Paraffin therapy for feet at home for a child. Is it possible to make paraffin boots for a child at home? How to determine if a child has a problem

Paraffin foot therapy is an excellent cosmetic and physiotherapy procedure, so safe and effective that it is prescribed even for small children. Depending on the indications and age of the patient, the place of the procedure, paraffin can be applied to the legs by different methods. In this article, we will look at all of them in detail.

Who is shown

  • Women and men who always want to look great.

And if earlier it could only be done in the salon, now many people carry out the procedure at home. Fortunately, cosmetic paraffin and a bath for its implementation are not a problem to buy now.

  • Pregnant women.

During pregnancy, a woman also wants to take care of herself. And paraffin therapy is just the procedure that during pregnancy can be safely used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for mood correction, relaxation, stress relief, prevention of such conditions as preeclampsia and edema.

  • People with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, suffering from chronic pain.

Now many people prefer to be treated with home remedies instead of going to the clinic once again. This is especially true for those people who know their diagnoses and have already learned to help themselves on their own.

For such people, this procedure can become another method of home therapy, which is recognized by official medicine and has proven its effectiveness over decades of constant use.
  • Children with various disorders.

Often paraffin therapy for children is prescribed by a doctor. But if there are fears of catching an infection during a daily visit to the clinic for physiotherapy, it is quite possible to make paraffin boots at home.

Video: Execution technique

What good is this good

Paraffin has a number of properties:

  • high heat capacity: long-term thermal procedures can be carried out without the risk of burns;
  • the ability to shrink when cooled: the procedure gives a pronounced lifting effect, helps to reduce swelling;
  • film effect: a layer of paraffin causes a local “greenhouse effect”, thanks to which the skin is perfectly moisturized, and cosmetics applied to its surface penetrate deep inside and give a more pronounced effect;
  • analgesic effect: heat reduces pain in the joints, relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation and metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the course of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • relaxation of skeletal muscles, removal of spasms and hypertonicity;
  • pronounced relaxing and psychotherapeutic effect.


  • rough, dehydrated skin of the feet, cracked heels;
  • pain syndrome in arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout;
  • consequences of injuries of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, dislocations, tears and torn ligaments);
  • consequences of frostbite;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • fibromyalgia, tendonitis, bursitis, spastic muscle contractures;
  • muscle hypertonicity in children;
  • use in the complex therapy of congenital dysplasia of the hip joints in children, the consequences of birth injuries.

Video: Using paraffin


  • wounds, abrasions and red dots on the skin left after depilation;
  • pustules after epilation;
  • the presence of a network of dilated vessels, spider veins on the skin of the legs;
  • abrasions, blisters with a sluggish tire at the site of active contact of the legs with the shoes;
  • sunburn;
  • crisis course of arterial hypertension;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • decompensated diabetes;
  • varicose veins of the legs and pelvis.

Technique in the cabin

When paraffin therapy of the feet is carried out for cosmetic purposes, a pedicure is often carried out at the same time. A colored coating can be applied to the nails, but you can do without it, limiting yourself only to processing the cuticle and moisturizing the nails with oils.

The sequence of steps:

  • cleansing the skin of the legs;
  • treatment of the cuticle and nail bed, applying nourishing oils to the nails;
  • light skin scrubbing, gentle massage with an exfoliating agent;
  • applying a moisturizing emulsion or cream to the skin, spreading it with soft massage movements until completely absorbed;
  • applying paraffin in 4-5 layers by dipping feet in a bath with molten paraffin or applying it with a brush;
  • wrapping the legs with a plastic bag and a towel for 20 minutes;
  • removing the paraffin layer and applying a protective cream to the skin.
If you carry it out periodically for cosmetic purposes, you can forever forget about problems with rough skin, which periodically cracks, always wear open shoes and simply throw away pumice stones and heel files.

If there are significant growths on the feet that paraffin therapy cannot cope with, then two weeks before visiting the salon, you can make special preparations for your feet for home use. And then maintain the effect of peeling with the help of salon procedures or carry out at home.

Step-by-step instructions for conducting at home

  • Expendable materials.

Cosmetic paraffin can be bought at pharmacies. Do not use technical or candle wax, as they have a higher melting point, so there is a risk of getting burned. Depending on the goals and preferences, it is now possible to purchase cosmetic paraffin with therapeutic additives, with essential oils, algae, vitamins, plant extracts. A description of the effects of the components included in its composition can be found on the product packaging and on the Internet.

  • Warm up the paraffin.

If you plan to carry out for cosmetic purposes and fairly regularly, then it is best to get yourself a paraffin bath.

The advantages of such an acquisition are obvious:

  • no need to spoil the dishes and stove (it is especially important to know the owners of glass ceramics);
  • there is no risk of overheating the paraffin and getting burns, since most baths are equipped with a thermostat;
  • there is no risk that the paraffin will burn (at the same time it starts to smell suffocating);
  • there is no risk that paraffin will ignite (and it, as a product of oil refining, is combustible);
  • in the bath, you can maintain the temperature of the paraffin at the same level for a long time (in case you first do paraffin therapy on your feet, and then your hands, or do a couple with a girlfriend).

If you do not have a paraffin bath, you will have to heat the paraffin in a water bath. To do this, you will need two pans of different diameters. It is necessary to pour water into a large one, and put paraffin chopped into pieces into a smaller one. Water should not get there, so you need to make sure that no drops of condensate from the lid get into the smaller pan.

It will heat up within an hour and a half. Periodically, it must be stirred with a wooden stick. Before applying the molten mass, it is necessary to make a temperature test on a small area of ​​the skin.

  • Methods for applying paraffin to the skin.

The skin at the site of application should be washed with soap and dried. It is better to shave or lubricate the hair with cream or vaseline oil.

  • insistence method.

We take a wide brush or shaving brush, dip in paraffin and apply a thin layer on the skin. We make the first layer thin so that later it protects the skin from burns. We make subsequent layers thicker. We layer it until we get a layer of one and a half to two centimeters. Cover with cling film and a terry towel.

  • application method.

For this method, we need a wide cling film and a shallow plate. We put the film on a plate and pour the melted paraffin in a layer of 3-4 cm. Let it harden slightly and become less fluid. Be sure to check that there is no scalding liquid paraffin left inside the “cake”. We lift the cake from the plate along with the film and apply it to the sore spot, wrap it with the edges of the film and a towel.

  • Paraffin heating method.

Fall asleep in a bag of polymer material and tightly sewn up. Before use, such a heating pad must be heated in a saucepan, removed from the water, wrapped in a towel and applied to the sore spot for 20-30 minutes.

  • How many times can paraffin be used.

Paraffin from heating and cooling does not deteriorate and does not lose its properties. Therefore, after one use, it is not necessary to throw it away.

It is important to ensure that water does not get into it, and that it does not burn when heated, then it will serve you for a long time.

Technology for children

In children, so-called paraffin boots are used, heated paraffin is applied to problem areas by layering.

  • Paraffin boots by application method.

Pour melted paraffin onto cling film and let it harden into a cake. We put this cellophane cake up to the leg, distribute it over the foot and put on a warm sock on top. If it is necessary to carry out on the entire leg, then we take two sufficiently large pieces of film and spread them on a baking sheet.

Then, when it cools down to an acceptable temperature, we wrap each leg and warm it on top with socks, golfs or a towel.

  • Paraffin boots by layering method.

To hold the legs, they are first tied with a bandage or gauze. Melted paraffin is applied over the fabric with a brush in several layers, covered with a film and socks on top. While the procedure is in progress (this is about 15 minutes), the child can be picked up, fed, watered. The procedure itself is recommended to be performed before going to bed, since for the best effect, the child needs to be warm and at rest for 1-2 hours after removing the paraffin.

Prices for cosmetic paraffin and paraffin therapy

Such a large difference in price is due to the wide variety of procedures that are performed using paraffin. If in medical institutions it will be just paraffin therapy, then the price will be minimal. If it is carried out in the salon and is part of the foot care procedure, then the price will be much higher. For example, let's analyze how much a salon procedure costs in stages.

The muscles of the legs of children in the first months of life are often in an increased tone, which is associated with a long stay of the embryo in one position during gestation. But in some situations, the problem becomes pathological; paraffin boots for children are used to eliminate it. The method of treatment has numerous contraindications and is prescribed only by a doctor after examining the child.

The method of removing hypertonicity with the help of thermal exposure, which provides paraffin therapy, has been used in pediatrics for about a hundred years. This option is recommended even in cases where the baby is prone to allergic reactions. Paraffin does not harm the baby, as it does not contain harmful compounds.


During the procedure, apply:

  • pure, completely natural medical paraffin;
  • a mixture consisting of this substance and ozocerite.

The composition, even in the form of warm applications, is not able to harm the delicate skin of the baby in the first months of life. It gives off heat without burning, gradually acting in small doses. The simplicity of the method allows you to make paraffin boots for children at home. Warming with molten paraffin relaxes muscles, activates blood flow. At the same time, the work of each joint improves, the regeneration process, which is so necessary for damaged tissues, is activated. The use of the method is possible both in the treatment of infants and older children, including school age.

Indications and contraindications

Treatment with applications of heated paraffin is convenient due to the minimal negative impact on the baby's body.


  • for infants with neuralgia;
  • relieves increased tone by relieving muscle spasm;
  • eliminates valgus, including indicated for valgus deformity of the foot in adolescents and adults;
  • flat feet;
  • with sprains, subluxations, bruises;
  • runny nose, as an alternative to warm baths and mustard wraps.

Due to the presence of contraindications, only a doctor should prescribe paraffin boots for children at home or in a hospital.

They cannot be applied:

  • in the case of diagnosing diabetes in a small patient;
  • if there are cardiovascular diseases;
  • there are violations of the skin and other diagnoses.

The physician determines the relevance of the benefits of treatment with heated paraffin applications and the level of possible harm.

When and how are paraffin boots made?

The name of this method of treatment is based on the external similarity of the application of molten paraffin, frozen on the surface of children's legs, with real boots.

The use of therapy is applied in combination with other procedures. Medications indicated for the diagnosis may be prescribed. For example, for neurological disorders, they are prescribed in complex therapy with piracetam and cortexin injections. In such a situation, applications provide improved absorption medicines by increasing blood flow to the affected area.

The production of boots is possible in a hospital during physiotherapy or at home. The doctor or nurse will tell you in detail about the methods. After several overlays under the supervision of a specialist, parents understand how to make paraffin boots for children at home and the duration of each procedure.

Making paraffin boots and how to use them

At home, to complete the application, you will need:

  • two heat-resistant containers that will slowly heat up using a water bath;
  • pure paraffin, if desired, in equal proportions with ozocerite;
  • polyethylene film, rolled for ease of use in a roll;
  • wide cuts of gauze fabric, a thin canvas can become an alternative;
  • stockings or long socks used to secure the application and additional insulation.

The paraffin or mixture is melted to a liquid state. Stirred to a homogeneous consistency, the warm mixture is evenly distributed over the fabric in a thin layer. The thickness of the layer is approximately 1 centimeter. Let cool.

Attention! It should remain warm enough, but not burn the delicate baby skin. Temperature verification is done by applying to the inner fold of the elbow of an adult. The composition should be hot, but not scalding.

The canvas wraps from knees to feet around the baby's legs. Fixation is carried out with a plastic film, fixed with a toe or golf. The wrap is left to cool completely, after which the application is removed. The skin is wiped with a damp cloth or cloth. Socks or stockings are worn again to keep warm. The baby should be put to bed and covered with a blanket.

When conducting paraffin therapy, it is important to take into account some of the nuances that guarantee the effectiveness of the procedure:

  1. Recommended to be done in the morning. At this time, the child is completely relaxed. For children under one year old, it is best to apply applications during daytime sleep.
  2. The duration of the first session does not exceed 10 minutes. Further applications can be applied for a longer period, the child gets used to the procedure and it does not tire him.
  3. After removing the compress, a light soothing and warming massage is performed.
  4. It is recommended not to let the child go outside for at least three hours after removing the boots, in the cold season this period can be extended.

The number of procedures is determined by the attending physician. Their effectiveness is noticeable by improving the well-being of the crumbs. It becomes easier for him to stand up and walk if he already knows how to do it.

Attention! Paraffin should be moderately hot so as not to frighten the tiny patient with unpleasant sensations. Too hot a compress can cause redness and inflammation.

Paraffin boots can be used in the treatment of babies from the first weeks of life after consulting a pediatrician.

The first steps are an important moment in the life of a child and parents (see also:). However, if adults notice that the baby is either limping or walking on his fingertips, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe paraffin therapy to the baby to relieve hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs (for more details, see the article:). This procedure is also useful for flat feet, being simple, inexpensive, and effective method treatment used at home. Paraffin does not contain harmful substances, and children perceive the procedure itself as a game.

Paraffin boots can be made at home against hypertonicity of the leg muscles in a baby

What are paraffin boots and why does a child need them?

So what are paraffin boots for? This is a method of treatment that belongs to the category of physiotherapy procedures. It is prescribed for children with neurological disorders and for the treatment of the lower extremities. Warm, melted wax construction provides a rush of blood to problematic tissues and muscles.

Boots are made of gauze fabric, which is wrapped around the limbs, creating several layers. It is impregnated with paraffin and ozocerite. The design is called paraffin boots because of its similarity with shoes. With flat feet, boots are wrapped around the legs to the shin.

Paraffin-ozocerite treatment will give the desired result only with a comprehensive approach to the procedure. The pediatrician simultaneously with thermal manipulations prescribes massotherapy and soothing baths with the addition of herbs: succession, chamomile, motherwort, lavender. Baths are carried out before paraffin therapy, and massage is used as an introductory and final stage of treatment.

Indications for paraffin treatment

Subject to the instructions, this type of heat treatment can be used even by infants. The procedure is often combined with medication.

With the help of paraffin boots, they treat:

  • consequences of injuries (bruises, dislocations, sprains);
  • various inflammations, if they are not accompanied by the formation of pus;
  • colds;
  • increased tone of the leg muscles;
  • neurological disorders;
  • flat feet in children (more in the article:);
  • musculoskeletal disorders.

With spastic paresis of the lower extremities in children, the paraffin mixture is applied exclusively to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs. If the baby is afraid to stand up, and weakness is noticeable in the movements, heat therapy can be used to form the necessary motor skills.

Therapeutic manipulations with the use of paraffin should be carried out only with the appointment of a doctor. In the absence of indications, boots will harm the growing body.

Ingredients for paraffin boots

Ingredients for boots can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. Warm paraffin is a viscous mass of wax. It is a product obtained in the process of oil refining. When heated, the substance retains heat for a long time, giving it away very slowly. Applications on the skin contribute to an increase in the temperature of the skin, blood rushes to them with the expansion of blood vessels.

Ingredients and equipment for making boots

Ozokerite is a black substance called "mountain wax" (from the oil group). It deeply warms the surface of the body, heat penetrates a few centimeters inside. This ingredient enhances metabolic processes in tissues, quickly restores them, and helps relieve inflammation and spasms. The material for boots is prepared from a mixture of paraffin and ozocerite, since the second substance enhances the effect of the first component, giving the mass elastic properties.

The procedure for creating paraffin boots at home

How to make paraffin boots for a child at home? Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. The procedure requires careful preparation of inventory. You will need: a pair of saucepans of different sizes, paraffin wax, oilcloth or a thick plastic bag, a pair of baking sheets, socks larger than a child's foot, a warm blanket.
  2. Paraffin is placed in a saucepan and melted in a water bath using a larger container. This process is not fast, it can take about an hour.
  3. Two cuts of the film are lined on baking sheets, I pour a warm paraffin mixture onto it, the layer of which is at least one centimeter. The mass should not be liquid, for this it is left to cool in the room. The temperature composition is made such that the child does not burn. You can check this by applying the wrist to the paraffin.
  4. Then the baby's legs are covered with a paraffin mass, starting from the lower part of the limbs, gradually climbing up them. You can't wrap your knee!
  5. Socks are pulled over the finished structure to securely fix it.
  6. The baby should be covered with a blanket and left for the time prescribed by the doctor. Usually the first procedure lasts no more than ten minutes.

Paraffin should not be melted on an open fire, as it smokes heavily and may start to burn. During treatment, you need to ensure that no water drips onto the composition. The substance is capable of “shooting”, and even a small drop that has fallen on the skin of an infant causes a serious burn.

In order for heat treatment not to harm the baby, you need to know some features of its implementation:

  • The first wraps should not be very hot. The temperature should be increased gradually. The mixture is not recommended to be applied to large joints of the legs. Paraffin is applied to the femoral area, fingers, lower leg and calf of the legs.
  • It is better to carry out manipulations in the morning. The baby can be wrapped during daytime sleep.

After a therapeutic effect, it is advisable to give the child a light massage (see also:). This is necessary so that infiltrates are not formed, leading to the appearance of tumors. After the procedure, the baby's skin is lubricated with baby cream, petroleum jelly.

Paraffin therapy is best done in the morning

How long do boots need to be kept?

The time of thermal exposure for a child cannot be more than fifteen minutes. A long process will only cause him discomfort. With a strong tone, only on the recommendation of a doctor, you can extend the time of the procedure. It is allowed to go outside with the baby three hours after it ends. Throughout this period, the child's feet must be kept warm by wearing warm socks.

When is it preferable to use a mixture without ozocerite?

Despite the fact that ozokerite is a product of natural origin, it is a substance derived from petroleum. Ozokerite should not be added to the mixture if an allergic reaction to the component is detected. Compresses with it are contraindicated for those patients who suffer from frequent bleeding, who are diagnosed with tuberculosis, hepatitis, as well as heart failure and tumor formations.

Contraindications to the procedure

Manipulation is prescribed after consulting a pediatrician. He will allow the procedure in the absence of murmurs in the child's heart.

Paraffin retains heat in the muscles for a long time, which promotes blood flow. For this reason, the procedure should not be performed on babies who have congenital heart disease and diabetes. Manipulations are canceled in the following cases:

  • rise in body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of rash and itching;
  • the occurrence of tumor formations;
  • in hot weather.

To properly make paraffin boots for a child at home, you can watch the video below.

Unfortunately, today many more children are born with various characteristics in their health than at the end of the last century.

Already at birth, doctors stun a young mother with the news that her baby has physical health problems. Even if sometimes frivolous, but mom has already wound up so much for herself that you won’t wish your enemy.

A huge proportion of these children is occupied by children with problems of the musculoskeletal system, who have a strong tone in the legs or arms. Not to mention those children who are given a terrible diagnosis by doctors - cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy) with paresis of various types, often with increased tone.

It is not always possible to undergo physiotherapy in a medical institution (queues, paid services, etc.), so we will learn how to make paraffin boots for children at home.

What is special about paraffin therapy?

Today, paraffin therapy (treatment using paraffin) is actively prescribed by orthopedic doctors, adherents of traditional medicine, but not rejecting popular recommendations.

Together with medicines, physiotherapy carried out by specialists, home paraffin therapy works wonders, bringing not only relief to the little patient, but also the opportunity to get rid of the problem forever.

Paraffin therapy - the OBS method (“one grandmother said”) or “grandmother's” method, tested on many generations of children, is actively used today in the treatment of small patients at home with varying degrees of severity of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including cerebral palsy.

The main healers using paraffin therapy are the parents of the baby, who needs immediate treatment.

In addition to paraffin boots, they also make paraffin gloves and warming compresses (for example, with and WITHOUT an increase in TEMPERATURE). It all depends on what worries the baby.

The main properties of paraffin, allowing it to be used for treatment:

  • latent heat, that is, compression effect;
  • very low thermal conductivity.

Indications for paraffin therapy

One of the most common problems of the present time is congenital hypertonicity of the limbs. Moreover, all four limbs (legs with arms), and any one limb, both an arm and a leg, can be affected.

It is known that paraffin effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of many diseases in children:

  • damage to the musculoskeletal system (with dysplasia, hallux valgus, with clubfoot, etc.);
  • neuralgia;
  • hypertonicity of the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • bronchitis, SARS without fever (in this case, the paraffin mixture is applied in the same way as a regular mustard plaster);
  • in the inflammatory process without suppuration;
  • consequences of injuries / bruises / sprains;
  • spastic muscle paresis in newborns.

The paraffin mixture is applied only to the affected area.

For the first time, new parents should do this procedure only under the supervision of an experienced physiotherapist.

The essence of the method of paraffin applications

While the hot paraffin mass cools, gradually solidifying, a lot of heat is released. At the same time, paraffin begins to tighten the skin, gradually decreasing in volume, deeply warming the tissues of the affected area and those nearby. When heated, the muscles gradually relax, accelerating the resorption of the focus of inflammation. The process itself takes no more than 50 minutes, but it is necessary to start from 20 minutes, gradually increasing the procedure time.

The heated paraffin during its solidification will begin to decrease, tightening the skin with blood vessels. For this reason, blood circulation will slow down and heat transfer will decrease, therefore, thanks to paraffin, the skin and the affected organ can completely warm up.

It is the combination of low thermal conductivity with compression that will significantly improve lymphatic circulation in tissues, improving metabolism and relaxing spasms.


This well-known time-tested method is recommended for use in the treatment of newborns. The main thing is to be able to properly make a paraffin compress - boots or mittens - whoever needs what.

Especially often this procedure - paraffin therapy - the doctor can prescribe in conjunction with traditional medical treatment, massage, physiotherapy procedures (for example, electrophoresis).

The purpose of paraffin therapy varies depending on the age of the child.

How to make paraffin boots for a child at home: the right recipe

  1. In the most ordinary pharmacy, buy paraffin and ozocerite (auxiliary component) at the rate of 2 to 1.
  2. Melt both components in a water bath.
  3. Line a baking sheet with a thick plastic bag. The resulting liquid should be poured here. For one leg, two blanks for the boot should be made. The temperature of the finished composition should be hot, but not scalding (about 40 ° C).
  4. Apply a slightly frozen, but soft mass in polyethylene to the child's leg and wrap it up. You should start with the calves, and then slowly and carefully go down the leg.
  5. Now wrap the entire limb with cling film or foil.
  6. Put on a warm sock (golf or leggings) on top.
  7. Cover the baby with a blanket.

Do everything slowly and very carefully. Paraffin compress at the beginning should last 20 minutes. Then every day you can increase its duration by 5 minutes. The maximum time for a paraffin-based compress for a child, regardless of age, can reach 50 minutes.

Video instruction:

This is also important

  1. After paraffin therapy, you can not go outside for a long time. Approximately five hours.
  2. You can not bathe the child within five hours after the end of warming up.
  3. The temperature of hot paraffin should not exceed 42 degrees. You can check it with your wrist - it burns or not.
  4. If the child asks to drink during the procedure, then this is normal and water should be given.
  5. The paraffin boot / mitten / bath procedure can be carried out daily.

Contraindications to paraffin treatment

A paraffin compress with ozocerite, unfortunately, is not shown to everyone.

Contraindications are:

  • increase in body temperature of the child;
  • suppuration / inflammation;
  • local rash/itching;
  • individual intolerance.

Parents who decide to make paraffin boots for children at home should definitely consult with a specialist doctor, at least with a local pediatrician.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Have you ever heard of ozocerite? If your joints hurt and you were treated with paraffin, you should have heard. This is a mountain wax used for medical purposes, including pediatrics. Now we will find out how ozocerite boots are used for small children and how this can be done at home.

Ozokerite boots for children are used to ensure blood flow to tissues and muscles with the help of heat. They are used to treat the lower extremities.

Indications for this type of therapy are:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • pain syndrome;
  • slow blood circulation in the body area and low metabolism.

Ozokerite boots are usually prescribed by doctors if a child has neuralgia or weakness in the muscles of the legs, due to which he cannot walk.

For the manufacture of the desired composition for warming the legs, paraffin is also used, which is diluted in half with ozocerite.

Contraindications to the use of ozocerite boots

And although such a medicine for body wraps is considered completely safe, paraffin-ozocerite boots have contraindications:

  • suspicions of malfunctions in the work of the heart (even if the child has murmurs, it is worth postponing the procedure);
  • muscle pathologies obtained at birth;
  • malfunctions of blood vessels;
  • diabetes.

Remember: only a doctor should prescribe wraps. They should not be done to a healthy child for prevention or at the whim of the parents.

Paraffin boots can harm healthy children!

Application features

Knowing why children need ozocerite wraps, you should definitely be aware of the features of their use:

  • The procedure is not recommended in summer when the air temperature exceeds 20 degrees.
  • It is better to start with warm wraps, gradually increasing their temperature. The skin of children is more sensitive than that of adults. You can check whether you have chosen the right temperature with your elbow: paraffin boots for children should be hot, but not burn or leave persistent redness on the skin.
  • The mixture should not be applied to large joints of the legs. Allowed areas are thighs, calves, shins, fingers.
  • The best time of day for manipulation is morning. To a small child you can do wraps during sleep.

  • The duration of the procedure is at least 10 minutes. On the recommendation of a doctor or with a strong tone, you can extend the time of manipulation.
  • Be sure to give the baby a relaxing massage after the session. Otherwise, infiltrates may form in the tissues of the body - accumulations of blood and lymph, which can lead to the formation of a tumor.
  • After the procedure, the child's limbs are lubricated with baby cream or petroleum jelly.

Subject to these conditions, a session with ozocerite at home will not bring harm, but the benefits of body wraps will be enormous.

How to make?

To make ozocerite boots, you will need the following things:

  • the most purified paraffin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, and ozocerite or ozocerite applicator;
  • two dishes for melting paraffin and ozocerite in a water bath;
  • gauze or bandage (gauze napkins folded four times);
  • scissors;
  • polyethylene or cling film;
  • large terry socks;
  • vaseline (it is necessary to make the composition softer).

When you have prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can start making:

All wrapping actions must be done quickly, since the paraffin solidifies almost instantly. When the manipulations are completed, the child is placed in bed and covered with a blanket, but care must be taken that the baby does not overheat.

You can use other options for paraffin therapy:

  • Apply a 1 cm layer of paraffin to the limbs.
  • Prepare a paraffin bath at a temperature of 55 degrees. First, apply a thin layer of paraffin on your feet, and then dip your feet in the bath.
  • Make cakes out of paraffin and attach them to your feet.

If you did everything right, the result will appear after a few procedures.

Now, dear friends, you have definitely learned how to use ozocerite boots. For today I have everything. Come visit and leave comments. I will be glad to communicate.

Until new discussions, friends!

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