Plan for writing an essay on the Russian language exam. Plan for writing an Unified State Exam essay in the Russian language

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language invariably causes sadness and melancholy among schoolchildren, if only because there is no escape from passing the mandatory exam. The test part is not as scary as the essay part. However, practice shows that anyone, even not the most creative student, is capable of writing a decent work, because no one expects a creative flight of thought here, you just need to follow the structure and observe the canon. The plan should be remembered and constantly in front of your eyes to prepare for the essay. It will also help to create your own bank of arguments on the problems proposed in the exam KIMs. Suitable literary works with a brief summary on the issue or incidents from public life are recorded in this bank. In writing arguments, accuracy is important: the author (director), the title of the work, and the names of the characters are indicated. And remember: the more different essays you write, the easier it will be for you in the exam.

  1. The first and most important thing when writing an essay is to carefully read the text and find its topic.
  2. Next, you need to find the problems that the author raised. It is on one of them that essays will have to be written. However, the text usually contains not one, but several problems, from which you need to choose the most suitable one for yourself. It is worth reading the source carefully, because the author himself argues for the topic he poses, his example comes before or after the desired conflict issue. A suitable problem can be considered the most understandable problem for which there are the most convincing arguments.
  3. To get the highest score for them, you need to give either two literary examples, or one literary and one real-life example. It is not recommended to give two arguments from life; the score is reduced, no matter how brilliant they are.
  4. When writing an essay, even if you have already acquired considerable experience in this matter, you should first write a draft. After the last point has been made, it is recommended to distract yourself for a while, then re-read (if possible, out loud) and correct what you have written; with this method, errors are much easier to notice.
  5. After editing, the work is rewritten completely and re-read again. When rewriting thoroughly during the exam, you should try, because essays are still being checked by people who would be more pleased to read a neatly written text without any blots.

Essay plan

The structure of an essay on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is simple and consists of six elements. Each of them is equipped with cliche phrases and your thoughts, and here is the finished essay. To make the difficult and nervous exam procedure easier for yourself, memorize the writing plan. When the hour comes, it will be much easier to concentrate if the guide to action is in your head, and not on a cheat sheet.

  • Introduction– the easiest way is to immediately pose a problem in it, but you can write a couple of phrases about the author, work or topic (but there is no need to drag it out, a long introduction or conclusion is a minus for the essay, the volume should be gained through arguments).
  • Comment on the issue– it is necessary to explain how the problem found is expressed in the text. There are two types of comments: textual and contextual. A textual commentary is based on the text; you need to follow the argumentation of the problem by the author himself, see facts, phenomena, quotes that confirm his point of view. Contextual commentary involves an interpretation of the problem: what type it is, how relevant it is, why the author addressed it specifically.
  • Author's position– the writer’s opinion about the problem he poses in the text.
  • Own opinion– agreement or disagreement with the author’s position. Based on your position, you need to select arguments. You can disagree with the author, but this requires even more convincing examples, because the exam texts use well-known and generally accepted opinions.
  • Arguments- at least one of them must be drawn from literary works. The second can be from life (films, TV series, songs, folklore, events in the media and public life, personal experience). If literary works are not remembered at all, you will have to use two examples from life, because you can always remember (or create) several facts from your experience.
  • Conclusion- it sums up what has been said, here we can say that the text makes you think about an important and pressing problem and ways to solve it. The conclusion is an introduction in other words.
  • Templates and cliches

    Plan item Cliche
    Introduction Rhetorical questions (“What is love? Is it always a bright and joyful feeling?”). They have been trying to answer these questions since ancient times, raised the problem ... and ... (author's name)
    The problem... has always worried humanity, I addressed it and... in my text about...

    In the text proposed for analysis, written by ..., the problem is raised ...

    The problem... has become most acute recently, and... addressed the pressing issue.
    The dedicated to/talks about the problem...

    Comment on the issue Contextual:
    The question... is relevant at present because...
    The problem... is of the type... relevant to many
    Author's position The author approaches the question raised this way:...
    The author's position is clear...
    Own opinion I completely agree/disagree with the author’s opinion, because...

    I adhere to/share/support the author’s point of view because...

    It’s hard to disagree with the author’s position, because...
    The author's convincing argument makes everyone agree with his position because...
    It would seem that the author’s position is clear, but I do not agree with it, because...
    I do not share the author’s position in everything, because...
    In my opinion, the author is too categorical in his judgments, because...

    Argument 1 The first argument can be made...
    The first argument could be...
    This problem is widely represented in the literature, for example, in...
    To prove the validity of my position/my opinion, I will give...
    The problem is most fully revealed in...
    Argument 2 As a second argument you can use...
    The second argument could be...
    Let me give you another literary argument...
    In the film.../series.../song.../fairy tale.../in the proverb.../in the saying... we find another confirmation of the above
    The following argument is taken from my personal experience
    I have encountered this problem myself
    Conclusion In conclusion…

    Thus, the problem... is really important and relevant and requires attention from society because...
    I hope readers will think about the problem... and re-prioritize their lives


  1. Relationships between fathers and children.
  2. The role of childhood in the development of a person’s personality and moral guidelines.
  3. The role of classical literature in the spiritual development of modern society.
  4. The complexity and inconsistency of human actions.
  5. Human nobility.
  6. Honor and human dignity.
  7. A person's relationships with other people.
  8. Human perception of the surrounding world.
  9. Loneliness of a person.
  10. Man and art.
  11. Man's relationship to the natural world.
  12. A person's caring attitude towards language.
  13. The man and the power with which he is endowed.
  14. Compassion for others.
  15. Human attitude towards war.

Essay example

A sample essay for the Unified State Exam 2018 in the Russian language is written based on the text from the demo version of KIM in the Russian language.

Serenades, languid sighs, luxurious gifts and passionate words – is this true love? Or does it manifest itself in something less obvious and more profound? It is the problem of true love that F. Sologub addresses.

This question has long been relevant for everyone, because so often we are in error, mistaking our own illusions for real feelings. In extreme situations, all emotions are brighter and more honest, a person shows his most intimate things, so in war conditions the priorities in people’s relationships are immediately clear. So, Paul Sepp is ready to leave his usual life, go to the front for the sake of protecting the Motherland, home, and beloved. Lisa, the hero’s beloved, finally appreciated her admirer, fell in love and is also ready to protect him, accompanying him to the front.

This problem is widely represented in literature, for example, in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" glorifies the all-conquering love of the main characters. Margarita, for the sake of her beloved, is ready to sell her soul to the devil, hold Satan's ball, go to hell, just to be together, if only the Master would find long-awaited peace. Such feelings bring happiness and harmony, overcoming all obstacles.

An example of false illusions in love is the relationship between Helen Kuragina and Pierre Bezukhov, heroes of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” If she did not love him at all, but was guided by profit, then the hero mistook for love a sensual attraction to a brilliant and accessible woman. This is why Pierre was unhappy in his first marriage; false feelings are quickly replaced by irritation and boredom.

Thus, the problem of true love is really important and is still relevant today. Everyone who has it must hold on to this feeling with all their might, because true love may never happen again.

If you have a topic in mind that causes difficulties, then write

The Russian language is one of the required subjects when passing the Unified State Exam. The plan for the essay from assignment No. 25 and the features of its writing are offered in this article. More than 150 words of text will allow you to score the maximum possible 23 points or 30% of the total exam grade.

The essence of the task

Students are offered an original text on which they must write an essay-argument. The maximum volume is unlimited, but practice shows that it is possible to reveal the content using 250-300 words. This should be limited to avoid the risk of grammatical errors.

The task itself clearly outlines the plan for the essay. The Unified State Examination in Russian requires knowledge of the literary material to be referred to. Therefore, 6 out of 12 criteria for evaluating work relate to its content.

The article offers a plan formulated by the examiners and provides recommendations for writing each of its parts.

  • Problem formulation.
  • Her comment.
  • Author's position.
  • Own position.
  • First argument (example from literature).
  • Second argument (example from experience).
  • Conclusion.

Where to start a plan for writing an essay on the Russian language (USE)?


The inspectors separately evaluate the compositional integrity of the work, so the introduction, where the problem of the text fragment is formulated, is very important. This could be a concept (cowardice, betrayal, kindness), a phenomenon of life (hunger, war), a person’s character.

In the introduction, there is a smooth entry into the text of the essay: the reader becomes interested, becomes familiar with the style of presentation. Its volume should not exceed five sentences. The introductory part in terms of content and emotionality must be brought into line with the author’s fragment.

The essay writing plan (USE) provides the following options for starting creative work:

  • Rhetorical questions on the problem of the text. Example: " What is true courage and how does it manifest itself? Thinking about this problem(Author’s full name).”
  • General considerations or information on the topic: “ Since time immemorial, humanity has been looking for an answer...»
  • Use a quote or proverb. After writing it, you can continue with the words: “ This thought came to mind while reading the text (author’s full name).”

A comment

Students often mistakenly believe that commentary requires a brief retelling of the text. For this item, examiners award up to 2 points (for introduction - 1) based on the Unified State Examination results. The essay plan does not provide for detailed quotation, but penetration into the author’s logic of revealing the identified problem. We offer two comment options:

In the first case, you have to answer the following questions:

  • What techniques does the author use to attract the reader's attention to the problem?
  • On what material does it reveal it?
  • What actions does the hero of the passage perform and what does this say about him?
  • What emotions does the author himself experience about this?

In the second option, the first question remains unchanged, but the further logic is somewhat different:

  • What is the nature of the problem (philosophical, environmental, psychological, social or moral)?
  • How relevant is it today?
  • Who encounters it and in what situations?
  • If the problem is new, what contributed to its appearance?

The plan for writing an essay on the Russian language (USE) should not exclude transitions in order to maintain the semantic integrity of the work. This is helped by introductory words and phrases that should not be abused: “ Analyzing this problem, the author recalls an incident from his life…».

Author's and own position

The third point of the plan involves introducing a quotation with a link to the author's opinion, which must be placed in quotation marks. It is more convenient to do this using the following cliches:

  • “The writer believes that...”
  • "According to the author..."
  • “The writer expressed his position in words...”

The fourth point of the plan provides for the transition to designating the examinee’s own position. It can express agreement or disagreement, which must be correct and detailed. The plan for writing an essay in Russian (USE) requires proportionality of parts. Each paragraph should begin with a red line and consist of one or two paragraphs. The following phrases can become transitional:

  • “Indeed, one cannot help but support the author in that...”
  • “I understand and understand the author’s opinion that...”
  • “I agree with the author that...”

From a different point of view, the following revolutions are acceptable:

  • “The author’s opinion is interesting, but...”
  • “I think that the author’s statement cannot be considered applicable to...”
  • “One cannot but agree with the writer that<…>, however…"

Argumentation of the position

The requirement to have two arguments to substantiate your own position is set out in the Unified State Exam assignment. The essay plan provides a separate paragraph for each argument. In the first case, it is necessary to show a good knowledge of literature, in the second - erudition, because it is better to give examples from the lives of famous people. The following turns are appropriate:

  • “To prove my opinion, I will give an example from the story by N.V. Gogol<…>»
  • “In support of what has been said, one can recall the novel...”
  • “I spoke about this in my poem...”
  • “The example of the populist revolutionaries proves that...”
  • “A similar case was described in the autobiography of V.V. Mayakovsky...”
  • “I would like to remind you of an incident from the life of A. S. Pushkin about how...”

Referring to an example, you should briefly outline the situation in support of the thesis put forward. The fifth and sixth points have a maximum score of 3 points, so you should pay attention to both the persuasiveness of the arguments and the accuracy of the presentation of the facts. Errors in the name of the author or the title of the work are unacceptable.


The plan for writing an essay in Russian (USE) ends with conclusions that solve the following problems:

  • Summarize information on the problem: “Once again I would like to emphasize that...”
  • They evaluate what was said: “This allows us to conclude...”
  • They express the forecast: “I would like to hope that readers will really think about ...”
  • They call for activity: “When making this or that moral choice, each of us needs to remember about...”

The final paragraph should have something in common with the introduction, because the creative work must be complete, which is worth 2 points. For the accuracy of wording and expressiveness of speech, the examiners will add two more, so you cannot move away from the main idea without repeating the phrases used. What else should you pay attention to when preparing for the Unified State Exam?

The essay plan cannot be changed arbitrarily. It meets the requirements of an argumentative essay and is part of the examination task.

1. Text analysis We start by identifying the topic (what the text is about). To do this, we select keywords (words related to the same topic, synonymous words and expressions).

This text (article) is about...

2. Having determined the topic, you can try to formulate the problem.

Problem– (from Greek) – task – a question that requires study, resolution.

The problem of something, a point of view on a problem, put, put forward, consider, discuss, present, resolve a problem, touch on a problem, pay attention to a problem, a problem arises, arises, is of interest , Deserves attention.

The problem is formulated as a question, or by combining the word “problem” with a noun in the genitive case.

There may be several problems. It is important to see two and comment. It is important to comment not on the entire text, but on the problems that you stated at the beginning.

Which question should I choose? It is important to choose the issue that the author thinks about the most and about which the author’s position is clearly stated.

Re-read how you defined the problem. If in the form of a question, then the position should sound like an answer to the question. If, according to the formula “problem + noun in the genitive case,” then this noun should be heard in the designation of the author’s position.

  • delivered
  • stated
  • reviewed
  • nominated
  • affected
  • raised
  • formulated
  • researched
  • analyzed

Possible problems:

  • The problem of memory about one’s origins, about one’s childhood (why, having matured, does a person feel a connection with the home of his childhood, with the world of his childhood?);
  • The problem of the role of childhood in a person’s life (why is childhood the most important stage of a person’s life?);
  • The problem of historical memory (why does a person need to preserve the memory of the past? What does it mean to love your family and your Motherland7);
  • The problem of the father's house (why one should not forget the father's house7);
  • The problem of assessing such a period of a person’s life as childhood (is childhood really the “golden” period of a person’s life? What is the role of childhood in the formation of personality?);
  • The problem of a person’s moral strength (why is it in ordinary everyday situations that a person’s moral essence often manifests itself?);
  • The problem of the development and preservation of the Russian language (is the Russian language enriched or deteriorated thanks to borrowings?);
  • The problem of human influence on nature (what is the degree of human influence on nature and what are the possible consequences of this influence);
  • The problem of human perception of nature as living matter (should a person perceive nature as something living and take care of it?);
  • The problem of the injustice of the social structure of society (is it natural to divide people into rich and poor, is society structured correctly?);
  • The problem of alienation of the world of the rich and well-fed from the world of the poor and hungry (do the well-fed and rich think about those who cannot afford to eat to their fullest?);
  • The problem of internal resistance to the temptation of abundance (can children from a poor family resist the temptation of abundance and not become embittered?);
  • The problem of choosing a profession taking into account personal and public interests (can personal and public interests coincide when choosing a profession?)
  • The problem of a person’s responsibility to himself and society (can a person be free from society, from other people?);
  • The problem of commercialization of culture.

3. Comment on the problem.

A commentary differs from a simple retelling in that in a retelling you say what the characters are doing, and in a commentary what the author is doing. This is the most important and difficult thing.

It is important to reflect on some questions related to the text you read; Who is the text addressed to? What is the relevance of the text? How does the author approach this problem? What category does the problem belong to: moral, ethical, social, environmental, socio-political, philosophical, psychological? How covered is this problem in the literature? Which of the authors touched on it? How did the author approach his task? How does the author talk about the situation, what does he focus on?

Here it is possible to turn to means of expression if they help determine the author’s position. What is the writer's point of view? Maybe the author shows this through the eyes of the narrator, speaks on behalf of the hero? In what mood does the author write? What does it emphasize? What follows from this? What conclusions does this lead us to?

Templates: The problem could be:

The significance of the problem can be emphasized using the words:

The problem may cause the reader to:

Why is it important to be able to comment on the main problem of the text?

  • This allows you to see what interests the author.
  • By commenting on the problem, you also show your perception of what worries the author.
  • The comment will allow you to look deeper at the problem at hand.

The comment should not contain:

  • Retelling the source text or part of it.
  • Reasoning about all the problems of the text.
  • Comments on the actions of the characters in the text.
  • Avoid repeating the word “problem”
  • Avoid the expressions “the problem is that...”, “the problem is that...”, “the problem is about courage and perseverance...”.

At the same time, it is necessary to say how the author solves the stated problem, how he argues for his position (“for”), what, ultimately, is the purpose of writing the text. If the problem of the text is a question, then the author’s position is the answer to the question, how is the author answers it. When formulating a problem as a question, you need to know how the author answers it. You are not required to formulate the author’s position in general, but to show his opinion on the issue you have highlighted and commented on.

The author's position in a journalistic style is likely to be stated directly and can be easily detected. It is better not to quote the entire sentence, which reflects the author’s position, but to quote in part or paraphrase (so as not to reduce the score).

If the text is artistic, then the author’s position may not be directly stated. Here it is important to pay attention to how it is stated: directly or indirectly; use of expressive means; conscription; evaluativeness; availability; simplicity, etc.


  • The author believes that... The author claims that...
  • The author is convinced that..., and such confidence has its grounds.
  • It is important for the author to convince the reader that...
  • There is no doubt about the author’s opinion that...
  • The author leads the reader to the idea that...
  • The author strives to convey to the reader the idea that...
  • Solving the problem, the author comes to the conclusion: ...
  • ... – these words, in my opinion, reflect the main problem of the text.
  • ... - this statement accurately reflects the author’s thought.
  • The author’s position is obvious:...

5. Expression of one’s own attitude to this problem.

To prove this, we present two arguments, referring to examples from reading or life experience. Your own opinion must be expressed correctly. Your arguments should not repeat what was said in the original text.

Search your memory, remember what you read about it, what literary associations it evokes for you. It is very important that your arguments support, prove your point of view, and are not just an illustration on the same topic. Therefore, with each argument, formulate what you prove with the example given.

It's important to prove why you think this way. I (dis)agree with the author because... and I think...

Here is a strict essay-reasoning:

  • thesis
  • argumentation
  • conclusion
  • argumentation

Start each argument in a new paragraph.

Give examples, citing examples from fiction, authoritative people, or from your own life and the lives of others.

However, his thought about ... is doubtful

I share the author’s indignation (rejection, delight) and think...

A story comes to mind that I heard (read, that happened to me)

My opinion is confirmed by this fact...


  • I enjoyed reading...
  • You can't remain indifferent...
  • Unfortunately…
  • It should be noted that the indisputability of the author’s position is beyond doubt...
  • The author convincingly proves that...
  • The author, in my opinion, is not entirely right when he claims that...
  • The author's point of view is, of course, interesting, but I believe that...
  • In my opinion, the author is somewhat categorical in his judgments.
  • I think that it is not entirely fair that the author says that...
  • The author rightly notes that...
  • The author's assessments are fair and accurate. Really, …
  • The author's position on this issue coincides with my point of view.
  • Firstly,…
  • Secondly,…
  • Thus,

Arguments must be accurate.

Arguments must be detailed and convincing.

Arguments must prove your point.

How can you introduce arguments into your own position?

Using phrases:

  • Let's turn to (a fact, someone's memories, scientific data...)
  • Suffice it to give an example...
  • This can be proven as follows..
  • This can be confirmed by the following fact...
  • Let me give you another example to prove my point.
  • You can easily verify this by contacting...

Using introductory words and phrases:

  • For example... Let's say...
  • According to someone's testimony... Suppose...
  • Firstly, ..., secondly, ... etc.

Using conjunctions and subordinate clauses:

  • Because…
  • Because…
  • Because of…
  • Thanks to…
  • Due to the fact that…

6. How to finish an essay?

  • 2-3 sentences duplicating the introduction.

7. How to start an essay?

  • If you know anything about the author, you can write 2-3 sentences.
  • You can write about the positive impression the text made on you.
  • You can paint a typical picture (It often happens that...)
  • On eternal topics, you can start like this: Love... So much has been said about it!

Algorithm for writing an argumentative essay

  1. Introduction.
  2. Problems that the author thinks about.

Scheme for writing an essay on assignment C1 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

1. Introduction (two or three sentences that should lead to the topic of this text).
2. The problem raised by the author of the text
3. A comment
4. Position of the author of the text
5. Your position on the issue raised in the text. Expression of agreement, disagreement, partial disagreement with the author’s position, contradictory or ambivalent assessment.
6. Arguments given in support of the author’s position or in refutation of it (at least two clear arguments must be given, based on reading and (or) life experience).
7. Conclusion (one or two sentences to give the essay a complete look).

Where is the best way to start an essay C1?

There are several good options:

For example:
K. G. Paustovsky is one of the true masters of artistic expression. His heartfelt stories teach us to see beauty in the world around us and to respect nature. Likewise, in the text I read, the author reflects on the inextricable connection between man and nature.

2) from homogeneous members of the sentence (usually they use abstract concepts related to the topic of the text)

For example:
Loyalty, mutual assistance, mercy, friendship (etc.) - without these moral concepts it is impossible to imagine the spiritual life of a person. In his article, the famous publicist reflects on the fact that...

3) with several rhetorical questions that should lead to the main idea or topic of the text read (antonyms can be used in these questions)

For example:
In such a controversial time filled with social upheavals, how can one not forget how to distinguish lies from truth? How do you know what has a beneficial effect on the soul and what is harmful? What is the difference between culture and “pseudoculture”? In his article, he reflects on these difficult questions...

4) from your own thoughts on the problem raised by the author of the text

For example:
I have thought many times about how difficult it can be to explain in words the most important concepts in human life. Happiness, faith, love - we cannot live without these moral categories, but giving them a “definition” is not at all easy. In this text, the author reflects on the role...


In this article, the author raises several important moral issues: ...
- The text tells (says, the author, argues, reflects, etc.) about...
- In this text the author speaks not only about..., but also about....
- After reading this text, I came to a conclusion (I came to a conclusion, I understood the author’s position).
- The content of the article turned out to be much broader than its topic. Talking about..., the author means...

A good addition to the comment would be a partial quotation

For example:
a) S. Soloveichik tells the reader that faith is “the most important function of the soul.” The author, without being intrusive, proves that without faith, the “transmission mechanism” between the heart and mind, the “soul” of a person will “dry up.”

Speech samples expressing the student's opinion about what they read

Key phrases for the text on a topical topic:

Despite the fact that I had previously thought a lot about the topic..., the author’s thought about... seemed very unexpected and interesting to me.
I have thought more than once that... and therefore the topic of the text turned out to be close and understandable to me.
The problem... worries many of my contemporaries. In his article, the famous publicist expresses his thoughts about...

Key phrases for the text of popular science style:

At first the text seemed difficult to me, but after the second reading, I understood...
Frankly, I had never read about... before, so the text... interested me very much, from it I learned a lot about...
The author covers complex scientific concepts in a very accessible way, using general scientific terms.

Key phrases for the text on a topic that is far from the student’s interests:

I have never thought about this difficult problem before, so I am afraid that my position may seem a little vague.
I found the author's idea about...
I don't have enough life experience to have a clear position on this issue. But after reading the text, I thought that...

How to successfully finish an essay

You need to finish the essay with a phrase that sums up the above, as well as logically connecting the essay with the text read.

In the introduction, retelling the content of the text is unacceptable. The length of the introduction is 3-4 sentences.

  1. A penchant for paradoxes The essay is designed to surprise the reader and listener - this, according to many researchers, is its mandatory quality.
  2. With this block everything is simple and yet complex. Despite the free composition, the essay must have internal unity, consistency in the author’s statements expressing his opinion.
  3. The relevance of this topic is revealed in the work... A well-written introduction makes the reader interested and read the essay to the end.
  4. Conclusion In conclusion, we summarize all our reasoning, draw a conclusion, summarize, perhaps call the reader to think, using a rhetorical question.

The problem raised in the text. Even if you indicate ten problems, the maximum score for this item is 1.

Unfortunately, not in all proposed texts it is immediately possible to understand what the author wants to say. There are several secrets that will help make the task easier. First, the problem is usually formulated either at the beginning or at the end of the text.

  • In an essay on a career topic, the applicant reveals his view of his career, describes the reasons and features of his choice of profession, characterizes his image of the future and reveals his own strategies for achieving career success;
  • No matter what question you answer, you need to achieve certain goals;
  • State your point of view in the sequence that you have outlined;
  • How does he propose to solve the problem?
  • The language used in essay writing should be taken seriously;
  • This is why it is so important for me to approach my work with great responsibility and not to lose face.

This vocabulary will be useful to you at the next stage - composing a commentary on the original problem. Commentary on the problem you formulated. In essence, it is a brief retelling of this text, but always in your own words. Simply put, this is a disclosure of the specified problem, the author’s position.

Russian essay plan

Also avoid factual errors: The next stage is to reflect the position of the author of the text on the highlighted problem. This can be expressed in one phrase, the author believes: How does the author himself answer the question posed? How does he propose to solve the problem? It may coincide with the author's, may differ from.

Another essay plan

You are required to provide 2 arguments worth 1 point each, but no more than 2 points. If you present as evidence the same argument as the author himself, it does not count.

  1. In the final part of the work, the reading examiner should see. Delve into the topic of the essay and try to clearly understand what it will talk about.
  2. S - less than 10 words, M - less than 20 words, L - 20 or more words.
  3. It is important to provide your own arguments, which may include your personal experience, as well as examples from journalism and literature.
  4. If your essay gets caught at the end of the day, the reviewer simply won’t have the energy to look for a problem in your text. But, if you do not identify the problem, then your entire essay will be ruined.
  5. Rules for writing an essay Of the formal rules for writing an essay, only one can be named - the presence of a title.

In the reader's experience, literature in general, and Russian literature in particular, is rich in a wide variety of life situations and characters. Be careful in choosing arguments: Experts evaluate two arguments, so we advise you to limit yourself to only two. The more you write, the more likely you are to make a mistake.

  • The maximum score for this criterion is 3;
  • The most points you can get for literacy is a maximum of 8;
  • Take everything as a game - the exam is just an opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things and expand the boundaries of your worldview;
  • There is no need to repeat the author’s thoughts reflected in the text;
  • If 2 are from life experience, then get 2 points, etc.

Most points 2b. The reader's argument is equal to two arguments from life experience, for which you can get 1 point. When making an argument, you can also rely on works of the folklore genre: fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, songs, etc.

An argument of this type is also awarded 1 point. The maximum score for this criterion is 3. If 2 is from life experience, then you get 2 points, etc.

Essay structure and plan

You can analyze linguistic means of expressiveness; these means can be considered as a form of author’s argumentation, a way of influencing the reader: Re-read the draft, check the logic of the work: The most points you can get for literacy are maximum - 8: Don’t go into beautiful arguments about anything: Volume 150 words are quite enough to complete the task.

Of course, if you write more, it won’t be worse. But if it’s less, the points will be lowered, and if it’s very little less than 70, how to write an essay plan for the Russian language, then they won’t evaluate it at all. Schematically, your essay should be similar to the shape of a circle, that is, it should be closed.

Where did you start writing, then you need to finish, sum up what impression this essay made on you, did it make you think about your views on the world? In the final part of the work, the reading examiner should see: The volume of the conclusion is 2-3 sentences.

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