Elderly over 50. Women over forty who look absolutely divine! Beautiful aged women

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These women are admired by millions. Their talent is amazing, and their beauty seems to be timeless. They are in their 40s, but they still look great and feel great.

site admires these beauties, who have only become more luxurious over the years.

Monica Bellucci

The Italian diva is still the standard of femininity and beauty. Surprisingly, the actress does not go on diets and bypasses fitness clubs. “I love myself too much. Therefore, I cannot torture myself with sports and hunger. Love yourself, and you will not need braces or cosmetic surgeries either. "

Halle Berry

More than 30 years have passed since she became Miss USA 1986. In spite of diabetes and later motherhood, the actress manages to look great.

Meryl Streep

The actress was never fanatical about her own appearance. Streep believes that you should be smart about your beauty and health. The main secret legendary film star - a positive outlook on the world and moderation in everything.

Penelope Cruz

“I have never tried to hide my age. When I look at actresses whom I respect, I understand that they have never been shy about their age. Women like Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn aged beautifully. "

Salma Hayek

As Salma herself says, she learned to take care of herself in early age from her grandmother, who worked in a hairdresser and instilled in her granddaughter a sense of beauty. "She was an alchemist and a magician in one person - it was from her that I learned many secrets of beauty."

Renata Litvinova

“Sometimes I look at my pictures and think:“ Wow! How beautiful I am aging! " In her years, she looks much more spectacular than many twenty-year-old girls.

Angelina Jolie

The actress has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet. Her plump lips, well-honed nose and flawless eyebrows, as well as the image in general, continue to delight as before.

Julia Roberts

While everyone is arguing about what role genetics played in Julia's flawless beauty, and what kind of fillers and Botox injections, the actress herself talks about balanced nutrition and active physical activity and believes that the main thing in life is peace of mind.

Jennifer Lopez

Lopez never tires of proving that she is still in perfect shape. The singer regularly shows off her naked body, choosing revealing outfits for public appearances.

Cindy Crawford

While many models end their careers at 25, the '90s supermodel is still incredibly in demand today.

Cate blanchett

Tall, slender, with porcelain skin. Unsurprisingly, in 1999, People magazine included the Oscar-winning actress in the list of the most beautiful women in the world. She called genes and the joy of motherhood the secret of her miraculous recovery.

Gwyneth Paltrow

“You know, I love my wrinkles and I love the way I look. Of course, sometimes I fall into criticism and start to worry about this and that, but in fact I try not to notice my possible shortcomings. I value my life and the years that I have lived, as well as the experience I received. "

Carmen Dell'Orefice

This one is at the peak of popularity to this day. She is, surprisingly, more popular than some of the young models.

Eva Mendes

That, how does a woman look at 20 is a gift of nature, and at 40 it is the fruit of her efforts. For some reason, it is so established in the CIS countries that you need to take care of yourself in your youth: paint beautifully, go to fitness, have a hobby, learn something new ... But somewhere after 30, or even earlier, women sacrifice themselves everyday life and go into the shadows, they say, where already at that age.

Yes, we can say that maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the spirit takes a lot of money, time, and here the husband, children, problems, worries. But look, for example, at French women: it feels like their life after forty just beginning. They are well-groomed and have some kind of elusive attractive energy.

Editorial staff "So simple!" decided to figure out what to do to age beautifully. After all, right now, when old age is only your future, you can do everything possible to one day enter this state with your head held high.

Beautiful aged women

Many believe that beautiful aging- this is a myth, and years do not paint anyone. But before you are numerous examples of people who look sexy in both the sixth and seventh decade. And here are a few secrets that set them apart from most.

Secrets of beautiful aging

  • Food as a religion
    We are what we eat. According to a number of doctors, nutrition affects the condition of the skin and age changes, since a person receives a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals from food, and not from food additives. Eat more naturally brightly colored foods as they are rich in vitamins A, C, E, D, and K.

    Turn food into a cult, and it will bring you, in addition to saturation, also joy. Pamper yourself with beautiful and sometimes delicious dishes and you will notice that cooking is no longer a burden.

  • It's not about the quantity, but the quality of the clothes.
    Even women with an average income buy expensive and comfortable things for themselves - cashmere, silk, good shoes and at least one expensive bag. All together it adds up to an elegant style. mature women so admired by others.

  • Social life never fades with age
    Unlike our women, who often choose television series and sleep over social life, French women, especially in large cities, are becoming more active. Children have grown up and do not require constant attention, life is adjusted - it's time to go to parties, guests, good bars, movies, and so on.

    An active social life keeps you in good shape - haircut, styling, well-groomed hands, beautiful clothes for going out and always comfortable shoes with heels.

  • There are no age limits for sexuality and sex life
    It is generally accepted that after forty comes second youth- a lot has been achieved, learned, it's time to enjoy the still good physical form and experience. After all, a woman can be beautiful only when she feels desirable.

  • Openness to new
    It is advisable to learn something new every day and keep an interest in life. All this rejuvenates the person and makes the eyes glow with a youthful glow. Learn foreign languages, master techniques and new programs.

  • Only forward
    It’s difficult to move on if you’re looking in the past all the time. Learn from your own mistakes and stop regretting things that cannot be changed. Meditation or yoga will help to cope with this, as well as dreams and the desire to change.

  • Physical exercise
    Cardio is good for losing weight, but as we age, we need not so much a thin waist as strong muscles. Soon after 30 you start to lose muscle mass(about 5% every 10 years) and needs to be maintained. That is why strength and endurance exercises are required for beautiful aging.

  • Makeup
    Many people mistakenly believe that women need more makeup as they get older. In fact, this is a big misconception, and there is a risk of overdoing it with makeup, which will make you unnatural and not at all young. But it must be present to hide skin imperfections and draw attention to the merits.

  • Sense of humor is a powerful antioxidant
    Treat life with a positive, let through only the bright side of it. Joke, and not only about what surrounds you, but above yourself. After all, laughter, as you know, prolongs life.

  • Age is not a disease
    The most important thing is self-awareness and acceptance. Do not regret the lost years, create your history and memories now. Each period of life has its own joys and advantages. Expect bright and unforgettable moments from every day, and this will surely give you vitality and remove a couple of wrinkles from sadness.

  • Age should not be a hindrance to beauty! As you can see, it is not necessary to spend a lot on cosmetology and plastic surgery, it all starts with your thoughts and attitude to life. The choice is yours: sit in a rumpled robe in front of the TV or open up to this world.

    Ecology of life. People: About ten years ago, a friend of mine at some event got into a conversation and I had a chance to listen

    About ten years ago, one of my acquaintances, at that time a successful and attractive forty-year-old man, at some event got into a conversation and I had a chance to listen to rare male revelations.

    He said approximately the following: "I cannot understand - we have so many beautiful girls, young women, and where are beautiful women over 30, over 40, not to mention over 50? It seems that upon reaching the age of 30, they are taken out of the country in sealed wagons. Where do these aunts and these disgusting old women come from - sloppy, unkempt, evil, stupid. And they also complain that their husbands drink! I would also drink without drying out if such an aunt was waiting for me at home. "

    The man said and walked on, but I thought hard and remember his words to this day. We, women, complain that husbands drink, have mistresses, leave families, ignore us, etc., but are we doing everything to be desirable, beautiful, to want to take care of us, to be cherished, loved and appreciated? US...?...

    Below is a small selection of a wide variety of lectures on premature aging.

    I wish all women to be always beautiful and inspiring!

    "You need to constantly be in the process of learning and studying, even small pieces of some, albeit small things, but it is necessary, it stimulates. There is such an expression:" While our brain is young, we are young. " inside, he immediately becomes covered, outwardly he seems to be covered with a cobweb, did you notice, right? As soon as a person is so conservative - that's it, absolutely nothing is impossible for him, he no longer accepts any point of view. He looks very old, you noticed And at the same time, on the contrary - even if a person has a hundred and fifty wrinkles, but he has this young mind, which is always ready for something new, he is always like a child, he is surprised and looks, this person will always be young, the energy of youth will come from him. " Polonski M. "Saraswati"

    "A woman generally needs to open her heart to at least someone, because if she does not open it, mental tension builds up in her, and she starts to get very nervous, her beauty, hormonal functions and everything else are lost, her body is aging."
    Torsunov "Responsibilities of a woman in the family"

    "Medicine, although reluctantly, began to recognize that eating meat is the cause of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, leading to heart attacks, strokes, premature aging of the body. Cancer also develops easily in a body weakened by cadaveric poisons taken from meat."
    The unscientific nature of atheism

    "Reduce the duration human life violations of the laws of existence of the body, that is, this is bad food, not a correct daily routine, etc. Much has been written about this and I will not dwell on this. The main reason for the aging of the body is bad thoughts, negative emotions that a person experiences in relation to himself, others, in relation to the situation in the world, etc.

    Every woman wants to have a very clean face without wrinkles. Wrinkles on the face are formed due to the fact that the tension in the muscles of the head is not relieved. Muscles tense, they are in an unnatural state for them, so the skin somehow flattens and wrinkles appear. If you relax the muscles of the head in the morning and in the evening like this, then there will be practically no wrinkles. This rejuvenating technique is very good for women because it relieves muscle tension in the scalp.

    "And a lot of scientists now confirm the fact that if people quarrel among themselves, then they and even the animals that are present at the same time destroy DNA molecules, which naturally leads to aging. Therefore, in the relationship of spouses, the quality of the accumulated vibrations, that is, it should only be positive emotions and positive words that form a life-affirming and life-creating field.If you are irritated, tired, offended, it is better to do nothing at all. But if you can’t do nothing, that is, you must do something then try to change your mood with the help or some physical exercise, or sing. "
    Lalana "Levels of conjugal love. Ancient traditions of showdown."

    "A woman dresses openly when she despaired of attracting anything. On the subtle plane, all men who looked lustfully have sex with her. A woman loses a lot of energy and grows old prematurely. For her husband, she becomes unattractive."
    Secret knowledge for women

    "Old age, old age - Saturn, young age, youth - Venus. Therefore, if a woman after 40 begins to wear jewelry, she will restrain the influence of Saturn."

    “One can also say mini-skirts and mini-jackets, which, in combination with the rejection of warm underwear, began to threaten the body with hypothermia of the organs located in the abdomen and pelvis - there will be cold kidneys and adrenal glands, the skin condition will worsen.

    If you walk in the cold with open kidneys and adrenal glands, this leads to rapid aging, that is, the kidneys are generally a source of energy in the body, and if they start to work improperly from the cold, then a woman gets a great opportunity to age much faster than usual ...

    In ancient times they knew about this very well, and our ancestors always dressed skillfully, warmly and beautifully. They didn't wear miniskirts or miniskirts. " published

    Intimate relationships with partners in the age category after 50 years are surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. From the photographs promoted on social media, sex is a prerogative of young people. In fact, this propaganda based on the cult of the young body is too far from the truth. Sexual intimacy in middle age and beyond is mired in confusion and misinformation. Here's what every couple should know about sex after age 50.

    Myth 1: At a certain age, people lose interest in sex.

    Sexuality does not depend on age restrictions, and satisfaction from intercourse in persons over 50 depends on the overall quality of the relationship. According to statistics provided by the National Council on Aging, 74 percent of men and 70 percent of women over the age of 60 found their sex lives more productive than they did 20 years ago. The survey was conducted among couples who practice intimacy on a regular basis.

    Myth 2: when a man gets old, he loses the ability to erect.

    The aging process alone cannot cause erectile dysfunction in men. However, with age, the level of hormone production decreases, which makes some changes. For example, a man may now need more physical stimulation to achieve a state of arousal. And although the erection itself may not be as strong as in youth, the pleasure from intercourse does not diminish from this. The difference between a 25-year-old man and a man twice as old is observed only in one thing: the process of recuperation for the next sexual intercourse may take one 15-20 minutes, and the other - several hours after ejaculation.

    Myth 3: psychological factors are responsible for the lack of interest in sex in women.

    In fact, in middle age and beyond, physical changes in the female body play a fundamental role when it comes to losing interest in carnal pleasures. For example, low levels of the hormone estrogen lead to vaginal dryness. This unpleasant circumstance often discourages middle-aged women from having an intimate relationship with a partner. In contrast, some mature women have lower testosterone levels, which are responsible for libido and sexual energy. And only after the onset of menopause, when there is a final shift in the ratio of testosterone to estrogen and progesterone, women again begin to feel interested in sex.

    Myth 4: a woman loses the ability to orgasm with age.

    Many ladies over 50 are pleasantly surprised by the increase in the intensity of sexual pleasure. It is also due to the end of the menopause.

    Myth 5: masturbation impairs the ability to enjoy sex with a partner.

    Masturbation in adulthood can increase the sexual pleasure of intercourse with a partner. For women, self-satisfaction helps to keep the tissues of the vagina in good shape, and also contributes to the additional production of hormones that increase sex drive. For men, masturbation helps maintain a normal erection.

    Myth 6: lack of erection in men is associated with emotional problems.

    In fact, erection problems are due to physical causes, including circulatory problems, prostate problems and side effects associated with taking medications.

    Myth 7: older partners are less likely to have sex due to lack of interest in each other.

    If partners after 50 years do not have regular sex, this does not mean a lack of interest in each other. It is not uncommon for one of the partners to have any diseases that interfere with the normal conduct of sexual intercourse. Of course, sex in adulthood will never be the same as in youth. However, not all changes that occur to your body can be regarded as negative. For example, postmenopausal women are no longer concerned with pregnancy and mood swings associated with changes in hormonal background during menstrual cycle... That is why many age partners can completely relax during intercourse. Well, those spouses who do not work full-time or have already retired have much more time and energy for each other.

    Free time allows older couples to love each other and engage in the implementation of new interesting projects. Now, after many years of marriage, you have explored your romantic partner's body and capabilities all too well. This allows you to avoid unpleasant aspects of intimate communication. In addition, sexual relationships based on long-term attachment are more enjoyable compared to instincts, which are controlled by hormones.

    Personally, I do not dream, I will look 34 at the age of 40, at 50/40 at most.
    And for me all these women are not an incentive, they once again confirm my desire and rightness - you can look gorgeous at any age.

    Hero of the Day - Barbara Walters - 81 years old (Barbara Walters, born September 25, 1929), American TV star.
    Plastic, yes plastic, but how gorgeous.

    Carmen del Orefis - 79 years old, fashion model.
    And her career is not over yet - her grandmother still walks the catwalk.
    "I have not yet convinced myself that I will be the first person who will live forever, but I want to live in happiness, not in fear. I want to die in high-heeled shoes!"

    < ;
    Sophia Loren (Sophia Villani Cicolone, Sophia Loren) - 76 years old, looks great movie star.
    And at 72, the Italian diva starred for the "Pirelli" calendar.
    Of the accessories she wore only diamond earrings.

    Alisa Freundlich - 76 years old.
    He still serves in the theater.
    For which, by her own admission, she sacrificed her personal life ...

    Marion Rogers "Mimi" Weddell - 95 years old this year (February 5, 1915 - September 24, 2009).
    American actress and model, the only woman in the review who is no longer alive.
    She gained popularity after filming in the TV series "Sex and the City" as Stanford's grandmother.
    Unique person - active acting career started studying at the age of 61.
    In 2005, the magazine "New York Magazine" included Mimi in the list of the most beautiful New Yorkers.
    Her basic life principle is "I can do and I will do".

    Jane Fonda - 73 years old.
    Actress, political activist, model, writer ...
    Her energy is inexhaustible (although there is a limit to everything - having reached the age of fifty, an inveterate athlete and aerobics propagandist suffered a heart attack).

    Marina Vladi - 72 years old.
    Real name Marina De Poliakoff-Baidarova (Marina De Poliakoff-Baidaroff).
    She survived severe depression after the death of Vysotsky, but even after her fate did not spare her.
    The next husband, Leon Schwarzenberg, for several years slowly died practically in her arms.
    After his death for more than two years, she lived in captivity by alcohol, almost completely alone.
    At times I thought about suicide ...
    But her dogs saved her from this - they had to be fed, walked.

    Elena Obraztsova - 71 years old.
    Prima, mezzo-soprano, and more: singers with such a voice cannot be thin - and they are not threatened by a diet :))

    Raquel Welch is 70 years old.
    The actress, one of the sexiest bikini girls of her time.

    Irina Miroshnichenko - 68 years old.
    Gymnastics, fitness equipment, dance class and, of course, beauty salons.
    "I love to travel. But if you tell me: Irina Petrovna, tomorrow we will take a backpack, put on sneakers, a tracksuit and go to the mountains or into the forest - catch fish, sit by the fire, make a fish soup, then I will howl in horror and say : no way. Immediately I will lock all the doors, close all the windows and sit quietly in my gas-polluted Moscow apartment. "

    Anastasia Vertinskaya - 67 years old.
    She still looks thirty-five!
    For people like Vertinskaya, the age counter after forty begins to spin in the opposite direction.
    Possesses extraordinary culinary talents, especially loves Siberian, Georgian and Chinese cuisine.
    She was married to Mikhalkov and Gradsky.
    After giving all her life to theater and cinema, she did not find herself in family life: “I was obsessed with the profession. It was clear that my vocation was theater. now. I do not suffer from this at all, I do not have any complex of a single woman. Moreover, it would be terribly difficult for me to live in marriage - this is endless attachment to my husband, to the circumstances of his life. Marriage is an asceticism. And I am not ready for her to go. "

    Angelina Vovk - 67 years old.
    TV presenter, Aunt Lina from " Goodnight, kids "and the permanent host of" Songs of the Year ".
    Over time, she turned from a communist to a follower of the teachings of Lazarev.
    The actress considers the lectures of this person to be the brightest event in her life.

    Helen Mirren, nee Elena Mironova - 65 years old.
    Didn't do any plastic surgery.
    The secret of beauty is to sleep a lot and not twitch about age.

    Liza Minnelli - 64 years old.
    A wonderful actress and singer, and at the same time "sexy shark", "love machine" in the opinion of the press.
    A cocktail of alcohol, cocaine and barbiturates had been familiar to her for many years.
    Lisa spent a lot of time in rehabilitation centers

    Susan Lucci - 64 years old.
    The actress prefers plastic to all diets.

    Susan Somers, née Suzanne Marie Somers - 64 years old.
    The TV star, in 2001, Susann announced that she had breast cancer, but she decided to abandon chemotherapy and lumpectomy in favor of alternative treatments.
    Supports shiny appearance using botox and collagen injections.

    Peggy Lipton - 64 years old.
    Lipton is very passionate about various religious teachings, performed as a singer, met with Elvis Presley and Paul McCartney ...
    She starred in serials, appeared in "Twin Peaks", in 2004 survived rectal cancer.

    Natalya Varley - 63 years old.
    Natalia loves to decorate the house with all sorts of trinkets.
    About her cats - the actress has nine of them - are legendary. - "They are family members for me!"
    When my joints and spine begin to ache (memory of traumas in the circus), they begin to murmur, "sing" and crush me. Soon I begin to feel that strength returns and the pain stops. So cats are the strongest household healers. "
    Natalya Varley still looks great today. As they say - the "Caucasian captive" is always twenty-five years old. She does not have a special beauty secret: “I am too lazy to play sports regularly, sometimes I start to run along the boulevard, then to swim ... I do not adhere to any system in nutrition. I always observe strictly. And age, I think, is, first of all, a state of mind. "

    Jaclyn Ellen Smith - 63 years old.
    Queen of TV films, star of the original series "Charlie's Angels".

    Olivia Newton-John - 62 years old.
    An actress with her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, a breast cancer survivor.

    Sigourney Weaver - 61 years old.
    For more than 20 years she has been married to the same man - theater director Jim Simpson.
    The actress is categorically against any intrusion into her face.

    Fanny Ardant - 61 years old.
    Fanny was never officially married, and her three daughters are from different men whom she loved.
    The actress washes her face in the morning with ice cubes, drinks a glass of celery juice a day.
    Eats two large carrots and one apple, never been to the gym in her life.

    Sofia Rotaru - 61 years old.
    Plastic, plastic, plastic ...

    Meryl Streep - 60 years old.
    She is called "a woman with a thousand faces", "an actress-chameleon"; she is said to be the most intelligent and only "serious" actress in Hollywood.
    Meryl has appeared in more than 50 films, receiving 3 more Golden Globes and 10 Oscar nominations.
    Actress, she loves swimming and "Tracie Martyn" makeup.

    Svetlana Svetlichnaya - 60 years old.
    Insidious seductress from the movie "The Diamond Arm".
    V free time she loves to cook exotic dishes and entertain guests.
    As a talented designer, he knows how to create beautiful clothes and hats.

    Anna Wintour - 60 years old.
    Editor-in-chief of American Vogue since 1988.
    It is famous for its difficult character. Many literally hate her, but absolutely everyone takes her opinion into account. And it was Anna Wintour who became the prototype of the main character of the book by Lauren Weisberger and the film by David Frankel "The Devil Wears Prada".

    Jane Seymour - 59 years old.
    One of the most famous doctors in the world - Dr. Quinn, a James Bond girlfriend - as well as a public figure, head of several charitable foundations, and finally, just a beauty - all this is the actress Jane Seymour.
    Youthfulness is supported by blepharoplasty and botox.

    Katherine Bigelow - 59 years old.
    American actress and film director.

    Queen Noor of Jordan, American nee Liza Najeb Halabi - 59 years old.

    Beverly D "Angelo - 58 years old.
    The actress and singer who broke the hearts of many ...
    At one time, she met with Al Pacino, from whom she gave birth to twins, being almost 50 years old.

    Lynda Carter - 58 years old.
    American actress and singer, Miss Arizona, Miss USA 1972.
    She is best known for her leading role in the adventure series of the second half of the seventies "Wonder Woman".

    Daria Dontsova - 58 years old.
    Agrippina Arkadyevna Dontsova, nee Vasiliev.
    At the end of 1998, doctors pronounced a terrible sentence: oncology, stage four ...
    Agrippina Arkadyevna saved three things - a course of conversations of a talented psychotherapist, her own love of life and wonderful advice loving husband: write, Grunya! this is how her second life began. She left the hospital after writing five novels.

    Beverly Johnson - 58 years old.
    American actress, supermodel and businesswoman.
    Johnson has featured on over five hundred different covers - including the legendary Vogue cover of August 1974 - she was the first African American fashion model to make it.

    Marie Helvin - 57 years old, supermodel of the 70s.
    At the age of 55, she starred for the cover of "Vogue" for the seventh time.
    At 56, she reached, according to her, the sexual peak in her life.
    At 57, she posed for an advertisement for the immodest lingerie "Agent Provocateur".

    Kim Basinger - 56 years old.
    Super blonde, everyone remembers her role in the movie "9 and a half weeks".
    Visits plastic surgeons, but also goes in for sports every day for an hour and a half.

    Rene Russo - 56 years old.
    Supermodel, actress ("The Fugitive", "Lethal Weapon" and many others).

    Christie Brinkley - 56 years old.
    Super supermodel of the 80s, was married to Billy Joel.

    Tatyana Vedeneeva - 56 years old.
    The program "Good night, kids" is no longer broadcast, but it looks good.
    They say that twice a month suits fasting days, sits only on low-fat kefir or apples.

    Larisa Udovichenko - 55 years old.
    One hundred percent woman: feline grace, capricious peculiar manner of stretching words, thin girlish waist. As a true woman, she loves champagne, dashingly drives a car, dresses expensively and elegantly. And to the traditional question about the secret of his youth, he honestly answers that he “keeps himself in hand” in order to be in demand.
    On vacation he goes to the sea: he loves passive relaxation on the beach - not a rock-climber, he also does not like to go to the forest for mushrooms, does not visit a fitness club, does not limit himself in any way in his diet, eats everything. True, he does not like sweets, so pastries and cakes are excluded. A beautiful figure, according to the actress herself, is not from a good life, when you rest and eat only salads, it loses weight due to overload.
    And recently, the actress decided to look younger: with the help of doctors, she got rid of age-related wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, and made skin resurfacing.
    Larisa Udovichenko, according to the degree of importance for herself, determined as follows: a child, family, work, money. And a man. The man is in last place.

    Iman (Pseudonimo di Iman Mohamed Abudulmajid) - 55 years old.
    Constant use of sunscreen with a factor of 50.
    Regular visits to the beautician and nourishing face masks "SK-II Facial Treatment Mask".

    Whoopi Goldberg - 55 years old.
    A damn ugly and damn charming superstar of television shows and movies.
    Real name - Karin Johnson.
    She received the nickname Whoopee due to her dubious gift of thunderous cushion (whoopee cushion).
    Hipoval, got rid of drug addiction ...

    Janice Dickinson - 55 years old.
    The most shocking fashion model of the 80s, who came up with the title "supermodel", of course, about herself.
    Has appeared on the cover of "Vogue" 37 times.
    She told in her autobiography about her bulimia, anorexia, alcoholism and plastic surgery experience.
    The most beautiful brawler in the world - "My life is sex and plastic surgery" ...

    Ornella Muti - 55 years old.
    Popular Italian actress (real name - Francesca Romana Rivelli.
    Having started with low-budget Italian erotic films, she has achieved notable success.
    You can recall, for example, "The Taming of the Shrew" with Adriano Celentano.
    The secret of her charm and beauty lies in moderation and tranquility.
    Muti does not drink alcohol, does not smoke, tries to sleep more, does gymnastics.

    Isabelle Yasmine Adjani - 55 years old.
    A client of the YSL Beauty Institute, she regularly does facial massages and enjoys thalassotherapy.
    She practices separate meals, does not eat sweets and drinks 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

    Geena Davis - 54 years old.
    Model and actress, gave birth to children at the age of 46 and 48.

    Carole Bouquet - 53 years old.
    Gorgeous French actress, model - was the face of "Chanel".
    Ex-girlfriend of James Bond and ex-wife Depardieu (the marriage was not officially registered).

    Sela Ward, actress - 53 years old.

    Tatyana Dogileva - 53 years old.
    Household does not bother.
    - Do you often have guests?
    - No, I don't like guests. I do not like these gatherings. I'm afraid the guest will not like the food or be bored. I don't like the fact that you have to look after all the time, serve the plates, then put them away, feed them, treat them with something, it tires me. I'd rather meet my friends at a restaurant ...

    Michelle Pfeiffer - 52 years old.
    She went from being a saleswoman in a store to a superstar.
    For Michelle, family is the most important thing in life, and in order to preserve such a fragile personal happiness, the actress is ready at times to even sacrifice her career and refuse some of the roles.

    Andie Macdowell, model, actress - 51 years old.
    Every day he has breakfast with oatmeal and devotes at least 40 minutes to horseback riding.
    He does not eat meat, only fresh river fish, sleeps in an aspen bed, because "this tree soothes the nerves."

    Angela Bassett - 51 years old.
    First black actress to win a Golden Globe.
    Regularly engages in strength training.

    Sharon Stone - 51 years old.
    Appeared topless last year on the cover of "Paris Match".
    He regularly goes in for sports, enjoys aromatherapy.
    He takes daily relaxing baths with Dead Sea salts and visits to massage therapists.
    Eats whatever his heart desires, especially leaning on dark chocolate.

    Carol Alt - 50 years old.
    Supermodel, actress.
    She learned to cook borsch and pancakes for the sake of her Russian beloved hockey player Alexei Yashin.
    But she herself has been sticking to raw food for 15 years.

    Elena Yakovleva is about to change a fifty-kopeck piece - 49 years old.
    It seems that the actress has already said goodbye to her last name ...
    And except as Kamenskaya is no longer perceived.
    Service in law enforcement agencies helps to keep in great shape :))

    TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva - 49 years old.
    Another close candidate to join the 50-year-olds, it will happen on November 27 next year.
    He is fond of history, likes to wander around museums, and visits the conservatory.
    She is conservative in clothes, loves a strict style.
    The third most important part of his life, after work and family, he calls the gym.
    Loves cars.

    Infu pulled her photos to http://www.doodoo.ru/, put her own photos, searched without Photoshop :)

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