Project management in regional government bodies. Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation Examples of Projects in Government Bodies

In business, the project management method has been used for a long time and has established itself as an effective tool for the implementation of complex and multi-stage tasks. Now this technology comes to government bodies, writes the business newspaper "Golden Horn". In many regions, project management is used to implement specific initiatives. The Primorsky Territory along this path has advanced much further than the others, becoming practically the only entity where an independent executive body has been created for project management - the Department of Project Management.

About what the new department is doing, what results have already been achieved in several months of work and what tasks are for the future in an interview with the business newspaper "Zolotoy Rog" told the acting. Head of the Project Management Department Kristina SHUVALOVA.

Kristina Petrovna, for business, project management is a well-proven methodology for a long time, and no one has any questions about why it is needed. And why is project management in government bodies necessary?

Both the President of the Russian Federation and the Government are setting completely new tasks for the subjects of the Federation, the solution of which requires new approaches. There is a need to create unique products, while we are limited in time and resources. This means that you need to look for and try other tools. One of them is project management. The effectiveness of the project approach has already been proven by many years of business practice. To solve new problems, this method may well be used in government bodies.

In order to introduce a project management model, is there a need in the power structure to coordinate this work?

The introduction of the project approach in the public sector has been discussed for a long time, and many regions are already introducing this methodology in certain areas of work. However, an independent executive body, which concentrated this work in its hands, was created only in the Primorsky Territory and Khanty-Mansiysk. The Governor of the Primorsky Territory made a decision to create a project management department last year immediately after the President outlined this task during the SPIEF.

The need to create a separate structure - firstly, it is a requirement of project standards and methodologies, and secondly, project management is a new tool with its own specifics, rules and organizational structure.

- What documents regulate this activity?

Today in our country there are 4 GOSTs for project management: GOST for program management, projects and project portfolios, as well as for project management. We work with methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, which are developed on the basis of these GOSTs. For the authorities, these regulations need to be adapted taking into account the specifics of work and legislation in the field of public civil service.

Our department is now actively developing an appropriate regulatory framework. The main document - the Regulation on project management in the Primorsky Territory - is a kind of project code for executive authorities, which will allow standardizing project management processes and each participant to see their role in the project.

- What are the tasks facing the department?

Our department in the terminology of project management is the central project office. We are responsible for the methodology of the process as a whole, the formation of project teams, the alignment of work on the preparation of project documentation, we control compliance with deadlines and the passage of project milestones.

Thus, there are five main tasks: the formation of the legal framework and the creation of the organizational structure of project management, ensuring the operation of the information system, developing the competencies and motivation of project specialists, independent monitoring of the implementation of the projects themselves.

We decided to work out the methodology of work on 4 projects: the creation of two priority development areas, an increase in the investment attractiveness of Primorye in the format of the National Rating of the Investment Climate and the organization of the Second Pacific Tourism Forum. Today we need to understand how design processes will work on "pilots", to form best practices and scale them to other projects and programs.

Can you tell us in more detail how this work is being built on the example of the project for creating territories of advanced development?

ASEZ is a unique complex project that requires a special approach to its implementation. As you know, according to the legislation, the subject of the Federation takes on the task of creating part of the infrastructure for the territories of advanced development. In our case - the construction of roads and public utilities for the needs of investors.

How is the work organized? Project teams have developed project documentation indicating a detailed list of works, specific deadlines and responsible persons. The task of our department is to independently control the implementation of the project's work. In the course of this, potential risks of the project are identified and comprehensive measures are taken to eliminate them.

The success of any project depends, first of all, on the people who implement it. How are project teams created?

Building an effective team is indeed one of the most important tasks. To implement complex complex projects, specialists from various fields are needed. The TOP projects team included representatives of industry and infrastructure departments, network organizations and regional institutions.

Each of the participants has a role to play. The hierarchy is something like this. The topmost level is the customer. As a rule, it is the governor of the Primorsky Territory. The project director (most often this is one of the vice-governors) is entrusted with the task of making responsible and complex decisions that require certain powers. The entire process is managed by a project manager. In fact, operational management is concentrated in his hands: he must establish contact with each member of the project team, bring everyone together, set tasks and deadlines for everyone, and lead the project to the results and the goal that the customer has designated.

Detailed planning certainly allows you not only to control the process, but also to anticipate risks and mitigate them in time?

Certainly. This is the essence of project management. Everything in the system is so transparent that it is simply impossible to conceal something, to report and not do it. Opposite each, even the smallest, event, there is the name of a specific performer, and he understands personal responsibility.

Another global project that you have joined is participation in the work to improve the indicators of the National Rating of the Investment Climate State. How is this work organized?

Increasing the investment attractiveness of Primorsky Krai is one of the tasks of the state program "Economic development and innovative economy of Primorsky Krai". We work with the National Rating as with a program. What is a program in a project approach? This is a collection of projects united by a common goal. In our case, this is an improvement in the investment climate.

Within this program, we have seven projects: Human Resources and Education, IT Infrastructure, Energy, Construction, Entrepreneurship and Investment, Land and Real Estate, and Transport.

At the center of our work is a functional project office represented by the Investment Agency of the Primorsky Territory, which allows us to establish close interaction with business. The investment climate is created for entrepreneurs, and it is extremely important for us to understand their needs. The task of the authorities is to hear the wishes of the business, to include them in action plans or roadmaps, to determine the deadlines and responsible persons.

We have already discussed four roadmaps with the business community. I want to note that business, for its part, is also very responsible for this work: everyone comes prepared for a constructive dialogue, makes important and necessary proposals. So, for example, only during the discussion of the first roadmap "Land resources and real estate" more than 50 proposals were received from entrepreneurs.

Based on the results of the discussion, the Investment Agency, which is also a functional project office, fixes all proposals and monitors their inclusion in roadmaps. After the roadmap is finalized, it takes into account the opinion of the business, it is presented to the governor. However, the work does not end there either: even after the approval of the roadmap, the Investment Agency continues to work with business, monitoring the implementation of the roadmap, and, if necessary, makes proposals for its improvement.

As you said, a lot depends on the project team. To what extent were the administration staff ready to introduce a new approach to management?

Project management for executive authorities is a new culture, a new philosophy. Here we are moving away from vertical subordination - the project team gathers from different departments and unites on a horizontal level. At the same time, each team member has double subordination: both to the head of his own department and to the project manager. Of course, not every person will be able to work in a project format. This requires a certain set of competencies: an innovative approach to solving various problems, project thinking, result orientation and a high level of communication.

All experts say that for the authorities this is the destruction of stereotypes and the well-established communication model. Here you need to be creative, flexible, and make non-standard decisions. Now we are just starting this work, but we already have something to be proud of: during the implementation of projects, we saw people who believed in project management, immersed themselves in this process and give very good results. The development of such competencies is also our task. In this direction, we will work together with the Department of State Civil Service.

By the way, many heads of departments already say that the project approach has made it possible to streamline the current work, making it more transparent and securing personal responsibility for everyone.

I would also like to emphasize that this year we are planning to launch a project management information system. Each step of each of the team members will be reflected in this system, which means that everything will become even more transparent.

From process management to project management

Previously, the activities of the authorities were more process-oriented. The main task of project management is to move away from the process and come to a result. The introduction of project management () should increase the efficiency of the use of resources and the interaction of authorities with other organizations, as well as increase the transparency, validity and timeliness of decisions made, that is, ensure the achievement of planned results.

To this end, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on April 14, 2014 prepared Order No. 26R-AU, which approved methodological recommendations for the implementation of project management in executive bodies. It is difficult to take into account the specifics of different organizations, projects and programs in the format of recommendations. Moreover, the current version of the recommendations is focused on the implementation of project management within one organization, although, according to our experience of interaction with government agencies, it should be about organizing the work of all IEPs in the region. But to get started, these recommendations are enough. Let's go directly to them.

There are four levels in the management system of the executive authority: strategic, tactical, operational and operational. Each level is characterized by its own planning horizon and frequency of control. A more detailed model of a project-oriented management system is presented in Appendix No. 2 of the recommendations.

When moving to a project-oriented system, the following processes must be introduced or modified:

  • project management;
  • management of the motivation of project participants;
  • management of the competencies of participants in project activities;
  • organizational support for project activities;
  • technological support for project activities.
  • project initiation;
  • project planning;
  • project execution;
  • project change management;
  • project control;
  • completion of the project.

The main project management tools are:

  • Project passport (key information on the project is reflected - goals, objectives, results, success criteria, implementation period, risks, etc.).
  • Project schedule (includes activities, project milestones, connections between them, responsible executors, timing of activities and achievement of milestones - Gantt chart).
  • Project reports (examples of reports are presented in the Appendix to the Methodological Recommendations).

A tool for technological support of project activities is a project management information system.

About the implementation of project management

It is worth paying attention to the matrix for the implementation of modules of the project management information system by queue (Appendix No. 9 of the recommendations). It shows the functionality of a particular module and the sequence of its implementation. The distribution of functionality into queues is carried out according to the principle “from simple to complex”. The division of work into queues allows not only to highlight the results that are significant for the IEP, but also to adjust them during implementation.

In general, the proposed time frame for project management implementation is one year, and another year is allotted for the development of the solution.

EDS capabilities for project management

How can government agencies be helped by their experience and already implemented document management systems (EDMS)?

The methodological recommendations in conjunction with the existing experience in the implementation of the EDMS should give a synergistic effect in the transition of EIA to project management, while ready-made solutions can be used as a tool for the implementation of such management. And although no solution most likely has all the functionality listed in the recommendations, you can choose the most suitable one and build on its basis a project management system in your region.

The "Matrix for the implementation of PMIS modules by queue" will help to assess the applicability of a particular system. You just need to add columns to it for each decision and note in them the presence or absence of modules from the list proposed in the recommendations.

Similarly, we can compare two solutions on the DIRECTUM platform (reflected in the table). The necessary functionality is partially provided by the basic capabilities of the system (module for storing project documents and maintaining a knowledge base for projects, administration module, etc.).

An example of comparing two technical solutions in accordance with the implementation matrix of the PMIS modules by queue

Modules Submodules Turn Module composition "DIRECTUM. Project document flow " Akelon Projects
1. Project certification module Certification of projects 1 TS Projects (30 details + 2 tabular sections with 4 columns) + +
2. Time management module By control events 1 TS Project schedule Report "Control events plan" TM Project initiation TM Coordination of project documents ± +
Scheduling and network planning 2 Project Planning Report - Project Integration +
3. Performance management module Entering indicators, accounting for planned values 1 TS Project Results
Tracking the actual values ​​of indicators 1
4. Personnel management module Maintaining registers of users, departments, project roles and their comparison (access matrix). Contacts of project participants 1 TS Project Roles + +

Solution “DIRECTUM. Project document flow ", in our opinion, is suitable as a basis for finalizing the system" for yourself ". In this solution, the cards are not overloaded with information, and the stages and roles are in line with the recommendations.

The advantage of the Akelon Projects solution is the functionality of scheduling and network planning.


The choice of the way to achieve the goals of the RIA and the type of management system is left to the organization and users.

Government bodies have long been using information systems and set themselves the task of thinking over options for implementing project management within the framework of the current system. In some regions, there are successful practices of introducing project management mechanisms, and it is necessary to competently use this experience in others.

The involvement of specialists with successful experience at the initial stages will have a positive effect on the result. In particular, companies implementing EDMS are initially focused on project work, and already during the implementation of the system there will be an opportunity to try project management. At the same time, one should not forget about the risks associated with legislative restrictions and the course towards import substitution. In the future, external specialists complete the work, transfer competencies and a working solution to the IEP specialists.

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed, by November 1, 2015, to form project offices in each region responsible for the implementation of road maps according to the best practices identified during the National Investment Climate Rating. By this time, the regions should have launched a number of organizational transformations: to form project teams, consisting of employees of various functional divisions and administrative bodies of the subjects; plan activities for each block of work; describe the project; form a "road map"; appoint a leader to coordinate the time and resources of this project.

“Having carefully studied the available foreign and domestic experience, in 2013 we created the Council for the implementation of project management in the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the Council's work, methodological recommendations for the implementation of project management were developed, which included a detailed description of the entire process: the organizational structure of the project office, an approximate package of documents, processes, use of information systems, employee motivation, etc. Today ASI has developed a version of our methodological recommendations to help the leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to apply project management in solving the problems of improving the investment climate. On the basis of these recommendations, the Agency will soon organize training for the regions in project management, ”said Leonid Osipov, Deputy Head of the Expert Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.

The regions already have implementation of project management mechanisms. Representatives of the Belgorod, Leningrad and Tyumen regions shared their experience.

“We went to this for a long time, but now we perfectly understand that it is possible to achieve results in investment activities only with project management, when there is a person responsible for a certain process, specific deadlines are set, there is a set of activities and an ultimate goal. An integrated approach is taken as the basic principle of work - any new investor is offered three key tools that work together: administrative support and consulting, assistance in resolving issues of personnel training; tax incentives; financial support. This combination helps to enter the region and start your work much faster, more profitable, more optimal. And systemic issues related to improving the investment and business climate, both in general and on the example of individual projects, we solve at the Council for the Improvement of the Investment Climate, we have it and this is the organizational headquarters that projects the necessary changes and is responsible for their implementation ", - the Governor of the Tyumen Region Vladimir Yakushev also shared his experience.

The Governor of the Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko said that the region is systematically working to introduce tools for effective project management not only in government bodies, but also in state-owned companies. “One of the leading projects was the implementation of projects of the regional state-owned company Lenoblinnovatsii, which is a kind of pilot project office of the region for the development of an innovative ecosystem, as well as the creation of industrial and innovative infrastructure,” said Alexander Drozdenko. The company implements large investment projects totaling over RUB 3 billion. Three projects are currently in the active phase - the North-West Nanotechnology Center in Gatchina, the Pikalevo industrial park and the Tosno industrial park.

The achieved level of maturity and efficiency of project management was confirmed during the evaluation of applications of participants in the federal competition "Project Olympus", the stage of which ended in September 2015 - the company successfully passed the final round of the competitive selection in two nominations at once - "Project Management System" and "System project management ".

Since the transition to project management in the Belgorod Region, about 2,000 projects have already been implemented, 800 projects are underway, and about 600 more are at the planning stage. “We have improved management efficiency, projects have measurable indicators, civil servants have become more interested in working on projects. professional lift for all participants in the process. Effective in project management is the issue of motivating people. For example, a civil servant participating in the implementation of the project can count not only on the official salary and additional allowances, but also on a worthy remuneration for his activities when the project is implemented, ”emphasized the Governor of the Belgorod Region Yevgeny Savchenko.

ASI, together with RANEPA, is forming an autumn one for regional teams, which will contain not only specialized blocks on the best practices of the National Rating, but also blocks on project management and managerial skills.

Despite all the fundamental differences in the fundamentals of activities between business and government bodies, project management as a form of work organization can be applied in the work of government bodies. The understanding of the advantages of project management exists at the highest level, therefore, in the Main directions of activity of the government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2018, a partial transition to project management in public authorities is provided.

The relevance of the implementation of project management in government bodies

Worldwide practice shows that business companies always react more quickly and flexibly to innovative processes taking place in the country and the world, since their competitiveness and profit often depend on this. Government bodies that do not have external pressure from competitors are suspicious of changes. However, in modern conditions it is necessary to increase the efficiency of government agencies in terms of setting goals and their timely implementation.

To advance this process, in 2013, under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, a Council for the implementation of PU in government was created, which also included representatives of business, education and science. The methodological recommendations developed by him determine the following goals for the implementation of the PU:

  • achieving planned results in a shorter time frame;
  • more efficient use of resources, incl. state and local budgets;
  • validity, timeliness and transparency of decision making;
  • improvement of vertical and horizontal intra- and interdepartmental communications.

The absence within the framework of state and local targeted programs and subprograms of such an element as a project with a specific final product, clear deadlines and stipulated financing, erodes the essence of these programs, often reducing them to the implementation of so-called "measures", the expediency of which is not obvious. In addition, interdepartmental complex projects are often "stalled" due to lack of proper interaction, working groups are mostly ineffective, therefore, the connecting role of the project leader, endowed with full authority, will be important.

The issue of introducing project management in local self-government bodies seems to be no less urgent, where the real result of work is evaluated not only by higher authorities and regulatory bodies, but also directly by residents of the territories.

Features of the application of the principles of PU in government bodies

Implementing project management in government across the country is a large-scale project in itself. Therefore, its implementation must also be divided into successive stages:

  • organizational (system formation, distribution of functions);
  • methodological (development of regulations, regulations and other documentation);
  • technological (creation of an information system common for all OIV);
  • training (assessment and approval of competencies, training of specialists).

All projects in government (state or municipal) are divided into three types:

  • priority - key initiatives controlled personally by the head of the body;
  • internal - implemented by the OIV units;
  • external - introduced by external organizations under the control of a government body.

When introducing the PU, the National Standards GOST R 54869-71-2011 are applied, and proven specialized planning tools are used - computer programs MS Project, Spider Project, Primavera and others.

In order to organize work at different levels, in the CIC and in the regions (basic, managerial or strategic) are created. They include curators from the customer's and the executor's teams interacting with each other and, accordingly, industry and project managers. Offices perform the following functions:

  • participate in the formation of goals and indicators of the implementation of the plan;
  • prepare documentation and schedule;
  • provide management of project portfolios, coordinate the efforts of different executors, resolve problematic issues;
  • identify and assess risks, promptly respond to them;
  • control the implementation of processes at all stages and their compliance with standards;
  • provide contractual activities, accept the results of activities;
  • are responsible for document flow and reporting preparation.

It should be noted the features of project management inherent in public authorities and distinguishing them from the implementation of initiatives by business structures:

  • the need to operate in a highly limited legal environment, especially in terms of procurement and compliance with competitive procedures;
  • attraction of financial resources of the state and local budgets;
  • accountability to higher-level authorities;
  • public control and public reporting;
  • scale, importance and versatility of ideas;
  • focus not on financial profit, but on the social effect.

The use of a new, more modern type of management activity can give a noticeable economic effect in the form of improving the quality and efficiency of work, increasing the investment attractiveness of the state as a whole and its regions, creating jobs, and increasing GDP. Another positive side of this is an increase in the efficiency and openness of government bodies, the formation of a favorable administrative environment.

Problems in the process of implementing the principles of project management and ways to overcome them

Difficulties in introducing the principles of project management into the activities of public authorities and local governments arise most often due to insufficient flexibility and regulation of structures, lack of properly trained specialists and resistance to any changes on the part of workers at all levels.

At the present stage, the main challenges to innovations are:

  • bureaucracy and focus on adhering to all the necessary formal processes, and not on achieving the final result;
  • lack of understanding and reluctance to change initiated by the use of PU;
  • inability to predict and work proactively, problems begin to be solved only after they arise;
  • concentration of powers, leading to a predominantly authoritarian leadership style, which suppresses employee initiative;
  • insufficient competence of personnel to work according to plans and their negative motivation (additional workload is often without material incentives).

To overcome the inertia of managers of the old formation and modernize the structures of the public sector and local self-government, it is necessary to pay special attention to the following areas of activity:

  • continuous training of employees, both management and rank-and-file in the direction of increasing specific competencies to solve certain professional tasks;
  • to certify personnel according to modern management standards;
  • to increase the motivation of employees (material and moral) based on the results of personal effectiveness and the overall success of the undertaking, to organize the feedback of performers with managers;
  • when implementing the principles of PU in the organization, move from simple initiatives to complex multicomponent endeavors;
  • record the results of each stage, determine its shortcomings and benefits, make the necessary changes to the passport and record again;
  • maintain the integrity of the initiative in all areas of work (from initiation to acceptance and final report);
  • clearly distribute roles and responsibilities between employees in order to avoid poor-quality performance of assigned functions.

In order to prevent missed deadlines and poor-quality work performance, it is advisable at first to involve experienced managers with experience in the successful implementation of projects on outsourcing terms in the management of government initiatives.

At the same time, the team should include specialists from the executive authorities to acquire the necessary skills. The best place to start is by implementing pilot projects and then extending the lessons learned to other ideas.

Increasing the investment attractiveness of the territory remains one of the most important tasks in the development of any region. What factors influence the fact that some regions invariably turn out to be leaders, while others still fail to actively participate in this process? What are the management aspects of the formation of the investment environment in the region?

In June this year, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2016, the Top-20 of the National Rating of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rating) was presented. For the second year in a row, the top three are represented by the Republic of Tatarstan, Belgorod and Kaluga regions. However, the gap between the leaders and the regions that follow them has significantly narrowed. Such regions as the Tyumen and Vladimir regions, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and the city of Moscow appeared in the top ten. Tula, Tomsk, Oryol, Kirov, Lipetsk regions, and the Republic of Bashkortostan have shown significant success.

Sources of increasing the investment attractiveness of the region: project offices

One of the success factors, according to Andrey Nikitin, General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), is the execution in the leading regions of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation to create project offices in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to ASI, the positions in the Rating are directly proportional to the work of the project office in the region: the better it works, the higher the position in the rating. According to the results of the Rating-2016, the assessments of the activities of the project offices of the regions of the first and second ten are 78% and 72%, respectively, with an average score for Russia of 67. The practice of implementing project management in the regions was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, who in his speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2015 proposed, in order to ensure the implementation of the best practices for creating a favorable investment climate, to create in each region special project offices... In October 2015, at the XIV International Investment Forum Sochi-2015, ASI presented Methodological Recommendations for the Application of Project Management in Solving the Problems of Improving the Investment Climate in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation, which included a detailed description of the project office implementation process: from organizational structure and functionality to motivating participants in the project management system. Along with this, the Methodological Recommendations presented the already existing practices of implementing project management mechanisms in the regions, including the Belgorod Region - in one of the leaders in the implementation of project offices in the Russian Federation. In 2015, the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region, which implements project management in the region, took 1st place in the nomination “Organization and operation of project offices in the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” of the Competition for professional management of project activities in the public sector “Project Olympus”.

Experience in implementing project management in the regions of Russia: Belgorod region

The principles of project management in the Belgorod region were determined by the decree of the Government of the Belgorod region dated May 31, 2010 No. 202-pp "On approval of the regulation on project management in the executive authorities and state bodies of the Belgorod region." His idea is that anyone can initiate a project. To do this, you need to fill out an initiative application, send it to the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region, where it is mandatory registered in the PUVP RIAS "Electronic Government of the Belgorod Region", to which all executive authorities are connected both at the regional and municipal levels ... Then, in the course of passing a certain procedure and coordination in regional and municipal authorities and sectoral expert commissions, a decision is made on the feasibility of its implementation. If the idea turns out to be interesting, then its initiator is invited to develop the project and in the future, in one form or another, participates in its implementation. A project curator is appointed from the regional authority to provide organizational support and monitoring of project implementation.

Project management consists of four stages: initiation, planning, implementation, closing. Initiation phase described above ends with the approval of the project passport. On the planning stage the selection of specialists who will be involved in the implementation of the project is carried out, and a project management plan is prepared, including scheduling, budget, a list of milestones, risks, communication methods, etc. This phase ends with the approval of the project management plan. Implementation phase the project includes the execution of work; two-level control (by the project manager and administrator; by a person authorized by the expert commission for the consideration of projects); making changes to project documents or taking corrective actions during project implementation. The stage ends with the approval of the final report on the implementation of the project. On the the final stage The expert commission for the consideration of projects decides to close the project with the corresponding status of its implementation ("the project was implemented successfully without deviations", "the project was successfully implemented with minor deviations", "the project was successfully implemented with significant deviations", "the project was not implemented, the resources were saved" , "the project is not implemented, the resources are lost"). The organizational model of project management in the Belgorod Region is shown in Fig. 1 (compiled on the basis of the data of the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region, the order of the Government of the Belgorod Region dated June 17, 2013 No. 287-rp).

Interdepartmental commission on project activities in state authorities and state bodies of the region Compound Chairperson- First Deputy Governor of the Region - Head of the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Region
Commission members- representatives of territorial bodies of federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power and state bodies of the region, local self-government bodies
A permanent consultative and advisory body established in order to develop recommendations on the implementation of the National rating of the state of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as on issues of material incentives for project participants

Fig. 1. Organizational model of project management in the Belgorod region

An important point in the implementation of the project approach to the executive authorities is the ability to link the performance of civil servants with their material and intangible (assignment of ranks in the field of project management, the formation of competition among project management in government bodies through various competitions, etc.) incentives.

The generalized results of project activities in the Belgorod Region, according to the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy, are as follows. At the moment, 30 regional authorities and 22 municipalities of the region are involved in the project activities; more than 50% of all state and municipal employees, of which more than 800 state and 1500 municipal employees have been trained in project management. The total number of registered projects is more than 3100, of which 2000 are completed, 800 are in implementation, 300 are in development; 2/3 of all projects are municipal, 1/3 are regional.

The existing organization of project management allowed the Belgorod region to increase the efficiency of the activities of state and municipal authorities, while achieving positive economic (reducing administrative barriers, increasing the investment attractiveness of the region), social (participation of citizens in the initiation and implementation of projects, increasing openness and transparency of the activities of authorities) and managerial (the formation of project thinking in state and municipal employees) effect.

Project management: problems and prospects

Undoubtedly, the practice of implementing project management has great prospects and has a number of significant advantages in relation to the currently widespread target-oriented approach. These include improving interdepartmental interaction, distribution of responsibility and authority, increasing the transparency and openness of projects and events, which ultimately contributes to an increase in the efficiency of the use of resources (including labor) and motivation of employees and managers, reducing the time and costs of implementation. project, achievement of planned results. In fact, a gradual transition to project management in government bodies is uncontested. As we said above, the idea of ​​creating special project offices in each region of the country was voiced by V.V. Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2015. The introduction of project management methods into the activities of the authorities was defined as one of the ways to increase the efficiency of the performance of government functions in “ Main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2018 ”. By order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated April 14, 2014 No. 26R-AU, "Methodological recommendations for the implementation of project management in executive authorities" were approved. ASI presented "Methodological recommendations on the application of project management in solving problems of improving the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation." As you can see, work in this direction is being carried out quite actively. Therefore, the regions will not be able to ignore this direction.

However, when introducing this kind of practice, a number of problems arise that are generated, oddly enough, by the advantages of project management. Among the main ones, in our opinion, one can single out personnel problems and problems arising from the "collision" of the functional and design approaches. Let us explain what is meant. The implementation of government programs and projects implies interaction and participation in the process of employees of different departments, bodies of other levels of government, executing organizations, which entails the need to build new communication systems, unusual organizational structures, distribution of powers and responsibilities. For government agencies, this can become an extremely difficult process due to the lack of certain skills, the need to change the established practices of functional interaction of organs, as well as the elementary fear of losing control (including financial) over the project being implemented.

Personnel problems are mostly caused by the insufficient level of readiness of employees for changes, a lack of competencies and a lack of focus on achieving the final measurable result of work. In fact, the regions lack specialists who not only have project management practice, but are also capable of independently developing projects. The reasons for this can be quite different - from the inertia of organizational systems to the desire for "stability" and the fear of destruction of established traditions. However, without the formation of a new "project" thinking of the civil servant, without the obligatory training of employees in the basics of project management, the solution of the personnel problem seems unlikely.

Thus, despite the fact that project management in the public sector is just making its first steps, it can be confidently asserted that it is becoming a new stage in the formation of culture in government bodies. And experience has shown that those regions that are actively involved in the process of implementing project management receive significant advantages in development over the rest. And the involvement of regional development institutions in this process should become one of the factors for improving the investment climate of the territory.

The article was prepared within the framework of a special research project of the Internet publication "Capital of the Country"

The article was written within the framework of a specialized research project of the Internet publication "Capital of the Country".

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