days before the examination;
  • do not smoke half an hour before blood sampling;
  • come to the study on an empty stomach;
  • do not drink alcohol during the day;
  • do not drink water before testing;
  • exclude the implementation of physiotherapy.

PCR for chlamydia

With this research method, chlamydia in the blood is determined by the amount of DNA of microorganisms that are in the selected sample. Polymer chain reaction analysis - PCR - is characterized by very high accuracy and sensitivity. The result is fast and reliable. It is considered positive with a large number of chlamydia in the sample for research - the cause of infection is confirmed. The advantage of the method is that it detects infections:

  • in a hidden form;
  • oligosymptomatic;
  • at the acute stage.

Chlamydia poses a great danger to a woman who is expecting the birth of a baby. There is a high probability of intrauterine infection. Timely diagnosis will help to start treatment at an early stage, to avoid serious problems. Chlamydia PCR analysis is prescribed by gynecologists to exclude infection when a pregnant woman has symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • bad feeling.

The PCR blood test is universal. With its help, not only the causative agent of chlamydia is determined, but also other infections - herpes, tuberculosis, hepatitis. When decrypting, two options are possible:

  • negative - indicates the absence of infection of the body;
  • positive - indicates that infection has occurred, and by what type of bacteria.

ELISA for chlamydia

From the first days of infection, the body begins to produce antibodies to chlamydia in the blood. Three types of immunoglobulins stand up to protect against the disease, which are called Igg, Igm, Iga. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - ELISA for chlamydia not only accurately determines their presence, but states the stage in which the disease is located. This is due to the appearance of each of the antibodies at a particular stage of infection.

When examining blood by ELISA, immunoglobulins are detected at the following times:

  • after infection, Igm immediately appears, if the other two are absent, acute inflammation is diagnosed, it is important when examining newborns;
  • a month after infection, Iga antibodies are formed, which indicate the progression of the disease;
  • the appearance of Igg signals the transition of chlamydial infection into its chronic form.

Deciphering the analysis for chlamydia

Interpretation of the results of the survey has subtleties, so it should be carried out by qualified specialists. A blood test for chlamydia ELISA stands for each type of immunoglobulin, indicates the period of development of the infection. When determining Igm, the results are:

  • Positive: less than two weeks have passed since infection; if other antibodies are not detected, in the presence of Igg, an exacerbation of chronic inflammation.
  • Negative: no chlamydia - in the absence of all immunoglobulins; when Igg is detected - infection occurred at least two months ago.

In blood tests for the presence of Iga antibodies, the result is interpreted as follows:

  • Positive: acute stage of chronic infection or infection more than two weeks old; infection of the child during pregnancy.
  • Negative: no chlamydial inflammation; from the time of illness less than 14 days; there is little chance of fetal infection.

When decoding the test for Igg, the following results are produced:

  • At the norm - absent, the value of the coefficient of positivity is in the range of 0–0.99;
  • Positive: Chlamydia infection or flare-up occurred more than three weeks ago.
  • Negative - in case of simultaneous absence of Iga Igm immunoglobulins: no chlamydia in the blood; full recovery.

Where to get tested for chlamydia

Those who have felt signs of the disease, had unprotected sex with a casual partner, can be purchased at the pharmacy for an express test. With its help, the presence of chlamydia infection is quickly determined. For analysis, you need urine or a smear in women. The instructions describe how to collect them. The result is decoded like this:

  • positive - requires immediate contact with a venereologist for the appointment of drug treatment;
  • a negative test indicates that the disease is absent at the time of the test.

You can get tested for chlamydia by referral from a venereologist or gynecologist. It is not excluded that the patient independently applies to medical institutions if infection is suspected. A blood test for chlamydia is carried out by such organizations:

  • women's consultations;
  • family planning clinics;
  • skin and venereal dispensaries;
  • specialized laboratories for research.

How much does a chlamydia test cost?

Testing for chlamydia can be done at clinics or specialized centers that provide such services. The cost depends on the status of the institution, the available equipment. The classification of specialists involved in deciphering the results plays a role. The price of analysis for chlamydia in medical organizations in Moscow is summarized in the table:

Video: how to take a blood test for chlamydia

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases. One of the most common ailments is chlamydia. According to medical statistics, today more than a billion people on the planet suffer from this disease and are a source of infection for healthy people. An appropriate analysis helps to identify this ailment. Deciphering a blood test for chlamydia is carried out by a gynecologist, urologist or venereologist.

Who is assigned to study

The disease is caused by microorganisms called "chlamydia trachomatis" (chlamydia trachomatis). These small living organisms cannot develop and reproduce similar cells without proper nutrition. For development, they are introduced into a healthy human cell organisms and gradually destroy it from the inside. At the same time, an inflammatory process occurs at the site of infection localization (internal, external genital organs, mucous membrane of the eyes). About 60% of inflammation of the urethra begins precisely because of infection with chlamydia.

After chlamydia enters the body, if a person has a strong enough immunity, the microorganism can “hibernate”, that is, not show any activity, thereby not causing an immune response of the body. In this case, the disease manifests itself after a decrease in immunity, for example, as a result of a cold, etc.

A blood test for chlamydia may be prescribed if indicated. Symptoms of the disease appear at the end of the incubation period, which lasts from 14 to 30 days. Also, a study on STDs can be done at will or it can be prescribed for preventive purposes.

  • Characteristic signs of the active influence of chlamydia are characterized by painful sensations and burning in the genital area.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, a slight increase in body temperature, a feeling of pulling pain in the lumbar region and abdomen.
  • Susceptibility to frequent inflammatory processes (conjunctivitis, arthritis, inflammation of the prostate, etc.).
  • The appointment of an analysis for chlamydia and other common STDs is mandatory when planning a pregnancy. Treatment should be completed before conception.
  • Before surgery, an analysis is also carried out.
  • After casual sexual intercourse without the use of a condom.
  • In case of detection of infidelity of a permanent sexual partner. Especially if the partner has symptoms of chlamydia.
  • Also, an analysis for chlamydia is carried out at the end of the course of treatment for chlamydia to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

Types of analyzes

If you suspect chlamydia, you can seek help from a antenatal clinic to a gynecologist, a venereologist, a urologist in a district or private clinic. All detailed analyzes are also carried out in family planning centers. There are several types of medical STD tests.

  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a study aimed at searching for microorganism cells in the test sample. PCR is the most accurate and most expensive method of laboratory analysis. Services for this test are provided only by laboratories that are equipped with modern medical equipment. PCR can detect even the slightest presence of pathogens in a biological sample. The material for the study can be blood, urine, secretions from the genital tract.
  • The microfluorescence reaction or RIF analysis is based on the use of special reagents that are highlighted when chlamydia is detected. When performed professionally, this test is more than 75% reliable. The material for the study is a smear of discharge from the urethra.
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or ELISA is recognized by physicians as one of the most accurate medical tests. As a material for research, blood from a vein or scraping from the mucous membrane (urethra or cervix) is used. Based on the result of the analysis, one can judge the presence and stage of development of the disease. The accuracy of the received data exceeds 65%. ELISA for chlamydia and interpretation of the result is carried out as prescribed by the doctor. In parallel, another type of analysis for chlamydia may be prescribed.
  • A common smear is used, as a rule, for a comprehensive analysis for various diseases. The material is taken by a doctor with a special instrument. This type of examination is completely painless and is very commonly used. However, its reliability rarely exceeds 20%.
  • The seeding method involves the sampling of biological material at the site of inflammation. Then it is placed in a pathogen-friendly environment. Based on the received (grown) microorganisms, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the presence or absence of a disease, identify the type of organisms and prescribe the most effective treatment. This process takes about a week.

Test preparation

Blood for chlamydia, like most studies, is taken strictly on an empty stomach. Before the study, it is imperative to notify the doctor about all medications, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes taken. You should also honestly answer questions about sexual contacts and the number of sexual partners. The doctor can ask questions about the patient's living conditions and other clarifying points. According to the test for chlamydia, the interpretation of the analysis directly depends on whether the patient followed the doctor's recommendations for preparing for the study. The general recommendations are as follows.

  • Do not eat for 8-12 hours before donating blood.
  • Do not smoke on the day of blood sampling.
  • Blood composition can be affected by stress and anxiety. As a result of nervousness, the level of leukocytes, hormones and some enzymes increases, the result of the analysis may be distorted.
  • Women should take a smear no earlier than 5 days after the end of menstruation.
  • Men should refrain from urinating for an hour before giving a biological sample from the urethra.
  • An "average" sample is used for urinalysis. Before the procedure, you should wash yourself without using soap or other hygiene products. 50 ml of liquid is enough.

Result interpretation

The results of the analyzes are a laboratory form with data obtained as a result of the study of human biological material. ELISA reflects the presence in a biological sample of antibodies against a specific pathogen (chlamydia). The norm for the content of the substance does not exist if antibodies of this type are detected, and the patient's body is undergoing an active inflammatory process caused by chlamydia. Antibodies of the type can be contained in the body of a healthy person at a level of 0–0.99 S/CO. The absence of antibodies indicates that the test result for chlamydia is negative, that is, the person is healthy.

The decoding of the ELISA is presented in the table:

As a result of the polymerase chain reaction analysis, it is indicated whether pathogenic microorganisms are detected. That is, the result is either positive (the person is sick) or negative (the person is healthy). Deciphering the sowing allows you to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease, as well as determine the list of antibiotics that are most effective.

However, this research method is quite long, and if there are obvious symptoms of the disease, treatment should be started immediately.

Any request of the patient addressed to the laboratory assistant on the topic “decipher the result of the analysis, you are a doctor” is devoid of any meaning. Only a doctor can decipher a blood test for chlamydia, taking into account the patient's medical history and a number of other factors.

A blood test for chlamydia and interpretation of the data obtained is carried out by a qualified doctor. This is a routine study that can be assigned to any person. Because of the classification of chlamydia as an STD, many believe that only people who are extremely promiscuous can get the disease. However, it is not. Chlamydia feel great outside the human body, in a warm and humid environment, they live for about 48 hours. Thus, microorganisms can enter the mucous membrane of a healthy person through household items, public places, etc.

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